Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

236 Bijhops in Cwfulration. TheVerdiR of , Vinchc11cr rrith othors. The King (after he had received his lett~ fcnt from no mcJtlS have ~c:tJXd, had not fi.\'C pcrfonsof their own :~~;gs~~~n~0 cre1A:~i~~~g~~fi1~~i~n1~~~f% =r~:!~~d ;1i~c~u~nt;;;;:: \: ~~ cf1:er?eoo7tdnJ~; rhe lnft'norsotthc Ciergy, fuchaswcreOffendors agamfi concluded. ~;~;iff-: ~:P~::~~"~~~~~¥~t~7:~,~;:~~:~~~~~~: ~:~::~~:ii;:;f~~~:~~~:~i.~:~~~~.r~:~ · tune were proved ~pon the Clergy _(as witndfcth G~t!tt!. to~ethcr, the doors fafi l~ked. tOthem, as the King had ~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~ holyChurch, tha~ the fecular Powcr_ 010uld pafs m Ca~fcs a full ~nd clear reckonmg of the This, with othtt ~~;~lai,TI~i~1 ~~~~. ~~~d~;ft~~ (~~~~~r~~ ge~~)t~J ~'~~~~!;edfu:~~a:~ a:~h~rd~.~~;r ~~~~ifftr:C~ tf~~f~1 fu1111l~ a~fJ~ ~~~/:re~~k~e~:~~:~~i~a;K~;~,~~~~ birhop. tl~e:di~~~~~~:; ~n~;~~~J.:fl~~h;:~:l~ :hfr: Tbe advice oft he Bifi10ps for Thomtu Bec/zt t. ~~~ns;:';J;~~~~~;'i,is f,~O:,":f0h%~~;:h:'/!:; T ~~'~'~:::~~h:.J'~k;t,,~:!~:~:;;'~ot<:~::~ on his f1de) would not perm1t hiS Clerks 1nfa':rltd other- . at lengt~ lt came to VoJa:s, every man to fay his ;~~; t~0 be~ex~~~~:l~~dt:;~l:fdfor~~~:~~~~~~~~ ~h~:·~~~btill10~v~o f~~~~efj~;t ~~~ ~:n~~~fuaJP f~f !N;.:!~ fecul.u J udS:e to pnx ttd ag:Unll the~?: fo .tlut after their lf/inchefttr , who then t~k part \~ith Buktt (o much 015 fltr. deprivation,Lf they fhould incur the l1ke offence again,thm he d~ft for ftl.r of the Kmg~who fa1d 1 He rtmtmbrtd that the Temponl J udge to tak~ hold upon them, othenvife the fotJ Archbijhop, firfl bemg Archdtilcfm,and thm Urd not. This obfiinate and llubbom rebellion of the A~h- CbanuU(ff, 4t what ti'!'t at ht Wils promoted tc the Ch11rch bilbop fiirred up much anger and \'c:X:J.tion in the Kmg, fCanterbury, was tli{chargedfcm a!J hfmds and rtclumat~d not only in him, butalfoin the Noblesand all the ingsofthe Ttmpora!Courr, ill a/Jthe cthtrBijl10ps ~u!J . ~~~~n~.!~~ ~~eafir;h~e~~~~~ that almofi he W:tS alon~ a n()f ~;~tf;ket~~~;;,:~B{fu~~·of Lcndfm, exhortiJ~g and ~~~:"rtl :;:~;~:t4 hit~~~s~~~~;~~~~;~~~~~;)i1~t~j~~~~~~i~~~n~ec~~~:~~ f~~~r;~~:~1~dth;ro~~c ~~~~~~· tl~~~~~g~:~ h1~7 i:~J~i~; ~':.:.£ to appear by a etrtun day at the Town ot Northampton, lmn up> what, and how great things he had done for t~erc to make anfwer to !itch thh;gs as f11otdd be loud to him; alfo he fhould confider with hi t_nfclf the danhLS chJrge•. Sowhenthe daywascome(allthe Pc:ers_and ge~ and pt:nls of the time:, andwhat rume he might Noblei, With the Prelates cf the Realm upon the Kmgs brmg upon the whole Church (and up:.m them all there ~:)1~::i~:tl~~! a~~~l:i !h t!!