Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

The great Co11corda11Ce. Prittcely clemency. A great Shipwrack.: 383 !~~£tllf~fill~ ~~~ ~° Kh;~ ~hebem~~!~~~~h;e~O~ltstoi~.~h:· abfence of their ~~~~d ~~:~theei~a~!~~f~~~~:~~ 1;h:~1~el~~~:gl:r~~u~;:~ EleCt, ordained one Gtjfrty PommaU to be their Official ; Boats to receive ~nd bring fuch of the Nobility ·tO land ~ ~~~~t~t ~~~;~~~~:::J~:U~t~h~ha~ri:&:;t~~.~~j A:;\l~e~ ~;rili~t:~h~~r :r~~0~r~;grh1~~\\~~~~;; ~~~~4~~~~~~~~~: to the Conr«racion of the new. Archbdl10p, therefore for money alfo winch they had taken before, hkewJ(e perifh· k~; b•N• ::~~~~~00 ~\% l:~!;o~~~: ~~~~oa;~u~~ 1~~ ~~U:~!'~b~fu~~r;:d~~. up ~~ea$~i;~/~i~:~~~J!l;r~~~,~~~~\~1 1:~~r1~1~~~ ~I;~;~~~~: ::~~:~};:· .A.t•• cb,. The (econd.yearafter.Chtk.nden the fore(aJd Archb1fhop nor yet had one man loll: thcrchy; I or dur as Jt nu): be E~fo·t~ ~::~~~ ~~~~ E~~i~~~~ ~~et~:;~!~J.~~br~~;~th~~~:~~ ~;t.upW~~~ i~e ~:1=;;t~t t~~ t~i~~~k:~~t:(i~l~ ~~~ ~=E~~~· ~~t ::~~at~~:~~~~~;td0a~t~::~b~ t~~;~~~: %:il:e;:·;:• ~:a~: ~~~~~l~:r~r~t::;!l ~;: ~~J ;;t:~~ c ..wbvJ. :~g~~~~~;~~ 1t~~li;~ts-J[h~~:1,1:~ ~:'~j t~:~ ~~t:a~~~:~i~~:~hsich·r!~~1n~l~~t: f£~7~ of thefr tums. And now to rrtum to our formrr ber fifrttn hwtdred lxfiJes thr co~mon Sould~ers, t~e ~~~~:a. ftoA~t t.his rim~ ome out th~ grtat Concordan~e by an :;rd~~ ~~~:~~ ~h.fh;~e,!a~:~ 1d:at0£1S;ta 0~~~:fJ . ~~:~,~~- ~.~~"~ Eny;~J~:~~~~Zjho~::;;~::i ~~Y~:1;i~;g pro. ~~:et~~~~\~a;w~t~)(rr:~i~:~;;i%?t:n~~~v~~~ G!!~cdof chimed to war againlt the T urlu, and a Sub!idy being the Mlfier of the Ship, and asked whether in attempting co\led:ed in Engla11tl upon the; Prince Edward with to the fh.ore, it were~ not potli~l~ to (avc thcmfdves ? Wh.o othm w~s apJ?O~ntcd to take their Vo.rage, and now wae anfwercd clur to fave the Slnp 1t was impollible, howbc1t on\\"ard m thcrr JOUnley. Who at Michat!mas follcwing, the mat that were therein by Gods. hdp he doubt.ed not. fl}i~c~~;~~~~:Jd:!~w!~~t~.~hl;:;;, ~(~k~~:i~~~a~0t~r~~~~~~h~10,~:t~/:~~ (tuving a merry wind .a~d profpcrous) wnh~n ten d~ys Ship. VVho immcdlltdy hoifing the fads, with all fom: anivedatSuntsatT.mzc~~tm,wherche~wtt~gr~t)Oy run the Ship aground (o near the lhore as was polftwelcomed and entertained of the Chrin1an Prmccs th:tt bk. Thus with the vehemency of the weather and w.en: to this purpo(e alftm~kd, .as of .Philip the Frmch force he ~me withal, he hrafi the Ship, and Caved ~~ Kmg, whofe Father Lud/)'tlltHt dtcd a httle before, of Ca· that was w1thin the fame, as the M:dler of the fame Slup rolt11 the King of Sicilia, and the two Kings Na'llar :md had fhcwed and faid before. ~~f.:;'hcr ~~'k~gt~ l~~".f,d:h~h~ ~~~ t~t~~~; thisT~~11g~:rK:Thi~:::~)c~c~~~~gl;~~~=fee~~ the Son of the King of ~mam for his Father> who at one unto their own lands> only E.Jw.rrJ the Kmgs h~ rctum f!orn the Voyage was llain in a.Ctuppd at Vi~tr- SQn remained behind with his Mtn and Shi~ which PriDC:o!J. hJUm hearing Mal$, by. the Lord Stmm and G•~~d~, the Lord had . fa,·cd and prcferved. Thc;n Prince EJ- .,.., artl· the Sons of the Lord Smun Mountf(JJ't Earl of Lu- ward .