Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

384 Pri11ce Edw. WOl111dedwith mz tllvellonzed f(TZife. Hio valia1llnefs at Barriers ill France. ~~~~- ~;~;:;~~~\~~hl~~e;~.~~~;~~~~i~,:~~t~;:t ~~~~ ~~::Co~~l~~d~ c! ~~:,' l~~J r:~::hy:~·G~~,a~;~· ~~'rb;{~~} r~rlhGd.n. lffi~n«Jiatc\y th~reupon ClffiC lllltO h.lffi with grea_~ prtfXl· healed, WC ffilflrull it 11()("; _but yet lt WJJ_J ~ very p:unfn\ ~~!;. td :~~~~d1t~~~rfcl~~~t~~!ix:~.~d:d:~;~1l~,r~:.r~a;~is~~: ~:t6'i:h ;~~~;~~~~~u~~~~7~tn~e~f~~d~roT~,::~!J c"'.f.:~~.. decdfors were fomcdm~ Governou~ of ~he!r land, :1.nd the Prince:, I commit my ~df unto you, do w~th me what that they ought always to fhe_w rhe1r _fidelity_ ro_ the King:; you think good, Tl_•cn f:ud one of the PhyfictaJlS, Is th~c Zf£~!~~~~~ ~~~ti~~ pr~ll.HCd a- they dc~ifOO :1.mong _themfc:lves, how by fome policy they • ~~~;~: f.:;~::~[~~~~~n~~~~z:~~,~~~r,r,!:i:~ ~l~1~~!:~j:t3t~~~~~:i~~'f:~:s:~~~ Ji. :~: :~v:~~~be\~!:~bfy ~~~;~~~:Jn:d ~~idd ~~ R~~~od~~!~ ~fJd 3~·~: :~~t r:r~~~~~~~~ Chrifl:i:ms. This talk plcaftd the Prince well, and perfwa- chc monow thq· cut oor all the dtad em·e~lOillro fldh out dtd him to finifh the thing he had fo wdl begw1, by wri- 0~ the Princes :trm,and dm:w it from them, and umo ting again, who alfo by th~ f.unc mcffeng~ fent and !urn, Hew checnth your Grace? We promifc you within wrote lxlck unto him div('rs mnes about_ the lame mart~r, thtfe _fift«n days you fhall fhew your fdf abroad (if God wl_lel"c:by no mifl:rufi lhould fpring. _11us mc!Trnger, Uuh ptnrut) upon your ~orfc-back, wh~lc and wdl as c\·cr you mmc Author, was one Ex cDtt tmtrllllt, one of the fiony- ~vcre. And accordmg to the prom1fc he rmde rhe Prince, hcrted, that neither feared God, nor dreaded death. 1}1c: lt Cl.!!Jt to_pa{s, to the no litt!~ comfort and admiration of Tbo ""n.... fifth tim~ when this Mttftnf?a CJ.m~and was of the Pnn- all hJS fubjtds. Whe1~ eh~ grot Soldan hard_of ir,and that ~~t~ ~~~i~~~:f~~~3~:~:~~~.:~1i~~~t~~;~ ~~~~~~:t~~~!~:r:~~f;t~~1~1~t;~~~;~W~! his reverence done ; he pulled out. cenam letters, whJCh Pnnccs an~ M~tfen~crs fiandmg aloof off from the Kings h~ delivered to the Priuc~ fro1~ Ius lord, as he had done Son ~orfh1ppmg hun,fcll fut upon the ground.You(fait:h ~~~abcf~1d=d~l~~~~:l~~b:i~~~~~fJl~ ~t~~-~t~n~J~~ ~~~;:~~~~~;;fl:;~~~~:~~~,J;~~~~ l~~ f;~~~:~~ ;n~~#~,u~:~ £~; ~~~~~~~~af1~da1~~:~t~~~~r~e~~~~;!_:~:~~J.crkin, !~f~nin~~~~~ma,1~~dtfc~~e:~·m~~~~t~1~!~:. honrntrWhtH the Prmce had reJd the lctters, J_t apf!C?red by Thus when Prmce E1ward had been e1~tem months Th• Princo :~d ta~~r:;~d~ ~t~~~~~.;:filita~0~~~~-~~~h~d ~ft~ ~{y'(~ \~:. :\3~r~;~~~~~~=ut~~r:fte~~~~ ~::~~ ten and prom1fed. The report of thefc news by the Pnnce we~ks he :trrtved in Swlia at Trapts, and from thence rra- :~~ .. ~ to the Handers by likW. them well, drawing fomewhar vcllm~ through P_altJI:ina and Mttmts, and fo thJOUgh back to conf'ult thacof among!"