Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Peter Gaveflon's Bani/hmem into Ireland. His pride. He fpoiletb tbe /(ings Treafu~e. 4 r7 {KINO} body; noching ordering his Commom•;'?l by graviry_,Jif.. a•Jd withal mJ:irmg r_hat i{_tbt faiJ Peter would n~t ac- £4•.3. ~~~~:h1l 11 a\7d i1 ~v~:,:i:1?oca~~ ;r~7t~ ~:;~ :?:t ~':~!; o[ rh:'fon;,:;~:_IJ{,~ ~;~~:~t z: · \'Cd, _makdh_an(werbyhJS Uccer,sto the Pope, and(un- ~i?/:Ec;;,~;:~~J~J:~~~::, F.::.~;:; j:/fo"'mU::b !;~; was Crowned at Wtftminjhr by the Bifhop of Winchtjftr, Efs~m of _Prtlatu, to be plawl m Cathedral _Churclm ;:r ~~~;:~:;~t ~::!~b!~.hb~C:i~&~~l~i~:u;,~ ;::;:;:;:; f:t:~j c'br:i::j, &:.e ~~:~6:~ h~~~d.~~ ;~±~:r ;?;~,3~~~= :~eh~~. ~~~:tf:i~~~ ~=Id %~g~~ fl~~d~h~:~~~~u~!~:~~~: i~~1f~~~~~~~:o:~~{el~;~~~~~ ~· aboul tbc to his Coron:nion. V V hereupon be was_ mforced to grant preJudice of hts K1ngly eftatc, r~qumng further t~:tt. he Kin~. them at the n~'!:t P:nliamem to h:lVe rhetr requefts accom- ~u,ld not caufe any fuch novelucs to ~brought m mto pliOa·d o.nd fo he was Crowned. In the mean fc:a_fon the h!S Ki11gdom, contrary tO that which Ius an~dtors before forefaid Pmr or Pierct, bearin~ himftlf o~ the K1~1gs fa· lum h.:t\'c a~flomcd to do. . ~~:r ~:~ ~~t~:1cstr~(~h~~R~:, f(~tut!;;cath~g!~l~ a~~:::~~~~~~~~:,~cl~: ~:~~~~ ~~~t:~~~~~~!~f;hl~ { ~;~:} both the King and the Realm, and all thit~g:; went Ki11~.r.ugu. 1hea~udcsw~edra.wnb}' thcNoU!cs to be as he would ; neit\)(r had the King any deh~t e~c, e~h1bncd to the Kmg, wh1ch aruc!cs were~ the (am~ ~nor kept oomp:my with any, but with him; w~th lum ta~ned In AJagna C:hana, ~~~de Fcrefta abcwe fJ?~=Cthe~; only he bt:~ke all his mind, and conferred :Ulluscoun· Wtthfu.:hOI:h~r_ aruclesaslllSFathtthadcharged_hlmwtt~ ftls. This as it feemed ilrange unto the Lords and bcfC're 1 to ':"'e, that he fuoukl relllO\'C from hun and hiS Earls, £0 it infbmed their indigna!i?n fo much againfi Court all Ahe115 and pttverfc: CounfcUors,and that all the this Ptrtr, tlllt through the cxcmng of the Nob!cs, maucrs of t~c Commonwealth lhookl be debated by.comt\'1( Bifhops of the land did proceed in Excommunicaaon lfiOI\ Counctl of the Lords both T cmporal and Spimua1 ;, :~g:Wrll the: faid Gavefton, unldS he departed the land. and that he lhould ~r nowarooc of England in anr Othtt · Upon the ocorion ~''hereof rhe Kin~ the: fame. tirfi yru of foreign R~m, WJt~~t the ~nnon alfent of _d~ fa~, his raign., being gne1·td with the Bilhops, wnteth ro the t!N. The Kmg percavmg their mtent to be, as tt was mPope:, complaimng t_hat thty had procteded to Excom- de<;&, to fundrr Peter G~vifhm from his c~mpany ; and ~~:~~~01~i~!eth~er~~~e/Til~11~~~hd~t:~/~~~~~ ~~~~~r~~~~;;;::; t~~t fa~~~;;;~~~~~~~~e~~ what :mfwer agam tt had from the Pope., I ti.nd not ~et !hcd mto Ireland. A1~d fo the P:l.rll3.mcnt breakmg up., the down in Story. Over ;~.nd bcfides, it befell m the fa1d Lords rerunied to thear OWilj wdl appeaf«< ; although of firJI: )'ea.r of the King, thlt the Bifhoprick of York being t~ othtt Articles thty could not fpc:ed, yet r.ha~ they h~d vacant, the King gave the office of the T reafun: ~o Otte dnven Peter GavtjfMJ 01.1t of the R.ealm,at t111S time it dtd of hL~ own Clerks:, whereof the Po~ having intdhgence, fu flice_ them. f~~~~ifc~ :~~\ K~~~TI~:l.f~~;ilin~~~~o ~~m:0th~1~a:d'~l;~: o.]c~! :t~:~~~~~~:~:~~~~~~~:;f;g~~~; ft:;:: Gl~ • thcre_ro anfwcr thematttr to 3 Nephew of one _of_hJS th~ good f~ice hts FathCT had ?one~im in hiswars)reCJrdma!s, upon whom he hld bcf10wcd the faid d1gruty; cetved to hiS Court, and placed h1m wl[h his Son EdwarJ ;:j:~t&~it~~:~;~:~~~. a~~;e;,~, -'t~t J1f~~hci~; hf~ 7!