Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

396 The Letters oftbe French Bijbops to the Pope. Tbe.Pope hejieged and tak§n. ;u;~i;::· :h:1 ;:o::;;~i:,b,b:::;;: ;:~t~;t,r;;;/!:f; :;;ija:."~!:t;~ rz:r~;~t,;,pti:~~;:f;tn~b::C_t:a{~~~} fear~ or at JOur comm.mdmmr, wbtcb tbmg ye cannot Cburcb--mtn, to JPotl their g(,(,ds and rtchu, with }tDpllrd] if:s~~l~: i:~:£1fh/:";~:r:,~:~ Z: ~h~:~!f::j 7Z :~'fi ~;r;b,~:C~ ':;~::;k;,a;;,,;~vb;:/fo:!;,h;~ i/o:{te; rtqumtl: And rb_trtfou we jlJ~J,dJ regard t~> be rtlldJ 'UJJtb counfols a~d J(lnlgs.fiJIJ ha"!' takm c&urage ~~~ conJann the fiZit} f:~h':}!,b7,t_a[o':ub':r::n' ;;'; V:~:iftfi, ,:ba~"~ fa ;~:;Zfi:4;;a~::i;'::Jdl~:~tfJ~~,;~,-;7::hfctbP;~fr1:; .,,,~ t-rHT) m,ans cafe ss handlcJ,gentraUJ and Par:'teularl] hng11t u able to ttU, nor U:riri~g can Julare) we {tting ~:~~,i.[t;,J;r;~,J;,:;;,~e;/~ ;:;b]U:b, ~:;t,d :~::frb r;1a~:;:j;:, ~,:/i~:,:£fJ:2;~, ";;tfll~j~ pia;£:, a;~~;:?;,;fo~~~r:;;J/>.;frb~be~ffi:~;a:;·Pr~ (::/J!In:{s,wt;nb1,!;i; H~'/:{s;o:,tJ:h:/~~o;J::l;/Ie n~r~ nfwt[~tld, at tke lmgtb after. thty had tn~m coun[tl, remedy m:J, beproviJtl':n the fTtmifjts; by which, rhe :~njnffe::n:i;{b:ik:~~;, 'J:r ~Zgi;;ja~~:~;f f{e'~~~ {:;~Je~ fo!~;fF::e1:"/w;'':,~;"'~b;r;r:~h;';;~i.b::~ giN!d wiU, anfwertdWJth one voue: t.bat fir th:;:thmgs the Rtaim.pnght be 111/JintaincJ ~~that ol~ fw~et C~mcorJ; ~f: ;;;:: ;:;2, ;;:he~~n~0/J;::~:;~e;~rf~;~;o ~;:~f~;~ ~~~~;;~e;~~;;;u~c;,r;t~:r:;;;e"::{;;j:;;;; not tof!tt any kmd oftormmt. Andf"'~furtbtr wlfh tiJ wttbjfaiJJ tht Jangtrsa~JoffenctsafwefasJ, t.bat we ant wsce, !h:l.t if our fore6~d.Lord theKmg would (as and ~ur Statu may be provsddfiJr, by the foref"JJC~,.. ~~:~~~!~~:~~Crl~ I~ ~fer~~~~11r. pafs OVer thoft, they ~;t::,n::ra;.::h~f/~:!,;,~J 1;!~1:r.t~;u;r;tt:;: Thm when anfwtr was asktJ of 111 ll{ttrwartl,althcugb H,/mrfs to hts hofJ Church a long ttmt. ~~ 1tJ:d ;;7::; ;tJ;~;e~~~;je;:;;~j!}a'U ~:.~:~~~~ ThcCe thin& thus difoourfed and, thnt followed { A•ae} ~:::t;g~:~;:;;::n/!a~';}!;;d~~:n;:~J: ;:: ~;!ft~e;:~: ~;t?~~~ ~~=r~Jy, ~~~~ a1G~~i(~;~~~~ }~~~~~~ Po:: i~l~:·~l:\)~:l~~~~~~1~n~~~~~h~;~~~ 0! ~~: *~~ ~t:~~~~\~~rC\~~~~~If~\~t~~h~hp~;g~~f~~ Kings Honour in this lx:half.. . . had dep:~f~d, u~tto the'S uf Arvagtu~, where the 1Vt went abou1 alfo r~ mfcrm btm ?vltb mnnr god/1 Pope dtd ludc lmnfdf, bccaufe ht was bOm m the Town. w~rds, and tarnefr perfwafuns, a'fl~ with man1 kind, .'f The C:l.ptain~of w~ch Army was one SchAi:a, Brother ' help, ,,J by funJrr WI'JS to bring h11n 10 kt~p tU JPmal to the to.n:f:ud Cardmals; and anot~, WiOtam df J..on. hiJnd ofUnit;, wkich is kmnvn to have cmtm11ed ~~theft garm, H1gh Steward t~ the French Kmg. Who invading pre{t11l dap, bttwlxtth~ holy Ro~fi1-Churcb,and hu PYt- the Popes Town, ~nd tinding the Gates opm, gave aiTault decef]Ors. But when we were Jcnttd an1 l~mger drlt~j.,anJ to the Pores F rontlre, where the Pope with his Nq>hew, ~:;';:f~i;?,"~;~ c~7/!a,1f::; ~~e:;;{;~b~~f;/u/J~; ~~~T~~~(~;~ /e~[,~ ~::1%e~~~~~;~~nd'~;:eni;:~~: ';::1:/~/e";::f,al:;ga~a~'!