A Parliament in France. Anfwerof the Prelates totbe LordP~ter. 41 I.• { ~!:~} :h~fe~u~~h:k; ~~~hh~~~~~:~~~tr~n~~m To1r;::;; ~~~~~;;~~i~;~fhi,~~eare0~'~ i~:~~~rr ~~~~w~~ ; t~~ i~~~~ therefore further; l fay tirfi, that he: doth. defaBo honour much ddh011~r for hnn to dnmni!h any JOt thac:o£ And !:Y~,t~:: ~'?~:~~Ctt~'7 ~~~ p~;;~:o~~~~;~·a~~ ~~ ~~f ;~=n~~~~a~:~~~~~1th~~~~~!~ dy rnthcr to bt beloved than fcred. And what gr~t~r wealth. And to Car that you and your predecdfors could APr\ncua. treafure cm a Prince wilh, thatl to have the hcans oflus not gr.tnt thefc: thmgs to the: Church? lt were toot~ ablhwlobc SubjeCts? Accordingtothc:fayin~ofSenua, ThelvtJtof firrd,andto the too much dcrogattouof yourMaJc:!i:ics ~Jgt.:gi1~:~~~:r~:~\!~t~iff~ffif~it;~:~~ ~R~~~~~~~~~k~g:~~ftf~~~~Ji~~~; caufeth a Prince more to be beloved, ~han_ tf he: ketp ~nd grotdelxtlinj:; of your Majdlies honour Crown :1nd d1gm~ ~v.Z2 . ~~~~::}~c:hi~ is r;fje~~ ::r~~J. ~f~~r::~gTh:,~~p,~~~e:~'~~~ ;.~ur !:J~~~~:~$~ ~i~~~~~~~~nil~~~~~~~~~d~~~~ m(}Vt the LanJ-marlu,whi,h thy forN/Jm have ftr.T_his it we~e as much to fay (wlu~h werc:!?O vllc:) tb:u bleJT~d S: place the Lotd Ptttr allcdgtd to make for himfclf, whieh LtwM,by whom all Frt~nct IS bt:tuuficd, cou!d not be JUftJwillprovetotnakeagainllhim, andth:J.tbythisrc:aJon, lycanomzed. Ye: ought not to tr:mfgrefs the old limitS an~ bounds ~or as the ':-ord Spta.ker1ecbred, i~ he took hi~ Oath g~:1 ~~~~1::t;::~fEt:~~~:r~·:~~~~~0:~~ ~~:~,~·~~£:::~~~;,;~f~~:~2h~~ '£:t1a~~~: nttdli ty. If therefore the: Prin~ w1ll :1brogate and t:tke and conf~uently '?m~ttcdd~dly lm, and focould ne\·cr :tway the: Jibatic:s grantc:d by hiS forefuthc:rs and prede- ~e Canonaed, wh1ch IS tOC? too ab(wd to be t:tlked?[And cdfoJS, he: £hall not bcofhisRea.lm beloved,asitap~- 1freplybc:nude,thathe m!gl~thavc:rc:pc:ntcd; it IS foon ~ ~:~reR:~:[;(tt~1 i~~~h~ ~t;~fe:~~~!efha~~Y\~t~t :~c~i~~~~:~t~~~J:~~ ~nr:~I:r~~=· 0~~~P~e~;~~ 3 11 fu:lSN:~~oK~~~~0n~a1~1io~~:;~~~~:ti~"ti~~ ~a:~~t!l~~~~~~f/b:~~:i~~~hi~~: ~~~h~~c!ll;o;: ment to the rule offtr:ange people. And now for this rime, Town nor To':'·er. And yet t.hm be rew,w~icb will~ngly ~~:~~~~~~~l,)'~jf~~rti~~~~1;k't:~~dhc:Phd;~ ~~W~:~:;:e~~~~e:h;y ;!:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~gK~~e his SotlS, with many others., have fealc:d and conlirmed tlus therefore and confirm ( mofl: renown~ Pnnce) th~t wluc~ liberty of the Church_. Wherefore: for a Man to coun(el was granted by }'OUr noble P10gcmtors, othcr~1fe your and pcr£\vade your H1ghnefs to (poil_ the Church ·of :my Royal ~onourfh~ decmfe; that it may be veriti~ in you ::~~:v~ ~~~:~~r;1~;~~\=~·i;h ~! ad~m~~~~ )~~~~~ :;~~i:ij;~ of, m the: llth. to the: Romans, I unO honour Rom. 1 t M ed, Andforthiscau(e l rhoughtgood.toputyourGrace .Thirdly, I doaffirm, tltat he rightly honoureththc: "· lO. ~i:~£;:::~:~;;~&f&Zfr~£~2;,fu£~ ~E,::;~:tf~~~~r~2~~~frs?I~J;rf;.:.~~ ;,:~:: ne& by the way, how that King Pbtltp, Grandfather to S. bttttr to have a good "a.me that~ :tchts. A good name far ~~~f~::b:~;~~f;ist~~~~ tt~~t":k%S:d11tt; ~~~;~~ c~~~: T~~ ~~;~sil:~ ~~!