Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

398 Variance hetn-een the King a11d hi& Barons. An Agreement coTJcluded. ~;i.~~~Ef2i~~~~~!~J~t~i~ ~t~~~:~~~~~~~l§~:} ~n~~~~· :It1::~~~J."~'t;,~u~~~;;~;;rjf:~~, ~::a:::~: :~~r~!~ ;{~(: 1a~~~~~h~o~~~:cJ~~~~r~h! o&mrOt nt :altb«s abfrJ; Item//~ ~xprif/il JIB <I! {ttlu n~ll~tttn~ aC" whole Commons bewailtd to th~ King their grid; iu that WooJ. 1'mfcanr~ A fitJ:adJEf_u amem Excttmmumcarzmu & I ;fu~!"~~v"l'~p,~fkro~~fVfV~oo~~ltw:"~fi~n«l;~to~t~h<~Ki~ng,~fon~y~~fh:~iJI. HtterJ,[h fontenJm nuJ/ss abfolvi valrat, pr~l ''fHam tn ~or.tisa_rri_cHioabfquefodisApo/folicd!ilutOritare&licenltafpwalt, &c. uotethto thefifthpartofthevalu:~tionof thewholeLand. Andlx- ~~:;: Arc~~~h~~~r~~~r!~~~a~~ ~~~~~ ~1,;~~:;;: :~: r::ti~~~~~~eK~gm~~~~~~ tu!~ :r r:; toth~K~g. ~~~~~~~ ~~:,~%ew~~gt~e~O: ~~~.h~:~~ ~~tc~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ot~~!~?~ft~/~J;;. 'd~~:~ mtmJslmr1> w.hcrew.l.S gr:mttdtohunofallCitsesand thisnmethe Scots bcin~fobufie: whosfthc:ylxynto Borooghs an oghtb, and of the Commons ~ twdfi:h of r~bd, h~ bring at homt: m his Land, much more wm they thcirg~ OnlytheCirr:&Y• byvatu~ofhisB:lil,flood liketofiir, hc:bringabroadoutoftheLand. A:ndthatnot: fiout, dmym~ to ~y ::my thmg to. the IGng. This ~nfwcr only for th~: Srots, but alfo for that the lik~ pen\ ·was to be not well.plnlmg tht: King, ht: willtth them toddsberate doubted of other Foreign Nations and Kmgd~ whidl ~~~:t?o1t:t;vh~~\\~;rea:~~tb~:Xa:r~t:~=~ as ?i~ ~~i~~= :'Ki:~h~~:~h~~d .as yet n~~~., wh1ch lhould be holdot th~ next Hill4rJ Term at Lonbn. make no rd'olutc :anfi\'tt, for that fame of his Comtcii was :~~";;:f. In .conclufion, the Parliament cur~, theC::lcrgyperlifi- gOI~o~·a.alrCldyr.oFtmultrs, fumc\\o"m:atl.mtW.. Not-oro•of•bt <th lli!l in the denial oft~ Sublidy, alledgmg the Popes withfiandmg, at hG~ag:lin fromFltmdm (which he ~":c:~ TMC1tt&J ~llf?rthdrwamntanddifcharge. Whereupon~eKU1g truftcdlbouldbef~)theyfhoul~thtnhn.rhi:sanfi.\·cr, ~d~ hkcwife [('C\~cth them from under his prottdion and and ~m?w more of h1S mind concenm1g the famt. In the ~t:£: ~[e~::~~~ ~~ m~i!:J,~~~ t~~ ~:7~~ h;~ ~~~ile1~ ~;}=-of~~:· !:/:t :~Kin~~:d fE~b;Jb- ~~~. 0h~~:{~~lt~l b~'g~~l~h~j~: ;~v~: =~~ur~~/~:edt~isa1~/~:=:~~~! bornnffs, to!)' of the bm~ to be imolled in t~e Excheqlla'. Not- ferved otherwife, and ~umcd "'·ll to agr~e:nt. For the ~~~n. ~:~~~n~~gki;:~a!nd~~~iru~:i !1~fi 0Jh ~1~h:~g~ ~:o:hrw~~h~n~~:1nKi:'b:'::~~:~~~~[~ifi~;· thKrng. unto him, and wm recei'ltd ag3.h1 to favour. Realm with (uch violence, that Prince Edw4rd the·Kings In the life of tills Kings Fathtt, it was d('Clared before Son, who was left to rule in his Facha'S Oead, was forced how t~e (aid King Hmry the Third, Father to this King, and to call for tht Earl of ffirt- H-rm., . £::?~ .• ~~%1~~~¥.~~~:~~i§,~f~£ ci:,,J":'~.'o ~~~rm~~"~r~~l!:W::h~;~ ~;: .,.. fi'B'""ndKmgsdaysalfomthe Rtalm, between the KmgandhJS Wt'llarm~SouldLOS, andobtainmjJtheGatc:so(th.eC!t)' .