/~'~:!r:!::;;;n~J~~»:r :;t f~~~~~li~~:~~~r~ ~~~~e ~~~~~:eo~~ except IJ/Ir.Lord theKmg, an'Ythe Rarons afcrefmtl wtrt damed Ad11lph11s, one of the chief~ Rulers of the Town, em_tmt wtth 011r Anfwer, bejiJ~s other dangtrs andgreat fot their Captain; who (unknowm~ unto them) was a 1:;c;h~w,tet~7;:, cz::t ';]'~t~ ~o;;;i1n~b:J'Jr~~~~ ~~lth~~~~~:~,~~~ t~~ ~~;r, ~h:r~:li:d'inb~;!;; Chrmb, and alfo tht 1vbole Obtdunte t sht La11y, and ma,:l.nd the two Sons of Jcbn Chttan~ Noblc~an, whofe ~!':J;?:/:V7,~~;t;:fo::l:n7~:,~:: ;V::[/t:::;;: ;~h~t~~t~:~,:~~~;;~Ft~~; ~o~~a~~~ foyn~ttw~~ rhcf]~;tg\~ed~.~;{~~cl~'!: Lord the King w~th due coun· ~f~~: 0:hr~;~g:l.r~1,:;1s,~;~h1~\·~~~;~~~~~f1~~t~ ftl a1~J convement hdp for the pref~ing oflus Pcr!On.,:and Popt, they r1Rtd and fpo1kd all theu goods. The Cardtof h1s eatthly Honour, and the Ltbc:rty :l.ndlawsof the n:l.lsbya blck-doorhardly avoid~d their hands: but the faid Realm, like :l.S we were (catain of us) by the duty Popes P.1lace, through munition and ftrength of the Mar- ~~tt:M~~~W:~~1~7~~ !~~~r ~~~mPJ~~k~ ~~;~ r~;.:;~~l~:ab1~~:a::~ ~~~~~~~~ode: . the fatd Realm, by the form of the Oath, as a !I other do : lired tmce With Sehair11 :l.!td his Company, wluch was to yet we made hnmbk fuit to the fame our lord the King, him granted from One till Nine. During which rime of tbat feeing we were bound to obey the Popes ~olind's and rruc~, the Pope privil)' kltdeth to the .Townfmen cf .Aryour holy feet, he would fu.ffa us to go accordmg to the vagu1m, ddiring ~hem to fav~ his hfe: which if they tenourofyourforef:lldC:dling. woulddo,hepr(llmftdfotoinrichthem, thattheyfhould Thm on the Kings anJ B~Jrcns behalffoUowttb Anfwer, all have caufc l.t"''er to forget or r~1t 1hdr benefit be~ That in no o.fe they would fuffer us to go our of the flowed . To th1s they made :mfwer agatn, excufing themRrnhn, and that by no me:ms they would bear to be felvcs, that it l:l.y not in their ;bi lity to do him any .good ; handled fo dangeroully, 1ca rather to be altogether for th:l.t the whok power of the Town was wuh the wafitd. Captain. T the P~, all defiitute and defo~te, ~a1dPope._.. jeoJ;:;o:::; ~O:ffj:;~f:,g;;~~:;J ;d,)J•b;~~f:;;;1ba~ ~~~:1~ ~;~::i"\~~~~~hY~il~d ~:~Wt ~~~~~{:~=~' 1e~;~; X:;$ ~::e~c;~'pi;~~:~ba~~;-~J!;n;L/i_ ~~~~: tJ1~~':tr~~~~~ a~t,sr;.h~~ ~~~N)~jk::~;{, ~~~bJ~!;!;;::neJ~;~ le: :t t~~;":J,t.~b~~!~~: ~2: ;:·;~!: ;[:;~ e;Jutf~;t;;;:U1;,a~~r:; .~~;: n.wj~:;:!{s:}[:J'::~k~~~~b;;;~i':::)'bi::":e~n~; ::J !(tff(;~~:;k :,~';;~l;i. be~~~~X~v:fha':'~fi~ ~t:~~p~c ~~Jwr::J!;;:t~b:n~~~ i=& 'u':~,w:;~Jj;/:t;~ f:!t:i;1fo;utfl;;~;n;;sz;e;::v~:~:'lcuJf~;~1y~h;!c Friendfoip, wb"b htthertiJ have b11J abapPJ _incuale bt.· Articles f~med to the Pope fo hard, that . m no cafe twixt the Romifh·CburcbAnd our Lcrd ~IN King, a~d bu he ~ould agrtt them : wher(fore the umc of lrUCC Hm •t ~:t','l~~::t ~j/t~::;:t:o~;a:f,t;/::i:;}=~~ ~;d:g t~~::rrv~lSa;n~~fl~i~~~~ f~~~~t= ~,;:, cjtbelfommrofthe Ckurch, ofrheKmgand tbtRtaim; Garc:s of the P:l.~ce, whne?y the Army, havmg a full:::.~ tmdtbl'tn<nP (alou)A tlocrwuoptn, rotbe lammt~t~bit rncrance, fcUtonfleandfpoil thehoufe. The Ma.rqudS.-Pofc. upon