~e~~~b~o~0(~;a~~ :~~~?X.,~tif~~~~;':~ ~::fr~~tsi~~~~l/~~~i~ke(~~= ~~~~o~he/f:1l~J~i.tedf~,:~fe) \rl:;IJe1~~~::~~,~:~; ~~~~~~k i~v~;;~r~~~~a~i:~~n~ t~t~~a~~::.' li1~ f:! d~i~~:ft~~ alllg~teth to be thiS : for that the K111g had_pbced ~liS h~ppcn, the Kmg feemg that fu.bmiifron and humility in Hotfe and Horfc:-mett in the Archbil'hops lodgmg ~winch hr~n, would r~kafe him pc:radventure of all the rdl. To Calnt.,. was a houfe there of Canons) wherewith he btmg of- tins the Archb11'hop anfwenng. l_VtH,weQ ( faith he) I per- ~e~d:tg[,~~~ ~.~; ~~~~~~f~hew&~~1~~rrn~~~~~~ :be:~;::'~:,'c-tf~~~mfrnt;~~!h,7,:,0%:c:f;;~~:r~~ w.. ,t4... ~~?:· ~':!W~1~1 ~f~fr~ ~1iili~~~~~fl~~~::abks~~e0:dt~~~: ~a;;,~~io~is£~Ze 0 {h::tn;}f~~1,:r~£. ~t~j~:~ ~: 7:, [;:t_ ~z~;:~~ ~~o~r;~~~~~~~/;,~'~f~y~,~~;e_'~~~~~ Z;61i~~~;~ ~~qn:n;n;,~~:,~cf~{t~IL:rJ:(;fln ~:tt:;::::;t. •h~l oftof (for Ius part) qum<:l11!1g agamll the order and form. of that MJery BijiMp jl101tldg~':.le wer hu .Attfl»rity tllJd tht :;\:o•~· rhe JudgmeJ~t, complametl~ •. alledging for himfclf (feemg Cbargt ofrh_c Flock ccm'!ntttd re him, at ttm1mflndmtnt l1e IS .the Prunarc, and fpm_tu:l l Fath~, not onl~ of all and thrtatmng of the Prmce1c what jlatt foaU the Ch11rch fctl~~~~:~~~-~~:~~~;ltb~f~a~]t(~c ~;~:r~~~lJ1~~~j~J!~ ~J,!fo~!h:ntje;;bt::~:::, a~!t~~~i::jl;:t;::~dc~t:i: of his ChLid_ren , nor the Paftor of his Flock fo con- by any (fftltr of Lmu, and fo a1 the l'rujlu, fc jlurU rhe demned, faymg moreover, Thatt~ Agestc"comejiJould people be? knrnv ?vhat JUtit,ment was ~one, &c. But cfpecia llyhe HdarJ t?e Bif110pof Cbichefle: replieth again to this, Chk~fln. comphineth of his . fdlow-Blihops (when_ they !ll(>U]d laying~ If tt w_m ne: that tht. :nftanc~ and tht grMt per~ ntl~er hav: taken Ius _ fXirt) who di? lit m J udgment turbatlon if ttme J1d othmuifo _reqJttre t1nd furce us, I aga.mfi thm MetropolH:lll . And tlus was the )1rH days wcultl tbmk thu c~~nftJ here gtvm_ were good tc be fola~t.[~1~ next day following, the Kinj; hid an aCtion againfi !o;:.c:,nd ~;!;7fo(::;~~. t~~-~~~~7;~:!, t;u:c ~;j;j£7~: ~~nru~ ~~~11c~~~~~ ~!0!f~fd0~~~~~I~~~~ ~~~~~~ca~~~l!e0~iJ ir~~7;;:';;~h'{uff~a"::::; ;;: fta~:~?ci{:::e :! ~~J:~~d)~~:d ~~;~~:gw~~iL;li~ ~:~~1c~;~:uo~h;h1; ;:~;;~;?ro~1:kin:;~~1;{: ;:; ;~~"!:e~1/b/1v":r t~;; ~~~1hb;t~d~~~d~I0~0 bt~~;e~lJ~~ecei J!isofili~li~;, ~~fl;1::t' a:j t:t;/!: ~";;:O~a:j:i~!:J,i:~ r:u:!a:: howbci c,by the way and ti ~k ofGift as he took it, though whm Wt wcu/J. he could b~ing no prolxltLOn thereof. Whereupon, the Much to the: fume end fFke ~obert the Bi!hop of Lin- Lall8. ~~~t;q~~h~~~;m ~~~ ~~d:bi~~ra;~~k~~~ t~~~:Y(r~~~ ';1;,~~,~;;;;~~111 ;;b~sce:;!,S~Jt:h;, i~~ ';f~tt :: wel l conttmcd at the matter) was fo_ called upon, that mujl 11~tds ~e cbcftn; tb~t t ithrr_ be m11jl f1111 with his ~.,~, ~- ~i: '~ffe 1 1~~~: ~ ~!1 }71CI~OL;.~r~~~~ ~~a:!~e~11~~~~~~ebe~~~{~ t;U~~f;~;~;Z;l ~;:~r~JZ~;~~'tfric~~hfs f}:~~:tJoJ: :~:~~/;c. bent _agamli hun. The ~rch!)Jll10p !x in~ brought to fixh I donot g~tatly fte . . . co>..,r. a Jl.mtl and drJiimte of Jus own Sutfr:tgan~ could here by Next tullowed Barthc!~mew B11'hop of Ji.xujltr Wit? fi~"J"'• . h•