Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Anfelm appealet!J to Rome, a11dcomplai11eth to the Pope agai11j/ the J(i"g ofEngLmd. 2 rr addrc!Ted him row:ud his joumcr (all th~ other Bifho~ ing untO the King i11 the bd1~lf of Anfolm his Lew:rsand ~~~~:gr~1i:~ln~vf~;~;~n1~:~~l~:(~i1 ~~~:'~~c~!~h~ ~;~m~~;~r~~~. ~~i~c ~~~Pt~ ~;;~~1~;:r~0 r~:; ~r~~~ ~~~,;~~fl~vh~c ~!~~rr:U~r~~~~. ~~lf:of~~~~~:~~;~~ ~:1~~£\:/~;k.wa~v~~ ;,~i~i~~~~~~~~~:oro!o :~~ was willingaudabletopcrf~tc the flmetlm he did theKmgreputed_~he Popeslcttt"IS, ~n to~weary kn(')w. As tOr thcm 1 they nctthtr dur~ nor would fiand of his office, dclinng tlx P?pc that he might be dif:harg· againll the Kingthe_tr Lord>. whofe f.tvour they could tdthucof; bur_thc Pope lllllO _cafe would thereto connot Jack, for the ptnl that mtght haPJXn both to rhc~n- frnt, charging hun upon h_is obailmcc, that whercfocvn' ~~.;/t ~;~a ~:n~~:r =~~~d~~1d ~f::,~:;;ll~~~~~~~~~w~ ~~~~::~~~c~bi~~;t~~:~;:;Z~!~~ tt~h~~~~toa1;n~T:~~ ' him; thry wJl!cdhun to go forward ash~h:~dlxgu~ 1 ; gam (ud, htsobedJencchcnttt!Jcrdurft.norwouldrefit~, ~~~;~fc•by ::~~~ ~C:td ~~~~r~;~elhit~~~~~:~~>n~J~t~le:~,~~;(n~o'~~ ~~~~~ f0,~1so~~~ei~~:r~l~~tcl,~~~:rf)'~:r~~elrh~~~l~~ ~~~~or Dovtr fiftren d1ys mrryin~ for\ymd, at hit fptd hun ro- n? letS W?uld follow thereof. But \~ha_t fhould \\C 1hmk, ward his patfage, But hiS p3ekmg_ ~ing fccreily known faith he, 15 thereto be done, where Jtdhce not only taketh in the Court, theKing,sOlll«·r WzllzamWMiwafl,prc· no place, but is utterly opprelfcd? And ,\herras my :~~~ :Uls hh~~l~(·~:~'!, b~~~e~inftec~,n~:~ !ff~~~ d~~~f~ng, ':v~Pd~ori~;:~ t:h~ r~::ee; Napkin and Bofom, for_lcue~ and tOr Money, and fo W~ll. (faith the. Pope) astouchingthefc:matttrswc:fhall ~:~,t~matZon~~V~~~n~1~1~~1(~1~:;a;tk::: :~~~P~i ~!~~~~!h::'11d~~ ~~~~f~:t ~~~~~:etoan~ ~!~e~ b: i::~:ft, ~fit;"~r.~~~o~d:~~u~~~ ~:h3 ~r~~l~r ~~/~~h~ft\~;,;~~~~1 the: · prWht;n the time of the Council wa;; com_e, .Anfilm a~ ~;;;h~f;~1:h~~~~f:dc~;a!11~~~erwl:s~;~fu~~~~:,h 3f~erp~hc :J~~~Pt~~h~ili; ~~~r!~d~'~.~~·pt:c~;~~~~~~ei~;tug~~ d~ath of Urb( 111 , and a httle before !he delth of tl)t of the Popt, wtththefewords, IncluJamuJ hum m crbt;!1'~:r""' Km& fufn~op~;;:&::nh~~~t:: ~:;,;,~~-1~~ 1 ~v'Su~!flbrs r~f~~~=~~:;,, To t~e Lrd and revfrt~td Fa.htr Pafchalis, ~~~ee;f~~~:'~' :~~;~':tih~~~~~f~~~f~~~~~~~::~~\~~ H,ghBtjbop, Anfdmftrv,:mt of t_hc Clmrchof ln thisfaidC:.ouncilg.reat flirandmuch rcafoning thereO:neul Canterbury, o.ffiretb d11e fobje[Jum [ron1 hk was againll: the Gruiam, concc:ming the matter andordtt looQ,uo. heart, and praJtrJ, if t h£) cattjland in any ofprocecdingofthe HolyGholl. Whcn:lstobenotcd, jlead, Ex EpHt. 36. pau\o port initium. thatthe_GmkChu;chhathoflong timc_dill"cmcd. fiOm the Lotznt Church mmany andfundrypomts,to thcnum- ~~!