Bauel at Eufham belmeeu Prince Edw. andEarl Simon, bisjhameful overthrow. 381 {~.~~} ~~~i~i:~;ff§i~f:fp~;?~i:g Ef~·~~~~~:~~i~~~~~~;2:~~;?.~s:.~·- ~~~;;j :~b ~~~~ '~~!t~t t~~. h(;~~;, ~g~~:~~: ~~~~~:Pu:t~n}d~~~h~~~a~~~f ~~:~ ~';:~~~~~~ wamtt•d. JC.H.. .,ar. a~ HmrJ your King. And with 5h& tht Kings words fornt tlutt reus, f~ four ye:trs,fomc two }'tars rtvtnues ::na!,",1 :r:a the Lord AJilm Mtmha11H kntw hnn, and fav~ him. At of tht fame,. accordmg to ~ht qualuy of the cri~ and ofi~,o~ ;;:~i~!;:t;~~:i~ rl?c~:;da~~~~~]ytt;:r;~~:~ ~;~;: ::bJ:h~~mC'!;I~c~~v;~ :r~0~;rO:C1~~ :;ttS:~ ~~~ ~:~:1 ~ea~idt~froEj}~~~ s;:r:t ~~,~~~~ ~ta~i~: ~i/~~bt~1a~ ~fe!7orw~~g~~:~:a~tr~n~:~I~l~f f! omt at him. Howbi::it lxfort he fdl, wl1en as he fought tha.t purpoft by the Popes legate upon the Feall of AU- :r:i:~;i~~:Jftn~1~~e~~k~t0[i~~ ~~~~=d.s01~~~ .~::~~~}~~e~~eK~~t~~fe ~~~~roiliok~O:~ ~!e~i~;~}~~ho\:~~~~~~~ W!~t~~~J: ~: ~eJ:l\10~t~~~~/b,E/;; ~~ill~~gt~u:~~~ ~d~h:!fi~;::rT~~~r 1:J;~r:e ~ ~ ;:d t~hc t~~t~~f~ e~~~~~ br;:~;~w:li~-~ hands. And fo foon as thefe words we-re fpoken, they Commiffiomrs. Who a11 together anfwered and fai.d, ~hi.nb mangled hislxxl)•, and divided his members, and. cut _off That they. wmdd in no. wife cot~efcc:nd thttcunto, ~th R•M•i4 bJ his head which head Rogtr Mortimtr fent unto !~IS wtfc. for that rt ~as done wuhont their confents, not bcmg dlurs. !:~Y~~: ~;~ ~~~~tr~ff~;; ;~~~~fo;~ ;;: t::J\ ~;~ftp~IS:;~~ ~;!~~fi~~~~a~J i~~le~~!c~0r ~~~~i~he~~~ ~~~ea~~:, ~:.~E·t~~. :i~t~:e~jot ~:~:c~~;~:, ~;io':J~:7jo~;;t ~~~~:;~~ ~~tei~11~:~~hc~~~~he;~;~~~:~~~ fo••· frr, die lord Rogtr R.owl~it, and. m:my other Noblemen ;U~ hope ~ keepn_1g the fame ; \~hcrefore foon after thebdides, with a grQt multnude of JXOplc? the Lord know- Kmg fendmgagam to tht:_m to ytdd the Dllle and take eth how many. ~his ba.ttel was fought m the ~nth of thrir pardons, they tonfultmg togethtr of thtir own~~~ Auavjf, and cononued from one of the Clock nll it was thus anfwrrro the Kings Mdft11gers, If it pleafe tht King nig'tt:, in the which was ~lOt fo ~uch as ont man on tht and his.~.ounci.l to pmnit us t~ lend our Mdfenger to the Earls part, cj any dtirnatJon, fortitude, and courage, but Lonl Stmm Mompm, which 1S beyond the Sea, that he in that battclloll: his life; more than the Lord John, who may COirn: by a certain day to the defence cf this his Gar· by the gr~t grace of God cfcapcd. d~th. Neither is this · d.itob.:forgottcnthatthefamcdaylxing "Tuefday, at that the infianthuur, whtntheBattelbcg:m, wh~ehwasatoneof he the Clock at Afternoon, there was fuch a <hr~ndS over come not, we_ will_ yield up thefamt, fo that we maybe all, fuchthnnderandfi~ehtemptll, that the like before pardoned of life, lunb, andmo\·tables. ;~: ~1 ~~~:~e~7~r:11~n~e~t~1 ~ !~~~h~~:J ro ~hf<ln:~~~~~~.";~;e~~f~:g ~1mha~d~:,J:! ~~~h~~;::a~llO~~~~i~~J £'~~~\~c:nOJUlnt!OJt of that ~+~~'::~erp;~~u~~~~;!;~ihic~p~~ { ~,'"i.} Par~:,~~~~~~=~~~u~~~~=~t:~~~~ ~~"~: ~!U:,i~~~c ~~~era;~~ ~~::~~;;:~hefr:;lC:V!~J !!~·~~. ~~fite:~ ~~~~~~:~~::;~hot~~rch~ !e i~h:~~ :~~~r~:~~ili~n~,~~;~t~cr:~et~~;~·:k!