Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

186 A lUngs Office. W. Conquerorcometb into England. ICing Harold jlain. The ol!ict . Mon.1)vcr 1 i11 tht forefaid LaW'S of this King Ed?vard, of the L01ds of hi~ Land to aid and aflift him in his jour- ~~~"le- d 1c%;~~~;;.~d;l~1 ~~~a~fa~~g~!~d~r~1ei,~0;h~d\\~~r~ ~~~:r. ~~~:~n~~~~is.f~~i!~ga,~11V~~~~ 1~/:r;~;:J, Kmg, lanh 1~, ought abw~ a/J thmgs to fiar God, to IO'Ut the Pope coutirmeth h1m tO the fame, and ftnr unto him am/ to obforve lJis _C~mmand"!tnts, nnd caufo thtm t() be a ~nntt, w_illing him tO b(lr it in the Ship, wherein himobfrrved through. bts. whole Kmgdom. He ought aifo. to fel.t fhould fml•. Th:IS _Duke WiHurm. bdng provided of :111 '::t£Js ~tJ~:;,a~:~b"~U"i~~;::,; ~':a~ir~;.u:~o~J;~ ~~~gfl,;f~~~~:~~~lS~~~~i· r.:~~~~~,10"~::~~~~::i1j to tbe CrmfftWttOIH of bt~ .Anceffqrs a~d Prtdueflors, a long ume ere he trught have a COll\'(!liem \>Vind, for :z~::!Jfr~fn~:e f:ho::fr~J,'~:J ~;~m~;'bt~re't;: ~;'/. :~{s~~~; ;~h:~uld~#l:{,r:,;u~j, f~~i1:J:]i~: :aha:~::. Ht()flj!,ht alfo to ftt up good Laws and Cuj}om~, {i~eh as bt thtr mmt_s Ki':E'Fm bJ ftrmgth; and namtiJ, whm God [)Ql;eWJt- wbdtJ()f11e anJ apprrn;ed: f•ch as be othrrwife to rtptal was ll~llms1 tl m ftnJing ecnfrary Wind,&c. At the bfi, !~:a~.: tb~~;.~;j ,J.:~~;.~::~l'.~~i:~E.g!~=~;hfB:;,~ I the Wmd fhortly after Gtmc about, and ther rook fhipping Ji•w:'· ~ . . wi~~~ :t;:: ~~~D~k~~~i=~~~:::~:?f~7J~gr~ ~t:~., ~~~tt~K:~~~:~e}~~~'::d Pteobl~j0R~~~~g~ts~~ts, ~~~t;J~:·rd ~~1N~~~:or{~:tr!~s\:~l;~~a~!':et~ ~:~,~~ ~~~~~~g~f1 :~: ~~~~yt~ ~1~~S~~~~i~ll~~) ~~~~ ~::~; ~:t~~u:~~erof!h~is::~~~;, ~~~~,d~1r,eEff- • Thf~ n 1m he be Crowned. of the Archbilhops and BiJ:tlOps. Three crilx<l chiefly ro Haro/d. Tf:e third wa5, to revenge the and knanu Strvants the IGng ought to have under hun as Vaffa!s; wrong.done tO R.obm Archb1!bop of Canttrb~rJ, which :u;~,., Aefbly lufr,, ava rice, and greedydelire, who!n if he ketp w.1S~X1led by the llk.ltlSand labour of H.m/J,tn the time •~·~ u~•f underashiSScr~nts~ndSlavcs, he~aURe1gn wdl and of~mgEJw~J. :;Sub,.al· h<~nourablyin h1s Kmgdom. All.thn.tgsarc to be done rhus, wh1le flaro/J was in theNotth, DukeTVilliam ;:; .~1~~~k~~~1tK~:~~Pf~~~~~o~~~;~~ ~~~~ r: ~i~: [o~c:} :; ~~~l~v~1; ~:~~~ ,f;fi~~~~~m~~~r~!i ~~:~;~~i~~(~:1~1i~u;;i;;~,ja[J~,!:lb~~if~l:r;;, i:l, 2:;\~i~~~r.1~~r;~~J~g 1:1l~v~~~~;!;~~edh~~:e:f:ti~~: paffed the Bridge, and went over to Sufltx, frcm whence After the duty :md.o!fic~ ofPti.nccs th~ dcfcribcd, con- he ftnt a Monk un~o fl~roltl, and profer~ him three Tb ~!~:!~:~~~f~~:~;,;;~;~:r:;;:;~~:::~::~ *~:.:;,r~~::~;{E~!~~·~l:~i~~o?