Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Tbe death of !Ci11g Stephen. Cmelty of tbe Scots. An Heir Apparent. 2 2 7 !~~~e p;~eesi{i1~1xl~~n h~~ee M~l \~:~i~de~' t~:t ;~: terk!J.hC:i~~";crT~1~~~te~~~:;: ~:~~:~JP~fu7:;~ ~!:':t _ whcn·by tbc Pixdid hang,did break, and tht: P1x Id! down ~vlu~h was ~\led~· WiO,tm. of Ycrk, who was poy(oned r.. 1. uPAfr~e ~J~fidd, the Q!!t:cn, King Sup.btns wifr, (lyi;tg 111 ~1111~ t~!a~;~eb~f~~isC~i%~:u~~ about the fu.:tttnth year ~~~~i~~l K~~11a~~adr~f~i~J~~~v~~~~t~tf~J~~~d(~~~ tg~~.~e~~:·P~~~b;[t ~~J~~~~~~~~~"~jZ:: _3~ houfe of Religion, btit could not obtain lt. Alfo the u~ the wh~eh ~unc1 l tirll began new found Appdlan01l! Jotursmade great Suit to thefaid EmprdS, rohaveand. from Councils t~the Pope, foundout_byHmr;, Bifhop €~~~ii$!@~~~~~~~~~~ ~~·Sui>- 10 Oxford. Btlt then the Ketstifl,..mtf! and Lcnd(J11us, England, 11/i Henry BtjiJopu[ Wmc~efter, bt_mg tbm the 1 '· t.J.king rhe Kings part, joyned battcl agamn the En:rrdS; l'opts Ltgatt, bnught !htm crutlly m, to hu own kurr. ~i~I~~;~1~~~r~i~~~ upon the occalio1~ whcrcof, the Emprefs _lxthtnktng her opimon ot the S~cramtnt, that the only hm1htudc of bread ~;:::~~ , ~~~f;it~~~~~:d a;:dtlfo 1~ffu~:~~: bayn~ ~;~~~~~~0::~1~~e~~~: :1~1~ t~i~1eca~~~~h~1t~r~~\11~;~~:~;~£:;~ce off :~:~~~fi; Chn~i<•, upon rh~ ke O\·er Thamu, and fo ~:capcd tO Walmgford. And thcufore no marvel 1f the Sun m thofe days were fecn After thLs, the King (the Cafik hem~ gottcn) when he biJck and dim. L~~~ tli~tc:!~~~t;~r~~ d~~!~~~~~s~1f):~f~~~~~:~;~~:nl~ Scl:~~~,:\fo~~~~.: ~ats ~h~r~~~~o;;t,~~~ t~v;,~~% ~[;,~~~:;::.eo: i purfued the EmFrcfs a1)d ht:r Com_pany fo hard, that he named. caufed them to fly the Realm, whiCh was the lixth yeJr In the (~me time and Reign of the _Uid King Suphm ll•g• d• :;~!,~~:::J g::, ~;~; :~~:;~,:~~~ ~~; ,~'~r;~'J.~~ :~~£~~:!~:r.~i;.~~:~::·,r;,;;;h)~:~:.~~,d1~"~:~~ iF~;;: the \\luch all th~ B1fhops of the Realm re-forte?, a1~d there The A_uthor of the HLflory, called 'Jornalenfi;, n:mketh d~nouncrd the Kmg :tl'Curfc-d, and all them ~lth hun lhat alfo mentiOn of !'Jrld~gare the Nun and Prophe_tHS m AI- Hili•t4rr, did any hurt to _the Church, or to any Mmifler thereof. man]> to hav_e hveJ m the fame age. Con:t:rmng whofe \ V~mu!'