Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

2 34 Co111roverjie bet~Vee1l tbe King and Thomas Becket. Hili fubmiflioll to the King. theyhadpromifcd,_ in confcmingtoth~ obfcn•ingof his The ~OIIJIJJIInict~lhm and Co1;tro~er/ie_ between the ~fbo~%~;Jj1?;~1 '::::: :c~w~~~d~~Kin~';.o~~ft Kwg a11dThom3s Bccker, With hts ClergJ. drew ln:kward,and now would not chat h~ would bcf~rc; at !aft With moch ado he was inforct:d to &ve alknr. F1rfl:, TH~~:~~~t~t~~:o~~t?~cm:~h:~~g t~: ~~~~: {fu;e ~Mh~~~~~~~~~;:~ali;~";{ea~~f-~';i~~:~~J of certain m1f-docrs of the Cl.ergy ; b!.lt 71M~tH lltc!ut ~me: wcrpmg and hmcnring to the Archttfhop, d~lirmr; ~~~~JT~~~~1,c:h1~~:~~W.~~~1r~~~t;~'h~~~~~/~~( tl~~ 1 ::h~·m~:~':o,~h~.v~<f<:~om·r~,,~o~m~)~~n;,:,~"o::~f;'."'~~m::~':~':Jnd~:ro~~"i:~m·~r~r~h• cnfior~s then fer forth m the calm (meaningthe:firfi p.~rrot.rhofc Decree~ above fptctti~)fhouldbeobfttv~. To wh:ch tlu: Archbihop, confultlllg together with hiS :-vhich wtrein jeopardy alrrady, bur alfo of himfelf to be B~cthren, giveth :mfwer again, T int he w~s con~ent~d the l!llpri(oncd, and ~he whole Clergy tO be indangercd. Bea.,~,, td. ~~! C:~i:'fi~ ~~~~ ~e c;::~hi;ct;;~~~ th~;::;r~aJ~; ~~ ~f~~~~~~~or;~~~~cgw~~r1thi~~o~~:tt;;dn~~~~ ~~;;;:;j;:~,d;;;:;;:i:0~~::~l~~i:f~;~~~:::!~~z;1:~ ~~~~~~£!:h::!"$~;~~r.~:~~~:.:twE~ p... King to be exJ(pewe wuh that acldmon, in ficad of Sai'Uo yet the. ftour flom~h of the m:>:n would not g~ve O\'.tr· ?"dim, agreed to obfm:c them Btma fidt. The ~ng hear- Mea tlus came to h1m two . Rulers of dM: 7 tmplt caUed ~~ti~~~\:t~~;~;0off!J~u~t~vl~~~~u:u;;~ga;~ ili~ ~::t:~h 0rh~~~~;;:/{:~~~;~:~ct:,t;g~~ Archbi!hop J_nd the Prducs, f:ud, '(hat he 'WtH not weD gtcat peril, w.hich thcydedartd UntO him t? hang_ over hlS fVI'IttntuJ wtth th:rt Claufoofthtm, Sai\'O fuoordine, head: yetneithcrwiththrirtClfS, nor With therrkneclwhJCh be JaiJ was "'Pt_Wm anJ ~mitful, har':'ing fomt ings would 1M: be removed. At length came the hft m:umtr of 'Utnllmt lur1:.sng JmJn- st ~ anJ tbtrifm .'t- Mdfagc from the King, fignifying unto him with exprefs 'lumJ an abfol~tt Grant ij rhtm, 1Mbout tlfl] txcp_tsVI'I, words, and alfo with tears, \~hat he fllould trufl to, if he ~~~f!:e:::/{:;:.f~a?'rt;a;:;{w'!:;,~ ~~~~k~~~ wc:;~dr:l<»~i~ ~~~1~0~~~~gs:;i~h:!