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Tbe Refcript defe77jive of Thomas Becker to the Bijhops his Suffragalls. 24 7 :~/:S\~~fi~~~~~~~thcL:unmr.ttion ofJm- The Refcript o.r Anfwer again ofThoma$ Bec4 .... ConfKI.a thttefore, if Jt pleafe you_, and foref« well /;!t to all hts Suffragans, not obeying but "withyourfdf, this purpofeofycws, if it proca:d, how confuting the counfd fem. "hurtful and pcillous it will be; noconlytothePOJ?t. • :: =ar~r::~~;~y '£~~Fo~! :;:J~!~r:1~0~/:,f~ F ~::ep;;:~~;;~~r~;,:;~~~",~nrra:1,:~;;,~:1e;~; :: ~~~~~(~~~:;:~~~~~)!: ~=~~;:u~SJ na{~~;t~tll:ri1C7;:/t?,'~'biit ~~~ by the whole af. <' give you contr:rry counfd, to prove rathtt and d~bre of your wif<loms writun, as I fupp:{e, of late I re- " what ye arc. able to do againll yo~r Lord and Prmcc, cc_tved upon :t fi1dden: theContents whereof feem m Con- « and to pr.~Chfe ag:lln!l ~hn an~ all Ins the uttennofi of r.un more fl1arpndS thau fohce. And ~vould to Gcx_l they «your power m~ author ity, which powa and authority proc~ed more of fincer_e ual of godl:ndS, _or affdbon of " of yours, to lum that off~td~h, Is fearful> and to him char1ty th:m of difobed~c-nce or froward w~fulnefs. For "that will nut arr>en~ •. ternble. Such counfd as this, charity fecketh not the thmgs that be her own, but which « (ome peradvenmre wdl whifp-r in your ear. But to thefc appertain tO Jefus Chrill. It had hem your duty (~f thm ((again this we fay a~ anfwer for our King, whom not- be truth in the Gofp-1, as moft un?oubt~ly thtte IS) and « withfunding [0 bcwtrbout faultwedonotaffi~: but_ r~ if you would faithfu.lly haveaccomplttbed hiS bufinefs_ whofe : ~~~ ;;rk~~nd:ciyt~~rn;~e~'~~~~~~CtJOn, ::~;~Jr:~dt'r~d~~ ~eta:ct~~:t~~h~t~~~~__ Tbt c~- «The King, appointed for _the Lords annoi?ted, provi- extendcth no funher than to the b::xry > rnther to ha,·c ~~~ : ~~J;t: ~~~~rish~U:~~~~~t~15 ~ ~~~~~ tr: ~~, t~fi~ ~~n~~t;e}cl;i~~b;=iohisf~: ~~;k~r "Churches and anlOI~gft his Sub~ committed to ~tm; thtt olx<hmt unto the ~cath > wh1ch d1~ for us, lcavmg a= :: ~l~t:~i~~i\~~~u=t~11:~~-~o~~ !~~~~~ w~~~J'b;o J::!: ~~ forU:h~ 1~\~:~~~~t~ :: :::;t h~h:f~f~~:t~::!~~:~:~ ~~~~o~ut\~t;~·~hu~~~~~~l ~~:~~~d1 :~~; "admonill1ed from the Popt: by the R~·erend Blfh?ps of hbttty he hath procur~ w1th hts own ~ptr blocx:l: \ell: 1f "Lmdon and HmforJ, braft not out mto any ~ehann, we fhall do otherwife, 1t may happly fall. upon us whkh "but mttkly and hUmbly anf~·ered, That whttetn ~~ver is written ~1\.theGofpd ; Whofo /QV~th bJS cwn lift mflrt Sctipturtt "the Church or:my Ecddiafhcal po{on~~:t {hew htmfdf rhanmt, u nor 71J~rth! of me. Th1s ye ought to know, lnwmdo <' grieved, he w~d therein ftand ~o the Judgment of the That if it be right whJCb y~ C~ptain commandeth, your ;:~r:J,"~~t :: ~~o~:!:n~~~;~~~:i~io;~r:f~: ~~t~i~ ~~t~~Y~~ ~~; ~~~~u; if not, ye ooght then ra- :~~:;~:: : ~t~~rt =~dn~1~~:m0~;~5fa:~l~, :~~jen~:~~~ff;;;~~ yOL~~e h~~~g~!:i~~;~S~~~d~bha~ ~~~~0f~~~c\%Y~ ~~"~::M· " forroandamcndhisfuult, butalfoto.fatlsfie st to the ingJftheLordhadgJvmyoutotakeabeu_erheartwJto « uttamofi, if the Law {ball fo rtquirt hun. Wher~ore, you, "hich have ntrned cowardly your backs m the day of " he is fo willing to m.:omp~nce and fati~fi_e the JUdg- ~ttel ; or if any ofyou would have returned a~ain tG Hand "mmt of the Church in all thmgs appertauung t~ the hke a wa~l for the Houfe of Jfratl; at !call it he had but : - ~~~:hf~~~~1:: O::f- ~~~h~~t :t~hr~~ ~i~~ ~Va~i~;~~i~~~~~~~~~·h::re b:~t~:,\~~~~~:frt~~~~~ " what right, by what C:lno1~, or r~vn ~n )"OU. inten!iCt Lamb ofGod, I wa1ted, and none cam~; I IUffered, and "him, orufeExcorrummicauonagamfthnn? l tlSathmg no~rofe up; J held my peace, and none w~l~ fpeak; : ~:~~~:jft]~ t~.g~e:;htr;:n~:J~:!:a~:: ~~~~:~b~~;~~ ~;:~;·~u~!ftt~db:;r~ ~~:~!