His Flight bqond Sea. Beckets Complaint to tbe .Pope of tbe ICing. 2 39 01 ,, juflict and t'1,uitj) as to one whom, in wor~ing for the ID the Kmg hu rwo Mancrs of. OttOrd an./ Wingcham, ~=cbp:,~t;: ~tt ;o~;o:h:a:t::~H:;:;u:~;·;:;a~h::: :t':t:;:r~'J:ft ~:;:J:.~~~~A~:ht[l;;7:~kt~~: :;;:~ ~bo;~;;~~~:;;;;:7~~1::';;;:'ffi{}j~;£n;.~;~:~ ~~;rc~~~;l1 ~;~~~~~~b;,.:'ili~e~~~~:!a~~~er:::~:e:~ fos aut ( 111 liult as you can) in that CounlrJ.· But m th~s dlfp!t':l_fure was taken, mfo~uch that_ the next day Bukn fl~'[};}t~:~;t.ah~J ~J;:;;:;!:fho:r[~~:r'~a;~:a~~,;~~ ~i~ ~~~~e~~:~~dd:~~~~h~R~~l~~ ~~~fe ~:h~,~~?#:[e ~:u!'~lu~:~~ ';~;:~ ;;;~:~e ;te tJ::;£,~ b;for~~z;rkt :~; ~;!d:;:r:~J!!u~b, ~w~i;'t;:e~!1:fo~;;.eof~~~ bads if November. Eu!ut nor tarrying h_1s anfwe~,che fame d:ty _conveyed hunfc!f away (ecret!y, as !Saforef:ud, to LmlovrcfiJ the Fm!CI~ As the Archbifl10 r was thus ci ted up. to Ro~e, fitting King. Bllt before h.e CJtne to the King, Gilbert the Bi(hop with his Cro(s waitmg in the Court, neJthn ~IVing place 0~ Umdcn, and I·ViUram the Earl of Arundd; Cent fron:' ~he to the Kings requtlt, ncr aOOihed with the clamour of the Km~?( E,1glnml. to. H·anct, Pre\·ented .him : requmug whole Court · · the (;:ud Frtnch Kmg m. the bellllf o( the Kmg of ~ntlatul, lid~:,ndthe r thath~.,..'QnldnotreceJve, norretaminhis~u~IOllthc Bilbops, at le Archbtfhopof Cantrrbury. Moreover, that at lusmfiat~ce ~:~~:. ~.~·~.~:~ ~;~,~~~:~t,1, ~~; ~~~~~~d~~,~:~: ~y~~:~~::,~:~~~J!f.;~l;:,Dl~~r.:~~~~; as theProfits and Revenues of the Realm, in the time he k1~owledge ollus dlfpol•tton. For.thmkmg t~t th~ Jo"rt1ub ~-~~~· ;h~s\?~~~h~~~~asa~=~~Z[~~h~~~~o:~~ ~h~ ~~~~~~h~:i;~~~ ~\~OO::!~~~~~fc~~~~~~~i~ Archbifhop _anfivmth again, The King ~knn:v how ift he he with him(df enou~h the matlner and na~ure of the ::;:;eJJ:jb~:.u~~~~fte1a:~~[.~'J,s;:::;hh~i:::i ~h~c~~nw:e ~b~ 1t1:~e~g::;:Il ~~~e~~:i~~~f'::~ Heir of his Realm, Wl(h all Jus Barons, and alfo Richard hons to do fome Ad: ag.unfi England. !:J;:i~i~;b~~:':~~ ~ni~;"c~~c~i;;,:;;~ 1:c;1t:' ~;; itlttil~~ ~~~~;;~:ea.~~i;h;k7~~~he(~:'::Ce~i~~reb 1;d:t~:~ :Er!2;~ f:~1f.ta/A7:J .r: {;~~~~[~~1h~ti:~ffch:s~h;t~~~: ~~~~fi~~f,~~~.~n~~;~;~fo~~h~~~~tt!.'::f~~~':{R.~ ~~~·~;, handS,entredmtoh ts Oftice;andchereforeotheraccount queli, not only harboureth andchertfh ....ththJSDtrman,£"l1"""'l be fides this he wo~ld make non~. When this word was ?ut alfo (writing to the Pope by his Almomr and Brother) !d~'~u~~rti brought eo tbc Kmg, he reqUir~d his ~rons to do the mtrcatcth him {uponalllov~, as ever.he would have his la pti(on. t;~~~;~lt~di ii;v~~fro~~ d~i~J~,d~~e~~h! 1fun~0 r:d~~~~~ ~~:OK~~~~ Ac~trd;~~~u;~~~r~e ~~~~~~(h;~n:~c~~~;g~~: :;.bf.:; to him RtgmalJ,~arl ofCcrnwal and. De-utmj11ire, ~nd Re- turned i at what tunc he fent•another Ambaf!'age(upon tile Pope. bert, Earl of Urctjhr,to declare to him what was h1s judg·. ~he like CJu(e) to Ahxandtr the Pope, th~n bemgar Stnt meut. To whom the Archbifhop anfwereth, Htar, m1 Ill France. !he AmOOifad?rs fen~ on thiS Meifagc wtre ::;;~:~le001c~t'}' ,J;;;t {£a~:J;: 'jou ~::: ;:;:h o7;h; ~rtt~/~f~!