Articles agai1tjl tl>< Clergy of France. {'~:~} ga~~ts~~:~;.al;h;:y~ =~eiso~r~!~~~~~t~b~~ ~cs~~~~!~ ~~-~~~~::;r~~~;~:~iesc~fclh~ i~~~ and by, if he rillke not paytnCltr at the day prdixed, a\- lum~lf~~nd hiS fubj«ls : for?tddmg under p1in of Excomthoughhebcnocableforodo. mmuamon, andgrt:~tforfctt;'>any manwbcfo h:;rdras 1 2 Jum, WhofOt:Ver by Virm~ of Excommuni~tiott to commen~e at~y Sutc :~gantft any of them, bur before in the Biihof6Court is Excommumcate, and he fo Excom- themfelvcs, Ill fl.llll of a great fum of tnOll)'· muniatedonot farisfythcfum dueabout thcExcommu· 22 It~m, Tot~c~nd the Clergy and Ecckru!lical nicarion, by and by the f~m is doubl~. And the Stcular Rule ~tld bcmulnphed,they oonftT anumbaofTonli.rres ~~;i~~1tx:~~u~~~~koo~:~;I~l~~~:~~2 ~~e~1~J: u¥: a:n!'J~~~t~c~t"J~~dgr;~:~~~~~ catc, by Attaching tht_ir Goods? .to pay tht fa:d fum, and mamed folks mfuffidcnt, unable, and unlearnt-d. . not to mi!S ;a jot : wludt Monmon if tht Laity n{u(r to 2 3 Ju"! , Thty do caufe by tht Govtn!ors of the:'i' put in execution, they thcmfclvrs are thm Excot?mumate, Clerks, Wt~ow·womm to bt in!Orct~ and de tiled, and w~!l · ;and in no wife to bt Abfoh·cd, before thty dtSburfe that have rh.e difcuffing thcuof: as in like mamla', they wt!l mony, the which tht principal Exconununicatt perfon detrn~me the matters ofPupils,a~plying th?r G~ when fhouldhaveplld. . thcydtl!d,as thcydorhcGoodsotthemwhtchdtemtefutte, O~t~:I J~~~~fli~~~:=7;,'~;;gr~~e~~ ~it:ei~i~f~lr,uf~~\'d;~i~~u~h~f~~~o;g~~~ht~~!;~ ~t:rc cl~~:~£~!~!:u~~~~c~t1c;~~HJ~~~~::; ~:r:~:1 ~~~~:~~~ ~h:fui~~~~~~~f the Gin• ro =c~:ar~:S,fai~o~t~r;h~~~l&eo:;~;: ~~;rc~~~~~(',~~~u'~d';~~h~~~ft~be~:~ snmottr. wherdoJCVtt it ic;.,and thtte to a Corporal Oath, Tittt -lxndcd; objedmg :1~nfi t~m that they have firatcd from fhtP.trtirs Excommunicate are nothing worth•. Thisif fomeArtic!cof~hnfib.n Fatth; andthtrewithlhutt":m they fuil, thofe Offic~art fure to be ExcommwliClte,:md ~p; when:tS their lmprifoJUnmt appcrtaincth to tl'Mo King dJC·rtby inforccd to disburfe the due of the firfi Excommu· till they be conviCted thtrro£ nicatc pafons. 25 Jum, They t:X~fc their Ju~fdtai.on i~ all pbet:S, :!~''• Te::~j~·~~;,oa~~~~1A~:~r:crt~~=~~:~ !:i~~~ ;~hfs~:gj~fu~t~ ~.n 1i~c!~lO~h;1~i:~ and one o .thtmafter contdl:ation of Law, and great they,ought to have llO}urifditbon,withoutthcrrownlt~ procclSthcrcm,doAppcal wtto anEccldiafiical. J udge, he mitsand prtcinCt. will prtfume then to detain before him the Plea of fitch 26 lttm, When thefe Prelati'S or their Officials by vir· Cafes and Adions, both real and pcrfonal, cauling, by vir· tueof their Monitions do ~rge. the Kings Officers and his No "'an me of his Monitions and Autho~ity, the Tempo~! Judge Ju~i~to t:x~·ute any thmg; 1f they ~o not .Perfomi thn~, . ~%~;.;~~ ~~~~~: Ta;~~~y~~f~~~ ~~:~~;~~:~~~:E:~~~~~u~~~ ~~~ch;n~~~~t~l~~sl~~~~~~e~~~~~~~~o~~:o~Y!