Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

2 58 The Archhifhops of Canterbury and York by the ears for the highejl place. jiJa!/be_roincirl ) CUrdili.(mct And{h/fl] towards us, that Under the Reign ufthis King Hmrrthcftcond, the you r~!OJct ws:h us and rht Churcb in tht{tfAtr pr_if_trom Dominion and ~ro~n of EnglAnd c~tcndrd fo far ~ha_rh n.~ 1., 2 , ~~:~::•et~;~%U:,ha:&;;,~"t or;: ~~~t;;e t2;ju;{ ~~~~~ ;rfcfsnu~~~r~~:~;~!e~~~dcj~~~~~~7ohn~~~:n;~~~ ~~~ ':0:.~~~:~;;; ::~h :~~OJ:11'a1;o' ;~~ ~~"{: tr }:~e ~?t ~:~~~~~v~~~s~;~::a7, ~~gH~m~~;~~~~th~~~ ~~:~~~ ~.::!~;:' wcrkzn~ofp~actwbschhe hatb gn;m. Gwenat~mcc tO! their fuccdfors {the Seal whereof rcmamc-th m the pain~,,.. m the du p Ri't'cr, rbe26 rfJulJ• Km£,? Trcafi1ry) as aHO Ireland, E:ngilmd,. N(ffmtm~]• ttrdlthon. This Y<-ar the contention revk~ :tgain, fpoken of a lit- ~'ij;~rt 11 ~' u~:~~c~:ro:;1~:~~~0c~l~:~~j%_'~r~;~~ tie bdOre, lxtween the rwoArchb11'ho~ofYcrk and Ca11· Sea, bcm_gal(o Prottdorcf_France; to whom Pb1ltp the ~~~,i!1~f~;~;~~g~i~~df~~~fi~~~~;; g~~~~~~~~i:~:~~s]~3;~~li{~,:~~,~~f~ ~~~~ l(w yr:J.rS were wuhout them) a cerr.un Car~m:ll trom ben_tg d_1firdTed by the SoUm, brought ~im rhe Keies of 11:. H•••• ~:::,e,~~~~.~~;~f~~t~ask~;:dc::u:~1~1~~h ';~ft'mf;Jt~ ~~e~h~:7du~~~i~~~~i~l~ ~ti~~~~~~~~~cls~~~c~c~e0!d ?!1~~~ To 1lus ~mdl reforted (about middle at h?me? and the rebellion of ius Sons, which might hap- rwro 11 · ofLcntJ ot Bil1lops, Abbots, Pnors, DoCtors, and fuch penmhJSabfencc. ~l1crs oftheCicrgy. Ascvcry_oncwas there phce_d in hiS order, and after his degree, tuft cometh the Archbi!hop .«E And ~ere I he old Hifiori(S find a great fault with the ~r~f~)cdCl~n~t?o~:~~~~i~~~t ~;~:;i~~!;, ~i h~~h~~ . ~;::;:. r~:~~~~~;~/~:~~:r~~~:io~~~i~l~a:~~· a~:~~ ~~~~~~g~c~~~~;dn~~f~a~~~~~:trW:~~ ~~=: ~~~ :~~~~~~~tr~~~~~bilb~p ~1~;;, t~t~~~t~~i~d~~~ ~~~~~~ne:~~~~~·~~ 1 tth:r \':~~;i~~~ :o ~: =~~~ ~":;:L~e ~~~~~~!fi~ d!~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~f:t,~;;~~~i:t t~ri~!:~ ~~tfcd neighbours, ef!)«iaUy the cau~a?ftttauung unto E.~~: them rwo. The Archbi~p of Can~erlmry claimed the .Th~ wifdom, difrntion, manhood and riches of this uprer feat by .the prehrmmence cf l~LS C:hurch. Contra- Pnnce was fo fprcad and r~nowncd from all Qunns, tine ry, the ArchbilhopofYcrk allcd_gcd tor lmn the oldD~ee Mdfagcscat_ne from Emma_nutl Emperor of Ctr-.J!antino- ~~7~;~;;-r~v~h~:~ ~~~~~~-~:~1 1:1:~\~::e~~~~~~~~~} ~~p ~t~::~!r~:~:~~n~t' ~1°em~~~~~~:7a1~t: t:;anterbury .and T!irk, that which of them ~wo !h~uld _be the Earlof_F/a~Jdtrl, and al(ofrom theFrmch King,(Upon tt~lt in dcChon, he fhoulJ have the pn:hrmm~ce m dtg- dcterminatton. of _great qudlions an~ ftr!f(S) to ask coun- ~~~ ~~'JS:c~~r~.:~~~~~~e~~·ori~1 ~~~~~.~eit ~0~1·:~:~~~~~r~~~~~;~ ~~::~~:~(~~~~~~os~~::r:~:of~tt !:flo::t:a,iu~i;~ hot blo\o\S. How Jlrong the Archbtfhop of Tcrk was in to have folunon of their qudhons and doubts. Morco\'er, rc:llon and argument, I C':lnt.!Ot tell ; hut the Archbil'hop A~pJ»n.