Gavc!lon takpz.The Popes Letters rejeEJed. War witb Scotland. 4 t 9 . !.~:.~} S~~~;~n~~::~~::~~~~:f~~~~;}E;~~~b~~~~~~,~; ~::~:1~~:t;~:~;.r,ft~t~;;,~~£t~:~~~:~::;:~ f~~~:~! ~:~~~i~h~~~~r~o~e~;;~~;~~~~~~~~.~li~ :~ish~: ;ar,:t1\~~~rleet;~!1~t~ ~~~ ~~~r~:: 1~o';:~~f~~~r~~ ing cl.Krcof {cndeth unto the Lrn·<k, rcqutrin~ hiS l1ft to be and remembrance of Ga~rff~ms_dcadt, and was after ch:tt ' e:c::!~ ~/ci~~~c~r~d~~:~11~~!:td~~;~e ~~::ef~~ds :.j mT~~~;!~~ :~~;;~ ~~~v~~~~~ ~S3n to be in a{ Anno} fl"'• r~udts wlutfoeva. About this advLfttOOlt W4S taken : g~ towa~uefs ; _ wlm:h 1non;and more cmght luve been 13Dbur cho1 the Earl of Prmbro..U,hctring £he l~ings promifc, conhnned m wranng out of _ume, had_ n?t Sa.c:m the Au- nclla; pa{waded the 81rons to gr:~nt unto his Pemion; promi- d?and fowe:r of ~i~rd, fimcd up his mftmmcnts (m- ~:;~~ ~:~11!1~tnc~~t:'b~~:~ ~l~t~.l~~~ll~j~~g~r;;~,tl:1d'r:~ ;::~5;~:~cdt1~~~:~~~;:,~1l:,1~J~~-:~~:~~t~~~~~,11~ a~N~-~ be recommitted to them ag:un. W!uch when he !lad ol>- mflat!'c the Kmgs hatn:d and grudg a~mll them. By the rc.tnll· uined, he taketh Pmr Gavejfon_ wtth him~ to bnng him cxcit1~1g ~f '~hom _the old qnarrds bemg renewed afrdh, where the King l~y. And 10 :ommg to De~mgton, _not far the King Jn hiS P:nliament e1Ued_ upon tJ:e fam~~ began to from Warwick, he )(3.\'({h \urn in cl~e k~J.g ~Ius Soul- dw:gc the forefaJd B:nons and Nobles wtth f~mon and redias, while he that night went to hiS w;fe, being not br belhon, and for lhxm~ Ptttr G':-uefton: Neuher were the offfromthence. NobksldSfiout:~muldefendingthelrcm!i-,declari ng !7:~~Fw~- to ~:~~~1~i~it~l~~~lc:t~;i~d:';ft;:r~:~~~~~! :~\t~1~ ~~;~~~:; ~~%r~t:!~~~~~~gffi~~~~ ,., , c;u•- uking him out of rhe hands of hiS Keepe1S, C:J.ITieth hun publick enemy of rhe R(:tlm; who not 01~!y had I pm!~ and ~~t~;,- r~~~ep~~~~not~:d:t~~ \~~~J~~~~}C~~ ~:~~~~~~ b: 31 ~~.!~hc~:~~:,f:~fin~! ~;r~~e;11~~ t~~: er .,'# '" !Gngs difpleafure, a lirc!e rhey fiayed. At what time one of with the matter to their 1.0 grtJt laboms and ex~nccs; the oomp:my (a man of llge and wife ca~:mfelfS mine Au- they would procred further, they faid, not ctafing t1!1 they McJ'IIlo<l thor writcth) fianding up among thern,wHh_lus gmveO~- 6.w an end thereof. T o be fhort~ g1ut rhr(:ttS there were: ro-malci"C tio11 dedartt.h the nature of the man, dJC wiCkcrlndS of h1~ 011 both partS, and a foul mauer like to have followed. But ~'we. own condition, the Re<~lm hy him fo gratly endamaged, agaiu, through rhe diligent mtdiation of theQ!een, t!JC the Nob!es defpifed and rcjcaed, the p~dc 1..nd ambition of Prelates, and the forefaid Earl of Gl«tfttr , rhc m:J.rtrr ~:l.S the man inrolerabk,the ruin of thin~ like to enfue by him., taken up and l:.ooght to r«ancilemenr upon the{( condui- Thr Ki~;t ~~s.t~r;~~~~ld~~ cll:1~~a~~r~!: t:~ga~i~! fu~~~:b,;m~~~:v~~f:~~ K~.:~~i"l!:k-~~ ~~~~m and m their lunds)1e eKhortcth them fo tf) ufeand p.kc the don there of thei~ domgs., and evay man the~e to rccetve :;~~~~~~=r~~t:k:~t~:"~~:~~~eir mnc~s, t~;. ~~~er~~s:~l [~/1)~~~~:~%~:~Y;~11:,h~h p,., G•n- BrteAy in fuch lort be perfwaded rhe hearus, tb:lt forth- yur dtCd J<obtrt w;,~;ht!jty Archbifhop of CtmttrbMrJ· In ~;.' Behud- with h~ was brought