232 The Life andHijlory ofT. Beckct. A Defcription of tbe f<!t:alities and Bravery of Becket. Thpnw &cku to be far from th~ caufc and title of aManyr and in maintming (fo contcntioully) the vain Confiiru- (n~th« can he be cxcufcd frot~ a pb.itt_ Rebel agai11fi his tions and Decrees of met~, he negled:ed the CommandPrmc;e) fo yet would I have ~vt!}tcd agam rhe Law rather mcnts of God. But hen:m mofl: of ~U to be reprehended, pubhc~ly to have found cut htSfu.ulr, t~lln the_ Swords_ of that not only (con~ry to the Kings knowledge) he men (f!Ot bidden nor fent) to have fimuen _him, hnmg fought tO convey_ h1mfc1f out of _the Realm (being in uofpo::tal Commandment eithtr of the Prmcc, or of the char pl::tcc andcalling) but alfo bcmg out of thcRca.!m ~~~:r~0Pn~~~r ~:rttld~~~t:s~~rr~~~~~:~~rp;~~~ ~~~~~~~cc~~~~'cl~: :,C~:biG~~; !~i~~d,~~K;1~ pnvacc ~rfon Jl:raightways to reven,ge the fecre.t indtgna· all h.onefiy, good order, mtural fub~ion, and true rion of h1s Prin~~ except he be pubhckly authomed there- Chnfiianity•. Whereupon followed no little difquiemdS umo. And tins had been (as I fup~fe) t.he better W_'J.Y, after to the Kmg, and ~:Image tot~ Rcdm, as here (in the Laws firflto have cxecntcd theLr JufiJCe upon !urn. Pf?CdS and order followll.tg, by the Grace of Chrifl) we Cmts,irh:~d bc~n the fafcftway for theKing,asitproved ":ill dechre; firfi lxginmng with the tirfi riling up of h~c8a~fc~;~t~m~tt& 1dl~:l;h!~lby h1: P~~:~ ~~{k;w~~: fo oonfcquottly profecuting in order hi3 fiory, 35 bt:m without all fufpicionof Martyrdom, neithahad there And fir!\ here to umit the Progm.y of him and of his ~:~~~~t~!e~~:~fd~ ~f"~~ ~h~~hg~v:~~~~~j ~o~e~ ~~;~;:t:,o~h;;:~:~~; ~£:i:~~Ytf~;~ ~~r~o~ things., d1d ke thiS way percafe to be bcfl, and mort ne- bordttmi;j near to NormandJ; to omit alfo the fabulous ft-r. ' ' cr~ry for thofe days. And ~oubtle~ (to fay. hrrc. what Vi lion ol. his Modtc~, ~entioned in Robmo Crike!adt.nji, Z{fi~k.7n I dunk, attd yet to fpcak n~thmg agauill Chanty) 1f the of a bummg Torch ~JTwng out of ha body, and reaching lh~mo~Mt Emperors had done. the like to the Popes q:mt.cnding up to Hav~n : his firfi prefcrrnn~~ was ,to t~ Church of 'ff.';i;;, ~~11!, tffcl;e;~:~ ~fed ;~:y£;~ ~~~h~h$~o!:J1;~~~t ~h:r:fij~=· ;:; ~~toha!eb~~~:i~f~f~~~ Ak~~hilh~ftcl i~~J;;;:~: them, and chopp«l off the heads of one or two,accordmg CtmttrbNrJ> by whom he was thm prcfrn~d ro be his to their ~ytcrous Rebellion, they had brok.en the neck of Archdeacon; and af~er by the (aid Thtobald was put much dJfiurbance, which long ttme aftrr did trouble the (as a man m~ for hlS purpofe) to King . Htnry t? bndle ~~S~~rd,&,:~Jili!•!~o~~ri~idt~~~uPea~~~ ~~~:~~~i~u;r!~s~~~~~~\~~illr!d ;;~:~lcit~;~~as:~lfo~~&~~;!;h{a~~FCJ;,it~:r~·~~~ ~;~~~;Ja~n;;~~~~~~~~fi~l~~~c~~:~iri:! ~=tSh~M~~futr~e t~~crp~~ ~~~~:;~~~a~~~~~f~ ~~Jdh~t~ftf:1~~~ ~:~w!~~~th:tf:,~~~~!r:~: Ki; ~~~: u~~~~e~~~t:~hefear ·~~;:~~J ~~:1; t~:~~~ ~~~~=~h't~fZ.v~h~~: ~~~~~~ would fufferthem to take; which wasfo'much, thattt ofm~t~, and pra.ifc of the pcoP:Ie. And that I may pafs paHa\1 order, mic, andmeafurc; andallbecaufetheSu· ovtrhJS Houfholdfiuff,hchadhisBridleoflilvrr, and the peri('lr Powers either would not, or dnrfi not prad-ife the boffes of his Bridle were worth a great trtafure. At his Authority given wt to them of the Lord, upon thofe ln!C:ri- Table and h1 other E~pmces ~e paffed any Earl : fo that ors, but fwfered them to be their Maft:ers. on the one ftde mm JUdged him little to oonftder the or. th!