! thcmfel\'es. _In t~e mean the mtdll of AfUlsa, ull he~c to R~m~t, where he was time the Mctrenga knc-tling and ma~ing his ol:'eiknce to ?f the Po~ honourably ottertamed ; from thence he Glme the Prince( fiutha withhimJ put hJShand to mtoFranu, whofe fame and Noble prowc·fs was there Ptlnc•, EJ. t~~t'!tr~f~~~h~; 11~~~:t ~~~.:r~:e£~ ~~c~~~:;, ~~~~~/~~E:;l ~~;~,:;~ :~~~C1~; :d.randnun. dunking to have {l':l'ken_ht_m mto the bell~, therewith as Ul~to h_i.m and r~red him tlut he mtg_ht break a fiaff hurt with . he lay ; bur the Prmce llfung up his hand to del~nd the wnh htm at the Tilt in his Count_ry.. Wluch thing to do, !d'K.;f:b;blow, was firickotagreat wound into the ann: And~ for that the Princt w?Uld not dtmmi!h his honour and ~;';r. :rr1:\:~:t ~~t 2~1~~~f~~~~k~l;~~;~~; ~~ef~~!~c~l~~a~~ ~: ~~:~~1fe ~; ~~:::~c o~~~ c%~~~~~ll~tg: ~~-~c~i:~ theground. WtththatthcPrmce~thimbyt?ehand;md butwdlmgly conknted thereunto; whaeupon 1t was f ~l~Ii~~:~i~i~i}f:;;~;f:~~~!.?f;i~~:;f,~~i,~; ~~:it~~~if::.~FJ~[:~;~~:~~~~ ;[;] [~~ ~~~::~111~ti1:~r x~~l:~:~~~~~l~~!~~;g;:~fn;1~~~r~~ ~~;(p~J·~:~~' t]]~~d ~i~~fl~~f~~Ot~l~l!;e~~l;~O~~ rvn ' the Floor, oneofthem.took up a ftoo! and bc:atouthis andAnnoraforehand,_andd11nking one to another in brains ; whercat the Prmce was ~~·roch, iOr that he flruck boun _vo~~e of the (~:n! of them whom fhcy w~d take a dead ma!1, and one that _was ktlted before. The rumor ~~ the1r prdoncrs. Prtnce Edward in the m:-m ome ft'nt hereof, as tt was firange, fo tt foon went throughout all the mto England for divers E.uls a_nd &rons, which come unCourt, and from thence amongll the oommo~1 people ; to him. vyhen the day appomted was come, the Prince wl1erefon: they were very hovy and greatly dJfoourag(.'CI , had with h1m more than one thou6nd Horfcmcn, which TohimcamealfotheCaptain of the T~mple,andbrought were Knights, bc!idcs his Foocmm, but}"et thtre was:JS him a co!\1}' and precious drink againfi poyfon, lefi the \'~ many more on the ot~cr fide borh in Horfonen and Foot- [;~~i~~~ffeKf~~je~:u:~nr,Df::~~~~eJ:~~-~~~;~~ ~hl~·h ~;be:~~:~~~i~1~m~~3~ :r;~,F~~ ?,::!'~· ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ta}:;![~~~:~ :k~1:~~;!~~~~~ ~~:i7~!'-~;{~SJ~~~r~:a:11~~~ef~h~: :~~~~ ~~t~~i1;~';. ~~:t:~f~' ~~~: ;~~g~U:~~P~;fich~s1 ~~~~r(~~~fur,B:~d~he~~:;~~ 1ed~~-~~~~j~~r:h~v~:~:;,;~e~~~~?~ t~~t~~~\!~~~; ~~~·~t,. wlS drdfrd, and within a few days after the wound began the mCJn ~eafon the Earl wttll ~fey ol Ius Knights wh1ch lieU~·· 1o puqitie and the fldh to look dead and black > where- followed h1m, ame forth_ aud )Oyned togethr-r_ fo. ~ny uponthey'thatwereaboutthePrince bcga11 tomutter.a- for_fomany,at~alongrunerogcther they tnedJtwnh mongfi: themfclves, and _were very fad and heavy. Whrch th~~ £\\·~rds,laymg rn1e at another. !'>t d~e ]aft the Earl f't'l:- thing he himfdf perccivmg, unto them, Why mutter wvmghu_nfd~ not ab!~ to match wuh lum at thcan_ns C!!d, you thus amongll your fdvcs? \Vh.l.t fee you in me1 can I indos'd wuhhtm)&takiughimaboutthtntck)heldhtmwhli~ /