382 Tbe Barc11s af[embli11g agai11jttbe Hi11g are difcomfited. A Peace co11cluded. --fd.J'd botl~him and h~ horfe to the gro~md,•and fo Rt:d enemies of the CrotS ofChrifi. Which done, the Legate {~IMG} d~~~ ~~~~~~~\~ ~~% I~J~!;t,A~~~t~~~~~~Aedh~~: ~~ ~~~:::r?i~~·~n~~~~:1f3~~!~~ a:~~~~) n. ~:tt 111111~1 i. ~1: day lx:fore the tirfi day of JulJ, lmlll the begnmmg of Nr«c of tl_1c Earl of Gl,uufttr ; at whiCh M.armge ~~:''.'~~~~ Dmm~tr; whither c:une ?ffob()11t? the Popes Leg:tte, by was tht- King and the Q!«n, and all the Nobility of l>rflt'B•<~· ~ir~~~ ~~\~~:11t~~~;'~~~~~~'fn~ij1\~~f~~~~~~~du:di~~ Enft'~me ytar was the Body of Slint EJw'"J the u,.. tJ the A-~ ar- ;~~ ~~1,1f;n~v~~:~~~~~~ ~~h:~c~~~~~l1f~ tl~ ~;~ ~~ ~c~~ ~~~bJ~r; ~~:~oprid~~!~ ~i:~:!. Barons again a!Tembkd wt_thJohnDmwdJn.tthclfle.of Shr~ of Gold and Sdva, bcfet _With preaous froncs, ~~~~~~}~ ~~~~?~~ Jz-·arJ; but as foot~ as they heard that~ th~y fled mto the the third day ~fore the NontS of 'Januarl· After whom j~~1J!.d~h: ltJe of Ely, a~td forttficd the fame wid~ Bu\.,.,oa,rks as flron~~ fucctcded Robm of Nonhamprm, the Dtan of th( fame ~:;~d of !~~~~hctie ',~~~~~; ~~ ~;~Jt,~~~:K;J:~~,~~;h~~f;lgs~~ ~~:~,re~; '~~~~~hb;~~~ ~~~;~u~f'~~n~~~~;a~ ~!~r' C:l.ffie thither; who for the grto.t abundance o.f V.':lters in wh1ch Ch~pter had alv.":i)'S the Jllnfdtd:ion m Spiritual t<:J. the fame, could by no mtaJ_\S emer the Itland_, u!l at length cauffS, dun~g the ~cancy of t~t ~ in :lS ample manThe TOoof b~ thecounfel of the inhabJtantsofthatProvmcc ~ecaufed 11~ as the Bifhop!Jtmfd~ hadbeJ.ng~h,·e. After this, the :J';:~· };'~~fo~~h~~o;!':~~~;ta:,J:;n~l~~es,~:~D~t~: (~ t~:!i:, ~v~~~tt~.~~~~~~~~::~u~t ~t~a;~~ !~~ ~~~ ~'rirn/f.t. long th~y ufcd the COU~tfd of them in m1king Bndges with fes ; one w~ for that thne was prdi:nt then no ~e but •m.t. Phnks and Hurdles, nil at the lafi they emred the JfJand ; one Bi!hop ; the other was., for that all the other B1lhops whoufoon:J.sthqwereentred,thc:Baronsfkd.roLondrm, had.ap_pta!al, t~themight no~ beoonfccratal to their where they were of the Lrmd()7JtrJ well cmma.med. Th~ prtll«!Jce :, that JS,by the authoncy of the Chaprtr of Can· rdl which were in the Hland )icldcd thcmfdves(among('! mblll'], faying, That they would not be under the obedi· wh_om was ~ogrr Walu, Simt11 the you1~gcr, and Ptckts) encc of the Monks. fav1ng their lives and members. After thLS, both the Kmg After ~his folemn MdTmgers were for this caufc Cent to TlltKLnJ and EdwarJhisSoncame tol.M1d()7J with agreatpowa, thcCardmals of Romt, forthatthcnthc Sec ofRom~was ~~~~ ~~)f~r ~~r~:~r~:~hJa~tyA~~ ~~!?;,~;;st~~t~\i~ ~~h~~ Se~~~~~;~~~;t~~~~J~n'i:To,:~r~~t~~ ~~ tncl (who for {car was flal into the Tower) they narrowly la1d lhop Eled,pertainal to the forefa1d Chapu:r of Canrn-h11ry. c; tiun.. for, that he fhould not e(ope. At length by the intreaty TI1e fame: yrar _al(o was. the lord He_n"l> the Son and~~~ of the EarlofG!ouujfrr, and ot_h« E:uls that were his h~iroftheLord Rithartl K1~1gof A~ma1~, an~ Brother ~o wof Lo><cl fi~~. i~~:~1~!i~~~~~~::tr~;:ift,·~;1:~~~~~~~~;. ~~~/:s:~~~EiJ~;~~!~~E~~~~r~;·~~~ R~j!.f K1~~be =~~~~~~~f~:~~;~~~e~~~'!!~ ~~~a:!~~f:~~e~r~:~~{~:~~~ gc~?e~t~x;:i~~:~f'!r:;~~~~ f~:d;~~~l~i~~i~~ marion was made upon the Fdfi of AP·SamtJ, of perfl>d ro H1n-ujahm, takmg upon them the lords Charactc:r, ~ce :md ~~rd throughout al~ th~ Rrnlm. that is, the CroiS ; among whom. ~vas alfo EdwarJ ~he £;~.\~" ~~j,~~~g:~%~1~!,jf~~~~~~~~1 ~:~~i~?~;,~~~i~£~~;,~~::::;=;:? {~:;~} the con~nts of the Noblcs, he ordained and E!UCh:d di· Abour the time when Prince EdwarJ was prqxrring T~ d_.at~ tcrs ~ and proticable fntutes for the rc:fon.mtion and hi.~ joumey row~d Ajia, Bcnifaet of whom re ~t<1:d be- ~:;:h::,; bettamgofthcflateof the Rdmandexc:cuttO!lOfcom- fore, the Archbdhop of Canmbllr] e-ndal Ius life m the of c....,. g~~ ~~f~~~~~;~:~~n~2§ ~s~~~~t~i;.:~tJI£;~~§~~£ ;~!V~f;e 6mc )"elf uron St. 1ohn's day the Baptijf,EJward ta~~~~~i~~ rl:.~e:':~~~ ~~it~~~r:~a ~~~)~,:~:~~ t!;,~11f. the Kings Son and divers other Noblemen of England 'took l:fitly thr(3.mn~g thctn;ro chufe the f:ud ~bm to btArch· ~:rhed;~;~r'~f~~~r. ;~,!d:g~!~ 1;f,~dfi~~;:;~{'ili; n~~ili~ ~~~~~~:~n[l:~~~~~~~:o~~~~~:;;~; ~l~~~~,;·~~~ • •o