§~t~~g~ ~-4~~~~~1~~ tr~r;;. :g;f[Jd"~1dW:T~~ ~:;~o~~~:~ci~~ a~,~~tFr~m~~~n~ Tfhcrtin the Gree~~~i~;~ dtffireth from the rhe Lvi~• 'o_r that l fhould_obeyhisDc:crtts.HcfuffercdJ~OtaCoun· : 0:cc~c~~ek~n~: hi:nR~I~hefc 0~r~in:fea~;~r~~:h )~k~ THr~~~r~l~t;J:n~~~e~:~fl,ec?h~:~h ~~l::h altmth < 1f l asked anr Cou:1fel, all my Suffragan Btllmps of his {0oJ f zmt txtra obt~ltntz_om Romon.e Ec~ltfi.e, pro eo e, "tiJI'' : ~~k~;~~~1u:~.g~frc~:h~;~ r~~~~~~r~~~~~fu~~i~fh~ !~~r:.cleg:u~~nff:;:;:zo~;';o/j;:::~tb~;~~/~:/~ ~;.~~~wr.~: : ~h~~ :ht~~~c~ 01~~hFm'~~ ~~e ~i~.:~~ ~~~vro~h~~ ;;~t~:t:~~',,,'::;:,:;~~~Q~:r;:,0~:~~neE:~~=~q;;,t:. < Apoll:olical, that I might theu: take counfd IOr my foul, bammt,ml!lttH tfl 'f.!Qiorn, &c. ~;~:~~{~~~~r.J:s?. 1~I~E~~~~g~1~~~ r£;.:b;;~~;~:~{;~~~E;~~:,:,!~~;:u:~~;;:ti In E•t'••i. : ~f~~~~;e~VI~:,:f!e'~h~~~~~~h;~~~kio~~~f7h~ &:e t'~J: ~~~~ ~::r~e~~ ~~~~e ~~!f?!~li:t~ch 0~ ~~E;;;~ ~~~I:~,:~~~~~;~:~{~~::~;:~,:::·~~!~J7:~~:q~ ~:~~:.~~~~;~~~:s~~!~;:,;:f~;:::::d:,~: ~~f .. =' ~·a~~~: ;n~~h~J~~~~a~~ ~~~~o~~~~r~~~::~~~~;· ~~f~~~~ ~~~~~~~~«fu,~('~~;lt~~~Y :~~ut~~ tl11~~ ne IOn ' Mear, Drink and Cloth. The King bein_g ""-and and rmu to be in error, :md to be excluded out of the Holy e<>nr.....,~th ' ddirrd of the Lord ?ope to am~nd thiS, c?'ttcmned Church. ~~ : ~~:.ra;~ea;~r~et):r'~i:~':~ ~~~~~~h~1:r~[u~~g/~:1, na!' /:.~:;:;;}://:: ~j;~h:t,;~~::,"f:t~r~ft/:'T~~~ <a~ more. Some mm., not mul_nO:andmg, dcntand why They hold the Euchari!l confccrated by the Church of ' l d.idnotexcommunicate theKmg. Butthewi(c:rfort, Ram~ nottobethcverybody ~fChrill. Alfowherethe 'and fu~h a~ have underfulnding, connfcl me that I do RtmJ{h Church doth confecrntc: munle.tvcncd bread, they 'nottlusthing; b«aufeitbc:longethnotuntomeOOthto conf«r.ltein bread leavened•. :;:~~P;~~\~~J~,k~'~; m~~rc%~1K~~g,1 ~~~tr~~~:~~·E~~ rhc5~v~;J;d-~7r; {~. t}~~ t&~.i~;,fb?;~fehth~~ ~~;~ 'commumcanon (ifit Jhould be done) would be laughed they JlJ\)\.Ud fJy, Let this Creature of God be baptif.. 'rofcornanddtfpifcd,&c, ed,&c. 6, Theyholdmoreover, to be no Purgatory, northac By t~.c(c hm abo\"(' p1dixcd, 3pfC:JTC'th ~w .Anfilm the Sulfr:zgcs of the" Church do ~v3il the dead, rither to the Archb:O:op, con1in~. wlfO Rcmt, madr Ius cvmpl~int !elfer. the: pain of them that be d_efhnate ro He!~ or toincrCJ(c loPope Urb1moftheKmg: and liOW the Po~ wntc-- theglor)'ofthem that btOfdilllflitofidvation. 7.Itml1