};~:~£~ g[i~ Uljllwm Conquer~r was compdkd, thr~gh the Cbm?r and. fund to the Popes :u·b1trement betWIXt them ~th; or,,...._ ol the people, to.r.tkc forne, bur rh~ moft part he.onnt· Tlunlly,tockfend this qumd in hisownPerfona;am.fithe red, contrary to Ius 0\\'11 Oath at Ius Coronl.tion, mfert- Duke) and• Ptey two only to ny the mattrr b y dmt of ing and placing t~ moll of hi~ 0\yn Laws in his. Lan- Sword, without any other blood-lbtdding. guage, t? ferve Ius purpofe, and wh1ch as yet to thiS pre- .But H11r.olJ refufed all theft Offers, fa}'ing, It fiJC~tU be ~c;:~j~illi~1~)e 1~0~~;;-;e~d~~:~o~r:\1~ O::f~J;~~ ;~:~~ t!:~~~~:dJ~)~:f h:~t~\~~Jstb:r~or:::~ tth. ' in the place where aftet'Wl.rd was buildtdthe- Abbeyof C[ Ki ng Harold. . ~:;£fo~;:t;~ th~~t~~ ~'~X~~yol~k:v~~~a~~~ ;~ -:!~~~'!1, .. {~6} HAr~lJ the fecond Son of. Earl ~odwm, a~1d la(\' ~ormans: whtrefore Duke Willtam aufed his men to t>Uind 1 Kn1gofthc:}axons, not\mhftandmgthatr.l!~'ersof .eweback, as though they.fled, whneby theE'J/ifommr;':!:Wit- ~s~~~~~R ~~~~~;:,ft~r\~lt~e~~111th~~{:nf~r~~ea:~~t~~~; ~~~~ ~!~~;I/v~1'ga~~~~~~ 1~~~. i~~~~:ion~b'~ir:~ ttnmmg the young age of Ed~ar, and forgettin~ alfo ins ed the '!'1dory through the JU!l prov1dcnce of God. p1:omi.fe. made to Duke flliUJam, took upon bun ro be Where Km.g H11rolJ, who bcf~re I~ murthered Al.frtd Kmg oi England, 1nno 1066 , Whc11 HarolJ f!arrfagar, the true Hm of the Crown, With hiS Company of Nor- ~rc~l~~~~h~fj{ji~~~J:a~ih:~~~dit~n;:~!;Jl\~~~ kt/~y~~~~hu~~ t~~%~~~~~~~~~~:t~l~~~~~~;:tdi~n:. ~~~ · three hundred Siups or ~nore ; who.then JOynmg With though G~rardlfJ ~aith bt" fled uw:J.y to Chtft~r, and l1vf'<l ~~i::~~ ~~r~~rrr~1 ~er~,1dn~d~~1m~:t~~f~~~':f~~ cl~; ~[r~~~~;~~e: ~L~;~~;~e:~~~h~:~:ir~~r;·ar~~f:;r l~~1 i~~ Kl~flml~ death of EJwarJ. Bur the Lords of the Country :J.rOfe, reigned nine months, and was buried at Walth11m (which mia.. ~J: ~d~~~nnA~tt;l;~r~fu;~i~/~~~J~;nftil~~e of~;~,::~ ~:~;·.~!\~~~~t ~~ ;:t;::/ ;,! ~~!r~;2 ~f~~~;~~ ~h:r:h~~ hr~~~~:~\~a:~~h;l~:~~h~~~~~·Vifr~~ve~v~~~(lafr~0~~~ ~;~;Jb~tl;:r;~ o0r~:~~:!:~ttfir ~::~01~,~~ f{~=r:{ ~~~~~~~~1t1~{~~J~~t~~]~~~~ ;;~~~~;~i;~~~~!;~~:;;;i~~~~r;i;; EEf.#~ nnny of ius Kmg~cs and ter Rolio, was Father to Duke Ruh11rJ the f~ond of that ~,::' ..: Jn this mean t1me, W1Utam, Duke of Normand]> fent name, and Brothtt to EmmtJ Mother to King EJwarJ. ~~~fl1'~ t~~~~~~ ~~g\\~e E:g:::i bet~~:~~~~~:~~ i~;~~:~~f~~k:/:ti;:~~~;~:~ was Father to Duke R~ which \Y:lS, to have kept the La1~ to his ufe aftcr the Albeit in this m~ner other fome may gather otherwife <lelth of Edward. But bcc:lufe that the Daughter of and better, perchance; yet ifl m~y fay what 1 think, veDukt 1ViUi11m (th~t was promi~ed to Harolil) was dead, rily 1 fuppo(e, tba.t th~e is no Confanguinity fo much t~ HaroiJ thought h1m thereby difcharged, and (a id, Thar caule, why God of Ius wtkrJ.lWn Judgments fufftted the ~'1 ;:,1:ti;td r::7t~~t0;i:~o:[e,:; !( "::eJ'Io~J::;~'ht ~o~a;:~~~~ ~f ih~~~li\~10C~l~O~;~l,th=~h~b;~J~ a'~i~ ~~! ~~nj:e:;~tt:J!for~har~twMthmun~o~or n~td Dr ~~;:r:~g~h~'~;~J~~!:e'f:!~i!7t~\~e~~ ~!·:~ Upon thefrAnfwers recetved, Duke W1U111m, m the m this ~nqud\. rccompenfed. . . ~>oun vor- mean while that the Mdfeng(~ wn1t and came, gathered Nov.: Jt n:mamtth alfo, to ~hcfe (ora~n Affa1rs <:fKings !£1.=1'1 i~~~ his Knisbts, and prcp;ued hi> Navy, and lud the affent ;md Pnnc~ to ad~ likewift concmungO:~~ hq.