Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

250 A Ce11[ure 11f011 Bcckct's Refcript. The If. of England appealeth to the Pope. or r.;ii~t~~· l~:~~~~~st~1~~~ki:1 ~j~f ~~:do~~~~J;\~t~~ f:U7J~\::u~::/:t/~:'t';b~ififl~:·a'u~: ;~~~;;~t ought in no !n:mnrr of wift: fo to do, fpo:ia11y itting the tbt inttnt to bt~ve mvrt c~m[m and bm~ rr~ifl in ;cu, matter rcrtameth to the opprdlionol the Church, and jiias_ddrkus(tutbt rt~rt u) rtbtl, •ntl ftrrh~s poplta- ~~~~g~k~~T@.~~ ~:!~~~ ;.~J·~~fs~~~~~:~~nA::~;~~~r~7~~ ~n {~i\\\:t~ if;~,;~:' ft! (th~~J~7:a//1}~;~o;:. "';{u/:h~::: ~f t~0tN~:~~ J~~ 7;!~~~: ~ ~~o~;tl~~~e~::e1 ~~:; ~~:Jil~;fJ;:~J:;t:a:::n: ':~:~~:t~,:;;:~~:;;:g:;:; thing in hand lxtwix~ your pllt and ours, orrhatwc ~ave cannot obtam the favour iftht Kmg. Htrtin ,vhat )OI~ ~~~~;Zt r1~~l~::J:d~:~~~~ITa:;!l ;:(:;rr:c ~~et~~~~~ ;;;;::~ a;;e}/:;~1~o" fmtl mt ward by rour proprr Let· or int(ltd(by Gods mttey)focodo. Andtherefore_we ~n~~~~~!~ffi~fan~1~=~'o;~~~;:or:dd~~~e ~::~~ ter ~~~~i:::C!~~~t~ 1~et~~d~ea~fo~h~~·,,~;, {~~~~} hun, if he (being oft(lt Cllled u~n by Letters and f¥!dT"m· which was the fi~eenth yrnr o~ the R(lgii ?fK1ng H~ go-s to acknowledge his fault, neither will confdS hiS rrc. the Sa:ond, the Kmg mifdoubtmg and formg with himfjn.5, nor yet come_ to any fatisfa.frion for t?e fime) ~ave fclf, that the Archbi1~ would p~ttd (or exettd nthn) the C(ltfure of feventy by the Pope and us latd upon htm: in his ExcommwUcauon againfi hiS own pet{011 (to pK· ~!:"'t~; for no MaL~ can fay that he is u~tjulll~· intreated, whom the vmt themifchief) made his a~ to the prefence of d1e ~:~~-~a~ ~~v~~t~:a~~{, ~~~E~~!:~;;~~~a~~~~t~~~~?~: ~~:; ~~~!P~1~d~, ':a~ke~~ :~:'~~ Di 1bc Sett· Church Goods, and fubverters of the liberties thereof, nei· th~ Archbi1hop and lum; requiring moreover that they r...'dd~.1 thcr have any ::mthOtio/ of the Law to maim:ain them, nei-- mtght alf~ be abfolved that were interdict(([, Whneupon ther doth their appealing defend them, &c. two Cardmals, being f(llt from AltxanJtr the Popr: with LetteiStorheKing.. c:une to Normandy: wheretheyappo!nted the Archbilhop to meet them ?efore th~ King upon A brief Cenfure upon the former Refcript of :;autt _Mart rm day. But the Archbifhap, ne1ther agree- ~~:~: ~~n~;~l ~~fo~~~f~~'o}"t~~err:Fa~sb:~~;;~ ~~-;~~~~;'~ft~:Y :lci~~!~e!~~d ~~1:~1~,c~;~~~~r~il~~~ in contained. :h~~€~~=;~~~i!{1~~~~!~:ea~:~~i~::~ IF tht King of England had bun an Idolartr, Covttom, Tl!e contents of which Jntreaty 0! AfriOtt, becaufe it is fuf. a11J Adulttrtr, an Inctjluow ptr[on, a mnrthaer, fic1endy contain(([ in the Qlrduu\s Letters, who were ;:;;; {h;hK~~~ 'a~~enr~:;, ~a~~ ';f: p~;:rfn1J~r;::j ~:;;\~"k~h;: ~:ho~tV:t~~~ 0:tct~~~o~ 0:/ :h; p~aifo 111 rhu Epijlft, and the Smpt~nt wolffd ha'l.le_born Letter, where the fiurunof the whole may appt:n: The h;m o11t thmin. For thtfo and [~~<b Clmfts Jllculd Biflx;ps words of the Letter be thefc. pro{twte the antboriiJ. if tbt GoJptl againjl all Pn:frms. 1:;rr~b::h%~ct{n:f:r~~t;:/~;;;:: ifoc/;:~::t;{; Th(;a~:J/n:t ::eltp~:~~r:;::r;7~~;: Z~~~~~ oftheArchbif!Jop Becket. \ VI'[~a~~~:~~~~~'ter~::o~~ c~~n~~~~ "' '" <h< iwn.nity of I Land of t~e King of Engla~;d, we fowtd th~ Controverfie ~,;,p,_,;,.;T"dJi'~ ''':'~". ''-'l"'' ""l''""ml"' f"JI<j · betwixt him and the Archb1fhof.of Canttrbury more !harp ~ilh. 1!~:p~::;~~~h~npl:~~~:~~,:tfgd:gh_~!~.'-~!h,:!~~ r:~,;.~,.~f~ ~b<i,.nuuD•omini<>m, "'<b"'h' f:n«nu ~f <h< :Pop<n>od llum; "'! olfo <h< Eo<l of F/,ndm h<S Kmfm•n lwho i.,,.< barcnodi fpleali1re to him before) hemadehisopenadG~f~~~~~riffi~~~1~g1~~?~!~~ w:rf:try, ready to waragainfi him, ns is by divtrfe eviden- ces mofi cernin. Thus wh(ll we came to C11domus firfl to thc!\ingsfpt:ecb,_wel$averhe lettersofy'?W"Fatherh~ tolushands ; whtchatter-that heludrrceJvedandCOil!E-- dered ( bringingforthwitlul othnLettersrteeiv«<fromrou bf:fore, fomething divers and altering from rhdewhi~h h~ received of us) he was mov«< and flirred with no htif<h>i,J<.,,;;;,.,, h<>uh,ft!~ indig.nation; faying, That the ArchbiJhop, afta our mm"'"'""'f'!f<, """"'<dro<<d. dtpartur~fromyou,hadreceivedofyouothercontraryl.ttrrn, by th~ venue whereof he was exempt«< from our judgThe Letter of },-(4~ild the Emperefs, and Mo· ~:~~. 1:1,~ r~d ~~dto~ ~d~~U~";xt~ ther of the Kmg, to Thomas Bech.!t. did the Bilhops there prefmt, tdlif}·ing the flme, That conccming the old a1_xl antientculi:omsofhisProgcnitoiS (whttrofoomplamt was made tO):OO)all tbat fur the mofi part was faU( and unrme whtch wns intimate to you; offering further to us, That if there were any fuch_cufiomsorLawsin histime, thatfeemedprejudicial I'" j,,.,W ],,~ "'j'"j1.,J m<.•. ~n;,:,f•~ub< ·•~rn•}'" ,~J or dJfagreeable to the Stamtcs of the Church he would willingly be content to revoke anddifamml the fJme. Wherrnpon we with othtt Archbifhcps, Bifhops and Abbots of dte Land htating the King fo reaf01ub!t, l.ho<<d,