Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

408 The Reply of the French Prelates to the Lord Peter's Oratio11 before tbe J(i11g. 1 Mac.z.l~~.rl:~!;d~l~~ ~ Ol~,~~:::! ~~~~~:!: :~:;~u~~ili~ att~ g;~~~~~:~~tt~ ::~~r: ~~~:~ {~~·~ } M/rut, of J~Ja, Ma,~alty, Jonatha.n, Smtrm, and John nothmg that t\1( Churcl) may not lofc ru.~d bmd.. Or by the Son of Srmm, which, in all Sptritual and Tonponl ~icl: thus I may rrafon; T htte is nathmg lxx.tnd by the Jmm.•. ~;~fi1~I~"~h:E~~1~7,~~~::7:f~~~S t;$r~~~;:~~~:~£f:£~:i::~~~~~~; ~ft!;:p:nJ"d::zfJ~~/fe:~=:~~ha~:~~r;:t;'b,~:t;a:; ~~i~:ltea~~~~:~~ ~~~~ ~~~h~~tl:r~~~~ r~~~~ili~~~~ and pfflntd crem. capttc pnmo.Befid('S thts, m the: umc: of IS as much to fay, as all things. Secondly, I do prove it out ~~~~~7~;a~~t~~fi ~~~~er:~~~~ :~,~~l~uJ~~~~:~r ~~~~~~~o;~~~c~ior5tili;u;:~~af.b2u~·l ~{11Jic~rft~'~i~~ Luk. 22. hereof, Out of the OltlTr.ftamrnr. . · . wuh hiS own wtapon. For where he faid, That by t'vo t~s~k~~~~/otclV: ~~v1~rft::,;,~~po~~~0~h~fi~~~~~~ {~:&;::; .'ft0w~~::1~:l~b~;; a~~}:l;al~::fd t:'o~,t~r only by I?ivine Nature. both the Powers, whereby he Crea· he (I pray you) have theft two Swords committW.? Truly tbeN.. ted all things of not~ung, an~ by confcqueuce \Vas God to the hands of Pmrand other the Apoftlcs,&c. But the r.p...,.,. of all, but al~o by Ius hu1113m~y and both powers. f~r hcly Fathe~ the P~ _fucceeckd Ptttr and the other ApoApoc. 1 9 1": was the Pm:Ii.,ficunJum or_dmem Melcbiftdu (as lt lS flies, the B1fhops, Dife~plrs, Curat~,Parfons, as in the GioiS ~~;:~· :~i~h ~~d it~~~~·h:t::~e~!~~~~~t~~~~!,e~:;J ~.~s:~;t;t~~;~~~~~~~: :!~~~ca~r~~~~i~~ c~ botb.Pon. kingr,andLorJof lords~ By this Vdiimemor"f~i,!?hwas led tbo!C two Swords to be put into tlKChurcheshands: '"· meanthisHumanity?wh~ehwasjoyntdto hisDtvllll~, as Ergo,likewi(e the two powers. But roumayreplyand the Garment is to him that weareth it. He faid ofhimfclf fay,Th:u Cbrifi did rtprthend Ptter bec:aufehe firook with i_n the lafi of Matthrw: Unto me is giwn all powr: hotb a TemJ?Olill Sword,and.rutolf an Ear,fayinli:unto him,Put A. firnH~i:;7er~n1//J:7/: ·,,/;~e a!~J:~~~,;;;;;;;;; :[ ~~ dfd7io{~fi,~c~; t~v~~=:~~e 0~'7nf:~ ~h~ors~~~ H; tmivrr[altbin~. And likewif~ in .the fCCOJ~d ~aptu to but to put it into the Scabbard and. to kctp it, giving ~~g:fs:hr;;;Zar~::::u:e"Jh~~h!;~'tJ:;'!::t:=::::~ ~heu~1:!~:~~~:b!\·~h~~~;~~:, ct1:C1~t:~h 'Pfatm 8. bath {tt ht_m ab~e ~be works t bu fands: Thou haft put as appcrtaineth to bl~fl1« in the new Law J. he Hcb. 2 " ~~~ :t'~~7/:!f[f::j t~'fou~s~0;e:~':h~:£C:::i:~·fatd: ~~::~~a}~~ t~~~~~~~~~ ;~':dJ:~~ ;:~'~it 1Jr~f %fn;':;'~hc11 J~~1; £:t~i~h:o ~Vi,~~~ i~~~~~~~~~ theT~JC:Ji;; I prove thls by the intent of St. Paul, in rhe 1 Cor.6. that as concerning his Human Nlture, in the w~ich he ~s I Cor, 6.where he faith, That thtJ which have [tcu~ar bu· I. m:td.e lefs than the Angrls, all things were fubj~ to_him. finrfi, and c011tmd MU againft another, ought to be Judged Philip.2.Aifothis:~~th inthefccondChap.tothe~htltpptans: by the Saints. And that they fhould J udge therein f:fot~':v~~ ~h£e~ ':h!eJto;: (;:;,~~7b::T:i:~; i:~ ;~~~~'7n~s~,af~Jucdg~ 1~heA:!;/Je~1t:A~f t1~:\V~rl~hhe :::;:! ~t:{s ~;:;c; :ze ~:n:::::.· ~~~ ~;;;~:~:r f:N!~ J:rts ~~~~~ h: ~~~~ t1, ~o~~f)~': l~~~e~n:~~t~; nm:, m wluch he did humble h1mfdf, he_ \\135 rxalt~, b~ ye !hall J~dge the Angels? How much more then ma}: you caufo wery kneej!Jo11/d bow dO"llm to htm. This m like J udge th1ngs ferular? And it followeth; !fyouhavr;udg· Atl:.2. manner l1:1th St. Pmr in the tenth Chapter of the AEis, mmt of foo1/11r ami worldly matt m, tak them which are where_he faith, he was ctitutttl {!God, the jud~ O'Utr jf,fifiJ in rh~ Church and ~regations, a11J mal~ them ~~hi1~,,~,~ited ~~~~ thl::f d.~;, ~d~~~~~~~~Scn= ca~ft;he f;~~~i~~~~~ }~me pfac~1yil~~~~~~~J;!:: B. f::~bomA~ti~k~~!t~t~~~~~d;~~ ~~·~; gi;h~ ~~n~::;e~~~~~1~1e: !v{!;{ ~~ f:lh~]"': :~lift~~%~ alf? condemned by Se!lt~!Ce judici:llly Ananias and Sa- are ~Jiifid. Wherefore the Apofile "fC:aketh ironically Afr.). ph•ra, furlying.and ficalmg; AEfsChapttr ).Paul alfo intlusrn:~tter,lSma.ningthus: Soonerand the~thcry~u C. oondcmned a fonti.cator convitl:«<, 1 c;or. 5· And that oughttorun tothejudg'?entof thedefpif«< whKh be m Chrifi \\ OUid.. hl\'e the correCtion 3nd judgment of fuch the Church, th:~.n to the judgment of thofe which be out matters to appertain to his Church: A Text in the t 8rb ~.;~f the Churrh. Mat. IS. of Matthtw cxprt!ly d.a:breth, where it_is6.i~; If thJ Ergo, t~e.ratherto refortto the judgm~1t of the wife, 0 ;;;;:: h~:!}f:jfi::~ ~th; gte::,,1;;~'rt:~h~;f;:~ ;;; ;~~ 0A~~~1b~1 :;:d ~:~dd~t~~~~~\fee~~:o}Jpt~;~~': . t;;;~b.~t ~;~,t~:,~:kaif ~,;:r;:~~~:;~:/::::}e:~~ :h;n; ff~J;::b~~~~n "rroc:h:r u;~j br:7he~'t"~~~li:~~~~u~b; mtiJ be rftablljlud: 1{ he btar not thm, :elt 11 unt~ the dl3~therewe~c fome.By th&the~efore and mauyotherlike t01tgrtgatt~n: if he hear 110t.the CMJf,rt~atton, take htm as rca!on> ( wh1ch for b~evicy I om1t) it. appeareth th:~.t both ~;h~~~~=r~: b7:/ !'~~;;;:;hrfo:~~Jl,~lfe U:U~~o;~ :tt~~c:~ca~ ~~!~:~is~;;~~~~~~ ~~f~h~3~~~ ~~i:fti ~az;a':e:~'JoB:i~fd:i!e ;~;;n~·j:~ f::::!~l~ ~ ~~tJ~:itili~J;;;~~~~~ ~: A;~~ ~~t~~~i~ f~~·~~~~~~~n~ft3~~ya1id::~~r~t~:c ~~e::~';rtl:~l~g~ ~:~r~:~e11f~e '!~~~~~~~i~Jn~:·:,: isfo~,:~l ~~ publif~ andrcfe~redtotheorderoftheChurchandCon· 22 • .Q: 1 . cap. a1~d in manyotberplactScf th~Law. The K. E. ~;;J:;lit!l~~:~stt~e~~~~ras~~t ~~~t{!Ya1~ 1~ ~~~ ~~~~~IT~~~~ n~t ~~~~~g~~kth:0Ge~~~~hr:: !~Ef; limn: whidJLsasmuch to6.y,likeon~thltis Excommu- the Church with very good rcafond.oth ra:eive,and that nicate by the Church :tnd <;-on~eg:ttlOJl, fo that he tm_y to the gTQt merit ~h of the giver_and. offerer, as ir ar :~e:1~~~:~~::d 0c~~f:1k:~~~;~ ~~"u:~~~ ~~,~~~ ~:;~t~ ;,;~a~fd~,.~t~~e:J, ~:o~~cl'~h;:t:~h~ L ...n;, ,.,. ~~~:;, i7 ~vi;:!::;:,:~;;;;{;:~·r~~~~T:~~~Y~~~et~~ ~J:::.~~dd:![~~f~~~;';.~t -~~~~~:~~~ 1~}~n~~~:ft; ;~,~;.~:~,;. ~~:~.~he d~;l~%~;~·hewr=:V~!{a~~ t~~:~.~F~~eo~~;;~ ~~~:~:~1 ~u~hh:J:h:1 ~l~:Ci~~~tSe:li~i~:h~!J~,:d~~~~; F. ~:~ fit~edt~ ~y,{~~~ L:;~: !Jint~a~c;;!t~d~}hall,~~~~~ ~~~~:;~::;d ~l~e t~~~:i~i~~i~~~~~~::t;:~~h~fi~~[,~~;2