Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

206 The Names of tbofe that were at the Conquejl. Tb• Names ofother Normans,wbich,<0'c. Pmnd Ju M<>njli,-,1 Hubtrt, Rob• .·Berrramle. Tort, USire deStuUt , U S~re de D('Tival, Lt Srrt dtBrtval, uSi·."'' S·'J<han, I Lt Sirt dtBru, t ~~~ ~~ If:::r~, 1 LtSiredt CaiUy, LeSiredeSemilly, Le Sire JeTiiJy, LtSirede RIJmeUy, · Mar .._deBafque.vil!e, LtS1rtdePreaulx, uSmd<G<>nu, I LeSi:t deSanceaulx, LeSsre deMoulloy, LeSirtdiMm&taulx, Ova and lxfidcs tbt grt"at number ofKnights and Efquires that were under than. In the fame Batl:d betwttn ~l;i~::;:~;,~r~~co~~t;1~:~~~;'r~":h::C.1Jr~:f~~~d~Kifi~tyH;~~~ oA:~~e ~h~;r~~;;;~~;r,~~~:~ were flain lix thoufand thlrtttn Mc:n, as it is to lx: found 111 the Chronicle of S.Pmr of Wefl,mfltr, bdides thofe that were drowned in the River of Thames. not~o~1f:~1~£3r:: :;;tflai~~=i~~~ttF~ a~~l:scrr/~~~tJ.~:~ ~~h~:~ot~~~lli:: dJc:mk:Jv(S, Then gave the Duke conuna.ndmc:nt) that the dead !hould lx: buric:d1 and thoCc that wnc lick comfortcd, ande:~.fcdthc:lx:fithatmigh~&c. Out of the Ancient Chronicles of ENG LAND , touching the Names of other Normans which feemed to remain alive after the Battel, and to be advanced in the Seigniories of this Land. ' r H.BJfit, R. Baj{tt, R..Mo/11, H.Malwile, G. BIJnet, P.deBonvJe, S.JeRin!ilt, N. de Nqrbul:, J . deCumtux, P.JeCorbtt, W.deMountagu1, S.JeMountfjelnt, J.Je Gmt'tl}lt, H.Gyff... J, J . dtSilJ, T.GilbarJ, R. Je Chaknt, I t. ';:;!~-:•md, Hug{)Ptp~trd, J . deHarucurt, H.Je Haunfard, ]otlfl.nmtm, l I ' I J',J,