ouc, :1nd by comt~Oil agrtt_tne.nt ~ whofe room Thomm Cobham was E!tded by the King h~ded ma place called Blaktltnv ; whKh place m St?nes and Church of Ca_nttrbury to fucceed ; b~t the P_ope frul tindt~becalledGa_vtjlltad; butth:lt naJne(as l thmk) firating the ElcChon, placed Wafter &mold Bi!hop of ;: :~~~rc;U;~15 d1~~f;t:~~ tt~~kd~ W~~tf:·mtJO time the St;6/s hearing this civil difcord in { Annd} of Ardtint, was thus by dte fond Dog wormd, as ye have dx: Reil m, began to be buf~e, and to rtbell of new 1 i 1 3· · Y.:.t~ ~~~i:t~~~!r~et~:r.;;;!f~:)~;t~;a~c: :!':t7~~:eu~7~ ~n;t:!~~he '~.~~~~ ~~f:i~~ [~~~::. ~2E~~~:~~~;~~~~:?:!,~::~::o~:::: :~: Et1: :~:~~:;:~U:;·~~~~~~~~ r~~~~Jo~:i~~~{[~· Kmg and the Lords; who havmg therr t?Owcr lymg about Kmg cl the Realm, :1nd warred fo ttrong!y up:m them t..,_,.,.t. f?::~~t'fo~~fiAJs~f,~~~)U!1~~tot;J!:':p: ~~~lJ~r!!~'~o\d:)r,a~~a~~ ~~~';d1~h~r:rd~:~/~~; the Kmgs ~ephew (who neit~r did l10!d agalnft rh~ Kmg, latJJ. The King hearing thtS,:lffembltth a gr(:tt J?Ower, and nor yet agamfi the Nobles) With the Bilhops and Prtla~~ ~y water entreth the Realt~ cl S~;o~ltmi. At;nnO ~h~ ~~~: ~~~ ~~~t~. bc~~~;1i%1~n~a~fu ::: ~:t~~= :t=: ~~ ~efi:;;; b;~ ~~n S:::Ud ,:~~~:~~ din$ from R.omt , with Letras G:nt unto them from tl:e Englij1m1en were dtKomhtt"d, atxl. (o eagerly ~l.ll!d by Pope. The Nob!es atllwered to the Mclfage of tht Cardi- the Suits, that m:1ny of the Noblemen were flam, :15 the nals, lying then at St.Albans; that as couching tb~mfe!ves, Earl of Gloctjfer, Sir R.o!m-t Clilf(ITJ) Sir EJmund MaM!t, they fh?uld be at all times welcome to them; but as touch- with other Lords to the number of forty 1\~o, and Knights E" zl!}l•r• ~7,~ ~~~~; ~:;t(f~;f~l~arasa:?f;;:~/:~)'~\:f~ ;~o~~~ ~/Z~m~~~,~~fdi: •:;:;:h;;~:. :raft:kch~ :;-;~~.~ .• they cared not for feeing the fame. Then mdf:ti;e W:l.S fent Srorif/, Story, tifry thoufand flain. Afrcr which time Si r again, tlut they would grant at !call but to fJX:~k with the Robert Bruil raig1~cd as Kin~ of ScotlAnd. !!JF~:: :r ~~~~ ~~~~~ r~~r-n~;!~w~~r;,:~~~ m!~~~h;~~c;;,i~~~:, a;~ R:i~'~l;r!t~~~~~ ~:~.:;a~f~· ~or m~' they had Btfhops both godly and learned, by \vhofe coun- to ~llC Stt of Rfii'IU; after wide death the Papacy fiood sr~ of ~~: ~:;;~~ ~~::fel~~!:k':~~:f~~f.:~~ vo,~v~~;~C:r:tter th~ exalted with pri~e and fierce~ltfs, {:';~} ti~~ ~:~~;:i~:~r:!;.~~ ~~::~~;.:~;zr.~l~:~~ fuchdurth ofviChu_ls,andpel_lLlryofallthings(oopprcl~ ~natter :u kn~th was ~o t1keu up,that the Barons lPU re- fed the whole land, lltch murram of Sheep and Ox,en ; as Mtfmble .florctotheKingor!usAuorneyofS~.A/btm;al\the TTC:l- men wel"e fain rootHodC-flefh, Dof$5, Cats, Mice, anddu nh:mo:l ~~~~1~1o{h:~e~~~ g:Idt;~:I.~~ f~ fu\~~~:b~~~~~~·e ~~;;'~~d1~oc~d t;~offo<;:~ ~~~~:!~ W :l.S the mauer at that time rompofed. fullcntauon of his own houffiold. Moreover, Come there • S~rrly upon the &me, Jfabd the QU«n WlS..d.eli\'tted. were that did flt":ll children and e:~.t them, and m:tny.for of a fur Ch1!d at u~,J[ur, wh?m Uwis the FrtndJ Kings l~k of v~a! ~icd. And ytt all this ammdtd not the Son ( the ~ens Brother, w1rb other Frmebn:m there Kmg.ofhlSc:villiving. prefcm)would.lmc tobec;Hkdbythc:n:nnc!ithc:..Fnn'b ,