(tu King of Cafh(e, and Sancius King of Na'fmm, ofCttntf!biii'JY.~firongcr at_ the a_rmsend; whofefcr· bcmg_mftrife fo~c_erta~n C:UU~ an~ other ~ffeffions,~"'; \':lilts bemg more mnumlxr (ltke V:J.liant Men)_ not fu~er· Cubmt.ttcd them ( ot their frte accord, and by thctr Olth) bimr ~1 ing their ~after to tak~ fuch a foilc, fo prcv:ulcd agamfl: to ab1de the award of this King Hf!~'J. ; who made aw:J.rd 1"'° K,. Ycrk(lit~ngonthcrighthandoftheCardinal) rhatthcy andpl~fcdthembolh; whereby t_t JSto. bcprefuppofcd, pluckt h1m doY.ll &om th~ h~nd to the foot of the Car· tha~ th!S_King, ro whom ~her Pnnces d~d fo refon, as to di~1al upon the ground, hc:!dmg and trampling up~m h_im thetr arb1tm_and dccifcr, d1d not :mend either to any floth w~th thcirfctt,_that mm·cl it was he efcapcd \"tth life. orvi~livmg. \Vher~oreitnuy fcttnt~atthea&of HIS Ca(ulc, Clmner and R.x:hct wen: all to be rem and this Pnnce wer~ not fo viciOUS as (omc Monkilh Writers do tom from hisBack. Herenorc:llon wou\dmke place, dcfcribt-. no debating would · fcrve, no praying .could be heard, A_mong many other things in thisKingmmlOI'able, this fuch clamour and tumult was there m the Houfe a· one JS tobt noted (follow it who can) that he reigned raT~~:~<m, mu<h llli< to tl~ tumult whkh v;,g;l d~ ~~!.~i):~:~:,!T~~~~~:r.!,;E~E;~S ofBcnefiecs. Behkethcy were not known, or elfe not u~cd. ~nd }"et his Trc:afi1re after his doth (weighed by KmgRJchardhisSon) amomuedto above nine hundred f~~~~~ f~~i1:~:;. <fr~~:wtf~e~;bfi~~:~~\';1~0:~~:~~ ~£f:g. r.~f'~; ;~,~~~,~~~~f;ii'~[;,d~-;;~k~:i;;:~:~;;j~~:~~; I h~~:d~~~~nh~~ ~;~~~~~e~~t~t~n:~~:.~~~~~fPat~: frcooo. ~~fi~o~;~l~~~~~~r h\~is~:nA~~1'Jbo~l;:~~~\~h~ ~:'w:~ thlt>Vhi;],follo"c;.hi>(th<l bilhopdicd,andtheKinghadallhisGoods,whichextend· cd(asisfaid)tocleventhoufandpounds bcfidcs Plate, in th~ycarofour Lord God t181. ~:'jp!;;~::tli/::.~t:'!~;~:;~t~:;~b::;;;,~~tm (o ~~:d~h~~~i~h1i~ ~~~!Ja~~~~~~~1i:~ t~:n~=~?~~ lilt rtglt mmtts d1tlu, &pttlura mulctt, &c. cumbranc~and adw:fity; fo it happened to this Ki~g,that amonglusctherPruKClyfucceffors,thisincommcxiJtyfol· But what did the noble R.omtm Cardinal ? Like a prety lowcd him withal, th:J.t his Sons rcbeUcd and flood in ar· man of his J!ands (but ayrcticr man of his feet) fiand~1g mour againft him, taking the prt of the Frmch King ~­ upinthe~il, and f~ng the houfe in fuch a ~rOtle, gainftthcirF:lthcr. Firl~1 atthe~ationofHmry h1s committed h1mfclf to fhght, and (as HO'Iltdtnus wn~h) :Xm, whom the Fath~ JOyncd wuh h1m as King, he be· ~tf}:/~~;fhc/~ ~~;C:di~~chl~ei{;~~:~~::~~f- ~~l~l~)F~~~~t~~~~~. r:; :'~d::~(~:rA~n~~ nefs wh3tinJury and vi~lrncehe had fu.fbin~; a~ling as Sewer unto hiS Son, renouncing the name o~ ~ Kmg. ~~d~~~:l~~t:1Bi~;~n;;:,~%~d':~~;~l;vh~y~~~f ~~~~i~~~[~~~~d1~f.~l:~~:,~~~;~raid~fs~~~; i:~l~~~: (the fame day it \ ¥aS begun) brake: up and was d!lfolvcxl. cat'.fo thiS dajtO JOJ, for rhm 11 no Prmu m t/Jt Wcr/J tbat