432 Articles of Tmce. The J(ing retumeth from Tourney. Jr0fu:n~f ;;;1~~u~~~ ~~~~;: ~~~~~~:~d ~~~~dddd~::~ ~~~~o:~hra:1~1~~~:~1 ~~ri{o~~.r whom l1e is, (hall contlrain {~~~} men, _ t~c: Lord of Duslumt?Of M.zurijft~u, of Rtl], of IJ. [um,thatallthe:Bauds_whatf~er thcyhr,which ;:tot;~;:s:~~ 0!h~':~)f!(1 :ff~~~c~0~"Z~71f~ ~~~eyt:o~f-~:Jsai;P~i~ ~rthTe~7:~>\t' r;ka~d flew and k~l!cd. above 130 Kmghts, bl.'mg all men__of Without rdl:itut10a, during th_e faid truce, ga:eat Poffi:llJons and ProwdS, and took other fmall C1t1t"S n. Alfo, that thefe condttions of truce immediately <U~ To_~ns to th~numbcrofthr~e hundrtd.: _yet for all m~y tak< dfcd ~tw«n the Eng/ijband Scots,thdz Lords, t~IS Ph1l1p Jt Valo'!• the ~rmch Kmg, durfi nedu:r rd'cue A1dcrs, and Allies; and the f:uac to tndlli'C umil the Na.. Ius Towns, nor rel_~tve h1S own men: but o~ his_ great tivity_ of Saint John Baptifl. And thilt cc-tai.n pttfons be Army he !oft (whtch is to be ma~ded at, bt::m~ 111 the appmmed by a certain day to be at the Marches of . ,&g~ midtl of his own Cot<nny) by Famme and ether l.llCOil\'t- land and s,odand tO confirm the (aid truce under (uch uiencts;and for want of war~, more than twenty thouf:md condit io_llS as have been accuftomed in thofe ~res. And men Without an~· batte_l ~y hun givm. Whereupon at ~he if the fatd Sws r~fe fa to _do, that then they have no Aid. intrCJ.t}' of the fatd Phdsp by his Emba!Tadors eo_ the Kmg out of Fnmct durmg ~he fatd tmce. fe~tt, an~ ?Y the mcdiatiott of the Lady JaHt, Siller to the 1 3· Jum_, that thiS flid t~tcc lx prodaimtd in Engf:,ud Ph1lrp, and Mother to the Earl of Hma,/t, whofc land, and m s,otland, within 26 days after the dne Daughter Ki~g EJw~trJ, as you hard, had married ; a hereof. truce contaimng the num~r of fifteen ArtidtS for one . 14- !rem, it is :tCCOrdcd that within this truce be oon- ~~i~~~~~o~~~h~h!'re~~~~m~~; ~~f~i7~fi~~~~~;,er~t1~;. ~~~~~~~=~b,~!~d'#;fil~~fth:,~~e~ Bilhop and the b'f'l:hc; inrmnce of the ~oKfaid Lady, but fpc=cmlly f~r rhar Ill wm~fs wherrof,we John by the Gr.tce of~ Kin& the Kmg was ~rc.tly difappoimed, rhrou~ tht negligence of_ Bohttnta, and Earl of i.J,x(~~urgt, Ad~! ph Bilhop of ~~~:~:~;J~~rn~;, ~::~~~~~~,;~f ~~~t~:~. ~~~ ;;1Jofn"'ta~h ~1:~~i;;;k'~n~fi:':~~e~~r~~ ~::J~ payment of Ius Soukhers wages {theArtickslxingfome· DukeoiBraham, C.DukecfGdrt, D.MarquetSofJu-- whatreafonable)heayeethtothetruccthcreof: tltecon· !im, Sir John of H(mtult, and Sir Btlf111t"1011t on the diriollsofwhich truce there concluded, here follow under orhn- party, betwixt the high and puiffant Prinecs of Article. cf wr~t~firfi, that during the fa id truce no Q!ts or mi!lru(t ~~dn~::~d,~';f1 11d:liv~~;de ~~~tdfa~~~ !~:J~~;~n~~ lr=· of either part iliall be :1. detriment or caufe of br(:lch of the Chur~h of E.fplmlint on M011d•; the 2 srh day of Stptm~· lime. btr,theycarofGraco,rHO· the2Pr~~~::r~:t~:;~~J~~:;~Je~,~~~~~~;~!~ Ca~; r~:'~v~~~i.is"S~:~~;o~~Ul~;,·:~bn~~~~~~ :::.;~~ ~~~ r~~:;T~~o;;~q;~~~ ~~~~o~ 0!t3r1~i{;~r;.~t1Tfai;_ ~i%11:'rm?;t~~~~~er~k~f;~rl~: r~:db~~~~~~= !~;:a,.,. they keep and enjOy Within rhe R(:llm and DominiOtl ol came to the Tf1Wtr of LonJon,_ vny few or_none haVi~g ~.;:~,~~~:!