Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

The Emperor in fear of the Pope, abfo!ved and reconciled. 2 3 I length to &me, he rcquir_cd the Citi"Ztns that the oufc ·E.mpcror, they would not fmd him. Whereup:m Frtdt-- ~twixt the two Popes mtght be da:ided, .and that he r1m1 ~he Empc:ro~ fem thither his Son Otbo, with men fo't ~~~O:~fir~;~ra~~h~t ra:~i~h ~~~~zk~fi! :;~~~~11 f:r::1 ~~~~~~~·g~rfk1~=~%a~ a;:;~~~~ thtmlxfore. Aftxii11Jrrmillrufhng hiSp.utanddoubt· thandra.unfpcrl(JOyningwithdJcVtmtiam) was ovcring the wills of the Citiun! (having S~ips m.dy pttpaRd come ; and fo taken, was brought into the City. Hmby forhim, from Wil/iamDukeof Ap11l1a) fetchtacourft thePopctookno finalloccaliontowOikhisfeats. about to Vmict. The Father, to hdp the captivity and mifery of his Son, To declare here the dilfeunce in Hifiories, betwtth Was compelled to fubmit himfclf to the Pope, and to inBlontlus, s~bellicus, and the Ve11ttia11 Chron.idm, wi~h treat for ptace, So the Empct?r coming to V mice (at ~~~:r~it~; ili];c~~~"9o~~~~~~~~%~ ~~e~h~:~: ~~b~~~l~~~~h~aswlb7J :~elu~::; ;~~het~~ Ytn~et1 e.lld required to be fcntofthcVtnuumr to the feet, ~;!',~!. Ncl~cc&~tX:t~~r;:;u:-~~ZJ- ~~~~~~~~~&1;m~f~~:~it~0 ~hl= Tl>t.,. tum nmlnJabu~ & tQnndtUi.s Ltmtm &" Dr~Krmmr, T.hat Chafii ty, but only a hnglc life, that they dlccm to be- .a trudlna: On is, ThCII jiJalt wa/!e 11pon the AJJu tmd on the Baftlul; chafie life. ~!:t:· ~~t::;::;;:c:::~~~d~:::~~~leo:JPe~~,'(h:~ Tl::::: ~:,t,~h~p~~: ~~~~1~ R: ~:::~~!\% Not totbet 6ut to Pmr.The Pope again,Et mibi. & Pttro; Popt AltxanJtr, let us fomewhat alfo fiery of him, iO far B:xh to me and to Pmr.The Empcn~r,feating to give any as the matter (hall feem wQrthy of knowledge, and ro fiand occaliou of furtbn quarrelling, held his peace, and (~ was with truth : to the end that the truth therw.f being fif~cd abfo!ved, and peace m~ between them. The conditions from~~~ flauery and !yes of fuch ~opifh Wnters llS fX!Ult whcr~f were thefe : F ufi, That he lhould receive A lex· out hiS fiery, men may the better JUdge OOth of him what anrler for the true Pope. Secondly, That he !hould rd1orc he was, and al(o of his caufe. again to the Church of Rome all tha~ ~e had takeJ! away before. And thus the Emperor, obtaoung again h1s Son, The Life and HiflorJ of Thomas Becket, Arclr <kp:nted. bijbop of Canterbury. J:Iere as I ~tote in div~rs Wr~m a great diverlity and fu~~t :t~~~~ 0~~~~ ~~:J;;:a ~;rc1:: ~~ IF O::~~e:~~::~e;k!ris ;~~~el ~tt~~~:;~h~:~ ~~&~ - to Ymut, Come fay after) fo I marvel to Ke in Volattran than any other who!!' the Princes Sword doth l.1cre tern- ~(ti ,.,1..... ~ (fu great a Favourct of the Pope) fuch a contradH~tion, porally punifh for their temporal ddi:rrs. To d1e fur the c•• ,.,h.,.. !•~:~~~h wOO in his two and tw~nriet.h Book ~aith, t~at Otho the Ch~l~ I gr:u~t . is a glorious mattc:r. But the Church dllllom. ~~r~r::~~~ix~~:~~~h~?acf; 1 ~~·th;~~~as;~d ftfta~~d~tha ~~:~~uf~d r;:U:l,T~~~;:t ~~~::.!nf~ :;~~~~a in his three and twentieth Book again faith, That the Em· Foundation, as upon Faith, Religion, true: Dod:rine,fincerc p«orhimfelfwas takt~tPrifonerin thefamcbauel: and Difciplinc:,Obcdienc(toGodsCommandmcnts; and not foaftcrwards(peaceconcludcd)tookhisJoumcyto.Ajin · · · • ~~u ~:tf~:~~·~:,~,.:::~;~Jh~~r~~~~:d£~~ Chu.,h·>«n m.yuf, <h'm wtU; ~" ifthty b.',!o~~~ ~~~:r ~~J~;r~~~~hrtl~aC~~~~a:~~!~~ftha~~ry~ :~~rck:~~t~:~~10:h~btr~.~~;;"Po~:c~ tht'o bc:n~:da:~ih ~~~~!~ ~~i: C~~:~i:~~~~~y t~: ~~;c;~~~, :r ~hcl;a~~;:1fe ~~i~J~(S~rc~~;~~~~: ~~u~;~;ra~~Re~J~.; ~~~f~ ~~t~ ~"bXr"1~H (fanh he) .IS not fit to be a Mino~fier. But herein lieth an tO whom '1\C ov.Ct fubjcdiOn. Therefore as l fuppofe 1 , U 2 ThomM