Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

~ Contention betweeu the Archbi>'bops ofCmrerbury andYorkfor the Primacy. yarsaftcr) faid,th~thisdeathdidnotfo_ll'llli:h gi.e\·chim cominq firfr to Dwtr, being the~, the hr:d ~ity of_Kmt.' D..,. 1 t.. as l_o rcmcmbrr Ius poor fuhj(ds., wh;ch 1hO'.dd be con· Cll!td m ~tm, Durobrrnia, and there pbntmg hunkli, h.-.d·OrJ of ftramcd to JXI}' fo rernblc a tlne ~or chc Popes P:~U. Kow COIWcrttd hrfi the Kin$ of Kmt, called EJtlb(rtus, who K•••· b): ~his, wl~:tt J'ilhh ~o the_ Pope m w~10!e Gtrman!> con- had thtn fubduo:l. certun other Kmg~ umo Humbtr. By ~;lf~: ~i~i~t~.?~;;:£~~1oftrEE~l}:~s ~~i~;ji;f;§¥,i~~~!~s:;E~~ ~~?~ of love, !ttm, he obtamed for t~ other t\'.'0 Bi!hops alfo on th~ famt:, l:xgum~h to dcclau: fur hunltlt~ how the their Confirmation. At which umc, they hclllg_ there mtanmg of Grtgcr] m this Utter was, to reduce the ne:-v prefcnt btiOrc Alexander, the oontroved_ic began l_!rfi to Church o~ SaJti);JJ or £,gfijhmm to the order tMt was m be moved (or ~athcr 1·enew~d) for the Pn!TI.lC)' bet~VIXt the the old tune_ among the BritRins; th:~t is, to be tmder two Mctropol1t:ans, that is_, ~twixt the Archbilhop of two Metropolnans, one <~f ~ndl)tJ~ the other of :r:4lt~; for C:anurl"llry, :md t~e Archbt!hop of Ttl"k, whether of them ~o the Church was ordered. m the _ume of the Br1tams, as fhould h.we pre~nuncnce above the other. For.Canterbury IS ?efore declared. _Not1_vn~fi::mdmg he giverh to -:fujliiJ ~~~~1~~~!~,}~~~~t;;:d ~r;,~~~~~ a~~~t~::1cyco~;t~~ J~rr~&:aio~ti~~d:;~g~~~-~~~~st~~~Jv~~~ti:L~;~ nued a long fea_fon betwixt thefe _two C~urchcs., and was all othn Bilhops ami PrieftS in ~n~la11d. And after his ...-rren rene\\cd m the days of dtl'ers Kmgs aftrr this; as dcceafe t~n theft two Metropohtins, Lt:mdfm and York, in the 1eign of /-lmr; the Firfi, lxnvixt Thurfti".us of to OYc~e the whole Cle~gy, as in rim~ plfi affiOI'Igft Ycrk, and Radu(phus of Canurbur;. _And aga1!1, m the the BrJt':ms; whom_ he )O~Tleth rogrther nftrr the delth fen,, and twe11t1eth yt:~r of the faid Kmg, at llli fccond of Aujlm, to confhrute Bdl1op>, and to O\'erfce the Coronation. For Rndulphw would not fidfer the_ firft Church. And that he fo meaneth LonJm to be tijual in Coronation to fbnd., bcC"Jufe "it was done by the Bilhop authority with York, it appt:U"cth br four arguments : of Yt:rk, .;vithout his aff"ent. Alfo in the reign of Hmry Firfi, That he willcth La1d~n to be confecrnte by no Bithe S«ond, where Altxnthr Pope made a Letter D«re· fhop, but of his own Synod. S«ondly, In that be willul betwixt theft two Mctropolitans, for bearing the Cro(s eth no difl:indion of honour to bt h«wixt UnJfm and in the ytar 1159:· Alfo another time, in the reign of the Yl)rk, but only a~rding to tlut as each one of them i3 faid Kmg, betwixt Richard of CanttrbttrJ, and Rl)ger of eldtr in r_ime. Thirdly, For dut he_m:ltcheth th~e two :rc,·k. Again, about the year of our Lord I I 70, when togcthtr m common Council, and w1th one agreemmt to ~~~;:.t~~l:~~~:~,~~Jut1~:~rg~i~~:~ ~~ ~~~ ~liC::~~fi~:~~~; ~:;~:~~~~\~r~~R~~~;th;~ft~a~h~ Altxandtr the Tl:ird. lt.:m, anot~er time m the )"Car fuch fort that one fbould not d1ffent nor difcord from the :h~~:,{h:\~ifitt ~:~t~r~gi11:~1a:~ ~£~~~~;! ;~;h~ 1~! ~~~!