Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

216 P<rjury puuifhed. The tr~uhlefome Reign of/(. Scephen. Cruelty of Scots. Further,_ he lamenteth the rafh giving of Bend1c~ to ~ccor~in~y, went not quit without puniflm1cnt. Jn the ~~~~ ~~~ ~~KS:~~~b~~~1o?lf~~~n~~ }~~~d~~~~;~~~re~~~fi:~ ~;es!~~~~~r;~ \v~~~~~~~~;,u:~~cdh~rQ~~f:'·t!:~o~ or clfe for hope of fome g:un, whtteof fprmgeth thJS grt:lt grrat doer Ill the Coron:ltLon of Sttphm, was apprehend- ~~~:~: ot ign~ft~~,~~;~t~ec~~~:~. in Prdats, how _they waftc and :i~~~~~e Kimg, and mifc:rably, but jufily, cxtcr- ~~~urcb ~~~~k~~~~~~:r~ttl~~~~~(~l~i~~u~~~~l\tifu~~r ~~~ mo~e,c~~j1}a~~it~~~/J<f~t' ~~~h~~a~~~i:;i:a~~~= 1~~~;:~. be f~ltonthcpoor. i1~di\'CIS quarters kecf,ing thcJr holds an~cafildllgainfiTbe"i(Q;, ~!~~: rhr~~~~~~~:~~~ftf~~~~ ~~~; o7 r~~~~~hh(c::a~~; ~;~~·, ~~~Ju ~~~;o~;~Dr:bo~:~d ~~~~~~t ~:~O!fo 0~j~{~~::;~r ~!~~ttce ~~etl~ldc~~~~cit ~~d~~~!oh~f~:Sn:~ ~~n~~c~;~ ~ ~~ r~~d~~~~t[C:·m~:a~~h!1 ~?:1:ffl~y0:~1~a~gt~~ ?~~~' found: Which lhould ben:fcrvedand keptmaliUtthc- Bzlhop. Whzch Cafilc: ~mg gzva~ up, the Kingtook~t~ dra!GhurchtS. . . . . . th~fpoylthcreof. Thchkc: alfohedtduntothe Bi!hop ofqc.:lr.o. 111'c~ /tem,thatrrunyPrdatesbcfocoldmdomgtl1etrduttes. Lm:aln, named Alexander; wh?m ill like manner he ~~~J ~~c;e&!Jdi~i~~· p~f~~~11b~e~~de:~1~~~:~tS~r~~ ~~;,a :Jpeoodo r~~~~n~:li~~:h~:~~~~Ca~~~~ :rasc~f~~~ ~:~~Qde ~~~~~;:;:,~~t:~'l~;t~~~~~~i~J~:~~~~:\2~ would hang their Lord before the gate. long it ~vas~ ~•7d.l• ~:tr~:~tt~1~FJ~h~~fu~l ~ ;;;a:rr~~~~~f ~:~i: ~~:U~~~: old ut~, w 1om 1 cannot lind,. refmeth a gr~t caufe of~~~~ ~~;~:k~~~~~:h:t~~~~O:~rc~~ both dei\Jeth fo nuny,and :i~h ~i:~~rk;~;~ fv~10 ~~r:m~:;;1ys;ft:X~/d~~~f ~r'"1~~t lib~~~~~. ~~r ~~~h~~ ~;~~~~?r!~/ ~r';~:{:£~~~: ~~~~~~~;~~;d :7:cer ~~U:~f~h:Ji.~~~ t~~r~iJ~fJ[~~ ou1h1~rtl began hrfi with rh_e Priet\s; (o now ltke~i(e in tl1e Oath, :md Swore, d~at he was prefcnt a ht~le before the ~~f.,~ ptt~gingandcomChng of all forts of me_n, tir~ the Pur- K~ngsdca.t~ when Kmg f!mrJadmiuedfor htsheir(to be: Pnrlh. ganon onghtto begin with. thefe, accor~hng :tS lt is. writ- K_mg after !urn) Sttr.hmlus Nep~c:w. fcr fo much as Ma1ul ten by the Prophet Ez.ah~el ; begin hrH with the San- h1s dauglmr had <hfcommud bun. Whereunto the Arch~ Clu:rry, &<:-. bilhcpwiththeother Lords, gavetoohaHycredalcc, But £f;~~: Fr~~;~~~~· ,~h~~et~~~~ \~h~ :.~~~d~~~;if!r ~~(t~ ::re~bfyhinf~i~o~ri:~:.rE~~~~;~~;~,A~bci~~~~~: ~ •• ,~~{~. ~~·:~~~fr~tb~ 1~';;.0~·~j1~~~~~~~~gv~;r~he~~~~d~~ ;~·i: o7Jkn;: B~~-;rotf~n;h~ft;~,hta•~Jo~~~~P:e~att~ .-ftu the Kmg of PDrtugal hath been fequefired _from hisDomi- by Jtis fetting on, whtch HtNTJ w:tS brother wuo King nio~. by the Authority of the Church, bemg thought not Suphm, &c. fi.tltiClalt to Govcm: What thct~ ough~ ~ (aid to that K ing Stcpbtn. Prelate wh? abufcth other mens \V1ves, V:trgms, and Nuns, hi~':h:l~~~g~o~;~n;bl~and infuffiCJent to take upon r~~~;~~reK:~~:;~h:h~~;~~ ~~Ota~~n~~ {~~n:;.