~t~/=n:fl:l~:d~he :a.k(:he ;~~:~h:eofy~ ~~%a~fe~~~~;cd~i•n;dH.~1p~:~th:lrtj~et~~~~ ~~~1!er~o~~f:~:~~:~/u~hro~~~~a~~!:&~fi~~: ~~~~~~~~l11~g ~~~~::PTh::M 00 ~n~0~h~~;lr :~ againf'l their Princ~wuo whom G hath ti jrded ~h~~:t~oJ;~;~(~ ) h~o~~;~~~~r~Z,~~~~~~f Now to the rtory, which if it be true that is fet forth in the chiefef'l) to commenj W his name thiS Tlxm111.1 to the ~~E::· ~~d;~~fJ~ a~7d ~:e;~~frt;.!~~c~ 1lt : 1 ;;r:hcb; ~v;t~~hn:;;~;1he~J ~~~;::~~:t ~~~~~/fa~: 2~:~ Ab. ::!~;~~bk: ~~~~~~~ ;d:af:: ~~~~.:~~:h~~·a~~~~~ ~;:,';/:jfo"'f:~o ;'7f:m;~{~u~;;r::~o:I~0J;;~j (r:d ~=~~.;~ ~:;~~~~!y.frT~!:~~i~~":Jd~~;rin~~~: r~::bo~h ~~!h:0~i~/~ h:a~· ~~:Sw~~ tt J:f~~~i; ~ ... , ll <t· one ; in thi~ point fingular, following no mans counfel ~o Son, and was fo fu~m.ly difcharged of the Chancdlorlhip - ~•d•Ccri· much as Ius own. Great hdpsofnanu:e thaevtere m which hehadOOm five years: inthefourandfortiethyear b~. him (if he could have ufed. them well ) ratha tha1~ ?fieam· of hi.s age (on Saturday in Whirftnn~mk) he was P'Jade ing; albr=it (omewhat skilful he was of the Cml Law, PrieH, and the next day confecrated Bifhop. which he l\udied at f!ommJ; bt memory excellent good, . As touch~g thePriefihood of. this man,l find the Hifto- ~~ f:d~~~w~~~ ~~~k~f1 ~~~~~1~0gr~r~r~~r :r~~"Jinor~~ C~ar;::lio ~ht:~:;J~~~s ~rt~r~Ar~hd':~~c(! f~:;;! ctn. be true; although Ut the firfipart of his life (being ytt fly)itisnoothtrlike, but that he \YaSPiie!llxfore, and t;c:~~:~~ ~rn;~~7,· ;r:ra~~~err,i~:~n~~~r~o~~ d~;,~~doArchb~~n~2'~~~es fay) made Priefi in one hunting and hawking, according to the guife of the . But howfocva this matter paffcth, here i~ in the mtan Court; and highly f.tvourtd he was of his Prince, who tune to be feen, what great benefits the Kmg had done n?t only had th_us promoted him, but al(o had committed for him, and what great love had lxen between them hts Son and hetr to his Jnftitution and Govanance. But bo(h. Now after that BtcUr was thus promoted, what . in this his firfi beginning he was not fo well beloved, but variance and difcord happened bc .twttn them, remai~1eth afterward he was again 3:5 much hated (and ~efcrv~ly) tO be (hewed; the caufes of whtch variance wert divers ~~~~;h~f~~~i~~~~~~~ ~~~~7~~t~~d~~u~~~~ andA~~:~;~hen(according .to !/~~ were pcrfwaded by them, who magmhed lum not a ltttle cers g:J.thaed of every one Hul ttelltd. bt:· tOr uphol~ing rhe Liberties of the Church; that is, the for the dde.nce of. their own . . ~':.,';"!'; licentious hfc and exertS of Church·men. Amongfi: all have taken tC to Jus Coffers. But the Bi!hop fat , Th11t tll• A.o:dlo others, thefc Vices he had mo~ notable, and to ~re- w_hichtvtrymangtWe willingly, hefll(;u/Jnot c~unr.t~tbillop. ~~~:s: !~~~c\~~~~i~:;; k~~~~~~C:~~~r;b;r~~!gtas~~ hu l~~~;m~~c was, that where a Prie!l \\~ accufed of Whot was fiiff and Hubbom of 113ture, fo (a blind Confcience be· Murder, and the Kings ORiars and the Frirnds of the ~~b;~~ ing joyna:l withal!) it rum~ to plain Rebellion. So fuJl:C!- d~d acc~ed t~e Prid't <arneftly before the Bi!hop of Sa· ~~~~~~~· ~~~i~ ~~ra;~~ ~~e,Z~~le~~t~;!tLc~~ti~1K:l~~ j~~{ ~\be~~~~~ ~~~' ~~~~Prie~e ;:s ;;;~ t~~~ ¥""""