392 Tbe ahombzab!e Wic~ednefs of Pope Boniface. Hi sWitcbcraft, Simony, ';/!:;;:;IJJ,:i;~ea'w~~;e;;~{at!~~=~.;::te::tl;:r~ ~~~;:·,~';~;~~ l;~;~ttj~ ,: :!:~c~c~~o't(=.~; {~!~~} ;f;ia7::i!h ~h:; r:;:~ie~b~~,:;,~~~"tfn~k~:[s th:i; ~~~~'';~ i~:hh::r''~~~~~h~P~:k :~ci~~~~d ~1!l,i~~ fo:Jk~~~fu~:s; T£~j::;:::t~J~;{7~/:he1};J t:~~ ::1: ~~~1~~c~~~'H:~<!o:::~!~e: ~i~~etl~; :,~~n11:~ fm Here/it, and other dJVers homble rmd curftJ faultJ, monly reported to do this. 'uher~intbq affirmed him t11 be ~a{e.ltd,a~d mnmrmiJ and 3· Alfo,hc: is rrportcd to fay,that Whortdom is no fin, ":t~~fviff~P~:'~~'tp:,IHan~'.:fh~;";.:;£1~:~;~]~{e;:,:;:,~! ~~m:=~Yt~~~ ;~~~~c ~~dt~::xls to!;cther, and rhus (whsch were aflembltd to mtrtat ifthetrrmm mamrs,and 4· Alfo, l~cfasdofcrn,that to thrufl: down tlu: lGngand matters rf rhm Cblfrtlm) btjiJe Barcn_s, Earls, and othtl' Frmchmen (1~ 1t could not be mherwi(e done) he would Nobhmm_. w~ofo nam:s are undtr-wrl~tm. . . overthrow lum(.:lf, the whole world and the whole 7'/n.fald Wliliam propoundtd and ob;eff.ed agamft hrm, Church. ~nd when he l\:ld f:tid fo, fomethat fiood by (aid, fwtarmg bJ the bolj Goj}tl of God, which he corpcrnUl Gotl forbul; he anfwm-d, Godgrant•. And when good rouchrJ, .that In cOJJJ_p_r()'t)~ ~!J and every tbt prtmi/JeJ ffit'll th.lt he:ud the words rtphtd againfi him, that he tohetrut. AnJrhefmJ Wilhamo[Pidiano fwarefur- (hould not fay (o, lxaufe the Church of God and :all tha tbit Oath, that he be1iMJtd In could provt thr prt- Chrifl ian-men thould (uffer great flander (o: he anfwertd, ':b'!foi/~nif:c~ ~; ~;;'~!::tt ~:;!;;t!'I::~:f:t;~ ~~;:::; ':h~;: ~;,~;ehef;e;J,~o;~j~~{f:i,t:;::,:Df;~~~; anJ htjcrt w~m[oevtr f nghr If ought to. be done: Jlandtrs and offmus cwu. Hfj~irmg earnejffJ th1 faiil Kmg tu a Chnmptf.n of the S· Imn, he calkd aga in ~n? allowed a ~k made by Fa~tb, ;md Difmd" if the Cb;.nb; that for ~eclarmg of M. A711(1/J of Nt'WIC_n, contammg_and (mdhng ofHmlle, tbu trNtblo the praij t of Gods Name, to thtmcreafo anJ condcmned~y.d~ Btlhopof Pnru, and repro\·cdby _the prflmcrmg _oftht Catboltck. Fmth,to tbt botwur and wealth M:tfrers of_DIVullty, and bur.ned openly ~y &mi(ace h_tm- ;{ '~:;';;;;;{~ ~}~~:~:· j;~ o{;:;~r;/'/!j::;;r:r:t~.;li~ ~~\~~; :~~~~h.e c~~~,~~~~.~o:~l~~~~~:~~~t ~1~~~~= ::iraii:~:;tt; !::t{':n:::o;:d ~;;~~~J~'!c: c;; r:ul~~ lxmg wriuen agam ) :tnd comaming the fanle cauft bis KtngJJ hou[t Wtu M.J~r a R11ltr of tht Truth} and 6. /mn,t~at he might (nJke the mofi_ damnable remem· :;; o;~t~;~~~~~;~;~jt;;r;;;~;o~;ldt'~fa~!~J~~l);X;; ~;~er~: i~:~~~c ~~~h~' ~; t~~~ea~~ ~~~~~g0~~v~ with them. Tht Earls and Knights themfelvrs bejough: Jdobtry. :;~if:IJch:;;{ o~:J~{;m;,"~;/,tja;;:,Cr~:;:fou/d/:~[pif~~J in ~it ~~~i~g~~ !:~1\hr~:;~t~\f~~:~:;hofe counfel he ufeth %;;!%~,lri!::~:~;~z?i~:;~~::.:f;~?J!J::::;:~ d~.~:.:.::~~:~;:f);;.