SodOI!ty,Murther,Oppreflion, &c. againjl the Frenchmen. 393 ,{~~~~} hi~~j~::~f~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ::~~~t~:o~~ ~r!~i~fof~~~~rbit1~%:(~~11t~~!~~f~~~ri=:ha;: 7eff~~~xfr01 Jbt:! ~~~h~o1't/;~, t~~~d::pt~I~rct~: Fr~~~Ium, h~ is opmly rcport« ~~e Simorty, not :~t3~ce;fb~~ci~r~ai;:~r~o~u:ct~~~~~~~~~c ~~~~cf. ~;~~~ki~:Orf~~fu~io~1c~;j;a~~(;;~r~1f~:~ga~f~~~ fed to :1 mtam_ Cardin:~.l , confdling__umo lum a ofth~Church, and would beflowthcChurchcommonly certain privy homble fault und~r BenediCite, and corn- on htm that would offtt mofi: : and he made his Servants pelled the Cardinal a~infl his wtll to declare his con_fdli- PrelattS of the C~urch, not for wealth of the Faith, nor to on: ami yet afterward h~ rcfl:ored the fame Bt!hop thr:t!l d?w1~ lnhdels, but to oppre!S the Faithful, and t? again to his place for a little _money. Wherefore he ennch hLS Kmdred by the Church-goods, and of the Patnis thought to play the Herrtick m the Sacrame11t of Pe- mony of him that was crucitied > and prefumed to ~ake nance, themMarquc!Tcs,Ear!s,and8Jrons,andwasnotafraJdto 17. !rem, he falleth not on the fufiing-days, nor Lmr, build them firong H9lds,root ing out and opprcffing maity but cateth fldh indifferently, and without caufe fuffmth Noblemen an~ o_thcrs. hisHoull1old and fricndstocat, faying,fti.sf1()fin: Do- z6. Item, lt •. commonly reported, thatheh:~.rh diing in this thing again(\ the general fiate of the holy vorced many M:unagcs lawfully made, to the contempt, Church. hurr, and fland~ of_many ; and h~ did promote his NeI 8. [rem, he opprelfed the Order of the, and phcw ro a Cardma!(lup, being mamcd, unlea~ned,and alhath opprcffed rhe Order of bhck_and white Monks, of toged~cr unworthy to live; ~ndopenly mamcd one that gray Fryers and Preachers: and f:ud eft, Tbat the world was divorccd,andcompdled h1m to make a vowofchafiity, ;;:,:,~t~nr:t,la?,::V~;·;:/ ,:!ij :t:;:":,~~Jli,YJ;e ~~~ ~r; fah~~~~~~~~cro~:~~bh~~~ ~t~:~o &fiards by :;~~ o!e :U~ffi~e; 0 t~~:in°:"h;7~!ft/~:~1he ;!~ ~m~?s;tl~j:?;_P:oo~~;~~~~fii::~~~-1;~~~~;:1;~t !=::: ~~ ~:!cb~k!~fa~~jn':~~:r~et~~~~J~~ ~~~~~~ b:g~~l~~~:~~~~:~~~~~~v~:~~ ;her~f~~~~;ir~:! Pndmlof. good mme; and, tocompd them to rc~~mt~irfanlts, himfdfhadnohwful entranc~ to the Sr:c-J and pri~ed he is glad of their Accufadons: and thiS 1S the common him, and there quickly and privliycmfcd him to die. And voicc:andrcporrofhiii!· . of thi; the common brute andrq>artisth~ughallthe .I g. Item, of old tlm(, ~e gomg about t~ dcnroy the wor~d, that h~ c:tnfcd many ~nd grcJt men living a rcguFalth, COI~Cch·ed a hate agamf\ t~ FrinchK_mg, even to Jar life (which d1fputed oftllls.,whrther he might rcnouTK"e the abl~orrmg of the Faith: lx<:aufe of t!lt hght of Faith rl:c: PoJXdom vr not) to be fct in prifon, and there to ~~~i~~0~~1i1ffi~;1 ~~~ =~f~o!n~1~~:~~;~t~~~~c~11t~~a~: dic;8. Item, he is rcP?rtcd _to have railed at religious pertore he had this Sc:.1t, he is provcdtohavefa1d, that 1f fonslcad}ngarcgularhfc,wJthoutarCJfonablecaufetothc ~;mw,crbu~orc, ,~~~J~t~~~c:~~:v ~~Jr~~~fi~~ a:~~~~~ wo~·~, ~~t~~ 1~~ltrr~~::dy~o have faid, that he would which' he caller~ the pride of the Frmch. within fbort time mak~ all the FrtndJ-mtn either Martyrs, zo. Alfo, it IS rcp:~rt~d, that when the Emlxlf\adors of or forfakers o~ their Fanh. !