41 o Anfrver ofthe Prelates to the Lord Peter. Tbe King ;, to be honoured. ne F..n,b ~\~~~J~~~~~~~~~~eJ,;:; (~~~ !~h~ !~~n~:· ~b:/::;~~,!h:,};:t~~nb~~~;"~~~'l:~;: t;;ib:c!~fo·{~~~~} :;;~i'~11 their great fanh and devotion unt? Ood,f~r their honour & ht dtman~tth tb~fo thmgs wh~tb btkng toGoJ (wherein he ~~io ~~\·~~~~;;~~eh~~~u;~:~~0:ot~!;~b:rJ~?~~c~~~\~~ ;;~!nj :;f:} :;b:~t/h~=~:::J:;c~;Jr;h~~;:;:}J7;;;~ ~=~ bf/~;b!k~;~~~~%~~~~d~v~~ort~~cr~1.~1ili~~~~; ~)g~u~:'h~~ ~:~~~~ctofr•!:~;~~~#o~.~f~i~~;j_ 3 Re 2 1. ~}~~;;~::. than,it is no man d. Y c:t and fun her, rhe1r devouon unto yard, was requdlcd b the Ki1~g to gLVe up bis Vineyard; • thcChurchhatlib«ufoch, that the nearu thcChurchts · itana wm unto them, the more lilxrtits they tnjoyed ; and yet vdlou. had the~ Princes llC\'Cr the lcfstht-rdOrc, bm rather the J would muu; \~~kh iscvid ent,an~ 1·cdoum~eth to the great honour not del~ver his Vi,uyard.flur/J wr Jtliver to you the Church Five thlnga an~ ~~~~~~~~~\:l~!t!~~~f~t~jl~~: ~~~~hat four o~ five t~~:;~ t::b~:~ ~o;tj 'Jd~:t~~~J/;:~v:J,:;},~~; ~~~iEhe ~:::~;~ tl.ti~fi,~:~~:!l!r;~~~~;:::,~t/:fo;~/Jt!fo~~'~ _at no &;~~~, t~~;~c!;;f,:t;~~t~\dn~~~ ~~Ja~~~:h a,;~: VIMyarL ~-..n<,, ~h:{;!,~~·~fJ~~~t;:::/J:/~)f~~~ the rmivmg of ~;~~ t~~[;r,~:s:t !/:Ja:;:~noffi';;,;~ontl?:i;{ Tb<blood &condly, The nob1ltty o b/O(IJ, whrcb dtfoenJrJ fom Jbe h1gh Emptrcr of [11l-:1atMJ m tbu mamr what :is 10 ;!,~·:;:~· Priamustbt ujfivtf;frcm C:l- bedunt: and ~~trbtltjl lf!'aJ 1JOf Jtli-ut.r any thing to him, of p,;.... rolusantl~th . -nw_yethtr~cti'Vttm} _th"'tofmt, as tsprovcd24<J'Utt.ff. K.ofTr•J• Thirdly, d,7vbich4}maUJ uitr"!o cafltt ~otwtmcr. qur. Wherefore, by theft: and PbovtaUotberrtigntdan1 urifiJtd inthtRtalmo{Fr:tnce, ~le hkc rcafons lt ~th, that not only J uri(didion Spi.- c!r~thl}', Tbt folt~mty mtl po.mp of tht Prtiatts and f~~t~~~ ~~ ai~;Ai !~~ ~~~ ~¥!~~i=~vh: Suff!~!}';0 ~;~ooJJijjo[tdrtadm~J!of the Bar:01u and ~~trortc;;i~g:h:c~~~~'~:~ci~~~r!~~:• ~= ft· therefore the.Prcbus of tills Realm lh~d not have render the fame to any, nor yet may the King at our hands this law and Pri~iledgc, but lhoukl. be dcpnvcd thtrcof; take. the fame. Furthe-r, · the lol:d Ptttr affirmed, that then Omukl the Kmg and his Realm l?fc one of his Noble Chrifi for example fake did pay tnbutc ; which is untrue, Etlatcs, wh~cby they arc highly magmned,Jmean the bra- as appcarcth in Gtntjis tl~ 48th. chap. For the lands ofGen. 4S, ~~iJ~~~;~~~~~ ~l~~~~~t~~;::;~~ar~;t,:=~~ :;_:~~~A~r~/;~ f::d ).;~~!~~~0~1~:~~~~~ ~~;~h:~r Mat. '7· ~~~;;ga~:1~~[~;~~~:~~~:1 a~~~~tl~~~~~j;n~h~r~;:,o~~;~c:~ ~~~~~J;;1~c ~o;l;I;r~t~f:c~~pJ:6k~at ~~ri~~~~ is_ proved both by divin_e_law, narural Jaw, ?'non law, ci- proved,how hc~notboundtopayany atali.Toconclude ''lll~w, cttllomandpnvll«lge, that the rJght ofde_tu- therefore, the children be free; bnt re pay, to avoid min ng fuch Temporal matters of the Church may of r~ght flandcr and offence: wheleforc the Text faith : Uff we ~r~~~ert'~ *~:;~u~;i~;rtr,;;re~. aJ~[des1 tl:nr ~~~~ f:;:· t!:~~~:d: ~~~~ ~;~ ~~~~~~~(ch~ft0~e ~~ r:~ftn: propound that \vhich is moll: plain ~nd manifcfl:; that vo1d «;>ffencc) ye ought to pay. But thiS is untrue, bccaufc: 1001 • • what(ocvtt