(r~novatmg his purpofe) took. Shtpping again, ;~b~!~~j;• ccjhr. . and Wtthm fifteen days aft?' Eaptr amved he at Acra, N•ur•lb• .When Prince EdwnrJ demanded of theft Kings and and wa1t aland, taking w1th h1m a rhoufand of the bell: Pnnc~ what was to be done,. they. anfwen:d him again, Sou\dim and .moll expert, and carried tho:re a whole <li.Jd fatd~ Tl~e Prince of tltis Ctty, fald they, and the Pro- ~onth, refrdhmg both hi:; Men and HorftS, and that vt!lCe adpymng to. the fam~ •. l.lath been adufiomed to pay 111 this (pace he mi.ght learn an~ kno~ the fmcts of rnhuteuntotheKmgof Sm/raeveryyar. And now for the Ja.-,d. After dus he rook wtth hun fix or fevcn thatthefa.mehathheenforthefpaccoffevenyarsunpay· thoufand Souldiers and marched forward twenty miles d and more, therefore we thouVtt good to make invali· from Acra, and took Ntr...artth > and thofi: that he ~ r~:; ~:;~~!~.t~~o~;3i~~eio~~~=edr:_ ~;~:. foo;~ ~hd~e:;e~l: (~~~~~-:: :ft~~h!r:.~hin~~ liresfmsfiedfor the time pill, and alfo paid Ius tribute mg to have fet up:JU them at f01m fuait orothn: ad· before ha~. · vantage~ they were by the Prince premonifhed thereol; Tbe , Then fa!d he, My Lords what is this to the purpofe? :md returning again upon than, gave a dnrgc, and ~;~~~:" Arc we tlOt here all arfemblcd! and have ~kat upon us ~le flew m~ny of them , and the reil: they put to flight. ~~:·;::rtq. !12hr~~~~hat~~n~ll~~t1~t ~~e~:~~uJ~ :n~~~e:~ ~~i~~~~h~~e~~;;;;;e~;~a~th~a~~~~c~r~:,~: din, of a the.m ? God forb1d we lhould do fo, for now the land is which was for ty miles from .Acra; he marching thnher !fh;~ut pb.mat\d hard, , fot~t we may approach the holy City fee upon them very earl~· in the moming.,andfle,~of them ~;~!~~~: Zith~~~: 1Ji~~.~/~~'t.~~f:(~;~~~eb::~k~~ef~~:t~ :kc r~!J~ 11f;i~h~u!~~In~h£o;~~tetih~h~ ~· t~t~ ~toro;,. let US retum ag;tm to. S1~1ha, and when the ~Vintcr is p.:lfi: Cafi:lc named Cajfrz1m Ptregrino"'m, finnte upon the: m01cy. w~ may wtl~ take ~htppm.g to A?""· But thiS coonfd no- Sca<OJ!l, and tarried there that night, and the next ~y nuuot. thmg at all li~ him, netther dld he !hew himfclf well they returned toward Acra. In the mtln k:afon the Ktng ~~led thcrewtth; but after r.hat he had made them a of Jmif't~lcm falt unto the Nob\cmat of CJPrm, lx~~~~~~~~~~~~~t::\\:~~f~~~~~~e~o~~t~k~~;~~; ~~~;~~ ~~~fii:~~~~ f~th~at\,.~rJ ~~~!n~fur~~ of that Wicked money which thty had They not- they wC!Uid keep their own hnd a11d go no fu~~~~;