Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Beckec's Letter to the J(ing, with certaiu Elencbs upon the fame. 243 "' Do not ~ullo1g~ unto. thy ~elf therefOre anothC: Mans : ;x!;~;ed1~~~~ ~}: ~~~~rf~~:~:~n a~~isthl:~~~ Certain No tes or Elenchs ~tpon this Epifl.le: rrhirh "'ofwhom thou hafl received thy power. For by thecmn- bJ thefigrJrtr .JOII 11111) find out, and tbe1r pl11ceJ. (to) "mon (10) Laws, andnotbythefC~..ularpowcr, andb}' : ~f::~rc~:~~~~i~~~r{;fi;~~~~ ~d:~da:~dv;,~~. '· TH~o~-o~t~~:a;~i~~~t~~:~oT~~v~~~~ ~~ : ~~d~!1 1;;~;~ir~~~~o ~~~~~t ~;e}:irt~~~~v:~ rov;~~~~~ 0~:~~~~~~~~~1d~l~~~~.por~~~h~~~1 the fi.rL11- ~ ~;t ~~~\~~rrCt~~l:~cn1:~~~ ~J~t i~0 ~~1r~~t~n~~~ J~n,0;.;t ~~;~v~i~J~~~;~ r~h:u:~~ :r·~~:;I\Jo~~ ~~.~~~~~: :: ~fl~~ede~~~~lC~~~ 1~~;:~h~~~~:~~ ~~!JO~~~ ly ~ 1.e1$~1 J1i~t0~J:: P~~~~ Dijf. co. but the Scri- ., 11:l!Ke5 of the Church, :md not ro prefer their 0\\11 pow- pture of God importeth otherwife. A binrhar the Prie!t "er. A Prince ought to ~ubmit hirnftlfunto the Bi!hops, W:JS depo(cd of King Solomon, not for any H~efie,, but for <<and not to judge the Btfhops ; for there are two things or.h~ c:mfcs, 3· Reg. 12, . 1onathas tOO~ his Prid!hood " whttcwith the world isi chiefly govemed, ( th:Jt is to (ay) ol K!ng A!t:xnndc~: :lttd Ssmon of Dtm~trtus, 1 Maceh. 7. "the Sacred Authority of Bilhops, and Roy:il Power. Chnfi ofier~ Tnbute to t;ttftrr for bun and for Pmr. (It) "(u ) in the which, the: BilhOfE>chargeis fo much the Al(o?'tttr fanh, Bt)'t fiib]t~f tOMitr]hum_anemature; "more weighty, in th.1t they. !hall at the later J udgment :Ill~ it followeth, wbrthtr tt be. to rh~ Kmg as to th.e " rendcr:JCCOWJtevoJoftheKmgsthemfdves. Truly you chuf, &c. lumPopeLto fubmtncdhimftlf toLurkn.u- "oughc to Lmdcrfland, Thltyoudeprndupon their1~g- cu~ th~ Empuor With tlJCfe words: And if we tkany : f:~~~~i:;ha::dE~~o=un:~·:~~~gsw~:!~ ~;;zt:o":jn~fi:'::l~J/ft:::a{:;:: t:r:::~J:'!, t "Empaors. Andif yourequireanefpecial~xamplet~ thtm1vbomyotlj1Jall{tnd, ~.2. Hef.7. "of, Itmocmtius the Pope did Excommumnte Arcaduu 4·. Notwithfl:~nding, the: fa1d Conftan~mus, writing to : ~~~;6~t:l~:r::~eXndlu~a~;~~?/:t: ~~~~~}!,e~~t:-~~~;:;hl~~:!~~~~~~ ;~:I; (u) :: ~~df!~f:J~(~~~~ ~~~J~~71; 1w~~J~:u~: n~~ ~1~1::~d:~:· [~i·e1~~: ~/ ;(f\~hcrhood "ther Pridls) and thut him out ofthe Chllr(h: who :lftcr- YfJ by age, I fupp:{e tlut King Henry was elder than Bee- " wards by condign fatisf:~Cl:ion was abfolvcd. ktt. 1t Fatherhood conftfi in Authority, I judge the An- "' There are m:~nyothcr like Examples. For David, thorityofa Kingtobeabove the Authority of an An:hbi- :: ;~~~~~'h~~C::%ilrtt:l~d~::b~~!i.:~:~~; Ki:; ~a4"su~;~~~o 5~~~;~~n~hf:'F~~~:~l~~~;rrh:'Ku;~ <<and he was foon coneded : And the Kmg(layi ng afide fccmg tlJt:S<:n ordau~ed the Fathn (that is) f~emgth~ King "his. Sccpter :~nd Dbdtm, and fetting apart all Princdy made him Ius ArchbLihop, and ~e made not h1m his Kin)5- << Majefly) W3S not albamcd to humble hUnfelf before t!1e 6 , ~y wick«~. bonds• . A!ILS wicked ~ith the PapLils, ::~~~~~I~~ ic~ofltet~~~=Uef~~t~~~·y:d~~r~(~~~ th:~;.