~~~~~;;~~~;'~i~~~~ZJ/i:p1r7B~~h! · JC'I . tOObl.J mtmtheLArJ,ratherthanJ.Curterrt~e Kmg. lomt'JII Bifhop o~ Exufltr, with otlier DoCh;~rs ;tnd Nmh~r doth all] lAw er Rta[un ptrmlt the Cbli~rtn to Clerks: alfo Wtlltam Earl of Anmdel, with certam more f.~ .. ~~~:fi. {h~~:;;.~::;~~;;.~;:{,:[;~, ":n7a~~:h~2';~}~~ kf~~~;~~~c!;,~ . '.'~t~:~~lm~fg~~~. t~~4:s~a~;~~ folj onf] to tht 11rlnmmmt of tht Pflpt, tmJtr GoJ altme the which Cardmals rofe alfo dttfcnrton about the fame E~::;F ~:r;eb!i;;;;:~ fa f"l/a,a;:t ;:,;';,;~;o,J:t!J::!;if ili~rd~fl1~~r ~~t\~rr~f~t S~h~J(h~~ur~~ ~:~~!"i~ B<<l., tkChu~c~ ofCanterbur)i,my Drgml), wrth alJ other thmgs caufe) ~as to be mamtaincd. Some thinkmg agam, that not 1b~ ~~;;ta~:ff ;: ?: r;;,t•,;n~;e;~e~r~;~foJL~;{p::;:, ~ ~~~~~ 3f~e~i~t;efu~~~~~.a·:~a~1:~t)~ ~:~~~~ :{0~£. w_huh rather o~ey Man than GoJ, JOlt alfo I call and inC'Ollf3ged therein. But the Pope partly bearing with hJ.s fi<l•nt cut u tht AuJunee and 'Judgmtnt of the Pope, and Je- cau(e (which only tmdcd to Ins ~xaltation and Mag.m- ~hout tb• part ~ncefortb fi'om ycu, as from the Enemies of r.he ficc:nce) partly again in~en(ed with the Utters of the ' Cathoiu! Churih, tmJ of the .Authority of the .Apcffcllck French Kmg, did wholly mchne to Btclut, as no ma~vd Su. . ~as. Wherefore th~ next d~y following, the Pope fittmg While the B:uons retumcd with this Anfwer to the m conGJlory with Ius Cardmals> the Ambalfadors were King, the ~rchbifhop, paRing t~rough t~c throng, taketh CJI!ed for to t~c hearing of Becktts matter; and .tirfi be· unto ~ im ~ IS Palfry, holding Ius Crofs m one hand, and ginneth the B!l'hop of London; next, .the Archbtfhop of his Bndle m the other, the Courriers following after, and York; then Exujftr; and the other Btfhops every one in !~~!~~h ~J;•;~· ;~c~;l.~~i'h:~aJ~~ ~l:cdu~;:;m~t{Ja~~~o"tt~ ~~~~J~~~~~~ t~~· ~~~~~~~~f~~: :~1~i(d~~~e~ ~~; COII<t. Court, w!uch bemg faH locked, there he had bet:n fraJd,had Earl of Arunde/ perce1vmg th:tc (and (omcwhat tO qual1fie not one ofhis~vants called Pererfurnamed DemunChriq, and temper the matter to the Popes ears) began after this ~;~:~~~:~:~~h::~~i~~~~e~~~i~;~~!~:~;;~v: ~~d 1mnner : ~~tt t~ti:r~~~~t~.:~:.~~~A;li~~~~~~~·~~ Af:,t:~t,:~~;~:;sig:~::::;i!:i!r~sh:~a:V:;;}e ~~ =~t~ s::~~i~~o~~;;~~~ :~hou~~t~\.:M~o t~~~: ~:::;,';fi ;-u;£:/:; ,h~~:'U~ml~"/~:: r:~'fi~ "}!j ~·~.to :~~;t~ C:U~t~~~t"'S~~~hc~e~~~:-]:;:1~~ ;:j~i=~7a:";;;,fa';{::;n/~h:;~t::{e "!:ojf:: }e!j~ · · inghlthtr: not(trulf!l~ctmttnd er ftri-uewitbanyptr- ~:~~~h~ ~O:'u1":~ ~hif,fac:)'a~J'~ ~h!;~:;;oh:;{ ":/{u~tf:; ~~R~: . . . . Fran~e, ~s tmeunto whofo Beck and AutborltJ.aii the World ~ctb m..ttrn HO'IJtdtnNtfMth. Alb?tAltmm, dtffermg fcmethn~gm ftoopand yitld. But for this time u our UgllC) h11lur ~==n theorderof~Right,falth,~at he J1parted'f1Ct tbntmght; Jlrtfltd, to prt[mt here btfcrercu, and m. tht prtfonce of ;;,~ ~~cl;Jft~r,J::.~~i:::.t~~~~~h:!~j£{':[:/a}:;;;:;e;:~ ~!~ ~:; R;~"'Z;Jlr~0:hi;l/h:-u::-u;:1ha/J/'ta~7::~ J"