A Prohibition agahzfl Peter-pence. The two Spenfets banifbed. 42 1 m~~} A Prohrlntion ofPeter·P'""· '1:7/,;j:';t_"f::~:;.p:::~;;;,(:::m"J:,;~:,";,;;.fiJ;: ~~i~~~~~~ ~~f§[~}£~ "~"1' tofore accufiomed to be levied in the tllru: of ;my our P~D-" Vucmn. 10, Kal. Man. Pontijic11tu1 n~Jf:' _ami/J foc~n~lo. genitors, exercifing herdn grievous .ccnfmes Ecclc.fi:~.fhcal Summa, 30. marca:- &duni<h. to the great annoyance and damnifymgoftheSu~1edsof . . . . our Realm : for pn:fent rcmro.y whtr~f our lovmg fub- Conccn.ting wh1ch 'Pttrr·t;nct, Lt IS touched 111 the jcas have nude their humble (upplicatlOll unto us. And Laws of Kmg EJwtmi th~ Sam~,Chap. ro. when, where, ~~r:d'~o be :~h:~~ !:;derk~::a:~ t~~dsh!:~t-tc~~ ~~d,mbei~~dtbu~v~! ~;~ t~~~tpj~Z:V~ ~~~~~ ments within ourRolm after a due manner.andfo~: And thus .mUl:h touchu!gPcm·-hmcc. Now for other n:u~~~ta:~~r~r~d~ ~~n ~~s~:i T~~:~ ~t~ilitrw~:~Ya:h,~~i~ ;~ ~~~~~~~~: of any our fubjc&withinour Do~mwns., _prohibJ~tyou, mg the vanance lxtwix_t the two ArchbiihopsofC1111t"'" ~~!j~~o~~~t·~~~.Y :~~;~~~hfa~d11~,t~"~;~~}~ ~iZt~~~~~,~~ ~~:&ro,~~-~;rs~~~~~~gn~ :myO(hrr form or mannerthan~:uhlx:enh~ttotoreac· ou1lycompbmeth, 'fltodt~mt.edz0mtlt1m_. t.t. dutlUcb cullomtd m be garhmd and_ levJtd in the um~ of o~ hurly burly and 11proar auie thtrwf, that they could not ~';t~~~ ~~~n~~ c:g~~~~~n&;;t:f~~~n~11b~ =e~~~~~~~~:'~~~';~~~e:~:~~=~~ the advict of the Nobles and P~rn-of our Rtalm, fuch as the Cro!S, w th~ grtat di~tUiban'e of the People. da~~~~11or'fu~~~ wi~tf~~:~~dKhlg0!t ~fl:r::n;,at1~ ma~~~~\~f~.tl:e~~j:}~~~e~ew: :r rh:v:1~~ fuftdayofMarch. between cheKing and the Earl of Ltm_caftcr, an4 of a prace conc!udtd lx-twecnthcm. But_ this pca<edidnot PtripfmnRtgttn&Concilium. long endure_: which the 1\i.ng b~ hiS own default did To the Came effcd Letters wrre diredcd to the Arch· ~:=~a;k~~~i~~~~c ~~3;1 1 \~c~:v: tb~vfo:fu~~~~ ~f'Z.~~ bilhops, Duns, Archdc:a.ccns, and the reft of the cafter, bytheirme3ttsmadeawa.y. C~~~hing thdirfl origina~ of wh~ch Ptu~-pmce though det~~~; ;;;~a~lt~;:;~rir;~fth; 1~~~~ ~le:;{;g;~j !t:h/:;:_ mention be made before ~n the ll_fe of Kmg Off~~. and wrought d3dy both great ddh?nour to the Kin~ and huJ-.1"'• others: yet to make a brief recapitulation of the fame, drancetotheOlmmonwta\; mfuch wlfeconfpnrdagainft an-ording to the rolk as they ~me ~o our h~nds, thus it them, that gat~cring tht:ir power together, they made a followcth, De Dt1111riis btP.U Ptm .fi~ fmpt~tm, &c. requdl: _to the King, that he ~ould remove the Spm[trs ~lutistofay, ltisthusfoundrrcordedmAncimtC~ from ius ptlfon. Forthewhtchthae wasaParli~ mdes~ingthr':tttr--pmftOfSaintPtter? Ann~. 