} Tl~rKn!~tt Abouttheyca.r of our Lord, 1128, -the Orders of the h1m the Crown (as is above 61d) heSworcbcforethe ~~~ond Knights of the Rhodes, called Johannirs, al(o the Order Lords ar Oxfo:J, that he would not hold ~he Bc:nctlccs ;~~;. ~JJ7!.~~:,~~~~~·;;;~:h~:~ ~;u;~ri~~~ ~~~~~ ;~~~~i, 2::~::::tJ~~~: '~;~~i~~~:~io!c£?~ ""' ••· fKOOWL wt~hhtsPrcdccdforsbeforehtm, thatateverymutan01tof rheEmprcfs, he gave ltcrnce to his Lords, everyone to#- IIC\'t' Popes., came new pcrturbations, n~cr buiJd u_pon his OWll gr~und fir~ng q:tfilcs or Fortrdfes, as ~:~t!'fnof :1 Pope wasEieded, but fomc other wasfet up agamll ~un them liked. All the tlf':le of h1s ~c1gn he was vexed with E.~''""' (fom~timcsmo, (ometit!lcsthree P.opestogether) fohke- V~ars, but e(pccial!y With Dav,J, King of the Scon, wife Jt hapned wah rhts lnmcmtiUs ; for after he tvas \~lth ~vhom he W:tS at length accorded : Bur yet the Scot~ choftn, the R.omr.ns Ekded another Pope, nlmed An~ tifl' Ktng did him no Honugc, becau(e he was Sworn to flurUburly clmu. Bctwi~ theft two Popes, ther~ was much ado., Ma11d th~ Empre~. N?rwithfianding.,yC: HmrJ rhe Eldefi IM:tn cm and grc::tt. ~onflicts. through the po.rt:lkm.g of Rogeriu1 1 Son to Kmg Da_vul, d1d Homage to Kmg Suphm. But T~mtltJ · ···~ :~~·~:!~EJ:;~7:~~f:";~:~~:?1~~ ~~~::~~~~=~~~2~E:£~~~t~~!?:~.::: dm Kit!g I-!'!'? was one of thegrca.t hc~ps inltttmg up were Wlt~ch!ld they ~pt, thec~11dren theytofiupon their and m:untalllUlg this Pope lmMcmtius agamfi Anaclews : Spears pon\ts, and bymg the Pnefis upon the Altus, they Cish«rnmfiJ. _ mangled and cut thtm all to pieces, after a mofi tmible ~ii£ w:O/:~id~;ikeo~he~ri~~i~~\;~~~,p~gdfu:~th;: &:~d~ !~~~r~~~:=n~fo}~h!"JJtA~!~ 11•1~r~ro lhou\dbeE:xcommunicated, andnotbc:abfolv«<, but only ofTork, theywac:mct withal, and !lain a great number ~~~~e wy of the Pope himfelf. . of them~ and Davit/ their King confir:tined to give to t~:~''h Of ~:ul!d,ti:~;~~ d~~~ ~=} :~::fjn~~;~;,~:eJ,!·ea~ :~;:~;~ ~~ep~~~~~~:{i_~~f:~t~n~:a~ { ~~~ } ~~~eb~ay:a~~~a~t?uJ;~~~ ~:~~~~gfror:!~~i~~h ~,kc;: ~jeg:;::k~~~~~~~~o~e~i:~1d ~~~~red~ ~;~e~h~v~rt; . ~~~~ntt~~~ ';:::~~~~d~~~t~~ ~~I~fu~ t':f~:?~ ~:~~h~~~:::~h:ue~: }:;;;:_to mthfiand the Em~ :fari/J~o rru!~~t~~is~~ur=~~= ~~~ ~~~r:~ al:e7n:orh~~~~J~~~~Dr~;~J· ~~;l b~et!~e:~H~~a4o:,} and'Nobilityofthe Rcalmwc~e Swcm. But, contrnry Robtrt, Eari~Gio~tjltr1 andRanui;hofChtjltr, made:~~· !~~t;fo~t~ffi~~~:A;~hhi~~ ~r'~~~~~r0L;~:r ~:d ~~~: :; ~~,~:~~rz;;hlml:W~~C:;;~c:;.~~ :i.;; thc:Noblcsofthe Realm, Crot•med.Suphm~r! of.&- frnttoBriftaw, thcretobckept_infurehold. Thefime,._ ~f;~~ ~J:!;%~C::~~~~ ~~7.f,~1~;{hb~fo~ ~~n~~;~~P;~;; ~~~ :!;~i~~~1d~~fr~:~,~t~O::in~~~~;!·h~t t~:~l!~~ after dyed, being, as it was thought, jufily ~mifh~ at the ~atS (which rhc:n the Bifhop of Lim:oln (aid btfon: f1 r.~: ~ his Perjurr. Aud many Other Lords, which did the King) as he wmt to offer up his Taper, it brak:W~