248 The Refcript defenjive of Thomas Becket to th< Bijbops his Suffragans. r~:t,~~r ~~~~!~ z:;·rat~~: l~fl~~ ~::~~r; ~;~ 'ii~e:he ~~~ rh·:~iptl:;~o~~~~~t:~;~~~ru~h~~~;~.~t~v~~~~= ~~~re ~7t?'rd fu(~Jd~~ :kt~~dli%!:1 ~~:~~;'£\~:J ~fu~h~~~~dn~~~; ~f~~~~mJJ~~~i_~;w1~t t~~:1~vi~~vi~te~et~~l~~td~f~11:ta r.nd. ~:t~?hcc:Ji;~:,:;:!~~~~h':~~v~=~~:~\~~; ~~ed~~h·~~~~~~~~ 0~1~~~!r~~~~~~~:~) ~;~~t ~~;~: l§;~S;s~isWf~~~~~:~~~:~\ ;i~qE.~~2~~;~,~~~5~~~~: ~~~~ , ~ hv~t~h:nrutdo~~~~e31lri~~:1~il~~~;~et~; ~:d1 j~ ~~~a~;~cd'f~~~lk~:~~~n,t:1:1~:~~~~~;Q~~ t~~PT~~ betwixt J!I.C and you, and. re<.J.uirc the confufion of I"WS Thuefon~ .let your ~ifcrction prov1de, I~ fo~ thiS your~omg ~~din rbt Church at your hands. Which Chun:h, whethtt the world Gods punifhmalt hght up:m you; wh1ch 1f it come, It will old Llwdld will or no, ftandeth firmly in the \~·ord of the Lord, whac- ~ hard.for rou very alily tocfca~ Provide alfo and fceto ~o~~i!'• upontbeis buildtd.,andever tball,ull the hour~omethatlhe yow Kmg, whofc: favour >.'c: prc:fer before the walth and wlr~ tbt ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~j,o~!~ ~~~~~ Father ; for the Lord ever ::~:~~~~ ~i%'\~i~hl~\ ~~ish;['!%~ (:C~~~h~:a!';~~f ~£:=·{~• Wherefore: (0 rctttnl to the ma~ter: Brethren, rc:mc:m- than which fur the like crime: Wtrc: plagued. And if you ~~.!~~t bcr well with your (dves (which thmg ye: ought not to for· c~e not off from that ye: begin, with wh~t Confcic:nce can ''" IU.,f, get) what da_nger I w~ brought wtto, and the ~hurch of I~ilffernble~forbear, bu~ mull1~eeds pun~ you~ Let him:~~·;:· God alfo wh1k I was m England, at my depamng out of d!lfem?le wah you who lifl (havmg ::mthorJty fo to ~0, tru. Prlcllo to Engfand:, and after my departure fromthc:nualf~; in what ly I v;dlnot) thm_ !hall~ no diffimulatk>n found m me.=~:" ~;r£~ fi~n\~~I~~~~~~:V~~~:~~ifi~~~c:~t~~:~ ~i~~7~{~w~~g~~':7r;;~of;h~~le~~;, !~~~::~" ~~!ZJ·~~· d~~~~.}' ~~c:~dt~~~u;!~~fu~:~}ta:!::b~~~~~; f~~dt~~~~e~~ilia~ ~~~~~h;~~~!~~: =~ta~ ~~~~~ ~~ll~ }~~~in; troubl~ for inJUries done to him and_ to his ChutCh, and whic~ the mouth doth Wlllinglyfprak, killeththefool ~but •btn .. . ~ cu1ror. appealmg to the Pope of Rome) to~ JUdg«l, condernn«l, d"~Lallythew"!dsof a Pridls mouth ought ever to go with ':!o.t'-.rm!- apptalc:d, and pur to his Sureties, and that of his own vc:ncy.Astoochmgthismatter,IappealtoyourownConfciSuffragans? \ Vhere is this Law fctn, or th~ Authority (nay e.nce whethn theform ofmy EleCtion flood not fully with the r.uhc:r pnver!ity) of this Canon ht::trd off? And why yet confc:nt of them all to whom the Eltdi.on belongtd, having fhamc: ye not at this your enormity ? Why arc: ye nor 001r alfo the affc:nt of th~ Prince by his Son, and of them which fcllmdc:d? Or why doth not this confuftan work in you re- were fc:nt thnc:to. And if there: werc:fomc: that rc:pugn«l. the pentancc:, and~tancc: drive: you to d~~ fa_tisfad-ionbc:fore fame, he that was troubled and. is guilty, let him (peak. God and Men? Forthe!C andfitchothermJUO~don~ to God Ye fay moreover, That I was ~xalted and promoted and to his Church, and to me: for Gods caufc (which. with from a bafc: and low degree to this d1gnit}' by him. I gt:lnt c..r<ltfltt a good Confcic:nce I oughtto_(uffer) bec:mCcthatwJthout that~camc:ofnoRoyal ~Kingly blood: yet nornichf.