412 A Pnrlia~Je1lt in France. Anfwerofthe Prelates to the Lord]'eter. ~f~t!~~i,r~~: ~~t ~~~r ~;~~~fta:;r"~v;h~E~~!~ ~~;:~~7e ~~~~!t~~~:!~a~:~~=~~~;wi~ {~~} "\lfo other Kink?. would do the like in their Rcalms.God for- by practice we ?f late time ~night ~an:fctn ; at what time the ~~~·;:,r~~~;~h~~:~~~ ~cJ!f~~e:~~d: r:a~~e~ ~P~~~~;~k:~~~~~~cr;r,;1~~a~d~ ;~:rc:;s;!\,~~'1:~~ you fuch cOtmk~ that m fo pcmicious and naughty a m:tr- and ther~tr1a1 caufcd the Officm., winch brought Citatifcr you lhould be c:umplc tO other ; cfpccially, when the ons and Abfo!utions from the Po~ and other, to lx wdl ~~~~~n%g:~,\~;;~~;~:~dt~~{f~~~,~~c;hett:~:fr~:~,~~ ~t~c~~~~:~1 gfe~~~· rl~~d~~;;~~~tlitk~ (~~~ ~~~ Chnrch,whi~h is.the office of~ Kmg.HuronymH! 61th upon t tl that by the Kings power they _were fupprdftd,and m3ny 2H·;.c4p.]'eremJ,.Whtch IS foun?alro m the Zf.ljuteft.s . ~a. Rtg.ntlm ofthc:.m hanged. And this doubtlefs wasin the days of Lrwir ,A,,, 5 1 nil!~~~~~!~~ ~~~§t~~~~ ex~mp.le, to followand do th~ like .; and then fhall1t be ve- thms; at ali .Ut th~ Barons :tliO conlidtt, how dut tbtte are polf<l!iooo ~i~?.;: ~~;t ; :t ~~fl~:~h!b~a:! ~~~~;1 ~~: 37 h~h;t~~~~ ~~~~~~~~j~~ebe~~f ;:;,:J:;e ~!~~~J t:::t~cj~ur;~ s~~ ;:~~. As :~lfo i~1 the third of the 6mc, He that o/:not~mh his Whmfore wtthout yrc:at ~ril ~frranteffion canth()' not ~o~!n~ n.4 ,n.bo. M~~~~~~j::k; &;: '¥:afh;f~~:~rd6G7i~~~h~ ~ing, ~;;d'~~~~xlracke~n~~~~~ hbttties of. Church to be ab- ~1~ ~";'~~~ or ~vhtch perfw.tdeth htm to d~ that whtt.c:~J hiS Confctcnce ~tthtteforeyOUT Mar'ks ~fctence may remain ~re "' 1S noc:hurt. Fonlxm:allthings,aChrilhanManoughtto andJmtn:J.culate,ple:llethttyour~tghnefsbyyour.auth~ty bewar~ how he do that thing, w~ich fbould lx: a grudge to &-31 and confirm this good anct~nt and Canorucal pnvi· unto hiS Confcic:ncc, lxclufe the ltfe ~more than is m~t, ledge; a11d contrary attempts (tfany be made by way of Mat1h.6. Mt1t. the 6 ch,rp:And alfuredly I. ~lteve, that your Grace Proclamation or othmvife) to revoke and e11l the'!l in.And would not commzt that thing wtllmgly, \Vherewith your further,to keep your MothathcChurchof FrtlnumhaanCon(ciencc: fhould be burdncd,for ill the Worlds good, and cic:nt !r.~.nk choice,libcrty an~ cuftoms. And then by you in that ju!lly. For the moremir:tculoullyGod hath called your all things God fh:Ul be glonticd and honoured; to whom Highnc!S to the fratc: of a King, and h:uh endued you with behonourand~lory for ever and eva,Amm. Who then will !~~!h:~d; tl~~t~·~~:1ot~:n~~~m~~~tS~~:~;i~1~~b~J~~b~~t, ~~~~~':~~~~h~~s:l~~~a~gg~~~1~~hl~~r!:l~~~:h~~~~::! rKin.2r. ~!~~eJi~~~~%tdg ~~i~~;~~~~he\~~~~~~~~~~ ~~;~~ro~e E~~ ·~~~~~;;'a~~i!:er.;~,~e~:th;:~~ ~;~ff~~~~~~~%~~~:~~~h 1 .Re. r s . ~J~tr·:.i~c~·~~~:~;~er!~~~!~~~,~~~ ~~~~~e~~;;Y~i~re tr~.~~~~ ~~~:d~,;:~~~~t~r; ~~~;rl~i 1~~;;~:~i~~r~;i~~= To ~ ~· 1m Th~01r hof followmg, and no other. ftr!l, That }'OU would ?ef~nd ~~b~te~,whereof plrt d1d mfnnge thewh?leEcde~afiical Ju- of .AIItd11 ~[r:•lldl and maintain the. Canonical law, privz!edgc and JUflx.e, nfdtChon, tothedefcn~e thtreofwe willaccordmgtoche "zhibll~ ~nJ~ ~~~. t:~e i~\~~~a~;ia~~~~~~~\a~~: A1fu,T~~a~ ~~ ~~;i2,t:t·,~~ ~;~~tJf,~~efit~~ .:::r7e ~:t~:~;~}b:~~ ~~;~~~it:~~~1 ~~~a~:Jh/;1~~~:~1• t i ~ifo, ~~~ ~~,~~;~:bu~:t~~~i;~~;~:~!fu~h~~er~~e:ft~ you fhould .for.bid to all Nations all kmd .of 6crikg~ fp01l· be,we will ke redrefs t.herein. Therefore for the honour of ingsand imq~tties. Alfo, That in ~11 kmd of Judgmnus, Go?