~~~~c~ :; ~hts~:n~;v~ ~m:1h~~tiv~~~~~ al~~~~~~~ ~:~fi~;~~:~n::~~~~~~~y~i~~ = E:r,~~~:t 0 "Fatherly care will diligently provide for your flock mtd Lord, and ~1d ge my eau~, rnrenge the blocx:l of the Chuch <~frteepoommitted to you, fo t~tthcy mifcanynO(", er whkh is_wafiedand opprdfed.. The.prideofthem"hich •'runtoanyruinerhroughanymconftderateortoomuch hJtehishbertyrifcthupn-cr,neJthertsthereanythatdoth t< heady counfd in you: but rather, through your fofinds gocx:l, no not one. Would God, Brethren bdovtd, rhtte << and fufferancc, they may obtain life, peace and ft'Ull"iry. were in you any mind or affeCtion to defend the liberty Of << It doth mo\·e us all, that we h~ of late to be done by the Church; fOI" fhe is builded upon a fure Rock, that al~ « you againft the Bifhop of SAlisbur]> and the De:J.n of tbe though 1l1e be fhakt>n, yet fhe cannot be.overthrm\on. And The Cl1urclf "6me Church, profperoufly, as fomc Mm fuppofc; a- why then fcek ye to to confound me? Nay rather your ofChrlll. ,::~:~;.~!~::~h~!i:i·E~~~:~it:~: ~rnE.:~~:tt~:~~:::~7;~::~:~;~~l:~~~~~:~ ~~li~. « the heat ofhafhn~ than the path of R1ghtwufi1es. ThiS very bam!~ment. io t. nfi11· :: :~ ~('~~~~~~ft:~= 1~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~;,~a th;~;~!b~ \~~~~~~:r;,~~~t~~u!frc:~d~.c!Th~ EY:~~:.~ «after to mqui re of the fad: conu.Uu«l. WJU0 order tbu1~ difcu!S you !imply wit~ your ~Ives, and weigh the ih:!n'~~ "l~::fi you (hould hertafi:eratrempt to exercife in lt ke man· the matter. Attend I_ fay dihgmtly myour mindsfo1· your "'""lru111 u ner againfi our Soverai~1 a1td Kin~, or againfi. us and pa~ that God for hLS part removing from your eye; all ~/!':',;,d. "our _ChurchtS, and PMifh5 committed to us, to the MajdlyofRuleand Impery,asheis.noacceprerofpcrfons, ofl>oltScrl· ., detrtment oft~ Pope, and the Holy Church of Rome, may take from your hearts the veil, that ye may under- r;u;~~~~J; '~and to the nbhttleconfufiOltofusall; thttefore we lay fiand and fct what ye hare done, what ye intmd to do, ::,e ~~ill~~f:,uo~;~nt!h/~Jk0~a~~~~; ~ Jv:~J~fr:ntn:~~:;h~vt~o1~rr!~{~ " Chmch ~th li\"elyvoyceweappealed to the Pope: for ?'l,eitherOx.orACs. fflluVedefraudedhimofanypeny, <' ~n perils that might have happened: fo now again tf I have mif-judged the caufe of any Man wrongfiUly, ot <• Ill writing ,~·e appeal to the fame, affigning the ttrm of if by the detriment ofany perfon I ha\·e fough~ mine O\m "Ol.U" awllatton the day of the Lords Af~;mlion. Mofi. gain, let him complain, and I will rdlore bun fourfbld. " humbly ~nd nveranly bdt:~hing }_'OUr j;oodndS, t~t And i~ J ha\·e nor offended ycu, wh~t thm is th~caufe du~ "l·~, t:!.kmg abetter waywuh youmthssmatter, w11l ye rhus leave atld forfake me inthecaufeof God? Why ::~~a~·: ~u~·e{f~ftllf~r.~e~i:;o.~l~e~~f:sa~~ !h~~ it~l~l~~~-~e~~~t\~g~~ ~ ~~KhCI~urcl~~)l 1~~ • tnfi1 fOil r1ghr wt\1 ro fare, R.tVtrend. in tht Lord1 Brethra1, f«k not t6 tonlbtmd your fdv(S anct the ChurchofGod(fomuchasin}'Oi!is)butrumtomt> an& jfu