Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Articles agai11jltbe Clergy of France. f~~~!W::~~~~~~~~i;~~fa!~{y ~.~~~~~~~i~~:;; ~~ ~~~~,~~~~~c\~~d~:tJ!~s r1~ ;:~~c~~~~~~~!::~~: {!!~~t muon, whercofthcPJam.ulff:ud tirfihewasfpoiled. and will be cvcryd:ty more and more, if rc:mttl.y be not 32/tun, JfanyforhiSoffcnccbcofi:intoPrifonbythch:tdthercin. ~~~\~~bi::~.~~d~~t ~:;cn~10rd!~hisb~t~f t~~ d~; tio~1ofl!~~r:~c~~~~ ~a!~a~l:v~r~2 i~bec:~~ ot lushfchvcd h~ca Temp:>ral man: Y\t 1f hcfhl.IIA~ therthc injury be committed byword orf.ttl:. Likcwife vouch and Vow ~11mfc:lf to be a ~Jerk, to the intent to they t.lkc upon them to bor the C:mfcs of married Clerks, have more rxpcthtion at the ~lcrgres .hands, ::m.d ro dcapc and o~ their Wives, although they both ufe Machandiu. un_p.u~ifh«<. ) the Clergy w1U incontmc:ntly giVe to the And 1f at any time fi1ch couples be taken by the Setul.aay m commandmeut to refiore unto thc:m the male- Jar Magillr:~trs, the Official caufcth a fitfpcnfion to be fufror, or dfe fuf~?Cnlion lltall be ~enounced throughout denounced inthatParifh, byfOrceoftheCouncil S:l-r;athe whole Townflnp, where the f:ud malcfild:or flu!] be nd:lm, fo lmpri(oned. An~ for avoiding the jeopardy which. :f2 lrtm, They challenge to have cognition concerning might;m(eofthef:ud feif~mcnt; the Secular Judge ot ~.VtdowsGoods> botl!movcbleandunrnovall!e. And if n«ellity i.s~mpe!led to dehver them the offend~, to the it hapJXi_teth at :my tune th:lt a Mercham Widow, in any great pro:JUdtcll! of the Kings Temporal_Jurifdi&ion>to ofrheKmgspro.UrarsbywayofArrell,procurethanyTcmlt•fm•,.. whom the cognition thtteof might appertam, in cafe of re- ponll man tobc convente:d before rl1e Secular Judge-, and the fort and prerogative. matter be fo Ill m.vafed, that he !hould have bent eon33 Ium, Whenanyoifender isdclivC'rtdbythe'f('ITI- dC'runcdbytheSC'ntenceofthe~lar J udge>andth(ltit ~ral MagiHrates to the Clergy, as their Cln-~; his friends come to the e:tr of the Ecd~faafhCll Ma~t(S, h_ow :md wdl mak~ fute to thC' Bilhops Official3 for him,_ m_td com- before whom the Widow ~id COil\'(llt htm: the faid Ternpound. with them, byreafon who-eofthey difinifSthCI!l poralJudgethallbeconfiramedtowithdr:~wthclinne.And unpunifh«<, and (o do worfe and worf~ although thm by d1rir monitions and crnfures they will corred the fame; Fafr W:lS nC'Verfo notorious . m1d tills oftentimC'S happcncth. 34 lttm, So foon 3S any ma_rriC'd Clerk, being a 43 Ium, Many of the Tenants 2nd lnhabitns of the !\~ercham orof ~hadOevcrother Sct(llCe he be of, for any Bifhop; Lands call one another to thC'Court of the OfficihiS offe1lCe by htm committed, is Cllled before the Secular als, by a kind of appellation: by virtue whmofthe OfficiJudge:. t~ faid Clerk obtaincth of the Officials a _M~ni- als ~k.e upon thC'm to p~d in the fame, and tO ha~e :;~1S::;~~11li~~~~~u~~~; ~i:~~t~~>~v~~od~~r~h~~~ d~;~:~o~/~~;t;v~e~;~ka~~~; ~fn:.e Temporal Jurif- Th~Etrru andofEx'?mmumcauon too, not to proceed further, 1~0r 44 !rtm, _tf any man be a.pprehended by S«ul3r Jt~- puil>dldal to _med<lle m fi.~eh Caufes, and not_ to moleft fuch Parttes., fliee in fhcd~tng of blood ; he IS. to be ordered by them, if j~ffi:':non nctther in Body nor Goods: Buttf the Judges obey not, he belay: tf hebeaClerkhets tolx:rdlon:dtothC' Ec- ' they (hall be fufpcnded from hearing of Mafs in that cleliafiiCl!JudgC'. ButwhctherhebC'aTemporal manor place , although the matttt concemeth the Fad: of Mer- Clerk that IS fo taken.,and appealeth to the Officials Court; chandife. they will befobold. to have cognition thereof, requiring 3S Item~ The faid Officials grant Citati?llS without haewith am(]Jds of the Secular ~rt, whidt entttprized number ag:unfi the Laity in Cafes of \Varrantt('S lX'J:fonal- the