Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

An Earls raili11f!, A11jwer agai11jl a Bifhops Letier perfwa{ory unto C011Cord a11d obedie11ce. 2 1 5 : ~~~~f~~~ ?e~~c~~::ratJ~;h"f;n~ r~cd~\~,:; ':~a~c~~a~1r~1~~ i;:;!Jt~\~e~h~;;r:t~~~~: ~b~a;~ :~t:l;;~n~ l!a~'tU:~i~~c~J~n~~~lQ()~ ~~:~~ ' :~c~f ;~~h~.'%!h1~a;,'.rlr~~~do~~~ f:e\FO::~; :'if~k~7~ ; :;;i~h~ ~;hg;:~n~11 T~~;;n:~~ co~f:n:n,h~~ : bc~~Q~~pl~re~~a1r:1J~~.tS~~/o% J1f;k~; t ~;: ;;;:~:~• : ~~~~· :,~;~~!~d~~~%:~~~ c~~~~:1;h~~~c::~~~ : ;: ~~rr;,~~~h ~0h~~~d:ra~~~;~!t~o~~; ~:h:d~~ ; ~~:~~?? l~rhlf ~~je ~o~~:~t~ ~k~~~~e;;a;~~: : ft::tU:1f~r~~~:;1~ ;~~r~~~~ftMh~~r:Pic :~:: ~J~~!~m 'themidfiofrheG:ntmce,itlhouldlle(contrarytoJtfelf) eth,thatwelabour wuhaltour fiudyand endeavourtoChrift, < inconvenient and half dead. The ""ord o~ the Lord is < bt:ware of the enemies of the C:hurch, and them to hate ; ;;~!~~d:":. 'herein fulfilled, He that digg~th a pit for hiS neighbour 'not for that they be our encmtes, but. Gods. Further, < tbaU fall therein himfdf. Venly you can neither excufe ' where you perfwade peace to 1>1: had With all men, yo~ : }~~f ~e~~~~:~;~i~v~~ ll:~~i~:et:~!~=r f~~ ~~~ : ~~ ~~'Bu~rf~~~~~!~c~~~~ :~:np~~v~;;~; ~ft!~ : !~~~~~~~~t~~~ei~~~:~ ;~:~';.~ ~~~rbeva;;~~: : ~~~~~~oo~:'S:i=~~r~~l~~:::r~~e: :he: ~r:~;~: ~:J~~/11$han:,~d~ :;:ta~~~he0j~~:~~~ '~~~ ;.:': ~it~\~ ~~~eu;:J~ la~h ;:c~~ ~~:~ =~t.n 'execution, when as the guiltindS of off'cncc doth reqwre : h~ is the peace which. ~c of both on~; for he calleth ~:~~own: c:rdiff~~~:t~t y~~~~~cH~ct~ ~~;c:~~ < lTh~~~:Cf~ilif~t~~ tca~~:d~~r:~~ < tbould fpring in the Church, which lhould all. good evll, : not t~ knd pexe, but the Sword.What IS mcan_t by this? • and evi\300d., and that ~Id darkndS m place of Why IS pcacecalkd a (word? Ordoth pc_ace btd OO.nd_? : ~t~r~~~i~~~~~~t:!(S~l~~dt ';~ib~n~~~~~~ : ~cit~~~y~o;~:~\:::~:i!d ~~!,'\~?~ ~fE~~.: 0:~ ~~~ili~1n~:ut: ~~~,ta~~~a~: :~;a:~~ : ~~b~~~~~~,~~b~~~%~f~il~d~~~~re~~jf~ r~zi'u~ ?ir.O:~~ • !~d:~:r~~-F~i~ea~~er~2rem: :rd:~~t~~~: : !l:fc~~~efu,~:!J~a~~~ehh:r~ctt~fe~n!~ 0(oJ~~ d~~ ~;~~~c~~ hi!!«! to <and we do not reGft,yca we will forthwith d?~r homage. 'fend him, that he will not fuffer either arrow c:r dm of llo;bt. • • But l do mnve\ (if at the leaft thc:rc n:mam Ill you any ' truth tO pierce him. Nn·ertheldS our Lord bemg more • one drop of blood) that you arc not a!ham~ to call the •Hrongly armed, and_ fiercely coming upon your Gi:mt, is 'Lord Hmry King, or to allow him any_ordmary pbce. 'able to overcome htm and to take away his weapons, 'lstlllsa!l:cmlyorder(think you)togtv_e platctowick- ' whereinheputtethhistru!l. Wearenotthcrcforetobc ' edncfs, and tO make a general confufion m n:ixing good < blamed, if we do deteft that pca~e, more cruel than any ~~!;;:';~~'and evi\,Gods and mans devic(S togetha? ~tther_do you :war, the which the~ruth it fdfd~d r~prove weepi_ng over ~k;~~ : :!~ :~d~a=f~~ ~~ticW~e~J~~feT~o~n ~~rf~ : l~rf!