187. called at LtnJN'I, and the Barons cametogetherwttha ttudbtfcw• ~!; ~niiA~t~tfit:~,n;a;'~~in 11;~~ -~~~~~-~s:jtc r,:a~:~b:::rllie/~;h~~~k~or~~~~~~rl~~~i: ~p::d "'th~ ll•n AIIIIIJJt, And ha~mg performed ~IS Vow, vthnng &.c they. took Slnppmg atDfYt,•tr, and (o votded the Land. !'J1~:4• Colledge of_ ~/ijl, Studm_t5 wh1ch then f!.orifhtd m But 1t w:lS not long aftu, but the Km~ (contrary to the .A.Ul•oif. Rm~t, he d1d gave to du:- mamtenance of the Scholus of Ordinanct' made in the.f'a.rliamcn9 frnt for the Spmfm ;;;~':.,i~:e;~ ~~~~rha~;d :11o1~i~~rr~ "!'~ ~~ :r~~~!"irml~:~f!1ha~~~~; ;,;~n~e~:U~~ Wne, ~nti1_1g tO • . ~he yc:~rly val_ue of thirty ptnct. J ufhce_ nor rh~ Comroonwoil~ . ~r:IOsc:, the B.uom A~ for this h!Smumnce~ehe_obtaincd ofrhe ~opt A· mrmdmg ~gam to reform th~ mlfchtd, alfembkdthdr Jrt,.'!, that no prrfon with~ hiS .Dominion publick, re- pow_ers : _But the lGng (m:J:kmg fo ha fly fpttd, and g~· pc:ntmghimfornotpcrfornungenloynedptnance, fhould thennghaspcoptefo foon) was ftrongerthanthey, ::md. thrrciorebebanithed. purfued themfoindivrrs ~law, that the&rons.notfully JO:)~led togcthcr (fome flymg, ~nd forru: dcpmmg to the AMO Do~. 857. A.J~wulfus Rtx 1!'lftf~xanum. King, fome (]~in by the way) m the ~nd were chafed fo ~~;:r/:o;; .. ;t~~.e~~;:' ~r:;,;_ 4'Jt/:::a~m;b_i~;: ~~~~~:~~~~,~~t a;~~rt:~ed~~~~a:i,{»;~::~rirh; {~~} vu:.• 100. Mancu[t~~J mkcJJorem fe~lmt P.ttri ~c~t~~/,t~r Nobtlity, to the_ number of two_ an~ twc:myof the grrat- ~t ~ AJ tmmdum oleum, 'fUO 1mplermtur omma Lummt1Tttil dl:i'l'en, andclllc:fdl:Capt:tinsol thlsRtalm. Ofwhomm••i>rlof :;'{t,~ AJ::::~:~ i; h!;;e,;a{:,11u!'"~:7,t~;ff~~='~; ~~~~h:;;'J.1~d;1: ~I't;~d~C: ~~~~~~t~~: ?E:5J tt~uji1, 100. Prtrertll MancuJ.u pr~c1p1t txh1bm u_nz· were h~ngtd, dmvn, and quartertd,&c. \ ·Vh1ch bloody !fK~!~!oo ;:;£~~~~Jfl,:f:: :~:,':(fir::, ':,~~:~;!,~~tt~r~:;;;. ::~~';~~:~~rhl~i~u;;~~"¥~~~~~~!ut~~~:: ~~-me ';;:; :t.,;~;:, ~:J"t;,~ ;'~::;;, ;·~.~;;•~;,,•;;:; !'::.Jh\~d~:;;~ :~'~iswf;,';~i; \t:~;:;;};~~;;; 0~d ~~~ ';";,r:~~~• 'JUIIJrtt, & v.Jebat ccmT11flmttr 30. Un~~nos ~lyR:;;,gh~ ~~ tll~(eqC:f~lOth~ a:;~~v:;::,~~~ 1;:~~; . Ofwhic~Ptttr--ptnc.'is found a Tranfcriptcf theori-- wo;:::~~he ruineof thefe Noble PerKmagrs, the ~gas !J:!~} gi.nal ~cfcnp~ Apofi.:>lical, the Tenor ~hneof is thus: though_ he: hadgoctena grcarconquefl (who thenmdetdrrjoy<inrti Grrt~11Ns Epif(()put jtMJNJ fn'VMum .D!'• "!t,.,.abilibNs began tirfito be omcome and conquered himftlf, w~t he dloKinc· frm-ibus ~ant~r. _& -~·or. A.~chttpife~p'~ & mum (o opprdftd and ~ut off the ftr~ngth~nd linewsofhJSChi· ~t;:;;:~;~;:a;j:;:hb~:~;'~~~;:,~o;;;;iLe1c:;fl~: ~~~n~~fc:tirfu~:'~~~:~~-=:~~ i~H;!:;~~t~ ~~~ tutz~, t~~d 'flfOJ /'!":~ ift.e ptrvt~int; ft~llltem & .Ap- ercife _rrl?refharp fevc:rity upouhJs~ubjtds, t!llrtmg and Jlo~"""' Bnwlt£11rmtm. ~~~IJttr Jen•rii butti Pttri, commmmg aiJ to the coun(d only oi tbe fo1efa1d Spmftrs: ;;~;~";';;;/;;::~:~ ":!1.7:,ej/~;;t~;;u~: ~j;;';; Z; :tmu~~b:a~~h li~'ie ~~;~d~d.the\Vi!~u~o~~ Nn gte\T