Decrees of a Council at London. 195 mankind is Gmm, the gaternl i1i a ctttain.refpo:d to a.ll quuel.e TbDm.e Arcbiepifoopi prolat.t: & vtnri~ata: font~ :b~~~~~~;ct~ ~~~~ ~~~c~;~;\cvfuYj,~~; 'tt:r::fnft~t(J:ff~';~~~u~'&.k~:;lor~t~:;/or q;;;~ uunncrthcSa:ofRumemacert:linrcfpt:&_JSrhe..genm.~ f!foJt: and fo forth, iltalong_prQCefs of words whtch and the whole tO ocher Chur€hcs, and ytt m ev~ p.mi· ~ollow. Among which in t!M: mtddlc: of tbt Epifile,fpr:1k· cularChurch is contained the whole fulndS of the whole mgof D(IVtrand Canurbur], he hath rhcfewords: Urbs Chrifiianfaith. T he Church of Rome isgreatcrthan~\1 n,z"!que'lu.e.nuncCant~ar!Je:ianominat~r, antiq11i.i tem- ~~%{sh~~u~h~:f~c~1 ~o~~~~~ ~~t~o~~~~f~;r~1i~} \V(S;':~a~~ 'tfh,:e\7:rJ:i~:'~he ~fdo~;\k,v;J~~h'f~; ~: ~::!1 ;theu~~fs~~~~tt a~~y ~:ir:'~x~~pt\~~~n~~~d~ t~. vitfuh~~~ ~:re:-~;e of King EgtlrM, ~as de~lar«l about ~~~I~{~~ ~~~ri~~~~ ~c;i;i~trc ~~; ~~~;::;~O:';u:d~~~~[~~r~~:;r~.;~~:~i~~~~~ ~;~~~~~c;ht;n;s~l;/t:;o;;:;;,:~EJ.:tjff;~~ ~~ ;~r~at~~~~~;·r:~~~\~~~e;l~ ~.:~M~~·c!:a~ i:h 1 : t;~~:k~~~~~1';,~~ro;:;b;;~rtff.~'d t~~c:Fg~~; rrd~~c~ mind offuch a Mafier? But grant (as you fay) that "Auftm from Chtjltr ro CIJvmtrJ· Ltkewi~ after that Ill the reign rettlO\'cd eo Lmdrm, what is dut. to me, ~hich am n?t of WiUwn Rufilf, Anno 1095, Htrhm Bilhop of Thtt~ Bilhop of Lmdrm? ~otWithfi:mdmg all thiS connoverhe ford from thence reduced the Sa to Norwich, &c. ;:~~~:~~ti;j~~ ~~V~~~ !~~~r~~~~~=Cfe~Oa;~) W;fj~~;ir:~~~f~~r:. ?h;'-r!:• of~!,~rt~~ ~: ~:ti~ia~~~;~x~~~J:oc out of the way, fo far as rcafon and ~:!~:~~;;~~b~~~ :h~hch~d~ht ~:::;s~:;ht~~~~~ t~le Letter of Lanfrancm t~ Pope Alt~an1tr abon: men· ro::C!~:Si~;~ t:[~~e ~;fr~~~nk;:o~~:n:hle b:;~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ :h~~id!dd fib; :~;1~~~~H~r~~~~~:;;~Jl~~~ :a.t Humber.Wheret.lpon. it was thm decr~ that Turl:. fron~ yc:c Duke of Normandy, .chargin~ then HariJld to make a Ordcruktn thac ~imt: fhould be ~tb)td to Can!erbury m all matters ~p- Well of Water ~or the KmSS: ufc: m the Gallic of DoriJbtr· ~~! ~~}~0~;:d~i~~~:~~~:·~:;~i2:g~~~t:i ~~:~;:;~::;:r~~L~~::~;~,~~:;:~~,:~~ ~r:;:~- \IUh p of fhould rdOrt duther with hiS Bifhops, and be obethent to IS not great. Notwllhllandmg thiS I read m the Ep1flle bo1h fot r.. ~ his J'::d:J ~~~~~~that what the BUhop of Cmmrhur1 ~c~b\ilio~~ifj;:~~. ~~ ~:~\!(tl;b~['p~}[~~t:n~~ one. fhou!dd«ea~, Torl:.fhould ; epair untoDo-vtr, there to B!fhopHrm(JT~us: l t~m, ofPopeVitalianustOTht~dorJu; conf~te wtth others the Bi0ops that fhould be E!td. ot' Pope Str~tus to K1ng Etbtlrtd, 1/fre.d and Adulphus, And 1f 10rk fhould deceafe, hts.Succdfor fhoukl refort to and to dte ~t!hops of ~ngland. L1kew1fe of Pope Grt· Canterbury, or elfe where ~he Bilhop ~ Camrr.bKTJ ~ould gor] the Th1rd to the B1fhop; of England. Item, of