~~£{~i:;::~,t~::: :.:: ':;~,~:~ . ~~~~ and AI!Ja whatfocver, fball pafs fafely from one Coutltry money to maintain hiS wars, eo rondcCcmd unto the fordai to another, and all Mcrcbams with their Mcrchandifc, as truce) he commandtd to be :apprehended and brought weU by Sea as by L:ud,asaccullomablythey have been unto him to the- Ttmm, t~eLord'JolmSt~th~t <?hid" dorhc~ fa'fdeK~\:.b~~i~~~; ~fe:;.:~~f~~e:h~: ~j~~tl~:~ ~:! orA~dl:h:~;c~~~!~Z~h~P!t~!tfu{'Z~~~~ the Wars, between the faid Princes. of Chicbtfftr, and rbe Lord W11kt, the Lord Trcafum, 4• Ittm, that the faid two PrinctSihallnot procure,ei- and diversotherfochthar weu: in Authority and Office, ther bythemfclvtSorany other, any pra.Clicc:or?ther andcomtmndedthem all to_bekcpt asPrifonnsiuthe molcflation tobemadetheone to the other, by thcBtfitop (aid Twtr, only t~e faid B1lhop excepted: whom for • of Romt,?r any other belonging to the holy Church what· fear of the C:onihtutLOn of Pope Cit~tnr_,w~ command· ~~l~'r.. tixvn-; either for the Wars ~gun,_ 0( any ~ther caufe, ed ~h:at no Biihop!houkl be by the King unpri(oncd, IK (et ptlf001td., nor for the Service of any of dle1r Al!ttS, Coadjutors, and at liberty, a~ fuffered. him to go his w:ay, ~din his place e_~~ Aiders, or any of them. And that neither our holy Father fubfi ituted Sir Rogtr .&~lm l{n,jght> Lord Chancellor of thePope,-norany other!lJ31ldifiurbormoldieitherofrhe En_r,lnnJ. fai;.t\;~~1%r~~~~dt~~e~i~f~;;he t;uce ~proclaimed th~f~eit~ fir:I ~~~~hlsti~!~f~~=:~~~~~~::~ ~;:,~ in both the Hofls, tlut may Hand bound of e1ther li.de, to coyetous Officcri: who, attending more to thtir own kecpandcbferveallandevcryfuchArriclcas!ltallbethert- ~-~ . ctfu: [:(.~~~ ~~h~~,: ~;u :~;ea::~;~~~~ of CtrHttrbu'J was vthemently noted and fufpedtd; a~ in G~Mu and Guytn,and other their Lands thcCe Articld whether of hiS true dcfer11ing, or by the fetting on of c,..,,.h,.. oftrucc,tothe inrent they may be the lxttct obferlltd,ktpt o~her, hereafta ihlll more. appear. JnfOmuch that ~he and known. . . Kmg ardently incenfcd ~ga.ml~ him, charged him wttb or&:dj:C~~\;nr~~ ~i~~i;~c~~ft~~: ~~~~·ri::~; t:::1~enl~~ d~cd~~ ~: t~~; ~bu~:r~ ofGujen, or any other H1csof t~eSea Giern{tyor Gtrfty, P~tN.Is agatnfi the (aid Archbilhop, mamfcllly apptmth t or any other ; tha~ the fame S1egcs be raifcd fo foon 35 the tenor of which Lttter here followcth under writ• they£hallhcarofthJstruce. . ten. 8. Iwn, thatfuchasarcThievcsand Fugiovcsoutof the Country of FlanJm lhallnot return during the truce: andiftheydo, (hat then fuch asapprel1ended c_hemlhal! Edwardby the Grace ofOod KingofEngi4nd fee ju!\icc done upou them, and they ihall forfett all the and F ranee and Lord of lrtllllld, To his wd· goods they h~ve. in FlanJm. beloved in ChriO: the Dean and Chapter o'f 9 , [um, 1t IS rtcorded, that rhe debts due to .Arr11.1, the Church of S Pawl in L6fldOfl greeting :;;!:J~~r~~=efd:u~ ~h:'f:id ~;!. nc~ther be de- in the lord. . , to. Irtm thatallfuch Prifoncrs,as havebecntaken ~=gu~~~~:f!a~l~ o~t: ~;~~~ ~fif~t~y41 ~ ~~~ ITa~;~~f~b;t~j/(;~/:~~~::::,~~~::/;'/!:;~~ £~~ . nnfomeddl.Uingthefaidcruee. Andifany£hallrcfufefo ftdAli'W1Jgii~Ni tbat r?IIIIIJ ,tntrb~fm.r{t6r#lllhpr1~Je:fi: