38o Tbe di/fo11tio11betwmz tbe two Earls ofLeicefter a11dGibcd\er. m!~t.;~:~~i~ ~~~a~~i:n°fo~~~~v~1:~~~~. ~~~\~~l~; ~~ g~~~~r~st~:~~~~; a~r~tm~;hifJ~~11~v::~d~~~C:C~~'~{~~~~} ~}~t1~}~ O~~n:~!!~O~;C~~d:~CI~~CJC~~a~~C ~~~~~~~ ~~~·h~;~t~!;~ ~i;f;a1J~~~~~~:\~~d ~~b=sh~ b~~; r!,.Ear~. t~~;~~i:~:):J::~~:!~~f~: ·~;~~o;r~~~ \~~~~~.:;,t:8~~;~!;~g~~:~E~?Ji£~1::~~~;:iE~ ~!~: well fcoarchrd and tenttd, but fupcrhcially and overly they went to. Winthejltr, and ffX)ilcd the fam~, and thrn. skinned, doth break out into~ more dangerous botch ; returned agam to KentlwtlTtb . And when dus W:lS dcfo it cune to pafs among the Lords and &rons, betwixt dared to EJward the Kings Son, who then was at Worwhomno fi1ch finn reconcilbtion was made as was like t tjftr,by a certain Spial,which heb:J.dgotten afterhcame long to lafi. Wheuupon infi11~d after ft·eret grudge and from G/o,tfttr a little before; he prepmd himfelf with p.·ivyhatred, open ~rmsandConflifrs. Forinthis_ror his Soldiers, int~e ni~tfeafon, togotothe placewhut: 1265. t_hcSo~ ofStmfm tlteEarl, I? wit, Ht:"'),St~ theSpylliouldbnnghun, wh_ichwas intoadcep Valley, and GKtdo, bemg _all puft up, and wtth the pnde of thetr llQf unto the place where Stmm and his comp:my had fuccdS elevated, dtd that which nothing contented the pitched. And when in the morning they were very early Earl of Gimfttr: infomuch that he challenged Htnry about to arm the~(dves, and pr~pare their Hor(tS, they t~ eidefi: ~n' oftheEarl Simi'JnMOimtfort at the Blr· hQfda gr~tllOtfeoftheirenerruescomingtowardsthem. ~~~1~l§j;;~::~tP;~~:.~7~J.~i~~:~rr;~2 ;~j;,r~~~~}~~1~jighi[~J~{Ffs ~~ ;;:,~fGJo- ~~ ~~~~t~~!~v~at~:l~f~n~o~~n~:~~o~o~~~~i:~ f~;; ~!~Sl~~~ ~tht~h~:~~~~ !~~edw:Tr of t SPJ, of Almain W:lS named firft. But he by countmnand Soldiers that had their Horfes tired \Vtth long tr.wcl. And anfwered hint, and faid, that it might crmtenr and{atisfie fo mar~hing forward, came very early in the morning uphim,fw that he haJ faveJ and prt{tMJttl to him his LAnds, on thetr mmlics,whorn for the moft part they foUnd flccp- ~::,:J!e ~:Ji~1r:at;t,z ~;if::::;t~f:;!~ %;;c:tar~~~fit~;~t;:~~~;a~~vn1:::~/~h: erl; and that !M hunfrlf lupr mwe noble than thq :n the chitfcfi: ~nfignes they took,w~th m:my Other rich f~tls. But ~~~~~~o;~Jrb~rr~md~!~~~h;'Wa~o'clB;{;~h:~;~~~; ~~~i~~mefa~~~~~~~l1icd ~~~~e~~wt~ f!h ~~ Tht£artor th 3~~~?~~~ai~~~~:~lid1fpbfed, fo foon be:~ ~~h; 01 U~!~"g~rih·;t~~~!. Sim<m was coming r.t«•Jln t.: as he. heard t!~1s, ~t mcontmently t? the Lord Roger toward Kmelwwth, to JOY_ll wtth ~us Sons Bmd, he ~~~~~ ~;~th:;,r~~~~~~~h~~~ksr~~~~~~h:;;the1~~~r~~ p:::~e;:~~~f~iJ:rh~1H~~ ~~~: tt:~ a:~:~Ej~ ~d~r-> ~_:~~~~commodity of the King. Who, doubtlllg fomedcceit, himfelf having the leadingo~ one, the Earl of~lfiCefter ~.~~~ ~~~~:~~~;:~~~~ ,~!~~~~,f~~ifo ~!