Pope appoint, there to rective h1S Confecrao.on, Ius~ l.tiJ to Atht.J<~rd Archbifhop of Canrtrbmy. Of Formr;o fdlion ~here, with an .Oath of Cattomcal obed~e~Kt:. TbiJ: Jus to the Bdhops of England, ~of Pope 'JIJ}m to Dun· m11.1 brmg ~tent \\lt~l, LanfratJCIIJ the: Ita/tan tn-; dut the name of DIJrobuma and of CanttrbtiTJ in· umpheth wuh no finall JOY, and puneth the matter forth- dilfcrenrly are t:lken for one matter. with in wri~ing, tl~1t the memory thereof inight rema~n to the po11mty of hiS Succrffors. But yet that Decrtt d1d In .this time (and by the procuring.of this IAnfrancuJ) A coumll ~;~7~~i~}f;!.:i:~~g~f:::~~~fi ~·:~~~~~~~t~~f1h:r:",;;;;~,,~,~~ ~1~~ ~7 tJ::;:!:r ~/' 2;,~;,r;m;he;S=~J~;~t~~::~:J ro~ir~'Jdfi~h~~~~~ r~~~.~t~~~,1~~~ t~~~ ~fu~~i~L,~ Without anyprofdTionnucleto the fatd Biibop,w1thmuch don on the !eft hand; or m the abfence of Torl:, London more matter ?f contention, all wh!ch to r~ite it were ~00 fhould have the right, and Wi_nchejhr the: left hand of the ~~;~~n~~t~!1~~ t!:;~~t~;~~~~~~1td~~~f7r'ueto~~l~i~~= A~l:b!f!i~!f!~d:'trJ;;~g~;gfu~~~~~t1iTare their Sees amty amongfr th~. Chnfrtan Bifhops, wl10 enflamcd from V1llagcs mto Cmes, whereupon thofe Sees above with glorious amb1t1on, focontended for honour, tb:tt namt:(lweretr.mflated. without mm forcement of Law no modefly could take 3· That Monk~ !hould have nothing in proper ; ~nd if p!a«". . anyfohad, he dymg mKonfeffed fhou.lduot beburrtd in Of fuch like contentions ~mOrt{; Prelates of the Cht?y the Churchyard. · for fuperiorio/,. we read of ~1vers t.n old Chronicles, as m 4· ~hat no Clerk or Monk. ofany other DioccfS fhould the Hifiory mtttuled ~bromcOf! Htr[t/Jtnft, whne is de- be admitted to Or~ers, or retamed without Letters Com~ dared a bloody coru\ifr, whtch twke happened in the mendatory or Tefnmonial. • ~~~~ ~~~~j~:~,"~~~; ~~!Ua~i!!:f ~ f!'~~ ~i~~psT:J A'i:,s,11~i1~~v!11 o/~he~h~~c:~ fuperiorplace, whofuoutdfitnextto tbeEmpcror; t~ htans. Emperor himf(lf being there prefent,and looking on them, 6. That nont fhould lll:lrry within the (t\·mth dean~~~~~=~!edd-c~~~·trou~l<ius COilten~ bc:t:ween ~~;~t.h any eith-er of his own kindr(d, or of his w~ve-J lAnfrancus and T!xJmm Metropolitat1 of York, m the days 7· That none fhould either buy or fell any Oilice w1th~ of Altxandrr, of which controverfie, and of the whole in tht: Churd1. dif'?'J~e thereof Lnnfranllrl writeth to Pope Altxander, 8. That no Sorcery or any Divination {hQuf.:l be uft:d or begmnmg thu~: . . . . pt:rrnitttd i1l h(JiyChurch. ttE;~ 11~:;;,/t;,':J;;;~~[n:Ef:ln;o:o;!n:;,~tPJ:;/:~~~ Ot~idT~a~t ~~~j~JP~::r ~r:; 1:~a~~~~fo~1~~~~~: .,./.,uU... tijfts,debu~m cum 11mm [tM.mute IJbtdttntram. In ciJnciiJIJ bring, ndther fh01.U3be any fautor of the &id Jud:cancs. ']IIIJd .A"J.It~ ptr vtftram autborita!em collftum t/f, ilbi R.•