~ Co';."' Barons and Conl!l\OIJS, The occalion was this : A ck wi~h thetr Qwn Mm, fell at length to ag~ent With the moot. Prtnce, uponcompofrtion to have the Articles of~ 1 Cb4rt-., ando£Cb~~rt'4dtFortjf4oonfirmed; and that by his me~ and mediation they mis!Jt ~ aJTurcd of ~e vice il.1 the f~mc, which they rcfufed an~ denitd eo do. ~~ddt~~/~~~~h'.:~::t~hti:"ot~hc.~~: fu~~::~~1~e ~~;~~i~~~~dhh=~}·.w~~ ~dji;jr~ N:~a1b~or 0J!~bfid~t~t~fu~~ or his bells to ThtAtl~ Prtli1Gaof whom bring in his way at lf/inclx/fty, ,the foreUid Earls be impofed or levied here:J.f!er within the Rclm of~- ~;;;,:;;-~ ~~~:,~· :and . Ba~ and Commons, fent cerram ~tition~ c;ontJi- /md, without the common :Ufent of the Archbifhops? Bs- ~1;!;::. Ki:~:tothc A~\~~d~~~i~t~cr£:s~~~\~r:~A~~~~Ft~!:~~ ~=~([~~~a~~~::;~~~·:~~. Bwns, &lights, alty of th~ Rtalm. In ~vhich writing, fi~ll: lamenting and Item, No Taker or Servitor of the King,, or of his heirs, compbinmg of their affhfr~ ftate and ~tfcry, after hum- hcttceforth within this Realm, to t.ake Gram, ~ool, Lea• b!e manner ~hey dclired then· Lord the Kmg to r«<refs and thcr, or any g~~ of any Man, wahout the wsll and conameud .cert:lm grievances among them. And firfi they de- fcnt ofhin~ whtch lS the owner. clared m tiLe name. of the whole Commons, that the pro- No takmg to be hae.~fter, in narn~: of ttibute, fur any motK:n or Wri~s dLJcdrd to them for their ~ttendance u~ Pack of Wool. on hLS Grace mto Flandm, was not fufficLntt: for that Ium, To he granted by tht King and his fkir> after tltttewas no certain ploceinthe~aid Wl'irsfpecif!edunto him, bothtothe.Clcrgyandl.ait~ of~hisforefaidR.calm, them, whether to come for making their provif10n, and to have to and Cll)OY dKrr Laws, LsbertLCS and Cufioms, in prepari11g money and other things according to the fame. as ample manutt astht:y wae wont at any time hattofore. And if the place had born to them fignitled, yrt, lxcaufe Tum, If any Deems or StJtutes fhall hereafter be made none of their Ancefrors eva fm•td the King over into F/4~ and fct forth contr.lryto dld"e forcfaid Articles, the fame tO Mrs lxforc, theCcmmons therefore thought thcmfelvcs nor Hand void and of no dfed for ever. =~~b:{J~.:~l1L~t1~1t)~~~·er~:tal:! ~~1~~~ \vas~~~i~~~~~~~~~·3.1~ J~~::r:ee =~~~;=~:Et ~~~ ~~~~:r;!r~:;}~Pa~~;;~~l~~~~ ~~;~~ = ~~11t~lx~:fJ't:t:=:v~~;:~j~~~ ~iT£e ~~~~~~~~d~*~- .. ~!:~t~~~~~~~: ~~~n~t~~ fu~~~::~~~r.:~ Prj~~a~(~~ltL~edgr~~ t';~. :~~hb~h~ti~~F~{h~~ ~~~:~ them, their own poverty like an he.~vy bunht11 dsd fa mi- Seal : fo was all the vari3J.lce pacstied, to the gre1t comfort ~!.':J ferablylieuponthan,thatfotnc?fthet?had nofufientacion, of.rhe JX1?ple, :t~d no le(s Jlrcn~h of the Re1lm a·nottd. fome of them were not able to ull d1e1r own ground. They ga1~ll thCJr enerruc:s: and n:oll dueBy to the comnl(']l- ' ~:o7dt~~~~~~~l'~~~~f~f:~e~~d~o;t~::d::et~~ :~~~~~ ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~:ful': ~~:~:o~l~~a~il:jJ!: