378 Divers A{/s for ferlingpeace in tbe Realm, andfor Reformation of tbe Clmrcb. : ~t~~~~~hci!d',~ ~::;~~~~~~~k\';:~!:i:;~~~d~~~ : l~~~ ~h: ~;roo'fc~:Jkr;r~.l~:h~~~~~;in~~~i~ {~~~} : ~~~ ~rn~~L:~~~~\':a}~f~~;~f~~~~~~~ 1~re~~:~~a : ~~e1~h~~:~~3dc1~11eL~~~s ~~;~[,o~~ ~n~~:;~ <let the Lor~thc King., by t~ecomJfcl of the &id nine, '~df!'uponrcvoking of gfcvanccs, ~hich the Lord the : ~~~~~~~~~ ~:r~~: ~~:i~~ ~~,;r~~~~~~~tl~t~1h! :::d ~; ; ~~~~~ ~~:~~h~ur:~6~ ~~~uh~f~~:~~~ ~~:~= < Kmg altO, by the adviCe of the forcf:ud nmc, appoint Ju- 'able CufiomtS of his Rdm, and along ttmc allowtd, let ' fliers, Cha~Kellors., TrC"a(urers, :md ~thcr Officers, grt'3tcr < bt: for ever Obfcrved : and that it might ~ provided. how ' and lt!Ttt m theft m:tttcrs rhat pert::un to government of ' they m:ly be better and mort foundl yobferved : It IS alfo : :;~~~:~~~~::::::~·;i,!i;':~::n:·~~r;~::%~~;~ : r~r;~:~::~::~·t;~:~·~::~~~:\~~~:~r~ :;,~i;~ : ~ft8~~~~~!:!:c~~e\C1~:Ch:~~~tr~1~1~~:~~: :~~ : ~1~f~i:1~ -~~~ett!:~~~;u~~~-~~~Y~nt~e:d 1~\r=~~ ' Realm. The Cou_nfc!lo~ likewtfe~ and all the Officers ' all their &i.hffs ~t the undtnaking of their Baili_wikt:S, 'greater and l_e!Ter m thm creatio~11"h~ll fwear, that to th_c 'that ther ih~ll gm:ve none by the CCClfion a~ordatd, ~ut 'uttermon oi their power they Will futthfully cxect1te their 'iha.ll do JUilJCc and right to every body Wl(h cqual1t)'. 'OfliccstothehonourofGod and ofd~e Church, and to 'And let there be good fecurity provided. how all thefc ' tl~e protit_of the Lord the King a~1d his Realm, withoot ' things may be firmly oblttvcd. 'bnbe or gtft >mt::!.t and drink, whtch are :ommonly wont ([. When this agreemen~ was difpatched, to fee the '~o be _(et upon the Table, excepted. And•f fo be that the ~ealm in fome quiemcfs.a htlle lcifure was allowed to loo~ 'ford3.id Counfcl!ors, or fome or any of them,in the charge mto the lolfcs and damages of the Church, whereupon tt 'to them committed (whether they be he or fhe) have be- was provided as followeth. • ha\"cdthem(d\·csill,orthatuponfomeothaocca.lionfuch :~r~~~~i:!:~~~~~~:~d~~:::l~t~&:E!~ Of the repairing o~h~'tl:£~. commilted againft 'bythefamemens advicemlylppoint and phceO£her < ~;~ ~f~t~·~~l~~i:/~~~~~ gr~ta t?fficersor the ldfer rrp;!l~~it~lsb;,lllco~~:?f~b:t~;d:hlll~i:h~' :~~(. 'do dU:orderly demean themfelves m their Offices, th~ Lord fcs whtch arc committed agamf\ the Church of Enf.lan~, 'the Kmg, by the counfcl of the forefa.i~ nit~e, may d Lfpla~e by m(on of the tumults and wars that have been ~n th_IS ' them, and without delay by the fame ad.vJce (et o_thersm Rtl!m of England, fhall be reformed and amended m this 'theirroom. Andiffobethatthcthreehrfior cluefchu- manner, c fers or mmers, in the cho_ife or namitLg of Counftllors,?r There fha_ll be cl:o~n by the EJrls and great Eftates of : rr~~~:~~~~~ ~t~;;~~:d ·;;.!~~i~lr::::dg ~~eo:~~-~ b; ~dtt~;:·u~:~':i~1~:·~~ ~~~~~n~lff~~ ;;\~: t~~~:~ilh~~d 'orderedordone,fhallbcatdJflgrecmenr,rhenwhactocver provtde!Orfuch rrafonabltamcnds, asareto berrudefor ' by confent ut: two parts fhall be concluded or decreed, let the ford~ id trefp:_tis committed againfi holy Church. (o far 'thc(Jmebchrmlykc:ptandobferved> (o that of thofc forth aslll:lllbehtandconveniem, 'twopms, one be a PrebteofthcChurch in thebuiindS Thofe that !ball be found excommunicated, fhallbeab- <belonging to the Church: And if it fo ~appen, that f\1.'0 f?lved in form of right by fuch as have power and amho- <p;trtsofthefaid ~Lineinfomemanadifagrec> thenlha.