Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

England a Monarcby. f(.Edgar>e po!iticfcGovenzment of /CEdgar. Hio Vices. 173 Soch as were wicked, he kept un_de~ he reprcffcd them It is re~rttd of this Ed~~r hy divm Authors., that ::::: ~~ ~od;~:r~~~~sde~:~~~~~~~~~1:1 bc1~v!d ~fJ~~S~~ p:t e~~tt~~;~~~it;d~ ~~~ ~~fi~r~~11S1~~~;;~~~5; ~~{;~ ~~:~ ~ash:~ash; J~~efc~:r1~1r:~~:C~ed: ~~~~ff~ ~~: ~QP;,.!rmu~~;r~~~~~~c ~i~g ~r s~~:~~n~ .. , ~ him with much abundance of pr:~ce an~ rdl from all Kmadms, Macolmm. of Clllnbrrl'!"d, Machs or Maf =~··~,..!~: \\;';us, (o that as the Story recordeth of lum, NuUtU ;n- cuJim~t King of Mmtta, and of dtvers Other Iflands, and JoK. u,-.·. 1fr~~ r~:~~~~hi:h'h=~~~~~:&~:::;;u:.~im&u~c~~; ~~~~.[~~ r;;:,~fj,;;~t~#~~~.n~=a~~i~~oh, u~~~~. ~%- ' :~~n~f~~r or~~J~:f~~~~~:lg ~n~t6~e ~.~~s ~f ~~Jildg~!~ 7~'~~~~~~fay f~:~~~~~ 1(~or~~~~~;(~: ~~~.~~ ~:--~~lf~i~:: to be rcgardM, t~t wher(aS other Prmccs co~nmon!y_ m IHJ.rum frt1trtnrur. But m my mm~, ~hts ~m& had much ~ceandqmcmefs are~Y?nt to gr wmtoa ddTo- fatd muc_h_bcner_, !f h_e hadratherfatd ~1th Sam~ Paul, ~~~red'~~f~~;~~~~f;!i~~is~~n~(t~:~t~l~l;t~~~rof~~; ('d~~; ~:~ftt'h' glonar1, nifi in Cruet Dommt mffn 'jrfil nor:withfiandin&) kept ever with him fuch a watch, and And thus ye have hc:~rd hithcito, touching rhc coma vigilant feverity joyned wit!~ a fetmly clrmcncy, t~l:lt I ~ncnda~on of King Edgar, fuch rep>rts ~ the old Monk· K. Eit'"' can~1~ here but ~~te the Wttne!S of our Stof)'·wnters, 101 Wnters thought_ to be~ow UJ?Oil him, as upon ~he filrt"Alrlo:~~ ~i!i~ ~~~~~~I~:Eit~~i~~!~?~ r~&E:~::·:~~~:~~~~~;~:~::~~~~:~:!:: !~~: mfl,nm~,&c. And~olloweth more m thelame~mhor, mg, !erushkewi~ecouhda, accordmg aswehndmthe :·ii:::~f~f.J~i#fSt~it~~#.ff.·!~fif~~§Jili ;g;~~1~~Z~:f~~t~iE;~;;;;~~~~~~ ~~A:_ ~fs~f~o~~·tf~: &~~t~~~~:!~ 5~1~~-(as he was lure) the Da~~;\~erOr:ag~::Js, i;~~~a,of\\t{;G::;~ry h~11~ 1;\~ Vl_<>l•<ofidt Moreover, as the fiudtous md~1firy of this Pr~nce \~ comm~ded to_the King, he being inflamed thcrtwnh, ~~,.~c ~~\~k ~~1~ ~rUso!rr~: htid~ ... i~~:~~:u;t~~~~f.~~~ a~~~ ~~ 1:h:h~,~~~dfe;r=~~~~tJ~~~~~i1~ ~:o!fG!~1l~~.~~~~~~­ ~f~~~~ ~ri~~ :~~~~~fi~~~~j~~~~~~~tcc ~~hU~:~ ~f · ~% ~u~ak;~h~ ft~l~tch b::w:~:n.w~~~h~h~~~~ ~~::~~~ ~fd;~dt~v~t~toB~1~e;~r~~. l~/roof:~i~~i:;:~:~~:~r~f , fr·:i~u~i~~i~~~:~.~~~~~1d11~1 ~7~i:~h~r~~~~[c;~~~~~~~ tf, ~u~~~ four years after, Ill _England and Waits m1ght fcantly be tum, told a!