Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

2 56 Ireland fuhdued to England. King Henry the Seconds Petldnce for Bccket's death. Prirn, turned ThomM, dc:clmd to him, that h'c: hJd fo fpcciallicc:n<X, and. a~uran«: that he would bring nothing brought to pafs, that all the Names of the Monks of the: that fhould be prc:Judtcial to the Realm. g~~~ ~~J:r;~h~F:~~i~~~~;;g~~t~ha~~~~ :;~ ~~~;d;k~~~~~~~~~c:~r:i~~~~~~:~~hfi11!t~ ~S~~~~ Chun:hofCanttrbur]l wttcwntten m the Bookof L1fe. «< mfhon tunc:thc:wholc~nd unco lum, which at th:it Ex Gtrva[. fo/.6 , . t!me \\'aS govc:rnai under d_IVers Kings ro the: number of But whaifOtvcr is to be thought of his M•raclcs, or how~ fl~e; of whom four fubmmcd thc:mfelves unto the faid ~C:~i~c:~:~1~i~~- t~~;r001~f,~ahf~~r ~~~i~i~ ~~:gd~f=G~ ~tyfu~~!d~· k:pin~ashf~ ~~:~v~;O:~d that this Anchc:me or Coiled, latdy col led~l and primcrtd Marlh(S. in h~s prnifc, is blafphc:mous,at_ld di'I'Ogateth from the praife l1.1 the mta.n fe-afon, while .the King was thus occupi· of lum, to whom cnly all pr.:ufc and honour is due, where ed lll lrrlnn~, the twoCardmals that were ft:tlt from the it is faid ; Pope (T/mulmu! a~d Albertm) wcr<: come to Normamlj. Tu ptr Thom_te fanguimm,qutm pro tt imptn~it, Fac no& Cbrijft fcamltre, qua Tlicmun afcentl1t. That is : Frlrtbtbloudo[ T homas, Whichhefortbut!iJJ}mJ, Grnntu&{Cbrift) roclimb, Where Thomas JiJ afcend. Unto whom the· Kmg the next year following reforttd r:eut(~~~~;~~~~~fm~~f~~~::l~.c r:;~g ~ ~ 71;;/nn~)t ~: { ~~;.} Bilhop of Lmdon, and 'Jofelme B1fhop of Snl~o~bury had ft:tlttOJ!.ome,and.procur«<thcir abfolurionfromthePope. The KmgrcturmngoutofJrtlanJ, byW11les, into England, and from thence to Nmnand]> there made his purgation ~ore the Popes Le gat~, as touching the oftheforrfaJdBtcktt; to thcwluchhcfwarcbc wasnei· \Yhcreinisadoub\clieccntaincd ;firfi, that he died for thcraidin!!nor~onfcming, butonlythathcfpakerigorous Chrifi.; fecondly, that if he had fo done, yet that his bloud u:ords a_g:unfl: !urn, for that his K.Jllghts would DOt avenge could purchafe Heaven. Which thing neither P11ul nor any himagamfl: the faid ThomM; for the which caufe this Pcof the Ap:>filcs durfi ~vcr challenge to themfdvcs : fur if any was in)Oyned him under his Oat~. M:JJ~;S bloud eou~d br~ng ~to Haven, then the bloud of Fllfi, t~t he fhould fmd fo. much mto t~e holy Land, ~!':f.,. Chnft was fhed m vam. as would tind two hundred KmghtsorSouldJmforthe de· tbtdoulol>f And thu~ much touching the teftimony or cenfure. of ft:ttcc of that Land. ~'· ~~~ca:;~~~i~:~~t::r~~~~a{~tc~:~~~h; fct 1~~~j!i~:~~~~~fo~~f~~ :~~~~~~t:~~~~ !~~~~~ i ~;~~:~;f1is~~1ev~~~er~!]yo;;~1:t: theo~~~~: fr~f!t~~fili~fhr t~~;~:~.unldS he lhoukl be othe1W1fc f;: dd~~i ;j~~4s~~~~~~) ~~~;n;~e~~~~dsth~h;~~~~ his1;;r~;~::~~ed'id~~u':~th~~tfu~~~~·~g~f:~;ill !:!