~~~~~d~: f o ~Tom· cate andcompcl!td to ffi:3k~ fattsfaCbon ; by occahonwhcrc- nounccd. And tlus tS a new m~t:ll~ton fpnmg up of lat.e ~:: uw f:~:herrPr~ral r!v~~~:f: ~~fetch;~:i: :~c:~ S~b~~~. thrm, much to the prt:Judtce ofrhe King and his Dhlnltr. Appt:alfroma fpirirual Judge to the Temporal Law. 27 Item, When the Bif110psor their Officials doproft- '5 Itttn, If a Lay·ma.n, inhabittt of any of the Kings cure a matter of Office before thcmftlves againft anyiemTowns., procnrt:th his I'Xbter, being alfo ;a Lay-man, t0 be poral man, and have no proof thereof; they compt:l many ~h~~f~YA~~~~~~h?a~c~~~ct~~: ~~~t~~ ~~ 1r~~~~c~;efh~t:d::;~~'K:~~i~~~w~~~:,n~ to be Arrcficd, tht Officials Will up:m them to htar what they be, and )'et will they not allow any charges and thi$mautt; andifanythingbeattemptcdconcmtingthe expcncesfortheirpainstakminthatbehalf.Butifthcyap- ~f:1)~~k~;:,f~!rw: :~h!r:~~a~~~ pca;g~t:~:~e;c ~~~~bf~~~h~Jcdb~:;:ra~h·c made. And if any of the Princes Retinue compt:llcth t~m Kings Jufiiccs,and lndld:cd ofTheft, :md. he (whofe Gocxls to reftfi this injury, they arc finightways pronounctd Ex· they were which wt:re fiollcn) con:t~ before the Ki~ commwlicate. Shaif!S, attd provtth thm~ to be h15, and rhat ther~fore 16 Jum, If the faidBilhopsha,·ea numlxrofOfficials t~c nu.ttnoug!ltto beordacd by them.:if afrerwardsthe undn: them, whom they term Deans of the Cltrgy, which ~Chops or thm Officials affinn the faid Felon or Male· ~~~~f~JJ• ~:~ ~~~ctb;a~~~drso1 ~;~,~~!~t~i~~~~~ ~:~i~ls~:m~{~fuKf:l;i~:;i~r~~er~o~~e!~~~ ~ fomettme without Commiffion: when that in every the !tollen Goods : and if they do it not, they are pro- ~=~~~~;te~~;ul0J1tt~=J~~~~d!d:t <t~~~:!~ 110~1;~e~:~}n~u1~!~;;1 the Kings Sheriff or Bai!iff to b~ it happencth .dtvns times, that m:my are wrongfully and take an offender for his offence, and he affir~erh hmtfc!f Without caufc cttcd; to the end that they may pay mony to be a Clerk: although ht ntvtr took any kmd of Ton~ ;:i~~t;fi~;h~:v:a)::~~b;:: ~nd :~; T~~~ ~~t~~~~~~fu~;·;~~;O~~i~~h~~e11:~!J~:i~~~} ral }urifdtfrion. them by their cmfur<S tO deliver unto thtm the &id maki 7 lttm,. The faid R~lers of the Cltrks, Seal up the f.tfror as their C!ttk. =:~~~c~~~~';,~V~~::~~~~~j~~!cl~ Jufi~~~~m~k!~ ~h?:f!:;nM~d!:~~;hr~~o:~7;~ ~~;gs~~;n:J:;~~~J;~1rh~r~~~Nr~!~~~fcl ~~31~ ~~~d~~1t ~7.~e~~:::ro~!he~~~ Junfd1Chon. qu:untt:d by thtm, although he afterward R.ecogni":zehis ~:~~d to S!lr:;\!:e~~~;a~thot~~~~~~ ~~~i:~ O~~~~~:amr:~~::~~~~~~~1~; ofM~nts;whcrtasmfuchCafc:stht:ordtrthtreofap- fortbcf.unc,andappcachcdhimthc:rcof;andfotheltke ptttamtth to tht Temporal Law. Malcfud:ors ar<: encouragtd rhtreby tocommitafttr the ~ike. '9 !rem, Thrycompclthe l.aitytoputinfurtty to3n· 31 Jum, Ifanycomplaincthand faith thatheisfpc1kd, ~h:~~!hc~;!~~hSt:mrv::~~e Spiritual <Aurt, ya, and ~~~:d: b6yrh~~~~~~ ~c~~e~~~~OC:~i~~ :~; ri 2~~~·w~~er~~.l'::~~[;~~w~;e;~~t~t~~: ~~trNon~~~;~~~~~ ::~~t\~~~h~r~ili~~~l~~ OOthrcaland:ptt(~J. hehathnotfpoiledthePlaintiffoffirhthmgs,ashtf.1ith 2 I Item, Tht fatd Prclatrs go about to havt: cogllition ht was fJX>ilcd of. But if he refnfc to tlkc an Oath ~ore of fuch Temporalmtnnnattm.s dYttll in Hofpi~Aims~ him, tha1 the Dean will firaightWJ)'S Sral up the Mo111rion and