( thm_gs cont~ry ~nto the Klflg•. \~here-­ found one \Volf :~!tvc. up>n the Kmg WJthdr:~.wmg h1s mind orherwJ(c, m the rJ~~rsE1f;~::~E~~~~hfixof,~:~r~!i~~~dejsti~r ~~ h~ it came to pafs, that EJhthvolrl himfdf did marry fcour the: $(35 m th~ Summer time, whereof one: rhott· ' Not !on~ after, the: King unde_rllanding further by ~ry:~ ~h~d\~~0 ri~~~r;i~:,pt~h~;\~: ;o~ th:~~~t~c:~ I ~:ucd0~fdhb::u~ ~~~&~ff~;~~;l~~h; ~~rt:~bJ~~ Lf;l.t;" me ~o r~((~ ~ lnvalion of Foretgn Enem:cs. Morrovrr, Elhtlwold; and mern!y !cfhng wtth lum, told him how S.m. m Wmterleafon, th~ ufe and _manner of this ve~tuous he would come and fct"(us Wife, and indeed aprx iated King wasthis,_Dunngalltheum.eof his(ifc, t?nde -~ the day wh~n. he wou(d be tbtre. EthtlwdJ _t he ~ufver the Land m progrefs, frarchmg_ and inquirmg <hh~ band, perceivm~ th~ matter to go hard(y wuh htm, gently (to uf~ here the words of mmc Author) f.J!:IJ- made hafie rohLS Wtfe, declaring to hrr the coming ot" moJo ltgum JUrtt, & fi1orum jfatuta decrt_tcr~l"! ob}er-- the King, and alfo openin&th~ whole order of the mat• tt~~~tl m :;:u;;~tC:: ;11~h;;'Ts:"~~/;:;n~;;s p:;;~~~:?snt ~~~d'fav~~h~~fre~~~d~f~~:i~~~J1def~~~l! h~"%1~v:~~~ foul\~ Zm cr_Ja,_ntd wtrt kept, ~nd that the pxr Jlwuld fufjtr f?aJ~nts and fuch atti~e, as t~ King might take _no d~· ~o!. ':lbt%~:&~. or ~;Af,tJI:: in'rtt m,=; o~u:;?\_t( ~~~ ~t~~~t~~~~~ rJ!'f::;u~f~fl~~h~~~~~ :l~~~ ~ hl~rt~yca~:~~~bu~~m:~~~1:\J~ t~e ~n~~~~~ ~~ ;trea~fl~cWJ~!S:ga~~ ~~~k~in~:~~ertrib~~~~ fly alone, that _of aU his Pollerity fo few then: be tluc "Whom w~en the Kn~g behdd, h~ wasnot .fo much enfct"k to kttphun company. Andalthough l havefhcw. :ltnored wuhher, as m hatred with htr Huslxmd, who ed more alrc:ady ~f this ~ing., than I wiU we~] be had ~o deceived him. Whrreupon the King fhortly aftrr, follo"Yed, )'et thJS more IS to be added to the_ worc!unefs makmg_as thoug!l he would go to hunt in _the: Fordl of Cr~MifTid !P~.~~': ~a;~ d~~~fn~,l t~f:e~h~~~es b%r ~:gk:~:m~~,],r ;~~ !~~;~;d~f fH~~~~~~g~~!~~Jo:~e~0 ~~"~f~hJX~;~~r 31~~~~ ~:r1·• ~~~crs ~~~~\~~~~~~~~~~r'~:~{(~; ~~~erC:~fe~~~~~«!~~dm~~~n~:- ~;it:~m;? ~:~~r, r~;::· ~~~g~!~~~~~~ ~~.;~:'Jfk~ hiS ~ubjc:fu; h_e the_ref01·e, !~ pr~v~11t dutevLI, _ord:tintd that huntmg? \V}w anfivered again, that whJChplrAf- ~~~~ ~!,t'h~~h !; ~o~~~:~~~~;~~h:~~~:1~ !~~~; ~t\~!~,~~fiJ:f~~, iljr;~g~~~~%:/J::i!d~orat;~~::. dr.mght, fhouldforfe~t acertJinpeny, whC"reofonehalf ryofNunsmre1111tlionof!in~. lhouldfulltothcaccu(er,andthcotherlulttothe Ruler of the Borough or Towt~ where the: olittr.c was - PJ -