\1 ntyfotodo. <the>·fortheirvunancefhndtothc:ordinanceof rhcrhuc Theaurhorityof thcPrelaresfhallbe dhblifhcd in this 'firll: _chufas_or namersor the grcater")Xlrtofthcm. man_ner: Firll:)tlhallbefaithfullyund~ltenbrth~Earls, ~And tffo be tt fetm expedient to all the Prehtcs an<i Ba- j ufncc;, and the other Lay-men of the Kings COL.l!tcll, and -IO~lS,byconfentthat fomeorone inpbceoffome or one other gn:at Barons of the Realm, that all thofcthings • ol the three firl! IUillCfS be put and appointed : then let whi~h the Prda~cs, that lha\1 be dlO~en (ball reafonably ~ the Lord the Kmg,by the counfd of all the Prclatt.Sand Ba- ordam and appomt b¥ way of reformauou, rtLey rhemfe~ves ~rons,orda..in fomcothcrs,oroneother. And let the Lord {hall obfm•c :mdfulhl, andfhalldotheir indeavourfaith- ' the King do all the premiffes by the advice of the faid nine fully to caufe the fame to be obferved by others,and tharof c in manner above mentioncd,or let them do it in the Lord thcyfhall deliver thtir Letters Patents. 'thc:Kingsbehalf, andbyhis:mth?rirybythisprc{~Ltordi- Moreova, untothc Prdates, aftertheyfhallbccllOfen, ' na.1.1Ce to continue and hold out t1ll fi1chtim~as thts a&rec-- full JXlwer fhall be granted by the King, and the Corn- ' ment,made and afterwardsft:1lcd by the parues.,bc~rtrd-- mon~lty, the ~Is, Barons, and grrat men oft~e Land, to 'cd ~)' conknt, or fom~ odm provifv be hJd, wluch the ordain tho!( t_hmgs which arc nm:lful and profitable to the • pamcs by confent fhall Judge allowable. full reformat1011 of thedbtc of holy Ch~rch, to rhe ho- 'This Ordimnce was mad~ at London, by the coufent, nmu due to thcfralty of our Lord the Kmg, and to the :· ili~1P:~~:;:~~~.~::;~l ~~~~~~~o~~~~~i~:~~l~~~dai[he~ k:~~~ ~~~~1~~~·r~rJs~:~~ ~:.~~cafo~~&rJ~ ~t~ :~~ 'p~efent. In witndS w!xrcof R.Bifhop of Lincoln, and H. other~~ Men of the Land, may ap_pt:~r to be made m ' Bifhop of Ely, R. Earl of NllTjclk and MJrtl1al of Eng- g~ f.mh, they 0Jall thereof make thc:tr Letters Patents., to ' lami:Robm tit Vm ~rl of OxjfJTd, H~m.fr9 de Bchunt, Wit of thin~ ''tlut have been dont: a yeJrpaH before th~ lafi < WiJltam _Je mtmtt Canifc, and rhe MaJor ot Ll;ndon, to &jhr. c thiS Wming l~\'c fet their Seals. A~cd in the Parlia- If ~ny be found that will not fiand to the ordinance a~ ' menr at i..Mtdcn m the Month of June 1~1 the Ycar of our appomtme~Jt of the tOr~faid Preb~cs in tht caufes aforefaid, 'Lord 1264- . andaccordmgtotheformnforetaid, hefha~lbecompdled RtforNtl· ' It is alfoorchmcd,thatthefiateofthc Englif/,Church thcreumo brdcomofholy Church; yea, 1f need be, he ~~ < 0?~~:a7foo~~:n~:0tl~~~~:~~~ ~h~(e~1;~!:£~ ~ ~!~tl~lC~tl;~·:~od~e;!.~let]~~~;tfll;;;·an~~~d~ Nofl•"9"• 'Counrtl!OI"S, ofwhom ITlCILtion is made in the fakl Ordi- or more of cho1cc men at Arms, or Serpnts, Soldters dtd:, ~~r~!" < nan:c at l.ondtn,andthe k«persofCafilcs and others the to dift~in the Mald"atto~whm byth~ (aid Prelates he {hall King• Ca· ' Kings BJiliffs be homebred. And as for Hrangers bom, let be requ•red. Thofe SokiLcrs tO be fufiamtd of the '?mmon fttn.~·· : ~~~~.~d\\~~~;;! t~;rrl;,tr~:~;s~~~,-~~::: ~~st~;:·b~r_i~~~1;_;~ut~~gO~i~:~~h~~~~:n 1:~~~>~ 'fidinguponthetr Iknctices. ycarortwo,nllfuchnmeasmattersbcquictcd,andthatthc 'Merchantsalfo,andallothcrsrofunherand(ectotheir provifionsofthePrdatcs,.andthepcaceofrhellndbewdl <affJirs,lhaUcomcfrcely,andtarrype~ceably; butyetcon- obfcrvcd. 'ditionaUy, (o they come without armor~nda_filfped-cd Prov!dcdal~<~ys., rha_t the profits of Benelicesofholy 'multilude. And thacnonc: of thembcrece!\·ed many fort Church bdongmg to ahens, :md others that lu~~e=~