·:~~,~~:~::i~: E:~;~~: the Canom. ButwhmtluPrelnteshtardt:ndfull]undtr- he ufed a devihfh Art; andol d11She 1sopenly thus reflood foch Objtflions, Oppojitions,anJ Rtfjutfls, a1 ff afore- porttd. "foiJ; andconjidmd~barfuch a matter was noronfJ moft 9· Ittm, heis:t Witch, asking counfel~t SomhG.yers hard, hut uwftd wift wmftl, they depart~J CNI if the ~th Men ami Women, and thus he lS comm0111y fame pJ,m. But tm rht Fnday ,m.:rfoUQWmt• th_t F11r- judgro. ~~=~bb;;:g f,e;;;r~:Jai;~iec{l~~e:J~h/;fl;{;~J;;;~ not1 ~~~~z·s\~~~:~. ~:hl~~·ist~~::~~~~t:~~~ A bb"r, Pr1crs, andmnny WJtntffis htrt 1mdtr wrmm the !in reproved as wdl in the Old Ttftamtnt as m the Nt'W, I;.r;::J;:t::;j1tj;!b;J, ':~'b,~!;~;~;;; :~u:J':J:t~ ::~~e~~~~~Ji(~1 ~lP!!u~L1i~~&s.A~og:~t~w~~i~ k~~;t,({a;1,~fo;J:!J:d:~J{;,1J:1bJ~i/!~~~n1r;.;~r:a1:~ ~r:t11:io~~~~~c~ ~b%~~~~~~~0gi~~fa~io~~ wtu containtd mQrt fu1i].J11 actrtam~aptr 'll'htchhe btld as_ Ufurers and Merdunts ufc to buy and (dl common in. hi1 hand, wbofe ttnoiWal after th:s fort: ~;~li:~. the M:ukct, and of this the comroon ~rute reJ 1. It,», he ktteth with :l~\ his might amcng Chrifi ian men the.fpec~al Emb:llnge ot Clu-ifi, made to his own SollS,faymg,Peaal/eavercycu,andfoweth difcordand wars: WherdOre once it wu (ai~ before him, that certain ~~~:i~~~l~:';~J:~f~;~i~f~~~:~~i~l~~l~~~;j parties would frkndly agree after :l good fort, but he kned the peace ; and when theotherpartydidhumblybe(eech him,thathewouldgi\·eiicencetoagree(heflld)hewould not : yea,iftheSonofGod or PtttrtheApofilewould cOme down into the Earth and command him ; he would me. G.y,Iwi!IPJOthtlitvtthu. 1. Firfi, ti?t he bdieveth _not_ the immo~lity of men, 12. Item, becau(c ~he Frtnch Nation (lxing manifdHy and of C!uifhan Souls, but thmkmg much like as the Sad~ a moH Chrifiio.n N:tuon) followeth not his errors in the ducw did believe) that there is no everlalbg life, and Faith;h.: reckoncth and openly calleth:tll and every of that men cannot set :lt the kngth Joy,_ J>:lt t!I<~:t all the them Pattmian~. lot and part of comfort _aud gbdndS.~ m t!!lSworkl: . 13. Iu'?,heiSinfed withSoda.~tic:d lin~ecpingwith and by this means he affir~t~, th:tt tt IS no lm for the hnn Bors tor Cc,cNbinn, and of dus fault he lSrnofr combodytolivcdaintilyinalld.amues.. And out of thcabun- monlyandopcnlyreported. . :~:~~t~~C\~II;a~e~~~~ ~~:a;t,: r:y~~~ -~~~~; be ~~·n:'i;;I·Jis 1 ;~fn~~~~~!::J;n~ui~~;:J ~:~~~k~ ~~ ::~';;'.Other b~it Beafi, than a Fm~ch·1r-4n ; which thmg he t~)(ir drat.h ; and if they were oot deadly Vt'OW~~ at the ~~b .. ft awouldnothat•e (aid, ifhelxh~«l~.Fre,c!J:ma~hada ~fibyh~ Servan~s., as oft as_hefawthem(mnmg, he ' '-•«b.-. ::~~:~~~~~o~~n,a:yicl~~~~~~:fe}~~ thTsh~. ~~~~i~~ ~~~~~ Smttt , Srmte ; by whach exampk ~ny Wtit of death a11d the common report goeth onium thus m 15. Ittm, when he had condemned a. catam N~lc rh~~~~~~~ he bdieveth not faithfully, th.1t by dte words ~~~~~~.f~~~d~l~:j~~ftra~::J'~~~~~:~i:~!~:tfa~~:~e~: ordained ci Chrifi, and fpok~tl over t.he Hot!,_ afcer .the t~ Sacramm1 of 1'tnllf1r' Will nor n.uejj11ry to S.Jvr fa.fhion ofth~; Churchbyafuithful Pnefithattslil,wl~ly .mn. . 16 .Imn,