1 3o Tbeprideoftbe Danes ill England. Fi>-jlmanyi11g of the Normans a71dEngli!h. lff1l:· ~?:~~I;~::::.::i:f~Hr~~£:r.~~ i~ E~~:!~t::·~~:;%5id~:,~'"~:~::;!:;r~ :::~:-:"'' ;{.;:~.:~ .;h:h:J:~~~~·:~:Id~;~::\~::: ~d::~;}~~;~;'f,;~ :f:',l~";!;,,;;,~: ~~~d ~;~o~:t~m10t!;~':::.b,~; ::F'" ' t;~rt:~~~ ~~1~~~c~1:1 %!~~af~~~tC1fu~~~ ~e~~: ~~~::~~~h~;z#;sn~~7 ~~it~;~:ndl:!:.' and wax~ nch, ... \}~~~~?l~tf:~~;.1{~~(~£~~~~i~~;~I;!.~ ~~;~~s~~~;r.~l~~~~i~¥~t?1?~:~ ·, _ . hut allo glad eo pk-afc them, :md o.lkd t:vcry ont: of th~m vo:-xatJ~H when he had fulxlucd the l'wptc, mt<l C3.u(ed the :~~flk!4~~k~:f¥ ~~ft~{r~?f~m { =} I a~ 1t~~~~.:~:~:~K~~~;.~~;l~h~~~~nc~o~~~~~ ;~~~~ ~::h~t~~~:~g~~~or~:}'~::~· di1~:r~1~1:1~~; ~~~~. ~~~f:l ~ff~ a~~or~:;: ~~~::tu~~h~a~~~ ~y r~:~ ~} ~~~~~~~~~~~~;~?~ re~~t, ~~~~~~~~~~~~r~:~e1 ~n;~f { ~ } ~:::~· 0itf.!~~~~~~~:~~~1f~~~~ ~~~~;1~~1~~~g~~~~~~I~~a~~~~~~ the Kn~g \\.'~ commg to bun with the pow1.T of Ius l:11~d, great fiun cl mo_ney of St•. EJ'!'unJs .lands,_ which ~he · took lrs ~~-11~ and let about to Norrh,fo~I:.; whcr~ alter prop1c th~re claimmg robe lrcc lrom Km~ tnbu~e;,demed ~~:db~nd N~~,;~;,1~::~ b~!l~~~~~~f~~ ~~~ ~~J~.:~;d ~;{ro~: ~ur;:J:' a~~v~~~J;;~n~f~:~tr~~~~~~~fpi~~;g~~~ • ;~~~~:. ~~~1::~:;~E·~;:~~~~:.::1~~~!"~::r~:~£:; ~11:~~~::~:.:~~;~!~:~! ~::r.~~~~i~~:~:;;~~ ~~;~~:~ nude grcat_proviliOI \ to ~N1Jt('f ~ht !and again _rl1e next fi,ddenl¥, cryb~gand y~lling among his Knights. Some My tr. {~:;.} ii~t~!'~;;Jn~~;e•~;;~l~or~'o~:~r'\,~'~~~g~~ o1K~';;;ie~~ ~f~~~~~i;i!~~n~~~J ;;~h:~~~::Sword ofS~.EJmunJ,where- r~~1;~f there fpo1led that Coumrr. And as foon as he he.u-d of any In f~ wherrof Ctrnuws Jus Son, which ruled as _King H~n of £,1ghj11 men commg toward .him., then he took afre~ h1s Father, gr:tmed t!lCm the frttdornofall tJleJrLi- ~~Pf;~;~~~a~~e !o::~!~~~:~t'1~cKf~:TJc~l~~~~~d.'~~~ ~;t~~d;1 :J~~li:~~/;~cdt~ ~~~~~~~~~:.rf:~= ~c~;,~ \;i;h~rtl;,~i'~!W\'f~;ltot~n;:!,\~~h!if,n ~~ ~tdg~cfr~:r~~~~~~~:~goC:~:;f~11o~~is05;=: !:;L"~~ woukl with git!s bli1td the Admiral of the Kin~ Navy. Jr~d crdainOO dJt:rt: an Houfc: of Men~, and endued them :;:~ A~t~ c::~~~~h~~r;~o1!:~7~~S/E:u~~ab~ ;~;f:;.1~:: Kt~~~~11:g~=~~~~he~t~\-::t ~~~~V~~ (~~~t~~ p•id ro rhe much that the King was f.un ro take: peace wah them, and Crowns for an offmng t? San1t EJmunJs Shnne, an<! re- [~j;:~~ ~~~ ~e~1~1~:;,:Jt:~u=::~ p~:;-,dl~ich pt-acc ~:.ed the fame agam afto-wards wit~ a oondignc fol~~\~b~l~~i~tE;~~~~~~~otJ:~~~ . 1~bo\~en:;~;~ rJ~';~~~~~lE£:~t:=~ 0i~~~eE:~:J~ 5fo~m~~·~~ ~-~~~4 Duke of Mmia, who was fubtil of wtt,glofingand elo- ft~dcncommgCanHtus, bc:mg unpJ?vJded, lkd wSand- ~~!~&oc- ¥i0~·, ~zii:.t!:~:t~:~r.t:t~;;~~;~~;u~ ~~~~r~~~~~~~~;;~i~~~~~~£~:~ f~ti::l