(ln the Ku~g bcF,an fomewhat to amend his con- Pro~hefte agamfl the F r~·ers, hcr1:3.fter (by the Gr_ace of dutons for a certaLU fp3ce: but afu:rward (as my fiory Chnfi) more fiLall be fa1d, when we come to r«:1U: the ~~~J~=tt:g~~ ~i~~~Jffit>;. the _p.ulfancc ot Kmg Suphm a long tl~nc, en'%& hiS hfe, ''k· 7• Cmtmuator Hmr. Hunt , ']01"71almjh m 'VIta Sttpb. la.vmg Hn117 h_is Son to fuccttd him m th:lt Dukedom. N~eol. Tmm, &c. !JJthemeanwhJlc, RobtrtEarlof Gloce.fhr, andtheE:lrl lnthed:li(Sa]foofthisKing, and by him, wasbuildcd of Chtjftr, wh~ were fuong of (XOple, had divers Conflicts t~c Ablxy of FM!crjl111m, wh«e his_ Son ~nd he were buwith the: Kiug, mfomuch that at a battel at Wilrm bctwttn lied. He bttii<!ed the Monafiery of Fmtrnw and of Fomi~ them the_ King was well near taken, but yet cfcapcd with tance, the Ca.iile of WaUingford, with a numbct of other much ~m. Caftlcs more. ~7-~~ ~~:~~~~~:~;~,~~::~:;,b~:~~~~!J:~::~£~~,~~: ~:~"g,:~:·~~;,:rt~:b~:rf:1:;l~~g~d ~¥: rht faLd 1-ftnr], D_uke of Norm~ndJ1 (Ill the_quarrd of Ius Mud_1 about the:: fam~ tunc, c:~me up the Order of the~;:;;~.~ ~=~~~~~ ~1~r~~rt~~i'r~~;~:~1 ~~r~~fue~~~n~~;~~b~:~~ ~h~;;;:~ ~~:::~~;~;~,~~ne Gtlbtrt, Son to J ~colint a Knight of :~~:1~/i J 7" ower of Lmdim, and afterward rh~ Town of :f~!otting- Me1~tion bath. been .made b1or~ of certain Enulifh ham, with other Holds and Caftles, a~ of Wa~mgford, Councils holden m tbe ume of thiS Kmg,whae it o,vas"' (in and other more. Thus between him and the Kmg were one of them under '!hrobnld the Archbi(hop of Canterfou&~tt many OO.ttels, to the great :um~yance of the Reahn. bury) decreed th_at B1£hops fho~ld live more difcreetly ; Dunng which !ime, &flact the ~mgs Son deparrcth. (ho~tld teach thm Flock more diligently ) that rta.ding of -n..~.u Upo_n the occahon whereof, the ~mg cau(cd. Th~obald Scnptu~es Qtould be frequented more ufually in Abbeys ; - A«bl>t!Mp (Whic~ fuccccded next after WiUtam abo\·e ment1oncd) that Pndls fhould not be Rulers of worldly ITLltters; and TM Ltrli, ~£~:· ~;e:·~~~i~ ~;~~~i;~!di~~~b;~C: t:\1~: ~~~~ ~~~:~':~YE~X ::tm:;~d tQch the Lcrds Pra1 rr and ~J,;i!~ ~;:,:' Kt: d~tdcd, that Stepbw, durmg IlLS hfe time, fl1ould hol~ the Ma_uh. P ilrt.~fis wntcth how Sttphm King cf Eng- t4·~--~ ..' ~~~·,:~ ~~;~~;~~:dii~~h( ~hic~~~~~i:11t~T~~~0: r;:=;~~~ !h~~t~~~~fiO:Yrn;sf~r;,~:t~j~t~:~ a~~J ~~~~~~;p~~: ft-,!J~ Thefc d_ungs thtiS condudc:J, Duke Henrl t.J.kcth hLS lates, i n t_hey~r,I I 33· ~~~.:I• J ),~;~bX_,~~f~t ~7::ts(~~~~ ~~Jf:r~;,~: t:~~~ do ~~e~~~~hi~~~~~~~inr 1:;t~7'rh:h~~~~~r;~~~~ ~~1:~1tci,l~~~to/;cw~J:d!~~ ~;~'::;·b~~~u~ a{~~·r:~~ :a~~:1a;i:~~~1~~~~:;:~~~u~f~ece!for > had not BtrE;f;~h ~~~r~{~l~~ ~ft~f~~~h~t~~:o;~~\: r~:~t:lf~~e~~;r;:~ no~t~l~a~t~1~~~dr.21~~~~~~~~~ ili~1~u~c~~~~~~ ei,~bLt. Jtlrcdly. !~~~~~~f~{,~~:f~c~~~~~'~;,:~;!'~e; ~~~~er CeleftiAj[; ~!;1;~4 3