~i-u~-~~~~~~t ~~ r~1bc ;;;~,~~~~ ,~~~tt~~r~~e}~~~~ I ~~o~;f~~'mi~~t ~e~:~ i~~~hn~~~i~~ ~:~e;i: Where by the way is robe noted out of the tdlimony of ward Jerufalem. !:~-~~~~~1(ti{[:'~~~~~c~~ ~~: ~~diGn~~a~~eo~~ by ~t~a~:~~;~~~~ ~~d~i ~~~~~;:~fc;;;.hindr~ ~~i~gl~~geth~~~6~~t a:Mhbc a;~dh~~J;r~ru:~ ~~~~ rev~t~mlJ;'~:!:!Jl~~o~r~1 t~~t:~s~~ Tbom41Bu/uttobcaMartyr,or toprcachofhisMuaclcs, fors, fo long as they lliould recount hiiDorhisSonfor &c. Ex Crik.t!(lt!tnji. Ki.ngs Catholick. Mter the death of Thomas Bulut, the ~ing furing the Imn, That the Goods and poii'cffions taktn from the nr Uted- ~~~:k:~~~e~m':h"Kil~~ ~ro 1t~\~1~v~~~~ ~ew~~n:~ ~~~: ~h;fi!:{t~~!rbc~~Kdn:~:i~~~d~~ all!oS...•. fetthemmerforward) ftnt to Rrmuthe Archbdhop of parted the Realm; andthatfrcebbcrty ihouldbegranted RorbDmnge, with ctrtain othtr Birhops and Arcbd~cons to a11 fuch as were outlawed for Bul:t;'s caufc to return ~~t~~~1:.~~~i!~t;:s~~~~~~;::~t:1~t(':~.!:~ a~~~~. llut the forcf'aid Cuftoms and ~ccs, b}' him fome of the Cardinals rcmv«i)lt was lhewl to them that efiablifhed againfi the Church, lhould lx exunct and reon G()CJ.fhdny (being then nrarathand) th~ Pope o~cu- pcaled(fuchonlytxctptthatconccmcdhis?wnptr~on,&c.) fiom was ~fed to affoll or to cufle, ~nd that Jt was nmftd, belidtS othtr fecrct fafiings_ and almcs CllJO):n«l ~~m. E rh< ~~;t ~~~:e~::~g ~~r~l~;i:~~~~ :~~fl~~~~d~;{~; bo~~~~~~eu~~~~de~~;~~r;~/c; 1fi~~L~h fu~1o~15f~bm~~ ;:;~f,;:::. ~;:\hat:~~ ~eift1~~~~;~ad~ ~:-~~:~t;~lsr ~~h~o~: ~~i~~~t~ek t~~ 0Ji~d~:~_:l.1~~h~'V~~~ ~~~h;~al~: ;:;~c;;t· ~1h~c~:teJ;!nt~~~~t,~rrfo~~tl~UI:{~~~;e~~rjlcPA~;~bi: ~~:1i&{u::;r;;:;·: ~t:;'[s,ea:;h~:ht:/~thlf~:;nfh~ i~ .. ll!•u,·. fhopof York. Sothat mthel:!medaythePopc curfedthe tarth, andma'ierhittotrtmblt, wh~ehtoudmhththlllf> d_ttd doers, with fuch as were of tht_ir confent, that either nnJ they fm~kt, 9'c. Mo~ver, it is mCQrio.ned in_Hifio- ~~~ed or har~rC"d them. CollCCI1l!llf!i theft deed doers, ries of the fa:d Kmg, that a httle after,_ WiUtllm Kmg of The pt"• lt!S ~ouch«l bn~Ay before, how they ly1!1g in G'll(lsborcugh Scots with hiS Army hld madta Rode mtothe Rcalm, he, rho rout fled m to _TorkjiJtrt > who, after havin~ m Penance to go rttunllng out of Norm11ndy into EnglanJ, c:unc firfi to Kol;hu. 7~~;~~~:~;?:;~:~::~i~~i~~=!~: :;~dfa;~Y~ili~ ~;;~(~f7t;h~~o~;u:~~;v~~h~~~~ff~ 1~~!d ~t~ ~",!t mfew r(ars after. ting off his Shoes, went OOrcfoot to his Tomb,whofe Hcps el.ho.'l pi t· The Kings Embaffadors lying, as is faid, in &me, were foundbioudy through rhcrou_ghnc!Sof the ftontS.~;'b~~ h~~~g~fini~1~t:f~~~~~::.'h :d~~~g~s~~~~d:~~a~~: ~~v;t~~1,;kt~ft:h:u~~~er~1 ~f~~v~iJ~~= ~en::: f~~,4;, Cardmals thouldbcfCJttdown toinqwn: OUtthematttr Bywhtchfogrcat<lcjcdion ofthcKmg (1tit werctme)£><!!:'1:..., !~~:;:ig~tFi~~:::~~~;,:~·i~,~~;~~:~ ~?.:~~~~~!·~~::,~cr,~~;~~~~~~~~~:i ;? ~~~i':fag~~~~1\:r~:;;hls a w;~:CI~~v~~ ~: ~n~~ ~~ ~::;t ~~~d~, S~t\~~:~~ ~~~::)' ~~:n~::Sd 6;;~; { :~7":, } •• "· ~~~~. ~~t~~(l':;;it~:~:n~~~n~hb~~:; 1~f ~~~~~~fd~rCI(;tt: ~~~~a~~~ed~of(~~~:~:b~::;=~tl~~~fi~~~:~r~d1 :J~J~~ or · ~~cr~:,.~dc:~~e:tr~~u~0~jf{fo'::'r:V~fj1~~,~!S~v~th~~ fire> and the (aid Minncr Church ck:an bnrnt. '(he ~t~.~