~~;:_·i~:~;::~~ti~n;l,~ ~~~cl~~~ ;:,~~vt:~~~ ""'~ w;ru < a common h_ul~, a nufchief not heard of at any ome the Pfalrm(l was offctlded. Where:JS Y?u condemn Pope :;::n : ~~;~~v~~ls~~:n~~ ~J~~~~~~ bc~o;~~~~~ ~[t~o ~~ : ~~~~1~t ~~~ ~:;{~f-!::~n~~~~~aJ~~~ ;~~~;';:gu~ • f~nd the widow5, efpedally fuch as requi~ eq_uiry of JU- • tic your Lord, lxcaufe he dorh over-hv_e th~m ; 1t doth 'fiice, andthtnthemtofend a\vay mofi filtht!yd~hled? 1 pla.inlytforfooth_)apptar,thatyourcmam_votdofallfpi- < M:ld Oreftn dot~ proccft him to be: out of his wtt rh~t • ritual confideraoon. Is it not betta eo dte well, than to : :h~1 ~~6nt~~:b;~~ti~bc:na%~~~d~re~;ul;c;defccr~;1! ; ~;!~!3cla:. ~~Yt~:Pf:U~:}!~~ti~~~ 'but your King given up to a reprobate fenfe, bath unco- 'Nn-o, HtroJ, an9 Pi/at happy, in that they over-li\·cd : ~~ 1 !IT tt:&ft~~~~Wee~ill~~~~~~~~: ;h&,; : ~~t~~~i~~:f~m~~~J~i~~~= ~~r~i,;~~~ : c~~~h:m~~i~~~ Jh~~f~ ~n-~;h~~ : ~:~~~~r~~~~~-~~la:~~~ tr::ru~ ~~~n~~~~~f 'MurdciS, and fuch like, the number whereof he knowcth, • them, which Ceeing the end of the juft to be glorious : ~:ft 11~~i;~~; ~~; ~l~~ro~ ~~: o~!~,:~~~~r:i~~ : t:ht~:~~;~o~r~~~~s;:)ufh~~ir!~~-rn:r:l~,th~~t!~~ !:~~rf~~ 1 tmc a11d not fain«! thing;; : Hearken 1 fay, to mac- 'fcn:netitn(S we had it.l daifion a1ld ~au~hcd to Ccom; we well. < re~ of t:II~Jeft, _and to no trtfles. Every one that doth fell < ben~g out of our wtts thought thetr ltves madndS, and 'fptritnal d1gnitt~ is _an Hmtick. But the_ Lord Hmry, 'the1r end to be without hon~ur. Behold how dxy_be a!- <whom_ they call a Kmg, doth fdl both B1lh?prick_s and ' !?wed tO be amongfi the Ch1ldren of God,and rhe1r JX>r- • Abbact(S > for truly he foW for money the Bdhoprtck of ' non is amongfi the Sa:ints. Wherefore we have erred from : ~illfo;ri~~se;b~~Z'fo~: ~:g~~~~td~~;a~;Z;;~h:~~ : ~~~t;~eo~;~t~~."~~~d~di~:~~~d~~:~f~~~~~r~~~~ :;:: ~~ fi1~;;0~o~~~~~old i~f{~~;rf~k ~f ;;~::~ : ~{[ 0~~~~~h~:;~:~~ a0~d~~~hTti~~~~: ,~~ ~:.: 'wi!:kedne!S it is tofpeak or hear of fuch~ fad:.Thewhich • h~ve rcgiftred up imo pt'fpd~l memory, and we do de- : :;ry~h:i!~~~auofH!~;i~,!e1ttrrh.~ [~(2~~:~e~; :~{G~r! :~~!~~h~~~~~!W~\~~~~r~~;u~~ ' filly p:xlf 1d1ots that come from the Smiths forg~.Whcre-- ~t to fhame and rebuked, ~'<:2 and finally be Jhin and : ~~~k~ 1\~:lheHITx~:'m~:~~= int; ~~~S:C~~ : ~:!~~~t;~~~ ~~~;~~~:~~ce"f: :r 0fu%:d~i~11~ A:r.ul, bGt < \ick,fothatbe may llOte~cifeeithcrKingdom or pow- 'ofwhom rou(asabc:ard1dSboy1and of~]\ knowl~ ~:is. :~~cl~~:!ic~~~~~~.A;:;~:St6a~=~~ :~n:=~~;~:Ccrv~v~~d~~~ 'po(enottohareanyofafftdion,butofagcxl.lylt:~l. :~t~!~~t~~~~~a~~B~crl,~~~O:~ ~~~J~; wl:~~~g=nma~~~~n:1~( ~~~~;: :;,~~ rcputtd for an 'Ethmck :'.nd Pubhcan, m that he refufcd da:lareth hun to be fo (umptuOUi and exc~ve m pom- ' ~t~~ro~':1?o:~~e:~~rh~~r~fG~\~ia~:truf~J!: ~ ~Faf~rh;:i!~e ~i~~~~~~~~;:dflill1~;, r:r:f : faying Wltl\ the P[t~lmiftl LOid lhal1 uot 1 hate them tha~ a p;W to be bought,of a mark ; whereupon his ?x':