\trrified, or elfe 8!'Y' h ltf], both life, boJ]l4111l tarthl] hcnoHr, Salvo ordme fuo; perfw~dcd, W2S content to f~lbmit hlm{(Jf. Whereupon r~':~,. ro .,.. and th(lf in the famt tarrhly hofl(}ur nlfo _rho[t OrJmances the K1~1g in~ntinmt afl'emblmg the Srates toget~, the wm comprthtndtd, 1wJ to the obfir'Umg of them thq Archbrlhop ~tfi before all ot~ers beginneth_ to pronufe the ~;;/ju}:::~;/:e~ft~~h~ ft~~ :it~~h{:':; ~~~v:d, ~:~ ~~?~c?m~~}de~J~1~~~~~:~ (;~h~~d~~i~~~d~~~ f.'/t.::;; all ht5 Nobrhty not a httlc.. As for the other B1fhops, there orJmt, mcnuoncd before : 111 flead wherwf he promrfcd compo/idon was no doubt but they would calily have relented, had not in 'Utrbo 'Ucdtatis, to obferveand keep the Kings Cufioms, the floutnefs_of the Archhitl10p made than more _conflant and {wear to t~e fame. After him theoth~ Bi!bops likethan otherwr_fe they would have lxcn. The day bcmg we!! wi(e gave the l1ke O;uh ; whcrcupon_the Kmg commandfpent, the Kmg (when he could_ ~et no other anfwer of ed mcontirwnt cer~ in Tn!lmmenrs obligatory robe d~wn, · of the which the Kmg fhould have ~he one, the Archb1~ ofC~ttrbt~ry anoth~r, theArchb!thopof Yurkthedmd, rcqumng alfo the f:udArchbilhoptoftttohis Hand and Seal. TothewhichrheArchbilhop(thoughnordenying !:r;:,~~i~e\:r h~~lcf~~h~r0~~:~~,a;;:c~~~r~i~; rick) might better pcufe wit/1 himfdf the forefaid Cu- ~~~!~:k::~~~~~~,~~2;~~€~ ~~ 21 b~t ?:a~~~bk: t~:~:asK;1i~tly~5n::J~~o ~hi! Jar being well fpmt, the}' departed forchatfeafe»J and brake up. A/m,us,oncofthefourWritcrsofthelifiofthisTh~ mtrtBtcl:n, rccord(th, Th3ttht:Archbilhop in his Voyage towards Winchefftr, began grca~ly to r~pmt that l_;c .';;~·.~,~ ~;::; rk~:;;;::·~:.~.~.!:~lt ~";'~~I ~:u~~m~f:~·:~:J~ott~~~~~r:!}~~;~r3,t1 ~h~: ';~~~ ~* ~i~T:~~i~e::A::r~c~:ib~ilh[o~:p,~:il(ha\r;!ply~'"~~d~'~'";:,r"fi!Jfr;,~e;x~po~:n 2 ul,•:t~ed~ dc:<t. Priviledgc his fume - ampk to them that fllould come :Ucer, with m:my like words. To make the matter fhort, the Archbifhop was (o t~uche<_l ~pen the fame with litch repent::nce, that ~ceping A41~~~~~i~~~~.t:~it~~~~~!;·,:~~~~ I ~;~~fe~:lJro~c;n ~~u~;~;11~~~e~~!a~:~~ t~~;~?~:~ h1i~ himfelf, hcd1d fufpendhimfclf from a!l DrvmeScrvra:, and wot~d nor receive comfort, before that (word being whorJ'"•'" mh<ht h;~p,.,.,0, o>,lv to I ~tl~i~~l'~~~~e~~\~~:::;;r~ ~fhJJ~~~~t:,:~~~ cd to him Letters a&fn by the fame MeiTenger which Thoihe•~<tls him;.,~;,., l':'fi,h, ~'"run!'"~ ro.r]vo ~a~~~i1J~~~~rf:~1~1 i1~s~~Pa~ ~:~ro~~ili ::nknlJ f!rcatconfolationdidincout3gchimtobclloutinthequ:n- ~~;:;,;•:;, ;~:,;~;[d:~,:i~;.h :.~~~::::r.';,::;;;,~~~::t~;~~~:~~~~~: ;~,e r:~~~~a~ p~~~ih;o~;,~~!;,~~~~foUo=b underwritten.