~;!· a~h;r~~~~e~~~:~;:;i~~~:~e :~~ ons, and the executton of the fame £hould pro.."ttd to the wamonndS. By whofe oo::lll(m tJrfi he began in his Faj~c~;~~ ~w~ ~:%l:;d!:;:tr~e aJ!:U m;-~; :~:~~~~~~~~~~.~g~:~,0fa;[;; 4~ftCT8t:!ru~~~~:f:h~ Crown ( djxcially if the deciding of fuch matters which King ; for the whach fo doing, the King (as LS pmly princip:lllyconcemou~efh_t.e, lbould be profecuted in any touched ~fure) imprif011td his Son, and condemned. this other pl~e than wirhm this our Realm by any manner of F~rtr to perpetual batt.ilh~ent. Nocwithfianding the young ways,&t.) Certes., although we ~If feh>e> would wink Kmg ~ftrr the death of hLS father (as ye ha\·e heard) fe~t thereat, or through fi.llfmn.<X pamit matters fo to pafs our for thiS G4vtfton again. And. withal he fo perfccuted _thiS hands; yet the States and Noblcs of our Kingdom, who Bilbol'l that he cbpt h1m in the Tower, and feued ~~d:~!~::;reth:~1~i~~;o}t~~~~~:~~gO:m~; ~:: t~l~is;a~~o~~~vforiw~~h~g~~~~~:: in no wife fuffer our right, and the Laws of the Land fo if the left crime might have ban found, it would luve to be violat~. cofi .him his life. And thus much of Ptrtr Gawjlon., and lkGdcs thiS, the forefaid Pope wrote to the King, com· of hLS origine. Now eo the mo.ttcr. tlaining ~at by certain Counfc:llors of King Edwa~J his TheKing thus ftpuatcd from his old compette (that is, r&e urror.n. g~f.~;:1~~~~· o~~:u~ha:~~~:a;;~ t~~:~a~rta~~a~: J:J) t:~~~~~:~~~ 0~r~~~~~~~~fs~~~do;~~~:~toc{;~: i;:tr~~: ~~~~~~~~~~!;~ :~\~ tfed~~~)~~o~h~e~~~~~i~~ :fu~r_i~~~r:~:~~~~~~~e\~;v ~bo~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~i~~~~~~ urGu•Jh~ termeddle therc_wtth, . &c. vyhereunto the_ Kmg_ ~a~ who dtd mlinuate to the Kmg, that forfomuch as. the Earl . ·- ktth anfwer, Vt'LI P~ttr Sanfli[. Dat11m ju1t vobu tn• of Gkufter was :1. man wdlloved and favoured m all the rtUigi, &c. Real~n; if a marriage m_ighc be wrought betwixt his ~iJn Englij11 thus; :~::fuP:;e~r::1~p, 1:;~di~~\t ~~;~~~et~hd~ ftre. To make than, Ptttr G4vtjf_® m all hafi was fcnt Moft holj Fatkr., it bath btm give~ )"OU to unJerjf11nd for, and the marriage th~gh the Kin~ procuring,proc«· ~thtrwiflth•n the tr~~~h .oft~ _mlllttr 1.1 . F~ rnoft true it is dtd betwem the Earls Silltt, and the forefaid Pettr, albeit ifJ~!f::~;!: t:¥::":;~::~::',' :;;:,';:!: b{~~fo: ;!~ ~~;,~~~~\~ ~r~;!~~~ il~;;'tO:ndh~:td;;~ ~!~~e ttn~mg tht txetutton of fueh CcUe8mJ1 (tht fmJ our Fa· than ever before, that he difdlined and derided all other, ~~Q;;wt' ,:,"~ !Jnin n:W,ign;~nt/.,=~1;/~gr=:~tf; ~~~h!~~:~tk~~d~o~~f~~cl;K~~~j~~~~~~~ rhe ~)m the prt[tmt not onlj of hu vwn &rl1, fure,conveycdout.ol theKmgs Jewcl·houkac":l:;mfltrp,.,an,. Z:~fro ;:r ~~:;t; a:'iLic:;7rntui:{ :!~:t:L~t: ;~ab~:l.::tl~ !:~o~~::t!'~~;e~~h~"~~!~mfX>~~: ~~~::~~ umo. ingbothofthcKingand~en,andofthcbnd.Andovcr x;~;~for~t:"x;(:a/:j~t:n:r~~;; f:&;~~~k;s~r:; ~1i1ti~~~}~o:lrr~hl~i~8~%~t~~:l.~;~hfuch~~;: :~: man mto r~e B1 opnc of VVorcdkr,.bting rhen vac11nt, Wherefore tbc: Lords fceing the: mifchicf that ~ly ~