240 Bcckets Rejignation of his Bijboprick._ to the Pope: his [even years Exile. ~:~J~:!~~~f~~~~f,~~:~~ ~~L~~~:~~~~;[~l~::.:! I ~~~~~1~~f~~;~:~~.~~~=:~~~~:;i~i ~;~;· Church of Canr~rhu7 were alli~;n«l to fom~ ~ther p<'Jfon; !Dauu. Bot di>< PO]><, in<:mf.J " is ];id b<fo~, '"onld I and yet the fa id Bulut odwnvifc to be provJc!td fOr no:- ~;~~~:;d·~;~,,d;;;i•v;~·;;;~ o;~;m;:;;;; rh: / -:~~Fear~~~~· 1v~11~~ (~~~~ha~~~ ~ :~~(rr;;~~~CV!~~ Church, had vcnntud not only his Goods, Dignity and '";;.,,:·;, · v~·:·;:o."r, """~ Authority, but alfv his LiiCJ {hould now at the Kings Bot tl><r, ,]]roging '!¥'" 'h''' ,,m, ~~~:~:~t~~~:~~~:~":~~::!~~ );~i:~~,j~~~ fhouldbcanexamplcto<~ll mhershertJfter, nonctortfrll: his Princc inthc::likccnfc. Andfo might it redound not only to thtwt3kning ofthcftatcofthcCatho!ickCh:m=h, bur ·aJfotothcdcrogationoftht Popes Authonty. Bnefly, c~ is fcnt~ncc atlcngd.l prcv:likd : and fo Buket rtceivcch ~~~iE:~~d~~~1'fa~!L~~1.c p~L~;;a(~d~~~~'·;;i~~ ~~~d:; be well pl.accd in E11glami; i!l cht mean while the Po~ fcndechhmJwithaMonkshab1tinto thcAbbcyofPontt· ,Jiackinl;'rance,v.lu:rchcrcmainedtwoyears;fromthcnce !i~~~r~~ c~~t~~~~i~:~rfc~1;na;:~ ~~~h~:C: So the ~~~~r ;~~~;u: ~~~~ff~~;~~~1jg1Jtit~~Ji~~~;~ ~ Upcn this, the King being cert ified by. his. AmbafTadors fcvcaycart• of the Popt"S Anfw.cr, how his favour mclincd. more to Btclur than to hun, w:J.S moved (and worthtly) with wr:tthful difplcafurc. Wh.o, uponthefamcfailing from E,~Ja,d unto Nwmamly,dtrtded over cert:l.in Injnnd:ions '"'" ,d,y(,,j/ox~•d<nl~t Popt,ffiombliotg. his Cn- j ;~ 1~i~~~?c;;, an~h~h~~~:!~~~h~~f~:r!:J;,td lfanyperfc-nlhou!dbe foundtobringfrom the Pope, orfromtheArchbifhopofCant.erbu7,&c. Of theft, andfoch other l nJunCh ons, Btckttfpccifieth partlr in a mtain Lcttn, writing tO a Friend of his in !g~~~~ thisnumttto · TH~~:!t7/r!~JI~1~~a;,=r'/o,J::/tro~~!tt;~~ nefs, that we, with all ours bt1'e (by Gods ·GrMe) are· fnft .mJ in good hta!rb. Having agood hope and truft to JOHr faithjtlt Am it)> I charge J014 tinJ rt'}Hire JOH~i~t;'