~her,\~:~,~~~~~et~.,~~ ~ ~ t~~~ :te~~o~~g~ili:r~ Council :tt J..ondl)tl. Morcovtr, m the begummg of the Fourthly where: he wntcth, that the Bifhop of Ycrk reign of King Richard, in the year 1 I 90, betwixt fhould not be liibjcd' to the Bifhop of Lmdl)tl ; what BnldwintiJ of Cnmerbury, and Godfridtts of Twk , m~neth this, but that the _Bifhop of f..l)ndfm fllOuld be &c. . . c9tuvalent with the Merropolit.ln of Twk, or nther fupcNow to procud m the: fiory hertOf : After thiS quefii- nor unto him ? ~f;~b~~~~;~d~~~ ~~~:D tJ~~J'~~);t~'~j;1t~e t; And thu;_he expounded the meaning of GregwJ. to be c.1•;;m /t11td, the~e tO ha\·e their cauft detrrmmc:d. Whereupon in the forefaid LcHC'r. To whom IAn[rRncus agaut an- rep •• • they fpcedmg th~fel\·~ from Rome. to. EnglnnJ in the fwereth, That he _was not the Bifhop ot /....ondl)n, and_tlllt year 1070, and m the fixth year (as IS flld) of this WiUi- the quellion pcrta!Oed not to Ltmdrm. Thcma1 rcpheth, am, brought the matter before the King and the Cl:rgy at havU1g on bis part m:any &utors, that this priviledg was r:::~~·in }~~~i'~t!~u~~ ~~~~~~~~ro~11~~ ~~t; Fub~'f~'{ul~; tf~rt:0h~ ~~~\"~~~ ~~ (which wJsabout 140 yta~s)how thattheB!fhopofCnn· be e9U3litrof honourbetw1xt Lundrm and !or_k, wu~out ttrbur; had C\"er the Primacy over the ':"'hok l:ut? of !Jri- all diftUtChon of priority ; Cwe the only pnonty of nme ram and !rtland; how he kept his Councils divers fhould n12ke fuperioricy between them. And :J.lthough ti.mes within thepncin&of Ywk; how he did call a1~d Auj/inti:J.~O.t~theSce from~dm toKtnt i yetG~eote the Bifhops of ~IITk thereto; _whereof fome he d!d g4lf}• if hiS mmd had been to _gwe the fame: prcrogatwe • conftitutc, fome he d1d Excommm~C:J.te, ~~~ feme he dJd to the SwxctTors of Aujhn ( wht<:h he gave _to him) woul~ n. . wno\·e; bciidcs alfo he alledged dive~ pnviled.~(Sgranttd. exprelly have uttrrc:d it in the words. of his Epil'de, _wn- guc~ ~·· ~c.Princ~ and Prelat~ to the Pruruc~ ot that See, ~;~~~Jf~:~l;~;1~~o;l~at~~v~~~c:Jo 1~ea~e~1;1~:.~~~~~·i!~ To this 'J!»mm_ Archbdll?P of Tl)rk rephcth again, and that he m:~.kerh here no_ mention of _Ius S~e!Tors, Jt firfi beginmng \\:nh the hr!l origin:~.\ of th~ !JntnmJ appcareth then:by, that 1t was not Ius nund fo to Church, declareth ut o«in of time how the Brltams,&c. do. §. The ~riraius firft po!Tcffioners of tills Kingdom of To this . Lnnfrancus _argued! again: If rh~ :tuthority ;~if~~~'""' Britain, wh1ch endured from BrlllttJ and. Cadwnll4dar ~lad been &ven to AttJ!tn al<>!le, and not f? bJS Succdfors 2076 years, ll!ld~r an hu_ridr~ and two Kmgs, at len~th 1t lml _been bur a fmall g1ft, proc;~m~ f~m tl~ ~:, ~~~:::k~~E]~:;,~~:;,~tt~~zg7~~ ~;·~:!f~~~~I~~l~:~~~:~!E;.~!~··· n.-.6.a ~~~od]:;:~~~ 3trc~ili~%p8o~~d::~and'7M~J!;}'~; to~~t~:pS:,' i:~~;~; fu~fiS:Ct~Dw:;~: ~;:;:,cc~ ~:r~ :;~~P :{:~h~l ~ ~~~:;;,~~cr~~~~d~:l1:~~r~~v~~;~ :Cf(:!;~rn.,~~~~~~~~n~~h:~1pl::~v~tt!t~h~; almofi three hwtdred. years, till at length the Saxm:J bemg took the fp.lfklt of nght bcliC'I'mS:- Furth~r, wh~rcas you t~m lntidcls, with Hmgijltll ~eir King,. fttbdumg ~he fly tlm G~tgor) might have conhrmed ~1th plam words Britninr by fmudnlcnt mwthcr mvadcd theu: ku~'l, whJC~l the fa1~ thmg to the Suo:ct:lfors of A.-pm,wh:ch he ~~e ~;,~;::·;,_ iigrJ~~£~:E:i~~=~~ir;:t;::\~;~2·~f~ ~~V~{~'gg\~t:~~h~,t.~f~~::~r£~~ ;!::.:~ .. p3g::ms, continued till the tirne that Grt~~ory. B1fhop ?f the lefs.Now the Church ol R'mt IS as thewhok,towhom P..omt fenr ..A11jfi,J to preach unto them ; \duch /.11jlm all oth~r Cl urchcs be as p;tr(i thereof; ;;nd ~r::;;;J