~~~m danger of foul I ~ht--not to ddfemble them) 1 chufc: ra- ftanding I had rather~ .m tl¥: number of them, whom thcr to abfent my felt for a feafon, and to dwell quietly in venue ofmind than of brrth makc:th noble. Peradventhe_Houfeofmy Lord, than~n ~heTabemadeoffinncrs, turc:l '~born in a poor Cottage, of poor Parentage; unnl the: time that (their imqmty being compleat) the: and yet through Gods demCJFY, which knowc:th how to hc:Jrts of the: wick«l, and the cogit:.tionsofthe fame !hall work mm:y with his fc:rvants, and which cheritbc:th the ~~1f!m ~h:I~~~' ~~~i~ ~~~':[er:! ch~~l, ?::h~!~~~;~~~~~ ~~::r~r~~;~~:~ :~h~~~l; wluch ye do term to bt fudd~n. But 1f ye will fpc3k the: fervke, I had abtmdantly and W(llthtly to !Jvc: wuhal (as tmth whi.;h ye know, it ought noldSthan to bc:(uddcn: ye:_ know) amongfi my Nc:ighborsand Friends. And D.:,.- &• M In· h~ c~: 1g ~:;:1~)=~~~~~~th';:;;~ af: . K:~g~~e~;r:hF~~:dm:t:a~~~c:ubf ~h:c~:h~ k~!~d:e' thc:Itft, bothforthc:honouroftheKing, andbetterfafe- who, forlusbloodbc:ingihedforthenamrofChrift, de- ,, voner_of ty of them, which (fctking my harm) !bould have brought fc:rvc:d to have in Haven a Crown, and in Earth name and ~~· ,::Jn llandn: to the King. If fucb tr~blcs follow~ upon I"?Y ten0\\11 : would to God w~ coul.d do the like ! We be the l!'.:!!bt ~ri>r;~~~~j~j~~~~~,;is~~i~~ff:€ ~~1~i~$~5i~rrf41Ei[~~:~·~1~t. . dc:chnng both the caufesofmy ~mg and of my Appe:~l, intention. As if aMan commit a mW1her unwillingly, al· Hit ...rh ~~~~~:~oa~~e ~=~~~da;;:v~11,~~~j~~; :t~l::l~ !~f:tt'~c:a~/G!:~rh~~~~c: ~~ ~~~;:~r=:y~h if~~~~ thtrc: any that bid any thing againfl: me, before we came reverence to my Kmg, yet I have forborn him as my Lord, to the King. Thns while we flood waiting in the Comt, if I have warned him, and talked with him Fatherly and ·whether-any would.come againfl me: or not, they fcntto gemly as ~vichsSon, and in talking with him could not my <?ffici.lls; chargmg them not to obey me in my T ~m- be heard : 1ftherefore, I fay, being in.forced thereunto, and po!ahtics, nor to ?We any li:rvice to me or tO any of mme. agai1~fi my wil!, I do cxercife upon him the cc:nfurc: of due: ~~~~·\:.~~~~a~:=~ ~d~~f:>~~~,r~;~ho~ ;~{~~o~~!~~'rt!.~~:hisra~~~ :~fort:; Jawed both of the Clcrgy and of the Lalt}", Men, Wom~n, corred:ion, dun note or fufpinon of ~dndSor punifh· and lnfums; the ~~of the Church, that is, thepatri- mentfortbc:fud-. Sometimesa Managamfl his will reroonyofthcCrucJhx,oonfifcatc, and part of the money ceivethabenefit. As when necdlitycaufethaMantobc: tl~nu-d to the Kingsufe, part to your own Coltc:rs. Brother rdlrainc:d from doi~1g t_hat whidt he ought ll?f to do: he ~~~~~::J\~~~~\:1 ~~~~hd;.~t~~v:rth~y~~~~ ~~~ ~~!, (bu~e:~lum,fi~~ he r!oh~u(~~~~h~ we: charge: you ?nd require: you forthwith by vertuc:of obc-- Another thing, that dc:~c:th _ us from ingra~irudc:, is out :~e~ciu ~~~;~~~~~:fe ~~Y~G~;~r>~~~~~ ~~~~i~i~~ ~;r~~~o~d ,~:u~n2~~rr~nw~:,:; ~;:IC~ ~hC: ;~rh~~; the rime aforefJid, 3.ll fuch goods and parcels as you have bound as Children by nc:cdlity to obey his commandment, taken a'"'-ay: for it is unmc:c:t and comwy to all law, one in wanling the evil-dOtt, in corrc:ding the difobcdic:nr, and Church to be: inridd with thcfpoil of ancxl1cr Church. If in bridling thc:.obftinate: which ifwe do not, we run into ~~l::~~~r:~~~~:u~~~~~ =~~~i~~~uri1c:w~:~~~~=- ~~~~frct~!d~~~'~=l~l~~:!=; ~::Cu~~Ct~[~ be: can give no l;uvful authority, whkh committ("th violan tc:mfOI<llides. But ye: fpeak no word of the lofsofour fouls. injnJ?',&c. Moreova)