foufaid apprehenlion. If thtS be: fi11fertd, the malelytoafcitebtforethemperfons w1known. But ifthcybe fad-or fhallne\'tt I.Jepunifhed. For byandbythcywi)l known, itiscontainedin the Citation, that in no wife> Appe:ll,andimmtdiatelyaftnthC'apptllationflyandavoid and that under a great pain, hecaufehis advcrfarytobc: away. called before a Secular Judge, during thercturnoftheCi- 4S Ium, WhC'!t they Clufemany of office to be cited E,.Ofjic;,. tation. before them, they wntadmitthem tohavenoProd:ors : ' 36 lttm, When OIIC' is Exccmmunir:atc:d in _any place, to _whom wh(ll they come at~t.he day of appearancr, they the Officials l;Pilt. out perfonal Citations agamfi thc:m, obje'd the cr!me ofllfill)'. And excC'pt they anfwcr as the which do paruciplte, and are converfant with the C'XCOm- promotns wdl thC'mfdv(S, they are trodden under fftt (almtmicltc : ca.ufin~ a whole Country by the fpace of ~ighr though_they be mett Lay) and !hall not be difmilfed,before miles about to be cned together. And further, the fmnds they fme evm as the Officials lifi thmlfdves, although and acquaimance of the Party fo t:Xcommunicate (fame- they be no U furas. But if any be Ufurcrs, they take of times by 40, fometimes 6o, yea and fomctiml'S by a 100 them fatisfuCtion :md bribes: and (o they be permitted to at once) arecomJXIIed to. make thC'ir purgation bcf?ie ufethei rUfmy,noldSthanbefore;Sothattheymayhave them,_t_hat thcydonotpart~cipatenor kc-epcompanyw11h theirolJfeesandbrilxs. their lnends the t:xcommumCltes. Whereby enfucth that 46 lttm, T hey PJOCUre their Officrn to appreh(]Jd manyhonctl,oldandar,cientmen,foravoidiugofrroubfes Cltrksinwhatfocver foiltheylx:.found: albeitby Jufiiceururymfa.nd expcnces, do pay fomc twelve ~nee, fome two fhil- they m~y ap~l therefiom. But 1f by any du:y be let of~~~':'~"' lmgs. By occafion whereof many Vmt"S are unlocked to, their wt\1 heretn, they do forthwith, by (entence ofExcom- e~a,:int:" :d'~;~~;~:,;~i:~·,~,/t·g~j%;~:~!:!:~:~::';~:: :::t:;7;~;~];',;F;r~::~~i"~ib~~~,M~t~~~ ~¥: of g~ name and fum~, 10 be Ufi.1rcrs: '.vt:ercby ti_Jey arc qutrcd of the Clergy, . IS qmetly delivered ~nto them: yet Tht"u. ~~~;l1h~~~;l~y t1~i~'f:tefnfu~:l them, for avo1dmg the mhmy ~o~:l~C~hE~~~m~l~~~sb~t\~,10fe Magtflrats to be de38 It an, The forefaid Officials call by Citation afore 48 Ittm, The Prelates give ordtt of Ton(ures as well them, thC' honC'fi wedded (as well Man as Woman) d1ar- to mC'n of thirty ye;us as upward, 3S alfo eo ~arried men, ing t!lCm, that they have committed A~ultry to the perpe-- when they come unto them, for fea_r of lmpnfonmatt and n~l mfamy nf their Husbands and Wives. And for no- ~unifitmmt due unto r~ern for their crimi~al oifC'!lCCS, beth~~~c~~:,t~~:t~~~~~~tbe'=~~tJ:c~~t~:d~ and t~r~;o~~;::t~ ;t;~~lis a~~~Cl~~t;i:~l If~:~ or number of PrOCtors, which e:tt and de,·our up all the world any other to be Excommwt.icue, who woul~ Eun be Abb~~~~;h;~~ ~~:;~~12~~=; ~ ~h~ ~:rr~;; ~:;~;. ,~;~1~o~1~!~~,tlar~~~b~/(~~h~ ~~e~~~% rrntrn not the Citanons> whicll by extortion they recetve thC'm, whereby tmny of them remain full Excommunio(themwlt.icharecited. cate. 40 Jttm, There' lx m:m)' o~her gridS and enormiti(S, so lttm, When two per(ons have bctn at Strife and whid1 the Cl~pters, Abbots, Pnors, Provons, and other~- Law topether for the PoiTdlion of Land, an~ thC' matter ddiatlicalJXrfons in the Realm of Franc~, pradice agamfi contentiOUS bc put into ~he hands of the .King by fome the poople. As whC'n they caufc to be ~~t«! !xfore them, fervant or officer of the Kmg, for t.he takmg up of the ~~~~ri~fl~~e~i~l~h~~:r;Y~~~~~~~:;:~:m~~:~ =~1~ :d:~~l~~ ~~~i:~a~~ ~!f~!.thO~~~:Cc lit~~~ Br; 111 ;11,L11 gdms,Mnflimss, with othe1· mol"<". But fpect- do, they d.~ Ex<:om.municatc hun. . 51 Imn