~E'~~~a~~~ ~fr~~~01 be!on to " being lricken with ~epentance ask«l. men:y, and.obtain- dOCtrute an~ d1vine knowledge, f~r the in!hrution o~thc " ed forgivnefs. So likewife you (mofi beloved Kmg and So_ul, and mformacion of Confi:Jence. In which both "R~crendLord~:t~er. theex:~mpleofthisgood King pa· Prmces and Subjed:s ought to follow the Paflor, fo long "vsd, ofwhom 1t asf:ud, I have found n Mm aftrr mme as they go tru!y before them without error, or elfe not. "vwn htart ; wirh a contrite and humble heart tum to But what maketh this for the: Lands and Liberties of << the Lord yourGod,3nd hold of Repent:uKe_for your Church-mm? "tr:mfgrdlions. For you h:t\'e falJe11 and erred in m:u1y 8. Ptmifhme11t due to Malefactors and Rebels is not to "thUtgs, which yet I kctp in Hon: ftill, if (peradventtlte) be called Perf«Ution, but due Corr~ion . "God (J13ll'"1nfpire rou to fa}~ with the Prophet; Havt . 9· Saul ~rake the rommandment of God and w:JS re- " mtrq on mt, 0 God, to th! gr~at.mtrq, for _i(ded, O:r.las CO!l_rrary to the rommandmmt of God took :: ~=:~~~htha~~bt~~rc~~~~~=::;}~~~fa~; ~~~:o~~ ~f':h~~:~~~t~~~ rh~Ark~S:~~\~: :: ~~; ~~ ~:.~e~ct;;y ~!~~g~\~~1~~~ !~ 0a~J b~~~! hc~~~d n!ttc~~:;e~~~~~:~~:~~\~~X :: ~~~::~:~~~ ~~?th~her~ ~~rr:l11b~i:tg~:~e t:~r~ :x z~: ~~~~~ud~~j~~o~t;:~~. ht>r; ~~!:: ~t~~or~:l~ << 0 K1~1g, thy Son w:JS dead~ and IS ~ltve again; W:lS left, much pum/11~ for takmg the Priefls Office, as for fpoiling " and ~ f01u1d :~g:~in. But 1f you wil.l not hear me, look the T cmplc ol the Lord, and offering to Idols. ~~~lr :: ~~::~.~o~~l~i ~~7-~~;,\7~~~~::i;~,~~;£: ~~::,·.~:.r'!f!Y;:~~'~:~:;~~·r:::£.~:~:: !-:~~~';,:~~ '~ RLfe.upLord :l!ld nufe, forget not the rebukes ftif gttat yunijl1m~nt .. Fot m rle ttm~ of the Pro!httr hi•. M• r. " :11~d UlJUrics which the ~mg of England doth to thee and a~ the Kmgr 1vh"b dtd 11(!f forbid and fubvm al fitcb ::J':nfr'h~" dune; forge~ nor the 1gnominy of thy Chun:h, which thmgs as wtrt u[tJ of rhe ptople againjl the Law of God Chth1. : :~;s;i~~ :.~~~~~ ~~~~y r~~e, ~J:~let~~e=o~ ::nJ:J!b:e :£;:(;h A:/~~ithftandthtm, are c~ "ofthyfcrvantsofwhomthereisanmfimtemunber. For 1 1 . Jjid(IT/IJ h:uh thefe words: Ut Temporal Princes : ~~;ra~~ft~~~~\':~~~~:~b1::~ ~cl::nt~~ ~~~~~ :;:ht:::/t!:~fri:St:;tc;~:~ot?;:t::/~;~~~rch, : ~~~:~r~}'~~n~~ ~~, h~ r::~~hU:~ ~~! th~~~eas'!cl~~~hl=1:tt~~fh:;o~:~~d~d ~; " · ·e!]. the nufe therrof. them ';-IS ~urther : this King doth nothing but claim dut "j~~~~~~~~~~~which!ShLSdut. And though bythefpirirualf\vordthofe ~:J~,:x~:n~~.,J;~,:~:~,~:~ :~:'~~.:.:l'r~~~ are:~bovc the perfOILSOfthm1which havethr ttmporal (word. Befides thefc:Lettasof thtArchbifhopfctlttothe King, tl~e Pope al(~ in the fame ,aufe writeth to the ~ing, begin· mng after tlus fort; Altxondtr P,{P; ad Hmncum rt.(t~:;