2 30 The Emperor Fredrick Barbaro!fa and Pope Adrian at hot dif{ention. aft~. The Pope undttfianding the intent vfthe EmjXIQf, t() work their crmceivtd imtnr of iniquitJ here in our ~0(~ ~~(~~r~:r~ t~;s~ ~~~~~ f~~t~~~~l ~~~~~r~~;k~:~g 7t:~t;:~h:()[t;J~;~fl:lt:;,,zt 1~::1~ a::~~',Z:te~i his OCOI.Iion by the Btfhop fli Laodiua (lxing then detain- Jm Croffis, &c. To the tntmt thm avarJCt~us meaning ~;~ru!:Yhf:~u~~:d r;! ~io~v}~;b;;,~~:~::d~~~~~ P;~~!;;~',;_o£;r:r~~t:[a_~;~;;fb;;;;;;.' ~~;:,,_';:; !':::~~~· ~a.inful._ Wherein the firfl.falu_tation by his Lt{!tltes was this fw_ng our Rctgn and Emptr~ ftandah upon r_hc Elcfhrm of ~:ft'.~n~n~ ••_ttu...i- m _Latmc, Salutat vtJI bearijfim111 patu nojhr Papa, & Prmcufrom God al!mc,who ~n the paj]i(J11of hu S~ fubJucd pnw. :l·;r,;~ ::1;1~~r~BJ:k~iFa7hc~1:h:1~ro%:/ct";~::: ani~h: ~~~a;:~~t:::p~r:7h/~~~t'~:rf[/:~:::::j7/e~':J; ~~~ 0 ... ~. ,. ~~~·~r;~<;~~;.h%.~rtl;:;;:.~;·:l~~;~ ~.,ro;:; F~~~{J ;~:'t;;;·~:t;;:;~;~,"~~~;~~1:~J;~;:o';::z;[, }:;~; :::'· !!;E~!'!f :d;:;:1hr;~r~:a~u~:!.J11~~~~~~~~0h~~r~ ~~ft, if,t;~r'7'lo;e:~~ c;;!':!y"!::h~~:i:o;,Jrn~~c!if Prkl. ~b~i~~~~!v:1!~~~~fh~a~~d~~~~·'rohe ;r:~~~~~;hn~f ~~r;J! ~0 ;;;;. Doc1rme of Peter) and alfo jluJI bt re- ~~H~~~~~~~;&~~:.~~u;~ ~~~:i~~~~~~I~JI ~~~~~: anJ:'t;~;s :;: Jt:!:j::~~;~t !?~t::~t::::}:i~ ces, paaivmg whmunto the Pope by hiS ~gates ~iJ hanJ~ndfrom~belckt_ifthtE~y~~ns, nndromaintain !hoot (being a Pril~e ofcourage) could not abJdc fuch Ill· rh~ rrght ofrbm itbmm m1d dr~nlllts, _we defin JON nil tollerabJe prefumpt10n of a proud meffage,whereuponmuch w~thy~ur compa.ffion tc lament ':"uh us rhu Jlandtrous igno-- contention fdl betw«n the Ug:ue~ and the Princes. A_nd 'flill_nJ mftrred t_ous an? u1r KmgJom, trujfmg that J(lttr of whom that, fay the Legates, tcCC:I_Veth Ccfnr_ the Empue, fal!hful g~d w1ll~ wh:ch bath bun Mlrr tru.fty to tht H~ if he take it not of the Pope? Wuh the wh1chword the no.:~ of tbts E11_1pt~l (ntvrr Jt~ ~lttmjl1~d from tht firft ~~;:r~~;~~ the: ~~tl~~~~~~~'~:yt~~~nl~a~a~~~~ ;;~~~~~"fe!'t~~~;¥:o=;t :{:%:a;; :;;~t;~:,t~~:::. ll'iolcnccagamlt the- Ltgatcs. But the Emperor, not pt-rn:ut· ptl#lus pr1dt offucb. Wh_~eh t-bmg ~Mbtr than it (bouiJ ti.ng that, commanded the Ugates away,fir:tiglnly ch:rrg.mg ccme.tc pafs, hurw ;cu tbu fer ttrtam; I bad rather;,.. them to mak~ no nun by the way, to any pcr{011 .0: per· ''~".the danger cf death, than Juffer Jucb confufim to hapfOJts., but Hra•J;;ht todepa~ home. And he, rocertJhc t~e pm m~urdays. whole !late ot the Emp1re of the truth of the matter, d1· TillS L~tter of Cejar fretted the Pope not a litt le, who rcd:eth forth thcfe letters that follow. wrote agam t? ~he B1rhops of GermPnJ.' accufmg the Em. The Tenor of the Emperors Letter Cent thro ugh ~~J; 3~h~~~f~Yc~:=i~\~~·~~~~~\~n~~~~~~:~~ all h l5 Empi re. fubrr~nti.ng _themfclvcs, and p:t excufing ~he Empcror,anJ blammg h1m rather ; and exhorted lum henceforth to F ~'Jl~";t ';n:,!:{:r~::e::e:;~~~(~!~j{;;b .:~d~~n:-:t:.~i~1~~~~ihe:l~f~~~:cd:e :;:~:: c~mmmttl tc 111, h•s IUiointtd, thts cur rtgtmtnt and ochcrwi(e that he could not prevail. · Empire tc"btg(l'l)mud, a11d tht prttctcfhis Cbt~rchts bj our Much trouble had good Frcdtritus with this Pope; but Imptri~l Arms tc b_e[r(lttUed; wt cannot but la'!'wt and muc~1 more with th~ other that follow«f. For this Pope: ::; ;;; ;:t;;;:':bef'o:t~~;{;{c:~~%·!y::U;l;i,l%~ ':J 1:t~~~~~ot \'~~~~h~: J:':ofe1~~~~':d~~~ ~! frEhcncJ. pejf~fmms _tcrruptton thus re rife frm~ rht h~ly Hcrrnuts by OJ~e Wiflta~ one~ Duke of Aq•titania, and Thtord"" ch;;!~afo;~:z:,:{~:~:~;lfoJ~:~~ a;'t;;:;;J~[Y:; ~~:~';~~~J,r~;· 3 ~: ~1J:d~::v~7~n~rw~~~~a~ of:r:::~~ '!i;_~t~/ifd~ .t ~::;::u;;~ fob~[~ ::~'f/:~{::·,o~t ~~[.~~~:~nh~~::,t)aJ~~(olC~~~~=~~~7 :::~ j~ ~~! { 11 sg.} if;:~:~:~i?u:;.;;:,a;nidr~:7;;:/,;;f:;e~~J;~fw~;;;:r~ ~t:ec:ife~b~~s~~~dr ~~:~~cl~~ ~;:r,; ~~~~ ~~:~; ;nbd~~;! !;,~;b':Jr~~ ~~!r~h:s:~t:c;::£ ';~b~/ffJj;; Q~t~:~:: ~~~~~;~::hbu~:~crb~~~~;, t!~~oist~~~~e;h~i ~~ 1:/t~;~':jg~:;:::~:}::e,'b;{d~=;~~ ~/;z:;,c j:a'IJ dJdA~~r,~~~~~~;~Jrian was bad cnoug~1, yet came the rf~· commodstj cf ~ur honour and E~p1rt. . 11ext much wor!C) on~ .Aitxandtr the thud of that name; 11.#••1•• Wbotbm., tbtfirftJ':l cf tbm ctmJ111g, bting Jn:cught_rc W!lO y~t wis n?t eltd al~1e; for_ bdid~ him the Emperor ~~PotC our ptfence, _and remv_ed of us ( ~~ tbt mamrrr u) wstb ":•th mn~ CardUlals (albm Sabell:cm fa1thbut witJ! thrtt) .Atu•J, ':r:;b//;;t;.gtyTt:e;{:;~';;t i~ift;:;:: rif~~;::;~ ~;:~lt t!ie~~~~~S;rs~;:~f:t ~~;a~~~e :::~·ircoP;d, tbc d>kd. and_longcontmued. lnfomuchthattheEmptror, being reqmrttl to ~ke up the matter; fent for them both t? a~ pear before h1m, that in h~ring them bot:h he might 1ud~e their eau(~ the bet ea-. Vsflor came, but Alt:candrr ( dif. that cur S(l'l)treign Lord the Pcpt gavt us tbt Imperial daining that his matter fhould come in controverfic) rcfu· ~:O:::eJ;::,~;a~~eft:sha":~;:ep;::JimJ,~ t%s W:a::~ ~~/~ri~rsriho~~:Cb~;h:!~~~:· ~:;[~~;n; e.Jftfl_ cftbatfofwutandFPtbtrlyl(,atWn, '»!bicbfho-!d.. riticdthc~lcCtionofYiflqrtofumd, andfo brou~ht him ;h::/![!;;:}e:~~;{:~b~t;;~t ;1:v:.bt Emptre, to s1m~e ~~~~~h~~~~a~~~e :~!-ed~~::~~~;~f~~ingtisT~;;;:; ~~~~ .At the btarmx if tbrs fo falfo, rmtrut, and mofl vam to all Chrifiendomagainfi them,as men to be avoydcd and iDI~· ;;/;~1;;t:,:;:!f.!J~:;r;~:~'-:::}oo;7,tfet /r'!'!::s ~~:,~rb! 1 ~~:3t~~m~~~:;~Y ~~c~~~ ~~.::fsmr!~: (thtrt prtfon_r) Wlrlm(J'I)ed wsrh fucb anger ~ndragt grcatdl put of the City, both t6the favounngof him~ ~~~r~:~~~ :!/b:!;r{~'J~h;;;rz;:/5/frc;' ~ife",:;~hj ~1~.to t~~t~tt~J~up~r~:d;o~:~~\~~/~,~:,r:~ Prirlls, er tlfo wculJ have prOcuJed 'With Jmttnct cf Sml, and from thence to Romt, was there TCCC:J.\"rd with Jtatbngainjftbtm. much favour, through rhe help of Pbilip the Frttub (p:r~~=:·~~t:~;f:p:,ft;e;;;;J,!/; ,%;;(,;,.,;;:; Kll!f~ Emperor, h~riug this rebellion :u¥1 wnfpira<;J {Aooo} Ltttm to bt writttn accorJmg as tbq ~sJJ tbmlr. g()(),/ to in Rcmt, removed wi~h great power into 1Jp./y, wha~ ufttbt ChHrfbtJofO~rmany) wm [OMnJi~~ tlmt~,w_lxuby he had ddboycd divm ~ttit Citles. Coming at - · -- · - · · lengtb