~~~ ~.:t.;!., of the Earl of !-t1ujfer, bdn~ then in cullody, and .his vexed wtth the Bloody:flux, and ~ther dJ(~fcs, u~fomuch ~~i .~~ ~':.~~~;:rdtid;r~~i~~~ :'w~fl, ~:i':~;~o~~\nt!~~K~~~~ ~~t~~~~~lC:'~1er~fe1 ~~h~~~td~~~h~;'dcrv:~ 31 ; ~:ff:t nd ro blo Parhamcnt the King~ rdk:wro ro hts kmgly dtgmty, the Call!e before the return of the Mdfengcrs again, and tbr!On;, 1\rpii•Y· which was befort that tunt undtr the cullodr of tht Ba- were permitted ~o go whither they would to refrdh them· !':t~.: ~· ~ ~~~ :;edr~hc~r~~ \:m ~~~,r~~de~ga'cl:~ ~: ~1fr~t~ 1:de:~; ;p;~e~~l~eili~in:!~~~~ ~_:.:·:; fuch p:uts of his body as remained, and covermg ~he fame the cufiody thaeof to his Son EJmHntl, and fo wtth his wid~ an old.~t, btO"Jght it to Euflwf!• wh~ethey Holl departin~fromhisfiege,_Cl.meuponCbriftmmEvcns puttmg the f::tme ma fuir ltnrren Cloth, burred it m the Even to Ofnu, where he wtth great folcmniry and triChurch. But ilOt long after, fuel~ :lS thought not thtm- umph k~pt l!is Chriftmm during feven days, and from ft~ves fi1fficiently revt11gM with Ius _death (to wreak them thence With hiS Holl Cl.tnc to TYmJflr, from whence after ot the dead co~pft) took up tht. fame and dtrcw it in an~ a ti::w days he ma~che-d towa.rds El] ; in which Iiland he ther place, fay1ng, Tlut he wluch \~~ lx:>th accurfcd, and beliegcd thofc wluch wm di!heri{Cd, and fharply a1fo afaTraytor, wasnotworthyofClmftianburial. faultedthent. The fame yen aHO died fl/alur Ca_nrilupJJs Bi!bop of Tile fame year Po~ CltlWimt the Founh promoted Ml- ~nchtfltr, after whom fuo:eeckd Nuoln.t of Elr, the fier Walttr GifforJ B1fbop of Bt~:h, to be Archlilihop.of KmgsChancellor. Tork. The fame rear the King pttceiving that unlefs the Cl- rn which }"tar alfo the Church of &gland began to TM T<fll.fll file of Km:! worth wru: recovered, and t~e boklnefs of pay dieTmths of all their Revenues, as wdl Spiritual as Juao~ 1o ~~~~~!::~~r~:r:~:~fa~, r::h~ ~~~~;: ~f~ti; !~nt~~ teK~~~h~0A~~~~~~~~~fcii:m fpace; ~~~~ Kmgdom; tor _that the nui~f: 1ncreafed every day more Witlml a while after the Blrons which wue yet reand more, walhng and fpoiling the Country all about; maining, gathered t?cmftlves to~ether again; amongll th~efore he gathered ~n An_ny and came dow1l f? War-- whom John Daiw1U (being a lubtil and fiout man of w~ek, ~here!t~awhiletamroexpcding~hemtttmgand war)bcg:r.ntohave a n~trn:, and was well efic_cmeda- ~~~~b!~~i~~~~~~~;:~~{t~d\~~~ rh~!1 t~;1;1S:~:~ ~;f. ~~d~ th:h~~h~htit;jidth~h:ffe~~~~r ~~Z ta'j"~ funufh~ and mullmd, and all thm~ ready, the morrow jftrfidd, wider tilt [aidJobn Dai,JnO_ and the Earl of Fe- ,i,~t;J',:C. ::·:Jb:-! ~~~~':~h~~~ ~~}:tm~;~,~:e~l;t~red r;;;:~h~ ~~t~:~ ~t!i~~ld.i~~fie~"~~~~{~~:~;. ~j~J~~b· f~t;;~~~ K~ru.;~~~1;~e~~i~e ~~;~e N:i1::~:~ f~f~m~.f~~~~~t~Jn~~vi£m;~!'J~~:: ~11~o ttar: :o:.~ t~'tlve pcrfons were d10fcn whic~ lhould fiavt the diipc, hunfdfand to efopc. Who in the way fuuck the lord hng of tllOfe dung<> thlt p«eam~ to the Hate of the Gilbm Hu11J[4rJ fuch ;~.blow with his Dtmi-laru:e,thf~u~