Tbe Emperor fubmittetb him{elf to tbe Pope in amof/ fervilemanner. · . camc tHl rdOotcd with his Wife_ and Chi~d to the Gate of hat!~ done lxf~, ddirin$ for that time ~o ~ abfolvtd a_nd ;-: ""_:::,'"" Ca~(I./JIIt, whm he from Mommg ro Ntght (all the day forg.ven. The Pope anh\"trtth, he wtll neither fo,vc Proud COli- :~.~~ ~fi~!lo~ J2~:~~~~~~~;:~:Ji?ro01~ ~:~\~~:~~~~ ~h!5::iB~iiJ~:~~nE~~i;:~~ ~~~ in~ thn:cdaynogrt hcr in hls pcti~ion and futt; at length take fuch Pcmncc 'lS he Jball injoyn him; alfo th~t he an(wcr_ ca~c, that the Popcs Ma)(fi~·had yet no lcifur~ to thall be: prdi and rrady to_ ;~pptar, in wh:~t place or ~t~e talk With !urn. T~c Emperor nothin~ moved therewith, the Pope !hall appoint !urn. Mort~vcr, that he, bemg ~.ilil'Jr; ~~~~~~!~~~~~~~:£~~~~~l\,~:s ~~ ;J::~: ~r:~::·:~:~:.i~~.f~~ ~~~~::-:.~;:~:~:5:~ t%~'"::. !l1t~~ ~~~~:~~c"f::~. ~~~·ngt~~~:~~~~~;~ if~~t~t~t~ ~:;~~~:~~;:intti:Jt ~~~d ~~~ ~~~~~~~ :in'd a~~~~ r~~~ mtre.mng of Mar,~dathcPopcsP.lramour, an~ ofArt- (ul"(, whethertohavC'hisKingdomrdlorcd, or tolofcit. latrJ Earl of StbauJut, and the Abbot of Clumake, that Final.ly, that before the trial of his caufe, he !hall neither HfM tbe he Jho:dd be a.dmined to the Po~.fpetch. On the founh ufe hiS Ki1~gly Ornaments, Sceptcrsor Crown, nor ufw.rp Bcattoftbc ~:~~h~~~e~~;h:nc:hls ~~~~~~,~~:it~~=!~ !~eau~~;~;S:~&~r ~h&~h:~~~:ei ~~~ na.ments 1mpenal, :md confdfed hunfdf unworthy of the to t~e B1Chop by an Oath, and P;~t il.1 writing, the Em~ loun. Empire, ife\·erhe doagain.Ci the Pope: hneaft«, as he lPl'lSOnlyrcleafcdofExcommumcatJ.on.