The Emperors in old time Reverenced. ?,i~:· :£i-:~~i:t~~~~~;~~;.,~;7~t;~£~:1 ~~1~7'd;~;;;~:dr~~~ :f.:'Jd'a::l."m'in mHifio- !:v";;::'· Monk•,•nd 311<1 ro rdlore _the marned P1it:!l.s agam; mfomuch th:ot The T•ag1cal H1flory of GregurJ the Seventh, f::!t~d• ~~::s~:ille~~fho£pr:;~~~f~~(~'~~td> t:~~:~~~:o:1: otherwile named ~ildebrand, &... ~~::\~~~r:i~~!t~~:~;.~~:~~:~:JE !,}~·¥!:~~i~~1~}:£;:~~;;.:.::~:,.~:a:r,~ ~?~:~·· for forrow.. Although this Ital~an Fr~"k bcmg Ar(hbifhop had littleleJ.!ilreto write, rctfomcthmghcthoughr to do In Englifl'· to fct our_ Ins ~:t~ou~ lear.nmg, and wrote a Book againfi Er::~:~ ~h~~~f'Ca1~:~;b~i h~ $~~kJ~d~~~~~'::d· bJ;~~~:~ c~~:~~cf~~~~~B~~~j, ~rt~o;d hJ;~:;,n:~~ b~fv~~ the new. . Pnells and the Ck_rgy, as of the. Nobility, people, and { ~~;~.} ne~f~~~~h~~~?ol~w~Hit~;::tr ~~n~m~r~~~; ~:}~~[~ f~~~~~;:~J~ti~fffo:~~~~fr~o~t~~~er~~~i~': mu,~x.... the frve!lth. Tlus Hi!JtbranJ as he \\'aS a Sorccrn:, fo was and confirmed by the confcnt of &man Emperors who ;::. j:•Gro. he t~ hril and prinapll caufe of .all t~is pt:rturbanon th:!.t h:;-d authority to call and to alfemble all thrfe, as wdl as ~~~v~~~ t1l~:~~isf~:nl~~ ~l~th~'~i~bi:?o~~~~~n~ ~~~~~~~r~~(d~~~lsrl~(et~;:~~·cr~~~~ ;:~: and prideemr~ firfi into the Church of Romt, and hath tamed bothm.Gtrmanl> Frlfnct, l~al], and through the ~ll•<h ~ :f::~;:~ ~;~~; ~~~hU:r!~ %;~~eg~;~Jt:d"ii~~~~~~::a~ ~t~l~~~~~~ 0~o~:;:;~n ~;~~;:~~or~~~ mn p~ fhutn•.li B1!hops he l_lffrd, com1pting them with pmuaous coun- accordmg to ~he old ~cm .of our Anctftors, as ts dedab'W;~~ IC:l, a1_td ftttmg .than a~inf\ Emperors., under pr:tence of red in a C(ft:llll fiery m the life: of Ca:olus Magnus, The ~~b~~~;~Y;~,:~~rli;~da\~;;!:~;7 ~~r:0~~~ ~Zi~:=~~~~A~!:~1li~~u~~,r:f d~~ ~~!\~~ O.fay)the Church of Rrmu.'~ Ill fome ordc:r,and B1010ps c:flcemc:d thetr Em~ as the fi.tpreme Potdbte next unn ~dl J~~~~~!t;~:u~~~:t~a~~~ft:~~~~:a~~~. ':;:~ ~~~a~v~~,~~~~o~:::;, ~~~::~t~ 0~: ~~~~m: SJ'vtjltr were fu!xl~~'. and under obedience to Con flan- and callc:d th~m thc:JT lord~. To them they }'idded tri- ~~~;:~~7.!!:;5~~~£!£:~{~{{-';?JE:~:;.,?t.:ti; :~~;~~::~~;;¥~~:~~:r~:;~ ~~~:::$ ~~:~#· J'ofc~aln an~ VRltntllls t~ Lut/qutCIIS P_i11s, Ann.S3o. ty. Thc.nameof.thcEmpc.TOrtbc:nwasf'f g~tMa)Cfly, !if.:F~~·~i];t~,~~z:;s;~ti~;~~~J:if;;:£ ~t~!E~~~£~~;;~~~!1:·:~~:~:~~ ?.jg§:: dJe!l~t: :\Jxllitbjt.Ction Ht!dtbrand_lirfi began to fp~rn,and ?IPted thc:y Mania! arms and matt~ of Cluvalry._ Only fctl'ord. by hJS c:xampk t:lught all other Bttlmps to do the ltke. m po~crty and modc:fiy ·was all thetr commdon wtth other ~~sn~~~~~h~!:fda~~~1fu:hfJ~ ;~d:~ru!r:f~~~ ~~~~~a~~~h~h~~~~e~u=~~~;~!;~~~~;~o;~ clm:Us (contrary to anaent Or~mancc: a1xl Sr.mlt~ Dro-e- h1ghcr opmion they concrivc:d of h1m. The flmp and ~~~t ha :h~ ~~I~~~.:th~~-P~~ ~t~bt~~~~~~:J:~J:E~: ~i~~t~~and';!Otu:.; 