things be offcrtd up eo d~Church,and are con- thert IS double offence of the wtaklingsand of the Pharifts: nrtcd tot~ donili~ion and ~roperty of the fame,~ Gods, for as COI~ccrning tl~ offcnct of t~c wcakli11~ which and_ appert:un to h_un ; forlomuch :a they arc (aid to be comcth of Ignorance and not ~f mal~ee, feme ~hmgs arc dedicated and fanChficd by him, as fufficicntly throughout to be omincd for a time, wh1le they be bctttr mfirudcd ; the!..evittlm~y appcar,as drclarcd in the ;2 1 cap. I~ astheApofilcfaichto lht:~omar;s in the 141h. cbaf· ButRom.I+ I Rc.21 . gu_m, ooncmung the Bre:ad offend to God, where 1t IS for the offence of the Ph•rifts, which commit and offend ~~; b;!J~'WI~~;':c:it ~~~~;~:fur~;~;: ::r;!~o:~ ~ ~~t~~~in"::.~;~crw~~~:h~n~~cip~;ra~:~ Matt. J6. of the fame bread, but in ttmc of great necdlity; which Doyou7Wt huwhuwthat the Pharifu htaringthis wcrtl Ol ·1 ~~~~~~~~~~~::~t~~J~tJ;~~:~~!~i!t~r:!: ~~:,tt':!nJJL~::n~~dbl!j7 1"t£~ha:!~";}/~t!nc:arJ me 5· drunk m thego/Jmandfilver Vtffils, whtcb his Fathtr Chrifi,theoffcncet!lm was of little ones: but now is the Nabud~donefcr had taktn 011t oftht Ttmp~to[]erufa· olfencc~f.thcPh•rifos. Whmfore,thmitwastobcpaidne:)<laot• ~;~ ;bi~o{~ J;;:;hlnt7;f,'!:g ;~h:r~~';£tr~~,j,;: }~, ;;~~d~~~~~~:7h:t; ~~t cl~~ n~~e~~f ~~f!cr~f:r~~· jh~k upqn tbt plam WaU m the Kmgs Palact. And the God confill~th Ill the whole true rcfioring ofgoods: And ~';g /;1r:!e ~!;:fe:~~: 4;~~:~~~~~~~;::; '";,: 'f:::~~c; ~o!Jij~is ~~~~hitl~t~po~~~ ;:rE;;;;?:~: c~:p.Tdl~}e;~ Ecd. '5· t1011 whtrtof 11 :_hu, ~ there lt appeareth:_ Mene-, God of the man ~hat fearethG~dJbt~!l be brought tohonour ;but hathnumbrtd thu KmgJom and brought tttoanttul: thefud,vh~ehtranfgrtfftthtbt commandmmtoJthtLord ~hckd) Thotlartwe~ghtdin_a balan~t, mdartfoundt(}(l jhaflbe fhamtd. ~ml thus it fully appeare_th, how lov· ;~~~/J~~~;]~~f:f:';.hse d~~fof;{::n,a;~bf:'; ~~~~ea~t~~ ~!]:::;~~~l~fc ~~;0w~:·~orFt:~eG:j~ci ;:';;~~~~;,;J;! t~t~:d~~J::i~~~~;~~'~f ~ ds;:r~~~edoi~~;g,~~th~~~i~~\;c~~~i :~~r:r:~~~~~ ~e~:nf~~~~~f:~~~;; :~~~~!h;;;:;~ ~~~~b~; ~f~~,t~;~~~·or~;~,!ft:J.a~~h!~;"~ '/;:fi~: ~;2! &cl. 10 ' Church, lxlong to God, and arcfo dedicated to him, that msdft ajtbt Brttbrtn tht RJI/er is hoJJm in hono11r a~ng n ·•kiD4• no l...:i yma.n may ufc them i which if they do) they mufi tbtm. Whttcfon: it fctmcth ro me that there arc two ofbOCIOOrt. ~~(~ot~~~~~~~~~~~ :\~~~~l~~r~t!~!~~ ~~o!a~:l~:;.: ;~~~~~thf~~~ ~~'~?~ Mlt. 17. T hcam (which was)Gwt 1n_1to tbt Emptr~ that _u _tht Chap. nuptoplt Joth /xmour mt with tbtir (1ps, but tbm ~ff£Zi~i=~:~!::~~::~iE~i,~~;:~~~ t~~~;,~~T~~~S:h~~~~!~~.~~~r.t~g:. and thcr~fatetobc refcrvcdtoand for him. Wherefore, honoured. Bur me tlll nkcth,that hc dothreally, andJr whcufoen:r any goeth about to tlke away the (~me, the jaflo in VCl"}' ~ccd honour the King ; which wilhcth and .A... ~,. in good and godly ought to an(wcr, as Ambroft did to the COI.IIl~ll~th h_1m to keep and do thofc things, wh_cr~ (arcdtblethGothmSo!dicrsfentto him by the Emperor, which was by h1s ~mmion is bdovtd, his Royalty not ~iml ~~n~r?r,1ht tc this effeCt: ; If rhr Emperor ( quoth he) hf1tl re'tutjf,J 1li!hed> his Honour and Fame prefervcdland Ius Confc1~;: