Tbe Popes Letter, &c. EJ '"'tur11li ra_riu:~, & jmlla ~uril Ji8anu, pr~iJ;r.ti- Such is the wi<: kt:dndS now of SchiGnaticks, that the ;; ';:j;,~J£J~;;ffid~~:4{;~~r:',J,%~?:::::;i~~~ J: ;;;_. ~~~~~~~£fo:~~~o~~~ £~h·;;:.:c;J/s~r ~he~~~ !r1 d gu~bft~aws_tfflttur, &;. ThcwholetenoroftheLctter hiSCountry: not able tokt-cpfm: rdidera in hisoY.11 3S hc . \\~Ote it to t~c Kmg I w?illd here C'Xprefs, b~t for properStt, by re.llonofthe ilLduratchrutof Frcdmck the prorradi~tg of thc_tune o.nd finLtntfs of room, havmg fo PhtnaDh. many th1ngs elfe m this flory (by the Grace of c;.hrifi) ro .F'unhtt and. bcfldtS, the Church alfo of C.cnttrbllrJ is F... t.. ~J,. be comprcbendal. But th~ Letter tcndeth to dus effed:: ~nifm.bly imp:ured and blcmifbe?,as we11 in tJ:lc ~piritual as f~~~~ ~(:tr~.rt \~er~~,i~e ~~K;~sn~cft~~E;i~fe,~~7cl~ ~~j~~d~=~}J:t~~~~~~~\~~h~fl~s, ~~~dh~v;e~~ fif:=,t!/! ~2~::~ ~~~~~;;;;,:~::zE2:;~;:2:. :;~g~~~:~:~:t:~~;;:~~'::?:~~~~~i;:~~7~? '"~ ···· ommpcttnw, t?-. btn~~ Ptm prmupu Apojfokrun:,. aut!»- fdf,_ hiS ~hurch, and us alfo) hath brougl1t and int:mgled ;oa1~t:1J.~~;v:;~'[::: & =::a:;:, :::!.{tf:t:;: ~~:~c::~ ~~=:~~;~;;~id!~~ r:~.~g;;s~ r:2:: Tk~ ~~Tl~fo:::;d~J::o;:~":J~~~~· r:; =hl~~~~f~: ~~~~~rw~~ ~i~h~~ ~a~~~:~ ;~~~; ~~~~e:~~ro~o:: ~ru~~m~~~~7A~ ~=;~ :~thh~~~~~t~m~~~~~~r~~h mighty God, and ofSt.Ptter, Pri~oftheApo~l(S., by him. For, bttwi.xt him and our Sovmign Prlnct-,_the Wh~;rl::r~~~v:: :~;:: fr~~h~=1~f~~ ~;~~~;~~tt::h3ag~1 rl:t~~(h:~b:~~ his Church, and of your ?Wn Realm, &c. Th~ have p:lmttti, to have IN oonrroverfic dif....uJTed by eqmty and you hrudt!M: PO!XSintr('J.ttng l.,cttcr. Nowhru:JS ano- Jufrice. thrr Ldtttfent WltO the fordaidKing. wherdnhedoth llida:ybringCOTTl(',theKingccmmand!!daUtheArcfr. menace him, as in tht ta10r thmofhm followtth. bilhop;, Bifhops, and othtt Prdatcs of the CbUICh to lx cal· lt:d in a greu folmm f~lC)': (o that tht ~!tata :md Bifi1op Alex~nder, ferva~t of the fervants of ~:rl"~~~f~~~=a~~jh:d7 ~~dit~~';J~ God, to Kmg Hettrf. Kmg of England, healrh At thtdaydx:rtforobovtme:ntion~is U"Ollb]a of the and bleffing Apoftolical. Rtalm and_ oft~ Church prtfnneth_ himfclf in ~he fight of I "_} OW {at her!; anti gtntf; we bave oj"Himts intrtattd ~~01~~F~~c~~/e~:n;~~:i:~ 0~v~t1J;::!~~:~~{t~~d~ :-1 mdt :xhorud bot~ b; Ltg~ts af!d Letters your princt- as one which fhould bcbroui?ht to th~ prefen~ of a Tyrant. ~!unn;;l~ ~r:z;:;:;e;J~7:r~b;;, fo t~~':~~h% ~l~i~~01~y~1 b:~re ~~: w~~ra ~J:i:J;:lr~o!