~~~W1he~1~h~ :;~:=~db~~ ~he M:;';l ~~J~;~ ~:~~rnN~~: ~~~~~ met, and had_ a wlu!e talked fanuharly, the Earl of Gloce· ward, as though he came frOm !Cenelworth to &jlu1m: s.p..,., Jltr fhc:wcd htm all that he was purpofed to do, and that and bccaufe he woukiuotbc defcried, he cauCcd his own further he lamented he had fo much and fo gttatly offend· Standards and Enfignes to be taken down, and young s;.. cd the King ; and that he would with all his pow_cr and tm~nr, ~hich he h~d taken before to be advanced. But the ability make amends for that offence, in the refiituuon of Earl Smwns Scuner, whofe name was Ntcbolm, !hewed ~;; ~:~:.ga4~~e~e~~~~~n~ife~~iy35t:~~t~ ':~/~~ ~~~:J! t:~ ~u~~;~d~1k~~: t~(1:i: h:~:bmrn:~~:~ thcrof_the E:ulofGlocefter, which was nor about the his SonspOwa, notkno~'ingoftbe o~ertluow w~chhe Ear! S1mrm, and made him tu confent with them there- had before,gave final! crcdttthereunto, till that the f;ud Nsin. And to work this thing more circum_fpedly, whm cholas, the better to defcry them, went up to. the Abby opportunity ferved th~:reunto, Roger Mwumtr fent unto Steeple of &Jbam, where he might plainly d1fcern them ~P~~~o~~~ ~~~;~~~~~~~11t:~~. ~~h:0~~6: ~ ili:~~Jrr,;h~~~~;~~~t~:a~:i~t~~:~~~=~; convenient time thereunto. Mtcr which things thus ~"On· that vantage, whl!ll they !hould give thdr c~arg~: as they trived, Prince Ed'".ltlard d~fll"cd leave of th~ Earl to p~ve had purpofed, and had all? advanced again Ius own Stan· hisCourferagainfifuchnme ashefhould ndeat theTdr, dards,andpulkd down Ssm~ns, whereby they were the ~~~~nd~~~~tr"~~~i:~ct/!;~1: fi~ld~ ~~~~~d ;~~~;:,~~.: ~~.k~;va~t ar;:d~:t:!n_a;r; ~~ !~~~t~ wearied divers ?f the tr Horfts : at the lafi, getting up_ upon u n~t yos1r S_I'Jn, as you foppo[t, that cometh, but 1t 11 Ed- ~;~~·.~·1~1 t!t:tt: Horfe wluch for that purpofe was fent, and fpymg a v.:ard the Kmgs Srm that cometh .fom ont part, and tht Jnlna ~e;":~~a~e:~J:i~~~~t!~e~l;~~t=/;~~ f;,! ~e~~~~:t_omTh~hCaiJ:• £::t~ ~mh ~~~~· ;:~r~~; ~~;~~£::~i:;~~.;~£1;:?·::~ri~£ !;;: ~~~~~::f:.~~;,:~}~:~.~~i~:~~;~:~~ E~Jl ~J.g 'A:f c{~;~yco::;~~~;~s h~ ~~~~~u~:~~~ {;';;; ~~~~j;r~::e;~ '~~h:~~~lls:~~~~~~:·~~ bJarraln. Spurrs, and away wem he. The other pnckl!d after rogothcirways, thatthcyfuouldbe no dtfcomfiture to ~re;e~O: ~~~t~uAtf:r~1~~;n~~~11~wa~~g~;¥!:;~:r; th~ff~~~ came unto him his elddl Son HmrJ, and _comcorn1ng from his Cafile of Wigmm, acco~parul!d wuh forced him, ddiring him to _haveno~tfpair,nor yet mifuufi many armed Men to meet him, as bef~re 1t was appoint· in the good CuccdSof this V•dory, w1rh _other fuch chra~J ed, they returned again home as wtfe as when they ~ords". No mJ Son (faith h~) I dejparr not; but yet, st ~e£1~~: ~~~~[~dt~t. m~~;~ ~;k t~sm~h~~~~nc~~~f~ft ofa:.,.: ;h!:J /:rt::f:~z·;,n~ ~tr::~;~~:'!:{);;{j;:'J:/~ S"o~. 10 h~ ~~~·i:!~1~k:~~~~~:~ ~;:~i;~~~~~~Ki7l~ ~; ~~;g ~~~~~1~~/~~;~~~:U\~r*~":u'!trh:':cf!: which had now long lain at Brijhw,and thereabouts, aud t.IOn made as IS the m:mne r, they all anncd the~JidvtS. within a lhort fpace he had a gr~t and a mighty Holl. T he King alfo ( whQm :he Earl always kry~ with !u~J he Which thing whl!lt th~ Earl Stmrm underfiood, he much armed in an armor ofhiS own:and thendtvtding the1r furdoubted and mifauficd Jmnfelf i and fending into w,/a) tds, lhey marched towards their enemies. B11t before t they