~u~~1~,d~n~:aro:·~~~ :~~t~a~tr~! ~:~~~l~~::,:~~ th;~~af:l~~f :~;s~~bu~~~~~~~~~~~~to~et~~~~th not :~: ~~c;~!~~~#~~a~f:·::;;,r:,r tt:, h:::J~ £:~:: lia!~e~t:~:: ~idl; s~rr~:d~~~~~~~3:~~cl ~~; ~~ h:': ::;;j~~n~v~h~t::a~;:~ j1~01~~d~ that I .lo not pro- Tht ~- C(rtai~1 perfons, to l~n<lcrthat ~ce fh~d n?t be betwixt ~un_d nor.fftr.k t . any j}tcial hate of~~= of :~~~:~y~fm~~~r:;~~f~dl~~\:y~tl~~th~a~~J~ Ff::~~C(n=mJ:~ ~k I /:':r.}=~J z;p;;~e~~ ~~e::,;d::~! Pkfin•· Yei2~:,;;:~.:;;~r tcd alfo to _hive ~mmanded 1fu;r/::///!,t~l:h';,£ 0~o 1;he~:f1J::,fa:/Go';,"[:a~~; Frtdmck whiCh kecpet1the Ine of Sictl, that it he would hol.J Romifh See ; aJ wtllfor /fop things tb.u I have fien ~ray Cbarlts the King, and break the peace \~hich he and hta~J of mdsble mm cf h~1 domgs, tmd bJ /iluf.J m:Wc, a~1d f\~3.f( that _he would_ keep with him, and prtjitmprumsg~tberedoftbtforef~JdtliingJ,mzdmanyand would fhr agam~ the ~mq, and k1ll the Frtnc~mw, that dw"sothtr thmgs to be declared m hu d11e place and time. thenl:ewou!dgtve lumaJd, hdp, and counfel; an~ for And I (ware by tbe hol~Gofv_elofCod(which I touch Pope!lfti• fo domg he would give and grant him thcfaidKmg- withrnyhand)Th.~tlbehnuh:mtob_earanl: Hmtick;~~~~'::.17~ doms. . msd that I alfo btl:ro~ thnt the for{lud things, and foch l'o!lt Bt~~i- zz . He c?nfirmedalfotheKing_of AlmnmtobcErn· otker, may pro-r.:e.agamjf h1m.Juchthing1 a!f/Jalt hefi{- ~:~~:::. :fcl~ i~~d~;~t~;1~rf;~t;~~~:t;~tt:n\1th~h'~~: ~~~;~ l:&r;;eh;;~ 7 f\~;e~{r~'ti::;~r~ilfp:r~:~~~:a That they are flb/efl to none m Temporaf.rhm!s. Wherein h_tm by the Laws, the forefa1d things in the General Co~.tnfaith he, they hcd ~n their heads, declanng moreover, that CJ! that !hall be affembled, in a place that fha\1 be Cafe and whofocvcr (yea if1t were an Angd from Heaven) would furc for me, to the h0110Ur of God, and inncafe of the fay, that all Kings of tl\t: world were not fubjeCl: to the Chrifibn 1<-aith, faving the light, honour, and fiatc of the fame Kingof A/main, he were 2C"CU1{ed, hol1• ~ponolica l 5« in all things. Wherefore, camcftly Po;-eJi:,;. 23. Furthcr,hc:_braketheAgrrooo~tsofpeacebetwixt andWJthrc:vcrcnce l rcquirc you, my Lord the King (to ~~·~~~; ~~r~~~~~fi:Jdnh;~:t~d:~:~hra~~~: ~~\~ih~ ~: ~~~~h~~~~~~~1C:~f101i~tF~~t~~o~h~ ~~~~ rcM~~Tic~:~ croachingsfatvcrha.db«noneithcrftdcfhouldbebrought account in_rhe bn J udgmtnt) and_you my Lords the ~~dr~~~ t~l~~~d~:~~ed~~l}a~:ffiann: ~k~}~ !:~tj~~~~~~o~~:e~~oft~~~~~~~~:;~~:~~ :f~ mam, that ht lhould not keep theft conduions of peace, reverend Fathcrs,theCathohckPrcb.tcs ot the holy Church, but-~ an enemy, and go about to fow debate among in the Genua! ~~~1 to iJ:e alfcmb!ed.; that ye :would Chri{han men. . procure and rake diligait pam that a Gc!Jeral ~~a! may "24- lttm, it IS openly reported, that the holy Lmd wlS be gathered in a lit and fafc placc,and converuent time, be- ~:~~ ~~~; ha~1Ja~ ~~~~:d ~fnst~~r~~~~~ng~ ~~;~h'~~~c~~~c~r;tt~l~~\11~G?dYB~fr~~~4~p!::fcJ~ ~~~d dalk? to gwe Aid to the Chrifiians wluch defended And I camc:fily alfo rcqmrc you, my Lord Kmg, that ~·c • lt > ~JXndmg the: treafur~ and money of the Church would require the flmc Prelates prcfc~t an~ abfmt, Ill (whlChfllOukths.vebembefiowcdonthatufeasthePatri- what Country fm,·cr they lx, or towhomJtbel01tge1h, aml