Duk_e William very cruel to tbe Englifhmcn. England free from Thieves. 2 04 Out of tbe Amzals of Normandy in French, whereof one very ancient written Book_ in Parchment mrzahzetb in tbe cujlody of the Writer hereof. THE d:1y a.frtt the &ttd, vay ca;ly in the Moming, oJ, Bitbop of Bajeux fultg MatS for thofc that were dcparttd. The Duke a~ter dut delirous to know the. ellate of his Battd, a11d what People he had thmm loft and wae flam, he ~ufW. to come unto him a Clerk that had written their Namei ¥~hen they were em~ucd at Saint Jl alerits, and commanded h.im to eaU them all by their Names, who 91-ll;d them that had bm at the Battd, and had pa1fcd the Seas with Duke WiUiam. And httt4fia follow tl>cU" NamtS. The Names of thofe that were at the Conqueft of EN G LAND. 'QD. a, Bijl•pifBai·'l "I t.hellwd,Ofwhoml tux. dd"cendt:dthclineof Robm, Come Jt Mo/~ MtuUmr. ta1gn. 1befe two GutUaumeMalet, Wcre .BmhrtJ.l unto I USirtdtMIJ1}f(fft,fur D,ke WJ/iam by I RiOt. th'" Motl«. G•i~dtVit"''"t I Baudwm dt Bu1U01, Nttl Je S. Sav;ur 1r Roger, Contt Je Beau- Viumte m~nt1 timamtd With\ .\ 4. ~i.I! ~; F~ugim, .