Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Blafphemozu, impudent, ridim!o~U, aud ljhzg Miracles of Becker. 2 SS ftc;;";;;:~~e ~f:;:J':; ;:~:qn~:;:,:s~ 1:_::: !!~~~:~~~ ~:~~i~~~~i~ ~~.0~~~\:~ t;xAi~l,dri~~~~~· S~n~~~r.•t qutul tign';jt'lvationis & magnd! Janf!ttaw tJTmt t)UI m1- of the lkl?k doth f~y he d1d fee. fo omit al(o tht b!af- ;o,ebldd;~ . ;-:::~ttm}:t:frr~a6!:.ium pobafflt &c~tjid! cmtfa, pro ih':rdfay~~~h:b~ b;~~¥~~~,~~~~~~~;~1~i!~~ct~b~ ~~~~~~~;<V' I" Engl@>' Eri:~~:?.~~:;:~f,~!~J:2£:~~t~t;:: ~::.::. i~~~~ ns.7t~:t~~Th~t;~~~~[;:~;h:,AJ:e~J 1 P;; tvh~~~T~;~ ;au7ct~,:~~~;;r'~~~a:h~r31~r~~~;h~a~~~ ~H~:.·:~· n~M~.d'" this ueftion a~t[wtretb R.ogtt a Norman, that he 'lJial war- rence, and fuch others, fu!Tered only for t~cir own o.ufc ; :~;~: tby . ~~~~:~o~t~::s 1h~:: tt0ar c~~in~~~~~gb!Ma~lh{~~~ !te"M~1:a_hc mus by name) twdvc yens bcfort the_de:uh of this Buku, ~~~ f;,3.~~~i~~:;~:~¥;~iF~~:~~~~~[~i~ f[g;~;: dr.~d, wasrevwcdagamfofoonas he had the w:tter of And thus luve ye the judgment and cenfure ~ the Canur~HrJ put _in his Mouth, and had by l_lis Parents SchoolofParistouchingthisquefiio:n, forthcfanChngof four pteces cf?tktr bended, to be offered m Canto· T!xJmas In which judgment for fo much as the bury in the Chtlds behalf. All thefe, I fay, with fi~h grtatefi argument refleth in the- Mincl~ wrought by him ~d~tT lik~ to _omit ( th.e number whtrco£cometh to an m· afterhisdcath;letusthereforepaufealittleuponthefame, timtevar~otty) onlythJSonellory, oranotherthatfcllow- ~f ~~e~1:f~~et~f;h~~c~ bel~~~ t:t w~~~ ~~l~~ [~;:fi~o exprefS_the vanit}' and impudenr forgC· ~y~~;;~[~t:~?;~~;~o~;d ~h~: thi~ ~ha~~a~~~fet~: .~~~~O:~~~i~~~'of1~dc~;~lil~ t~~~~~ &:~ft:n~ a: ~s;s,(~~~;t~~~r:;~t;fotie,w:~~ ~~j:::J~~ ~~{icft~~;~~::~~i~~:~~~[::~~~f, ck, : '~''r";·~M~'tth:;·\';h+~~rnc.~d:h~~·g';o~"~u";fnct:~'':"'~;.ttno~[{~;OCf~h:~w~~ere burfimg into_ anothe-r Mans Houfc which was hJS De_bror~ · took?utofhlS Houfc a grCJ.t WhetH~ne, an_d a p:iir of H«<g_utg·&lovcs._ Thcothtr _p:trt)' feemg thJs v:llue !tot fuftiC!ent for I~IS condemnatiOil (by the coun(d of the rather to be true, andnolefSmayappear by the Mirnclt;S Town·<?-lerk) entred:mAd:ioJ~ofFdony.againll: him tOr F.b;p..ll l..ikr~,,.1 . them(el,~ fetforthbyoncofhlSown Monks, andofhiS o~hcrthmgs bdid~ asforfieahng his W1mble, his AXe, M..~ .. !; , n<•IAI B: own time ; who in five folemn ~ks hath compreh~nded h1s Net, and other Cloths. W!Jcrcupon Eih11ardur lx-ing ;~~:~·:; •~' ?t';...,::;•. all the Revelations, V ertues and MJrncles of the Archbi(bop; had to the Gaol of BedjcrJ, and afte-rward condemned for -rt...., ' ~"'f""'""" thewhichBooks (asyetrenuining in the hands ofWtUi· the fame, wasjudgedtohave-both hiseiespuc out, and c.*...· am St epbenfon Citizen of LonJ()tl) I have feen and pt:r· alfo thofe Members cut ?ff, wh!ch N::tture with fecret u(~; wherein is contained the w~le fumm of all his ~e hath cover_ed. Whtch pumfhmet_"lt by the malice of =~~;~ ~~tt,nf:~~~~~~~~~o=n~~!::r.~~ ~~~dd;~:; ;t~~chb;t~:Jm~ h~ ;;~n?~,\~ }~ abfurd, fome alfo bl.:Uphemous, ~nd fome fo, impud~u, make h~ pr3Jer t? this Th=as of Cnntabmy·. Which that not only they defervt no credit, (altogether &vourtng done (fanh t~e M~rnck) there appeared one to him by i!J!7~ ~~~fn~f~~~d?e ~~ha: forfu~: l!f;;:fra~I~ f!'n~ £;: ~it;;..ti~~;!:~1r~~ a~~~:g&~}~.t~~va~~f;aJS~.'T~ ceffity an~ for ltdldds, wh•t caufe or ntceffity was dtere mas. In ~nclufion, the M1t3.~lt thus fell out : The next ~!~~~~ i~~\~or~1f;~·~~~~a~;~~ ~:~o~~!~!%u~ 1~ ~i~~u~~g,bet;e~~: :~~~gn~~ i~}~e-,!~t. ~;~nt~ 3ny in all h~ hie ? Then to conlida the md of thefe &"eater meafure, fo that one was of 3 colour, the othtr MirncltS, whitber do they tend, but only to bring Men was of black ; 3nd h~re was one Miracle rung. After this to Cantobury, withtheirVowsand Oiftrings to enrich folkw.•ed another Mn·ach:aHOup:m the llme perfon; for th~rde~~: number of thefc ~ne!~ w~idi be . f:tid to ~;~~. ~: ~~~[:t(i.J~~i~~%~~:~~) ~~~b~~~e~~c~-~~~~~~; en~:.~~ be fo m:my, t~Jt they lo(e therr own ~retht ; what difeafe hJS froet p:trts were cut off, and tmmedtately on the fame Mifx\t. is therebl:~ngmg to Manor Woman,.1n thecurirlg Whcrt· his l}mdultJ _(t~ ~1fe the word~ of my flory) we~e to h~m ~~::;~~~J~J:,t~l~~~~~t:T:t~~'~!lli~~~~~~ ;~~:;:',;.~r~:~hf:l~ );;;t~:;~~~['J e~~de~/:7o 'fccf~{l~~ t1on, Falling-fickne~ Leprofie, Head-:ach, broken Arms, would, and lhamcd t~ot to deny. lnfomuch that hc,_com· ~h~~t~te~~~~~jaJshd~;~~e;n~~~~ i~~~~~i~;~~~:, ~;:~ ~fn~~Ps~r~:b~;:1! :~1;;;;;Cc~l~~~~~dt~~;r~:~~~! And as all theft: have bc~n healed (for the moll part)byone of l!tdff!"d for the r~uh of the matter, received from them kind offalve(asacen:un~anauaJ wh~ch was, with the 3S:'~n Letters Tdhmonill, whtTei.Jt the Citizens there wateronlyofCanttrbury,hke asacmmmgSmith, which (!auh th is fubulous FtiHval) confirmed tirfi to the Bi~ ~!:~':" ~~~~~:;d';~~h~~?t~~~n::~ !:l;!t ~~T/h~ ~t~h~~~~t ~~~~la~~! t~f~:Ca-]~~b:{~ ~~~cl~~~~~~~ matterfo.conveted, thatthepowerofthisdead Saint.was tie Reader) fofb:t.mdtfs and Impudent, I thought here ne_vertwKCfhewedonanyone- Difca.fe, buttverydn·ers to ex~fS,that by this one thoumightfi judge ofalt Difeafeha_dadivnsMiracle. . therdJdueof his Mirndts; and by the refidue thereof To rrote in order all thefe ~rochgious Re\:elations and mightdl judge moreover of all tht tilthy wi<:kedncfs of alf fantlll!cdMincl~ falfly imagmedand afCTJbed to this thefe: lying Monksand Cloiflertrs, 'Vhichcouncitalighr ~hbif!!op, \\"ttt nothing elfe but t? write a Ltgend of fport fo impud~1t~ y to_ deceive the limple fouls of Chrills !ICS, an~ to occupy the Peo~le with mfl:5. Which becau(e Church with tnfl:mg hes:tnd dre1ming fab!&:S. Wherefore lt pertameth rat.her to the 1dle profeffion of fuch drc:mi.J1g (as I faid) if the h~ly fainting of 'rh~-n:as Buket fbmd· Monks a~ Clo1fierers, that ha\·e nothing elfe to mamtain tt_h upon no other thmg but upon his Miracles, what ere-- that ~el1gion withal; l wiUnot take their profeffion out d~tisto be&vrnthereto? and upon whara wtak.ground o~ thetr han~ Wherefore to omit all fuch vain 3nd h1s Shrine lo long hath flood, bY this may elfily be fct11• lymg .Appanuons and Miracks, as how th~ angry &lint Furthermort, another fable as notable as this., :tnd no (th~ d~ys:tfta:his~tath) :tppear~ byVilionatthe AI· lefS worthy of the Whetfr011e, we read ~n the ftol)~ o! ~ tar Ill his PC1!tificahbus, commandmg the Q!ire not [0 Gervajim : That n~mtrl Bakrt ~nng to a eR:~~