'kilf:·Cl~ ~u~~~~~~\~~ :. n rors ~ft to g~ve and to grant ~ilhopncks, Archb~icks, to ~fiJ?Y i and called Jt the [word o~ the Spine, Ben~~. and othtt Ecddiafi_Jcal Preferments w1thm their which lS the Word of God, ~he hfe and light of mm, own limits,. to whom they hfi ; n.ow the Popes through and revoktth from death to life, making of men, gods i mnc~ wrefih?g., wars, and COittentlon, have extorted all of monal, im~l. Far. were they from that, to Pornmorc tharm:othc:trow.n hl.nds, and rothriralligns; yea,have thrufl out any Pnnct: or Kmg (th?Ugh he: w~n~·er lllonPrin- plucktmallthcn~hcsand power of the whole ~·orld: fo f.u out of the w:-y, yea an Arr~an) .from h1SKm~ u.. ;o;nd not content w1th that, have ufurpcd and preva1lt:d fo dom, or to curfe htm, to releafe hisli1bjc:ds from their ~~~~~a:;;~!~~fc~~~~~:S~l ~~h~E:~ ~}~~~0~ ~~~~do~~ . : 6fub~I~g~:;~ :o ~~~~Uu:~~h!~fe~~= 110 EmperOr J"?JY be dcdrd without th< .conhrmat10n of With Chrill1an blood , or ~o ~var w1t~ thetr Chrifiia_n t~ePopc, takmgupont~eromorc:thanPrmces.roplaa:or B~~hren for RuleandPrinc1pahty. Th1s was notthm Emperors at their pkafure for I!Vny h~1t cau[c ; fpmt and manner then, ~mt rather they loved and o- ~r~~;~~ ~r!j~~~~:~,;!"~:t ~o'; \h~~~~~~~d~h~111~~~~ ~;~l:~~~~f; ti~ ~~rdFatS:~ ~~id'&.ilo\~~~i:~esP~~h ,,!~~c:ft~~h~ r~~ ~~;.~;· Pop<SSoddto, "" P''r'cuc'd ohnoft eo Exrommoo•:£~5: ~:~:tFf;~~.~~s:E'~f~:;;:~~~ E~~~::- ail this flmg alfo upon the powtt of MAchttlda, a lloot woman ~f~i:;;~~ a~~~~~~;1 t~oc;~~ tt~~!:~~ (~~ .:::~:~; f~~~:~i~~~,':~~~d ~k~e;~;,~~~~~ff~~~ J~d the: I...J:nn Hifiori~ mly imdc:r!bnd m Engl_ifb the on- (contrary to the manner of Elders) contemnU1g the autho- ~;~~~;;~1~ ~J: ;~~eb~~J;:~~Iion they nrft began, :~~~~~Z.chf;!Jf,or~ i~~~: t~~:~£1c~f~fc:o:J And firfi how this Hildtbrand hitherto had behaved Temporal Sword commmc:d tO him by Chrifi, and that him(clf, btf::>re he was Pope:, 1 have: p3rdy declared. For fulntfs of pown v."aS in his hand to bind and loofe whl.t thoughhew:lsnotyc:tPoptinname, yetl_:~r\"':~Sthtn fo he liftrd._WhertUponthushc prefumcd tO occupy Pope indctd, and ruled the PoptS ~nd all therr doing<; :15 both the: Reguncnts., tO cha!!CJ1ge all the whck Dominion, him lified. Item, what ways and fc:tchtS he had attt"mp- both.of the: Eafi aJ_xl. Wdl: Church, }'c:l, and all power to ted ever finc:e his fi~ comin~ to the <;-ourt of Rcmt_, to hit~c:lf alone, abidmg 1~ot1c: to be: equal, much k(S fumagnilic :md maintam falfe liberty a,gamfl true au~honry ; pc:no.r um? hi~n, dcr~ung from others., at~ arroga~ing what praCtice he wrought ~Y .Coo!Ktls, what ~d:10ns and tO lumftl~ thctr due:~ nght and honour, fetung at hg~t ~~~pi;:~~h~!~f~~l?u~;~i~~~m~n1 ~~ ~~~1_11}o~~~~ ~~r~;~r~ E~~;;sa:~';r~~t~~g;;~j~~d~lit!; :~~h;fp ~p;~~II~[J e;};~r~:~h~~~t~C::S L~/e~~~"~~~l~~~ ~ete~ds,a~iri~~~~~if(a~~~~g.f;;~1~1~'!~~~