~w~~f ;a{h::nr_1;;~;!;; t;::~~~J::;:~;~n:~ ut:t;JPtr:; ~~~:) This"j~~~~~ ::Jere~;~~~~ ~~:l;Ull~~il~~ J~~~~: a~~ 1t 11 not(Ad and fFrtad a_lmojlthroughout /(/ Chriftrndom. <:eafc this contention, and to fct agrttmtnt bctwcm them, Forfomt~b tbtrtfort as htthmo w_e coul~ not f't'tlail with · )"Ou, nttt_her 111(/'{lt nor jftr your ':'md With fatr and grntlt wqrJr, tl lammttth us not a lmk~ fo to_bt fujfratt and :::~~Jt~ fou:bt ~ci:;;: fo~;~~~7 ~:~o:{ohat::;;, as our uw_n dtariJ btW.Wd Son m the Lbrd, and unthjland gri~~ y pr.O\"Okcd thrnby to anga: w lOfc: anger yc:t JO t;r~:SfoJ:,::i 1 :s ~~"£ U:::fr{:; Cry out and cc:afc: not, ::~~~~~f~~m~:'ro~~fejf,tlya1:f~~~:;g~e~: Ht_up thy voicr likt a Trumpet, :l.lld declare: to my people" fault. ~~he: adding llubbornnc:fs to his trcfpafS, through thcirwick«<ndS, audthtir linstothchoufeof}acob :AJ. thequanotyandgrtatn~ofhisrx<Xfswas theauthorof fo f orfomueh as it u m Solomon mmmmJeJ, That the his 0\o\'Jl punifhmmt, Y.hich now by the law Civil ht Btct" • j/11ggif/1 pn-Jon jkt11d be ftontd with tbt dung ifOxm: we fullainetl~, and ytt fhamtth to crave pardon for his .defat ~=• have tho*f..ht good thmfor_t, ~~ 1~ forbear or Jurporr ycur ~t the Kings hand; who{( anger he: fc:arcth not to ll:Jr up, E.'J• no ~~b~h:~';;n~~~~~j~"/:/(:~~~j a;;[;b~~j:;cufJt ;~~~~ aa=~cf:e;~~ o!f%~~7o:~~~~t~~u~~~ Mulyr. ;~;~tr: ~r:rt;:J ;:;_:;::_ ~;:/~ J:;, ~n';"~!:::t i~~~:ir~Ser~h~~~~ t~~~!0~~~~}~rhl~1~~-~hha~h::: wtrh_ tht fword of &_eltjiajhcni Jifc,flmt, the tn)urier both pered h!m(d~ WJ~h the: bndle of modn-ation, m t_he hi&b"- of ;;;fZ;e 11 tta~th/t~h:;;:;:=~~:e~;at:~: et:;~· de f~~ge~h~e ~~~~s~:~:~it~~ A~~l~ ~~c.:~~~~~:~~:~~~: ~~{a~~, r;t: if;~~~lid~e~li~; r;s afem:;J::~}1, ;:~~;~~~;;~~~~~ ~~ :~~n~of:O:~~,i~l~: ~~~dif i:J;f7J r;;;~~;:~:s7h0~}/:f/,k~,:~:ot:t:r~;:~;b:; :~~ ~~~~~~t~~ldc~~~:r1!dot~i~=:~dh;l~: ~:,:t~h~:~fhr~rw;:t::'K:f:lo~f J?:e:tdat Bmt- ~~~.t .~~~~~~~::e ~is~i~!ua~~:~~~!~~ wtll ~jtd, That hisJx:lril~t? and fi_tbmittmg to d:r King. To ~t:fwa thcfe Letters a~in, tha"e was another ett- in th1s lxh_alf wn-e prejudtctal a~amfi rhe authonty and tain wrltmg drawn out and dirtd-cd to the P~, made by Stt AjX>IIohcal. As though he d~ not or might not un- (ome ot the. Clagy, :\Sit ~ttm~h: bur not Wlt~t con· underlb~, rhar although the- dig_mtyoftlw:Church l"hould fe_ntofthc:hing,~bythttttlrmayappe.u-?invcighmgand fidfa :J.latle derrinxn~ in tha.tjudgment: yet he: might Mproving the misbehaviour of the: An:hbifltop. Thr te-- and ought to have dtfl"emblro (for _the time) to obtain nour whacof here followcth, :uld btginntth thus ; ptact lUltO the Church. He will objcd ag:rin, al/ro!?ing thcnameofFath_cr, That it foundrth.likeajX>intotar· An Anfrctr lP the Pope. rogancy, for Ch11dren to proc«d in Judgment of con· ~f:;~ati:ta~:i'1~1~heu~~~~~w~!~~n:h~3~ 1i~~~n: d,(tl:" holy' mo<h•cr I cdfary that the olxdienc and humility of tht Childmt fhouldtempcrtheprideofthtFathcr; leHaftc:rward, the hamd of the Father mightredomldupontheChildren, Wherefore by theft· prcmiiCs your Fathc:rhood may Ut}(la· fund>