Tbe Vfe andOrdinary of Sarum devifed.Vumercifulnefs to tbe poor plagueJ.W .Ru fus. 2oj I T.J<Conrluw, R. Brtaunu, T.de Broxebur[. S.JeBolebu, B.MolJeB«f> I1·J· M~I#, \ ::i'ff;;:;u, J.dtLtUt, I T.J,BrUilr, T.deWat~rvilt, G. JeNevtlt, R.dtNtuburgh, H.deBurgoynt, I G.JrBr.,gh, S. de Lymogtt, L.JeLyben, W. de H~'Joun, I H.JtHt.ldrtbr(ltl, R. dtlAgts, S.JeSamtlow, J.dtM!zubank, j ~: 'Je s;;j,!~I#W, I J.d<I.vurrrr, G. JeDabbevilt, JI.JeAppttor, W.Je Perry, ·~ %,·f.'J;.Z;, E. Traq, ~.JelaS.ottcbt, V.JeSomtr]> ~,..J. JeSamt John,