• for the unburdenmgof ourconfciences, for the King5 tha~h~~~ut3;~~:h~f~~~:~~~t~~~dm]~fdi£~ ~:~~~:ffe~b~~·~~/~~~~~~~redPj:ftt~~~~~. ~;·:~ youfhouldfin,crely,withallyourendca\·our, fiudyt~ex· aforef.11d abufes,Jfanyfuch bc,fballbeleft,tothequietnefS tennin:tte,and cut off from the Church the noted HeretJCks : of the people, and praife of Almighty God. To whom be ' Vhkh all, and no other,your Majeny f\vare to fulfil, at the honour and glory world withoutend,Amm. time of your Cor01~tion ;under the !cavt.:and correction of .An~rh~r Sittint in f~t Ptlrliammt. AnMbtl' the Lord Pmr,whtch affirmed you were fworn to fomeo- The ntxt Frra'ay followmg !Mtng the 291h. of Dtwn-- doy. Er1iot: thing bdidcs. Now therefore, fecing it is a Canonical privi· bt;, the Prela~es alfe.mbled themfclvcs again together at the ~:m1o Jedgc:of the ~hurch,. and in the he_art of the whole, Ct1no. Kmgs Palace m P11r11, whcrcthe Ren:~~nd Father the Lord 6. q. 1, !!!frcuRqttt hum ht1bm~, moor~ratc; when alfo Ptttr Berlrtlnd,by Gods ptrmitlion BsfhopofEJven,fpake by Cufl:om, which is Canonical,zt came m,that theChurch openly there before the Ki ng, fitting with his Counfellors and Spirituality, may have cvgnition in anumber of cafes., and Barons about him; taking to his Th~m that which again!~ which divers Articleshavt !Men hn.e laid in: If this is written in the t 8tb of Gnujir, 0 Lord be mt ~n- BUh o( ~·~~~~~~~~ ~~~fc~~~~~h!~~bi~~~~~~e~~~~~~~~t C~u~~~ f;(tl~~a; n~fd~~ fc:: t~or~~j~;·of~l~e ~~~~~ t~: ~~~: ~~fm ::~~~; a~;d ~~~~:~~~e~~~~~,~~:u;;t,~:~;eal2~~~~;:~: %e0~·~~~~;1c~j· t~:~~ ::~)ffi~~11~e~~~dr~:~~~~~7~~ fhould keep the true peace of God ~nd his Church : much to fpeak ; )'et ncverthclefs., tnUling upon his accufl:omed mon:,haveyoutoprocurethefameamOIJgfiyourownBarons clemency, he took to him aucbdty, and prefumed ~t and people, who evttmore were all one with the Church. which was~ppointcd to himby the Prelates..Beginningwtth And always, whtte any Chu~h was in honour and efiima- the 89t~.Pft1/,L;J theN t1rt om· rifugt,&c.Which he protion,there were ~l011ging tozt 20 ftout lhronsand.Kni.ghts, fecu:~ 111 cxtollmg the Ki11gs P(T!On, and his miraculous ~:~f~l~ctl~~l,7;~y~~e~~~c~a~1 ~~~~e~06;:n~~ ~; ~~~h~ ~~ ~et~rq~~~~~~~n~~ f);ft~~o~~het!:; themunto God.. A:nd. to tlus end, that b!effcd S.Lewts fo all wh~c~ he proved m l(w words, by many r~fons and mw:.h laboured m Ius ttme: who, when the gr:ate~t Barons • amhormes. At{award)le touched thofe pr.:::>poliuoJIS which of Ius Re:l.ltn,hJdcont(dmte to fupprdS thefc hbcrttcs oftht.: wert.: propounded by the forcf:lid Lord Pmr ofCugntr,and Church,andhad con(ulted to give him (to that end) the IOr nooth('J'cauft, ash~protdled, but only to infurmt~ hnndredtbpartofth.eJrgoods.,wouldner(TCOndcfcendthtte- confcienceofh.isSo\·eretgnlorclan~King,andtoadvifehii ~~~t~is ~~:h~~'Sr~:~~~~~~~~~r~~Fe\~~~";;g~ ~j~~::;:~!:r~~~~tt~~0~rg~~~.:~h~~e~~~ke~t~l~~ Church.Coz1!ider here your Majdly)JOW th:l.t Pope Innocrnt ktltcnce, ordc:r, li:ltutc, r~ght tO any man, or othrr proat that time procceJed againfi thofc Bar01~ &c. I dare be cefs,. might .th~reof ~1fuc or be grounded. And namely, bold to fay, th~ t if there fllOllld be now d1ffcntion bet\\•ecn th~ hrfi bc:gmmng wtth the Theamof the Lord Pmr,hrfi the Pn:btes-and B:trous, it· would not be long before the affirmed ( Rmtla umo the Empmr which is rhe Em- • . perors,