~~~· fo~,;~e;~ ~r~~~J ~~~~n~~eh~h~~~~~\~.:rn~~o~~ d~!J'~·::,~ ~11~~;1~:~. ~~J \er~~:;~; f~r ~~;c~1~1~h~~h: :=~ 41 ~~;~= ~~~esp;~~~~~C:r~:!;e~ad~ ra; :::;;~~~ [:,;~~{, ;&!c~~:g:a:,~~:a;~;~J;;/if~~Jf. c . ;;;.1/' ~~ 0~~:f~ :t:oft :hi~~·~t·i%· n:: ~~~o~c:g: ~J~h~f~r~~\~~~-~~~:~~~d)~~~ o:!~c~·i;h~h;'~)~no~ built and ordained, I l'houki not be called a builder and gl~dnc:IS)hathin folJttletJilltmo~eabtmdandybletfedyou nuktt, bur jullly acoounrcd a firoy-good a~d puller ~o~vn, wJtlul, t1_1an any other Prince:; wncrefore you_ought to !;c: ~i:~~nv%iforlJ,~tb}~~:~o:j~J. :i~k;{o\~;5t::n~T:;:: ~r~;~f:~a~~~~~~IS~;;~c:h~~~:~p ~~~-'~~eh~~~~t~:,~J.: ~:~ct;:~~c~~~~~~~~;,11Ict~~e o~~lli~r~~ld~g~~;ill~1gc!: ~~~~~~;Y~~da~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~o~~~rCl;,~~ ~~~ ~~:1a~te:~~~ manner and civtltty {upon what rea(on and excufe foever) yea and further, thJt by yo~ nothmg be done, whereby any to break and (ubvert tho(e things which are wellord:~.ined: blor ~r foil fheuld creep uuo that your_ (o gtQt renown ; Mnkbere 1 or by his exa":lplc_, to each others at their pleafures to dif- applpng that to y~ur Grace _which ts f:ud in the 1or h. of Fablt. folve old confhtutlons. Ma_rk here a 11ory about a Came: Pr(JV. The mtmmal of the JUff J!/(10 have good report,&,. which wa.; ~iven to S.Remtgt, to .the Clt~rches ufe,by Clo- lkw:J.rc therefore, mo!r ~ob~ Prmce, and t:l.ke httd.,that it1 J(}Vy the Kmg,whichafterward Kmg Ptptn ddircd to have your J ays and time,the ltbcrues of the Church be not raken by exch:u~gc: and recovery. To whom the: (aid S. Remige away (which God forbid) or dimini!bcd in any jot ; for j( "'dru~t~s ~;,~'~}:~r0~~n~b:~dr~~hiA~~~~:~U:~~~~~~; ~:~Fa~~d!~h~~hc:\~~~Jd~li~~~~~ r;~c6~~~ ~;~ F•l>lr. thot~ take tt awayfom me ? And with th:J.t hdrnotc: hun, Memory. Wherefore moft Chrifhan Prmce,if fuch (as trult~ \yho the: next day was found ~11 bhck ; fincc whi_ch time, ed :l.fttt th~ir doch_ for no other life,but only for fume :1nd noKingofFrancedurl1e\•tnltc:inth:l.t~file.V~t!ythc:re- tCllOWn)hvcd a life 100~ godly and vertuous : how forc:,he doth not h?JlOUr the ~ing, which gwerh hun coun- f!luch more ought we: Chnfiians., which look after another ftl to paiS ~he old h_mitS that hiS old fathers did fct. Y a :-'-" life, by our well-doings here, to win us a perpetual n1me John S. ~~~irtl:;1~:~~f:~~~,~h~~s~\td~al;;~~~ t~~~~~i~:h~~ d~~~;bl~~~~~ra~f~~~:=h~~~ :~~:-~J~~t~~}J~ ~~!'did ~~~l~;~~;jc'\;!~l~e ~~~~ ~l~:.~ed<[~1:0~:d ;~:~~~Ir?g~~tri~~~~~~F~:fte ;::~tif~r t':;~~~ ~~; tne, in counfd_lu~g l1lt tha.t which fccmeth befi t~ pltJfc: Ch?rch, giving examples ro other Princes how to _mn~ }Our fc:!vtS, ~ lt ~~ writren m_Ecc/e[.4. The wwjlup of a thCIT Churches and liberti~ thereof. AJld _no~ efpwally,if Ecclcf.+· ::,%{~'i:~:r~~~ ";~h;'J~;~~~~ 11:ft~eh{:n. rhe fAther ' 1 t=i~l(~hi~~e5!t~~bt:t/~~~1~1~=:t~~t1 ut~:~:~ Se..:ondly, 1 (:~.~:. Thlt he truly doth honour pull and take awly th:u whim W:lS given by your foreb- ......hoco:.m(elkthhim, whereby his power and thcrstot.i.cChurth;wh:~.tmighttheWorld(ay?Forthcil: Mm :l bj-