Co11te11tio11 abouttheCrow11. The right Heir defeated. Wives. Ag2inll whom etrt.tin other there were on And thus have re by manifdl demonfiration prov«< the contr:ny part thlt made rdifiance , as Ethdwin by the right oafting of the yrus, :~.fta their own gr;111t Duke ~ &ftangln, Elfwoldrtr his. brother, and the omd reckoning, thl~ Etlitba D.1ughter of Ulftide in no ~t BT~!':o::t;•w~~~~~t~~ju_?r;~~l ;~i;~i~: !n~~ ~~ 'fu~ ~l~~ ~~~~~in~hi'~ \:k~~ ~:al;:~a~~; to be txptUtd ~nd d~ivm 6ut if the Rralm, which llut E~nJflrd rather was bon1 after Edit~a, and was ~~lS 11 fcv~ ~;'to;.r:",:~;,X;~~o' d~f;1dh~e£:~ ~; ::Y ~~~~t 1~p~~~~,~:m~~~a~:~:~di:~iil:~~hL~h~ §~?' ~~;;}'i~~;~;,~~:~~~~;~£~i~~~h~~·f E;~i;;~:~;:~2~~;f~H}~~~~:f1~ ~!~~ ~tKl,;. their King; the Birhops and fuch lords~ [;woured ~tdL~re. . tbtd. the Monks, kcking to advance fuch a Kmg :JS they . Fcrfi, Afcer that Dlfflflan :md OfwalJ with other ' ~~~w d~~J~ 'inci~1~e t~/h~~~id~~w: ~;~: t~dw~:f: ~~;, 1o~~~ c:~~:~~ or;~n~~~~~csad~~~: ~r~~. an<:l fomeconfentro uponEgt/rulthelawfulSon. Thm ed EJwarJ to be King, againrt ~ea1 Alfr.itb M~ ~"f.tsK. D11nffan Archbifho~ of Canterbury, and.Ofu;ald Arch- ther of Etlxlud, and AlftriiJ Duke of Mm1a, and ror~~~~J bifhop ofror~, wnh other their fellow Bifhof6,Ab- certain_o~her ~obles \vluch htl~ the contrary:lide of~~ hots 1 and <hvers other Lords and Dukes affemblcd dx Prielts ag:unft the Monks ; m proc:cf$ of t1me the Storin. in a Col_cndl_toge~her. In the_ which Council Dun- Monksthatcameafter to writeStories, JXICeiving Dunflan commg m Wllh his Cro!S 111 his hand, :md bring· ftan to be reputed in the Church of Ro1m for an h~ :;:!~~= ~:~gt:;;"{ia':~~ ~~~u~~s=~~~~~ :~ ~::J ~n;!l;h:1r! 31! t~erE~;a;:;ro:t~~li~~ rir::,:hh.;t (caated and :momted for their King. of Monkery fo much :JS they could; to the intent thcrep..ub•d::. A1~d thus hafl: th?'J (good Rea~er) the very truth fore dut they. might fave both the ~edit of Dunjfatl, of thiS ~ory, accordmg to the Wilting of AuthOIS of and of the King, and efpecially bearing fav~ to their ~~. ~.~;::.· b:~ ~~Jtq~~~~':hi~h!~hed0~=~ l~n:ai~1 ~~da~s0~ ~~c~el~f~~n~~~yno~ha~ ~~a~~ta~~~o~nit~~ ]:,•~. P~if. WiHiam the Conqueror, wrote this Scary of Dunjfan I the truth of this maccer, either they did npt (et', or .,.;:~;:;; through the motion of Lllnfanwr, and allt'dgeth, ?I would not confefs herein what they knew; but rather rather tmnflatcth the fame out offuch Saxan Stones thought befi to blanch the Story, and coloumbly to as were written lxfore his time. Belides which Of hide the fimple tmth thercvf, makin~ the People fal(e- ::en, ':~ ~~eE::~fl~foSt~tn~sri!~:~f,; ~;Z::t7 ~~ ~;;~~~eK~~~ EE%:;,/Ja\~~eEJ~~r;;~oofbe~;;'f~&~:: alfo J011n1m l'(lriJ in his Frmcb Story written in and alfo that Editha was bom after Edward, and to ~;~ fr;~;~~u~0fii~~~~.,~:\~eJ:l~~~fuJ~~~ ~~¥J:r~ :n~~e ~~~ldw:~i1 wishif~~r:h~n~il~nt~~~ ~r~ ~;; ?.:~:~~' :":'h~';;, •;\~,"~~:nylil<~,:?,"';;;;, /h! ~;l~E:;~~~:;~~,~~;J1,~~!;;~: ~~;!;\~ g]'f' ~~~~::~~\~;;~·:~o~~;ru;~ E.;.i~t ~~·:/i£i~::E':3'#~?u.Ei·:t'EJ,:~:E ~n-~!!; ~~:fl'ana~~jo~~ed ~~w"~· tili~ t~mC~~~fo;a=;: t:::lf:{ :t t:r:j ,:y, tJ:id 11;£;' ~:u;;7e: }/ ;:;; PtliiOI:c. and alfo how truly they report EJward to be a law- Ordgar, &c. \\Thereby we have to wlderfiand, that ful Heir, and Eijltd to be :1. bwfiil Wife to King F.d- whatfoever ~ncubine this was whk~ MalmtsburyfpeakgiJ'For firfl touching Edirba, this is confeffed by the ~~ t~~ ~= 1~eit~~~i~~~=~%t~~1e. inF:=~ (aid Write~ rhemfdvcs, that fhe was of good years at and finally to conclude, befide theft: Arguments and Al-- what time EJgar h~r Father was enjoyned his Pc- legations above rccictd, let_ this alfo be perpended, _h?W r,;t•"u, ~~:;,· h:t~~~~~ 7~~cl:!~tlbui.~\!~~;~~~\:U~ ~~e ~f~;~ ~;;:~;;, k!~~n~~t~~~i~~~;r~f ~: ~~~~ ~~~~ wluch fcven years, and three years and a half, doma~e (w~uch WJS Etbtlrtd) went about (as CapgrtWt and crowaffo111 in all but ten years and a half. But now the f:ud thar 0\'111 Legend confdT"eth ) to fer up Edttba che ~~.~lglot Aurho~ themfelves do gmnt, tha! fhe was made Ab- oc~er Ihlbrd to pofTe(s the Crown, but that fhc, more C~ptr•v. I• bc_!S by her Fathtr1 _he being then alcvc. An_d how C:J.n wtft than htr Brother Edward, rd"ufed the fame. Where- £:t7.~!:•U• thts thm fraud w1th her Legend, wh1ch fa1th, that fhe by what is to be thought of the doings of Dunflan, ~~~\!:~st~\~1 !:~~~1~fu~ !%dg~1:t~7:i~~~:~~~: ~1w:~a~~\~1~~itt t~heth~11~ro~~ra~h!r~~:e t:~~ years old, before the birth of that Child for whom the ful Heir, I leave to all indifferent Readers thereof to KingdidPenance, judge. And thus much touchi1_1g Editha. Now in like m:n~- After that Dunftan and his fellows lud thus fet ~?t,~;! a nu to COI~fider. of the ttme of EJward.. Firfi, t~IS up EdwSJrd for rheir Kil1g 1 they were now. where u ..... .:~mby all Wncrn IS gramed, that hew.JS flamin thehf- dlt}' would be, fi1ppofin~all to befurt on therrfide, ~~;.::: ~~n~~~tYQ~it":l~~~;g ~:a~~~;i1~~;;:~y~ :':ate~:~ ht~~:~~~hete o~cl~:;~~: ~:k~ ~ ~lt!f. ~~1i: ~;~d!~s ~:;(~l;!~o~~~fn%~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ !~~0~ukt~;f :'/d;';;~:~· t;~e~~- ot~~w~ this fort. rhLS matter pafTed not fo wdl wuh them as they hoped. chft~:l ~~ed~C:~;:::_ t'T~:~~~~c~i~e :i!\h~fra~~~ ~~[r!~~~~!c~f ~~~c~~~~fu~1o~~~~Jc~~~ ~;~ ~t .Aifl· ~~;!~re~t[;~~~::; y~~~a~.tdA;t~lt1~~i~h~~ ~~~~; ~~et~~h~iY;,wj~~\~t~~~ rl~~:~k'; f~~'rnefi3~1;J1~d~~ :~:.~:i~&~~iH~~~i:;,~~; ~zTr.::::cl.7~·:: o~yw~h~: ~·:;~t~~:~~:;,~~::;h~t~~~~~::~~:~;~i·:;1r;, :~~ l hml irpl::unlycxprclfcdwichthcltWtves. Tttcwords of